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Chapter 22: 21) Being Helpful well I guess so

(Sorry I want to give you Three a day again but I don't have any stocked up maybe it will start again next week but for now you get at least one a day....hopefully)


After Reed gave Jayden the suits he left, the suits actually came in test tubes along with instructions on how to use them. Since it wasn't a normal suit made from fabric it was a little different to use, Jayden was going to use it once he got home though since he was in a taxi at the moment. When he made it back the only people in the house were Elaine and The AO, Jean was out with the girls again she sent him a text about it.

After kissing Elaine on the cheek he went to the room and started to mess with the tubes holding the suit, looking at the instructions he realized he needed to put a drop of blood in. The suits couldn't be used unless bound to someone and Reed was able to find this way out in order to make the suits go to a single person. When his blood touched the suit Jayden felt in his mind a connection to it, using his mind he made it come out.

Though it looked small and only able to contain that small space of the tube once he got control of it the suit came flying out, before it attached to his body Jayden stripped. Letting the new suit come to him it slowly merged onto his body it felt like silk touching his body, he realized since this was what he wanted the suit was bending to his will. He didn't think that it would actually turn out this way but was loving it.

Like the suit was talking to him, he knew that it would change on his command though it would always stay strong to the point that he wouldn't need to change it any. Since his blood was what activated to it the material was stronger on him, with the Petals along with Nix (the Phoenix) in him then it was the strongest material there would be. With a thought he caught on fire using Nix's fire it felt refreshing but at the moment from his shoulders down he looked like Johnny Storm so he quickly canceled that out.

For the next hour he spent that time going over the suit even going as far to stab himself with some petals, they were able to penetrate it but he figured as much since they were a mystery. After testing he gave another to Elaine who started to smile widely when she figured out she would never have to buy a new pair of clothes again because of them. That was the only thing she listen to when he was explaining her eyes shinning as she asked him question after question on the limitation on the clothes she could make.

"Do you think you can get me a set of those?" The AO said while watching the two of them.

"Actually there was something I needed to talk to you about and if you agreed then I don't see why you couldn't get your own pair from them." Jayden went to explain who he got them from and the information he got from them, The AO was intrigued and decided to meet them.

They left Elaine behind who wanted to test the suit out more and took a portal right to the living room of the Baxter Building, "Hey guys I brought a guest." Jayden said when he saw them ready to fight him. When they saw Jayden they let there guard down and looked next to him where a beautiful blonde woman was standing looking at them with a kind smile.

"Who is she Jayden?" Reed asked still looking a little weary that they could just show up like they did.

"Ahh sorry this is the woman who can help Ben with his affliction, meet The Ancient One... Sorceress Supreme, she has agreed to help Ben but she also wants one of these suits." I said pointing to my suit which currently was in the form of a simple black hoodie with Jokers face and some basketball shorts and slides.

"How are you--" Reed started but was cut off by Ben coming forward.

(Stole a scene from one of my favorite Spider-Man fanfics here it isn't word for word but it is a really great one... Have you read it?)

"Can you really help me with this?" Ben asked the hopeful tone in his voice was obvious for everyone to see.

The ancient one didn't answer but walked over to him and plunged her arm into his chest, when the other saw that they went to attack but she held a hand up at them. "Be patient and look." They looked back to Ben who at the moment was having the boulders drop from his body his natural skin tone coming back to him. "You poor man you have such a great gift just like your friends here but you can't control them like they can."

Ben was weeping a little seeing that he was going back to being normal, "I am me again." he said feeling his skin all over, lucky he was wearing one of the suits so his pants shrunk to fit his body.

"Well you have to choices here Ben, one you can come back with me to train to control this or two I can set up a barrier that will let you control when you want to be 'the thing." The ancient one said while moving away from him, he was still his normal human self. Though she gave him the two options Jayden had a feeling no matter what he would need to go with her.

