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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Edward- Edwar-d, Part1

Wanted to finish writing the chapter a bit earlier, but got sick with a cold, I am still sick and my head is spinning like it´s Sonic on drugs, but to post a chapter every week, I force myself to write to not abandon my goal. So the Quality of this chapter might be a bit meh.

Jack looked at the Group member chatting and talking about each other worlds, he also talked to them and as some time passed Jack was amazed at how no one reacted strongly that Luna was only 11 years old. But then again Allen was trained since way younger, for Natsu it must be common for children to join mage guilds and accept missions, and for Liz, well her world is fucked up in many ways, so it is no real wonder that she had a lackluster reaction.

They also used the Menu to shorten their names, Jack did it first since his full name is just Cringe... The others followed him and also shortened their group name, not like there are any duplicates in names, like he had in his old class in school, with like 3 Alexanders and 4 Samathas. Not like it was any better in the Camp, as many parents like to name their Half-blood crotch goblins after Greek ancient heroes.

Liz: So when will these missions start?

Luna: No idea, but I look forward to meeting you guys!

Natsu: I can not wait to see what world we go to and what kind of food they might have! Who knows maybe there are also Dragons!

Allen: Hopefully not, maybe it is a peaceful world? It would be nice to maybe get some rest from my world...

Jack looked at them chatting and as they say, if you talk about the Devil he will come. A System announcement popped up with their first mission and seeing the name of the Mission, he was more than ready to feed the bastard to Liz.

[First Mission is now available, the Mission A Girl and A Dog, or Brother Edward was chosen as your beginner mission. Your job will be to rescue a little girl and her dog and make sure the future is avoided where she is forcibly made into a Chimera.

The Mission Goal is simple, find the Girl and the Dog, find the one that wants to make them into a Chimera, and stop them in any way you want, be it killing, maiming, torturing, or making the person disappear!

Group members will be teleported into the Alchemist world in 5 minutes, so pack what you wanna pack and be ready to be transported! No worries the Time will freeze in your original world, till you guys are back!]

Liz: Five minutes is not a lot, not even enough time for me to return home...

Seeing the comment from Liz, Jack wondered if she complained since she was dirty and bloody from her feeding? She probably did not want to meet her Teammates bloody and looking like she just killed someone. Jack sighed and grabbed his bow and Quiver and got ready rather fast, Jack knew who they would need to kill, and though he did not know the name, he could very well remember the face of that Criminal, as he had seen more than enough memes made of the Situation.

Ready he waited for five minutes and a light enveloped him and he found himself inside a city, four other people next to him dressed completely differently. Jack and Liz maybe stood out the most, as Liz wore a white summer dress and Jack wore the Camp Half-blood shirt and black shorts together with Sandals. While Luna wore a Black robe, Natsu his typical clothes, and Allen wore the clothes he wore when he first chased the fat cat.

"Hello Everyone I am Jack," Jack said and introduced himself and looked at the other people. Luna bowed and raised the hems of her robe a bit and introduced herself "Luna Lovegood, nice to meet you guys!" She said in a happy tone, a bit of excitement in her voice. "I am Liz," Liz said with a bright smile, probably trying to charm the three young men, though all three were immune to her, one because he is gay, the other because he is too stupid and the other since he hanged around Cross and had seen many charming ladies already.

"My name is Allen, nice to meet you all as well," Allen said politely and gave a slight bow, while Natsu swung an arm around Allen´s neck and said "I am Natsu! Nice to meet you, no idea why you all are so stiff, after all, we are a Group now!" Natsu said it with a silly grin and Luna smiled in response and gave a nod. Liz just shook her head lightly, already guessing that Natsu's head might not work so well.

Jack looked at their antics and clapped his hand "We need to find the Girl and the Dog, it is best if we split up and search the city, if we find clues we can message each other through the group chat, the world might be dangerous, so it is best to split up in groups, Liz goes with me, Allen you go alone and Natsu and Luna you go together." He said and Allen raised his hand "Why am I the only one going alone?" He asked and looked at the others.

