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Sovereign of Fire and Lightning Sovereign of Fire and Lightning original

Sovereign of Fire and Lightning

Author: Sel7_

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Reincarnated

Eh? Who am I? I'm Riser Phenex. Well in body... Not soul, Inside I'm Jin Akashi, and I'm reincarnated from another world. I got the usual... 5 wishes... but i didn't wish nor did i hope for a system. As i feel that they would limit me in almost every way, shape or form... Or maybe I'm just bias, but honestly who cares?


"Jin!! You are in the holy sanctuary!" A voice bellowed in this seemingly endless white void.

"Eh?! Who's there?"

"I'm what you mortals call God, not Izanami and Izanagi from the shinto, like the majority of you Japanese mortals believe in. I'm God, Yaweh if you will."

"Yaweh? What am I doing here?"

"Well Jin, you are an anomaly... Normally when mortals die, they get sent to Purgatory, where they're Judged for either their sins, or their good deeds. Sentenced to heaven or hell. But you... you've managed to avoid such a fate, and you've been stranded in a closed off area of the dimensional void."

"Okay... That's all well and all, but what can I do to resolve such a situation Yaweh?"

"Since you've avoided normal destiny, I shall send you on a different path, Reincarnation. Beware Jin, that this is a first for us of the christians, We're not like the buddhists who reincarnate people on the daily. So I shall give you a chance. 5 Wishes, Now Speak!"

"Em,Em,Ehhh... Oh! Absolute Control Over Fire, And Lighting, Fire reaching levels just above absolute zero to allow for movement, and at the temperature of an event horizon in a black hole... Lighting, Control over clouds, and electricity."

"It shall be granted"

"Eidetic memory, Unlimited Potential, Po—"

"All 5 wishes complete."

"But I only asked for th-"

"You asked for 4 wishes, technically, and unlimited growth, I managed to make that worth 2 wishes, with restrictions on it. You wont grow endlessly, you have to understand how to grow stronger then that shall be applies however, so be aware that your body, isn't unlimited, but your power is.."

"Now where/when do you want to reincarnate?"

"Highschool DxD, and I want to be born as Riser Phenex, and with his memories, so that should give an accurate point in time."

"It does Jin... Now! You shall be evicted to that world. Achieve great things!"

And with that Jin, was enveloped in a white light, and he woke up and saw himself in a small bed. Seeing himself in bed, he drifted off to sleep.

———|||Next Day|||———

He woke up, and went down to the dining area (Knows the house, due to inheriting Riser's Memories ) where he was granted the sight of seeing his entire family except his second brother. The second brother of Riser, was known as a prodigy, Along with Ruval, His name... Rava, A man recognised with such talent, that he was sent on an expedition around the world, to hone his strength.

And seeing as he had two brothers with such high standing at a young age, placed tremendous amounts of pressure on Riser... This is more than likely why Riser turned out so... twisted. He grew up in such an environment, that his personality distorted to a point that it was unrecognisable. This hadn't happened yet, as his Family, still love him, and he had a kind persona.

"Hello Riser-chan" A Blond Haired Woman said sitting at the side of a Spiky blond haired man. His now, Mother and Father.

"Hi Okaa-san, Otou-san." He then sat down next to his Mother, where she stared at him with Pure love in her eyes.

He would protect this new Family, as the previous him was an outcast, as he was an orphan, that had an unusual thirst for knowledge, Thus making him a "Nerd". That was more than enough reason for people in school to bully him, however, the disdain didnt stay just with the bullies, but also every student in the school. He had people who loved him, not like those "sisters" at the orphanage who kicked him out as soon as he turned 16, and he had to find a job, and he acquired enough money for a laptop and a house. Then he discovered anime, a peacetime for him, where he would see those "nerds" turn into the strongest of heroes. Even to the then 16 year old, he wanted to become like one of these. Now, He had that chance, he wouldn't waste it.

"Son, I've got an announcement for you, We are getting your power tested in a few weeks."

"I am? Will I be strong like Big-bro Ruval and Rava?" Jin was like a child inside, he hadn't experienced a real childhood, and now, he had the ability to strong, and have a real childhood, or at least some of one.

"Who knows, you may even have better elemental power than Me."

Jin, with each passing second was devolving back into a child.

———||| With Yaweh |||———

"He isnt even aware that his mind is turning into a child. This way, you'll truly fit in as a 6 year old child. And its also a punishment for wishing for such extreme powers." He cackled, then started walking away from the fountain of time.

———||| A few weeks later |||———

"Riser-chan lets go get your power tested."

———||| Testing Area |||———

"Riser, Place your hand inside this cube and it shall gather data on your elemental powers." A mysterious man with glasses, stated without any form of emotion.

Of course, Riser did it , and the results shocked the man who seemed devoid of all emotion.

"Element - Fire: Sovereign

Element - Lightning: Sovereign

Element - Wind: Prince

Demonic Energy: Sovereign

Control - Growth: Unlimited

Potential: Unlimited

Power Scaling: Satan-Class"

"Emmm Riser, can you take your hand out and put it back in?" His request seemed more like a plea 'What happened for him to react like this? Is it because of me being Ruler of Two elements? '

He placed his hand back in, and he was shocked yet again.

"Well suffice it to say, Lady Phenex, Your child has even more potential than anyone. Ever. His talent surpassing even the likes of Lord Lucifer and Lord Beelzebub"

Sel7_ Sel7_

Give me suggestions on How to improve thanks.

Harem: Kuroka, Serafall... who else?

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