"Alright then I will choose number two then, no offense but I don't want to send months of my life having to train for this. These guys need me here more then I need to figure this out." Ben said after thinking it over for a moment he didn't want to leave his team behind in case something happened.

The AO nodded her head looking at him, "Alright then, but there is a catch to the second one." before anyone could say anything she plunged her hand into his chest again and put up a barrier so that the others wouldn't interfere in what she was doing.

Ben on the inside looked like he was dying of pain at the moment, "Jayden what is she doing to him?" Sue asked looking anxious at the pain that was showing on his face at that moment.

"No clue. Though she looks nothing like it she is actually a two thousand year old woman who has been dealing with situations like this for years. I am sure though even if she is in pain she is doing it for his own benefit we just need to wait until she is done." Jayden explained while taking out his phone to message Jean.

Thirty Minutes Later...

The barrier was coming down and Sue was the first to rush to Ben and make sure he was okay but he was currently passed out at the moment, "What did you do? Is he okay?" she yelled at the AO looking like a mother hen who was protecting her young.

"No need to worry," The AO said with a peaceful smile on her face, "Since all of your powers are manifestations from other dimension I just made it where he had more control over his by giving him the rule over his domain. Unlike all of your powers his comes from an unclaimed domain so he got full control where you three are simply just borrowing the powers." She explained when she still saw them glaring at her.

"So does that mean that this power can be taken away from us?" Reed asked though Jayden couldn't tell what his face was saying at the moment since it was fully blank.

"Well yes and no, you see your powers are coming from the being who presides over the domain that is all connected to you. When you were in your accident it was like your soul called out to them an they helped you by giving you powers over their domains, meaning you are their Champion." The AO explained while taking a seat next to Jayden on the couch with everyone else joining them.

"And what does that usually mean?" Reed asked Sue was following along with them while Johnny just looked really confused about everything that was happening at the moment.

"Well it doesn't mean anything really since they haven't called out to you for help on anything. At the moment you have full access to what they are giving you but they can also take it away if you refuse to do something for them, luckily you don't need to do anything though. But if it comes to that and you refuse then your powers could be taken away." She said to them making sure they knew that they had a choice on the matter.

"Alright can you explain a little more about the people who control these places then?" Sue asked when she saw that Reed was lost in thought over something.

"No I can not. If they haven't told you themselves then that means you aren't their strongest champion meaning they don't need to go to you for anything at the moment. Jut enjoy the power and you will be fine." The AO said then looked to Ben who was slowly waking up from his passed out state.

"Ugh that felt like a train crashing into me." He said holding his head while slowly standing up.

Sue rushed to him when she saw that he was wobbling some, Reed finally came back to himself and went to help her out they both brought him over to the couch. "What about Ben's powers how can he control them since you did well....whatever you did." Reed said coming back to the conversation.

"Ahh that is simple, just feel the power inside of you and then you should be able to access it. Once you get the hang of it you should be able to turn it off and on like a light switch." The AO explained to them, "Now I have things to do so if we are done here I would like to get my suit and take my leave." Reed ran off to get it while the rest waited.

"What things to do you only want to go back to watching those crappy Reality Tv shows." Jayden said under his breath but she still heard him and hit him in the back of the head making him glare slightly at her. Rolling his eyes he decided to leave to since he had done what he said what he was going to do, "Well while I don't mind being here I haven't spent time with my girlfriend in a couple of days and am missing her. Ben good to see that you are in control again I will see you guys later."

"Yeah, thanks again for this Jayden. You don't know how much this means to me to be able to pick up normal things again." Ben said a little choked by his emotions.

"Don't mention it big guy." Jayden smiled at him then shot a text to Jean who was currently at Liz's house with the girls but she told him to come by. Since he could feel her through the connection with the Mystic Arts since his was at the level of the AO then it didn't take him long to get there.

One Portal Later...