"I am an Archer, best in ranged combat, Liz is best in close combat, we can help each other out better, Natsu is a mage and can serve both roles and can probably protect and handle Luna better. You were clearly trained and should be able to handle yourself, not to mention should be able to easily beat opponents in close range without problems." Allen accepted the Explanation and walked off, while Natsu and Luna had already formed a group and talked about fairy tales, magical creatures, and stuff like magic from their own worlds.

Jack was happy seeing how he made the right decision, as Natsu is innocent and a blockhead and would be able to accept Luna´s weird side and embrace it. Hopefully helping Luna to learn how to stand up for herself, so she would not be bullied in Hogwarts. Looking at Liz, he noticed her look and how she tries to act seductively. "I already know your real self, and for your notice I am gay, so your seduction will not work on me." He stated and walked on, ready to find the Fucker.

"Wait you know?" Liz asked surprised and followed, her more innocent expression fell and her true face was shown as she had the face of a pervert intrigued by how Jack could tell. "In my world we deal with all kinds of Monsters disguised as humans who try to hunt and kill us, all because we are half-god. They may be fooled, well Natsu maybe, but Luna and Allen will also probably find out sooner than later, your plan to act all innocent was doomed to fail." Jack stated, knowing full well Luna was good at reading people and Allen had too much experience with monsters hiding as real people.

"Interesting, You three were all immune to my charm as well, though why do you want to team up with me, if you know my real side?" She asked with interest, Jack rolled his eyes, "Since I want to make something clear, we will probably go to many worlds, with many bad people, if you wanna feast on them and kill them, I will have nothing against it, as long as it will not ruin our mission-..." Jack stopped talking as he saw the man with glasses and a beard, walking along the street towards a house.

Jack pointed at the man and said to Liz "He is the one responsible for creating the Chimera" He said and Liz asked, "How are you certain?" Jack froze and then answered "Son of Apollo, the guy who gives prophecies and shit?" Liz raised an eyebrow "Seems like both of us are not so honest, what now?" She asked Jack and Jack looked at the House the Man entered, unsure if it was the Man's house and if his daughter was home with the Dog. "Let´s knock on his door, if the girl and dog are inside, we will lure the man away and you can feast on him alright? Once we dealt with him, we will make sure the Girl finds a safe space or Home?"

Jack asked as he was uncertain, "Sure why not" Liz shrugged having nothing against the Plan, so walking to the door, they knocked on it and the man answered the door. "Hello, what do you want?" The man asked and Jack looked inside and saw the Dog and the Girl happily playing together. "Yes we wanted to ask for your help, we heard a well-known alchemist lives here, we are actually not from here and traveling around, but sadly our wagon broke down and we wanted to higher you, to repair it with Alchemy, so we can be quickly on our way."

The Man looked at the Boy and Woman and their strange clothes and could definitely believe that they were not from here, "Sorry I am busy, please look for another Alchemist" He said, as he found them suspicious, even more since the boy pried a look inside. For all he knew they might have been hired from another Alchemist to distract him, while another group would ransack his home to find his research notes on creating Chimeras! He could not let that happen, one since he could not afford a rival and the other because of the secret behind his Chimeras!

"Liz the Hard way!" Jack shouted and Liz hearing it used her Kagune and pierced the guy in the guts and also beheaded him as quick as the blink of an eye. "Dad?" The Girl asked as she heard the noise, only to see her father's head roll down before her. "AAAAAAHHH!" "Quickly let´s go!" Jack said and Liz nodded both running away from the Door, seeing a crowd gather and people shouting around to find the Killer.

As they Run, Jack noticed Liz's sad expression and he asked "What´s wrong, sad that the girl saw her father's head?" he asked surprised if she actually suddenly would feel bad about killing the girl's father right before the Girls eyes. "No? No, I am just sad that I could not taste him, for anything I know, Humans in this world could have a different and more interesting taste."

Jack sighed and felt stupid for suddenly thinking Liz would feel guilty about something like this, sure Jack also felt a bit guilty, not about killing the Man, but more about the Girl needing to witness it. Hopefully, with his death, his past crimes will be uncovered and will make the Girl realize what kind of bad person her father was.

Though Tucker is dead, their Adventure is not over yet... See ya next week.

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