A shimmering portal appeared in Liz's room and while her and MJ were surprised Jean told them to relax as Jayden walked into the room and kissed Jean the moment he saw her. "Hey girls what are you three doing at the moment?" he asked while sitting in her seat and pulling Jean into his lap while he did it.

"Good to see you again Jay." Liz said with a genuine happy smile, since they were somewhat friends even if they had only known each other for a short amount of time.

"Hey Jayden." MJ said with a happy smile.

"Nothing we were sitting here talking about Spider-Man trying to guess who he is." Jean said while finding a comfortable spot on his lap.

(Couldn't remember if they knew or not but just in case.)

"Oh that is easy it is Peter." Jayden said then he took a drink of Jeans drink, "What?" he said when they were just sitting there staring at him with wide eyes.

"What do you mean Peter?" MJ asked, she was the closest to him so how could she not know that who he was in his down time.

"Come on it isn't that hard to figure out," Jayden said rolling his eyes, "I mean come on the guy disappears all the time then suddenly Spider-Man shows up it is obvious that it is him. How can you not tell by now?"

A sudden sense of realization came over their faces when they remembered he did skip out on MJ yesterday the same time that the Green Goblin started attacking the city. MJ was the most shocked how the guy she saw as a good friend didn't even tell her about this yet she knew that Jayden and Jean both had powers of their own and told her. Jayden shrugged and started to mess with Jeans hair to give them all some time to come to terms with their thoughts.

"Wow!! who knew the kid had it in him. You know I would really like to see Flash's face when he ever or if ever finds out who Spider-Man really is, that will just crush his world." Liz said with a little giggle after she got over it.

"I am going to have to show Peter some serious pain for this." MJ said and Jayden would be lying if he said he didn't see her hair flare up some, but that couldn't be right she is a normal human.

"Well you have to look at it from his point of view too," Jayden said drawing their attention to him, "What would you do if you were in his shoes? Hide it from family and friends that way they weren't in any danger of your enemies, or tell them and risk something happening if they are caught by one."

Everyone but Jean gave it a thought she knew he was right that was why they were so happy together, no matter the enemy they were going to face it together so she was happy. Jean was now just waiting for an idiot to actually come after them or to fight someone since she wanted to try out fighting again after learning all those moves. She looked at Jayden pleadingly who instantly knew why she was giving him the killer puppy dog eyes for.

"Just wait until tonight, I know Peter goes out at night to look for bad guys we can join him and fight some while also training him." He said giving her a quick kiss on the lips, "Ahh I also got your new suit but let's wait until we get back to the house I don't want the girls to start badgering me for one to when they see what yours can do."

She raised an eyebrow at him, "What can it do?" it had to be something good if even the girls would try and pressure him to give them one.

Jayden tapped his head and sent her the thoughts on the suit, as she listened more to what he was telling her, her eyes started to shine brighter and brighter. When he finished telling her everything she was almost bouncing in his lap at the possibilities of what she could do with her new suit, it reminded him of her mother who acted almost the same way. "Wait until we leave here." he said patting her leg when she was about to say something.

She pouted but agreed keeping her mouth closed, at this point she wanted to leave but she was hanging with her friends and didn't want to leave them so she smiled along with them. MJ was also looking like she wanted to do something so she eventually was the first to say something about needing to do something, Liz looked none the wiser when she left. Jean and Jayden only left ten minutes later since she wanted to talk to Jayden more about meeting Thor, she even asked if he was hot.

That he didn't answer since it was a weird question for him, shaking his head they told her that they would talk tomorrow and while he portaled back Jean went out normally. The moment they reached the house Jean kept telling him over and over to give her the new suit, when it was in her hands she stripped out of her clothes and started to bond with it. Jayden could only shake his head at how adorable she was being, she looked like a kid who just went down for morning Christmas time.

"Thanks a lot Cupcake." Jean said kissing him whole heartedly after she decided on an outfit.

"No problem though it was more Reed then me." Jayden said kissing her back, which led to the two of them wrestling in the sheets.

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