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Chapter 8: Someone

Author Note: Never realized how hard it was to make an MC who doesn't become an edgy badass in the first two chapters...

Having made his way out of that mess Shirei had already begun to make his way towards the center of the city. From what he could tell if this place was considered a light amount of crime then he could only imagine what it would be in the center. But that also meant the stronger people would be there as well.

'I still can't believe how bad things are here. Even if I deal with the different transmigrators and reincarnatiors there are still going to be a lot of things in the universes themselves that need to be solved.' He couldn't say he fully blamed the Vigilantes for abandoning this place after all All For One was here.

He was by far the strongest person in the MHA at this time and whoever held One For All at a time like this is probably busy elsewhere. All in all the issue became there was way too much for him to deal with alone especially when being this underpowered. 'I got a lot of work ahead of me. Let's just hope I can find this guy quickly.'

Having been walking for over four hours already the sun was beginning to fall. Luckily however he couldn't get tired from just walking.

If he had to guess the System user would definitely be closer to the stronger criminals and villains than down where he was. Even without any of the cannon characters being here all he had to do was look for someone who suddenly appeared and is causing a ruckus. With that, all in mind Shirei began to realize his surroundings were changing.

As he got closer to the center of the city its conditions also began getting better. The number of people simply walking around grew smaller and to a point, it looked like he was in an upper-class neighborhood. 'So this is how All For One is running things. He lets the weaker criminals do what they want near the city's edge keeping the Vigilanties away but makes the more powerful ones serve him in the center.'

Walking in the opposite direction of Shirei a group of five were discussing something between one another. They looked just like the type of people he would meet near the edges of the city however what made them different was the bands on their shoulders. If he had to guess it was to define what group they were apart of separating them from everyone else.

"I can't believe one of the Four was killed like that."

"Well, I heard he was planning to overthrow All For One. What did he expect?"

"He must have gotten too overconfident due to that new…"

Eavesdropping on the group passing him by Shirei became slightly too invested. Just when a member of that group was about to finish his sentence he brushed up against one of them. While they didn't say anything he had briefly attracted their attention which was enough to notice Shirei didn't have a band on his shoulder.

'Shit he was just about to say something.' Shirei cursed both his timing and the fact now he was being watched with suspicion. "Hey what group are you a part of?" Staring at Shirei as he continued to walk away one of the group members called to him. Hearing the question Shirei paused for a moment but didn't respond.

"You do know you're not allowed to go much further than this unless you're part of one of the four groups right?" Turning around and begging to walk towards Shirei the face of the member's face turned more suspicious as Shirei remained still. "Not responding huh? Then I'm sure your aware we're allowed to kill anyone who doesn't display their bands right?"

The situation began getting a little more threatening to the point Shirei was unsure what to do. 'Actually, this gives me an idea.' Without warning, Shirei glanced behind him before running. He did this just as the group was getting close to him while questioning who he was. However, the moment they saw him run their faces turned fully malicious.

They had an excuse to not only use their quirks but to beat someone down. "After him." All of them quickly began to dash down the sidewalk following Shirei. While no one being around helped when it came to management it was the opposite when it came to chasing. With no one to blend in with or a crowd to get lost in the group didn't lose track of Shirei.

"Damn he's fast!"

Going around a corner they saw Shirei was already halfway down the street before he turned into an alleyway. "He's gonna getaway!" Dashing down the street one of the men in the group was faster than the other's and quickly turned the corner into the alleyway. Immediately a smile appeared on his face and he saw Shirei stopped at a wall.

"This alley is a dead end we got him." The alley was rather narrow and in front of Shirei was a tall wall seemingly the back of a building. Slowly Shirei turned around as the rest of the group caught up and blocked the entrance to the alley. Breathing slightly heavily due to the long sprint one of them activated their quirks.

His arms began to conjoin and lengthen into almost tentacle-like limbs. Still keeping the basic texture of skin he used those arms like a whip and snapped at the ground beside him. The concrete broke on impact as he opened his mouth. "You know running like that wasn't very smart. Especially running into a dead end but I guess that's just bad luck on you."

To that statement, Shirei simply looked at the man before speaking. "Well, I did need to find a way to make sure no one interrupted this." Hearing Shirei so calms the five of them seemed confused as the whip armed man replied. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about but I'm not going to turn down a chance to finally use my quirk on someone."

Pulling back his right arm he smirked at Shirei as his whip-like limb's rocketed forward in an arc toward Shirei. Cutting through the air making a whistling sound as they traveled and due to being caught up in his own thoughts, the man didn't realize Shirei's entire body began to change. The sound of the whip hitting something went off in the alley like a loud crack however there was no scream.

"What the…" One of the men still standing at the entrance saw what exactly had happened and soon so did the others. Shirei's entire body had fully transformed into its android state allowing him to use its abilities to their fullest. Bending slightly to the right he held one of the man's whip-like hands in his buds, not budging an inch as he pulled.

"What… Let go!" Pulling on that arm in particular he really couldn't budge an inch and Shirei's sudden transformation had shocked them all. "Is it a robot-based quirk or something?" That was one of their first thoughts but then they had to write it off. "No, it must be man-made right? But who could have made something like that."

Beginning to sweat due to him getting nowhere the man being held by Shirei suddenly yelled to the four behind him. "Stop gawking and help me dammit!" Hearing him the four were thinking about helping but then they saw something on both Shirei's hip and back. "Hold up a second we can't face someone armed with guns."

There were only a few quirks that gave someone the ability to be bulletproof. "All you are a bunch of cowards. Quirk or no quirk he's just a machine that can be broken." The biggest man of the group pushed the others out of the way as he began to walk towards Shirei's direction. As he walked he slowly began to grow fur across his body along with other changes.

His muscles began to bulge and his height almost doubled dwarfing Shirei. "My quirk allows me to become a man-beast. My skin is strong enough to resist bullet fire and my strength." Monologuing to Shirei the man slammed his fist against one of the alley's walls. Immediately the wall cracked as rocks were sent flying from their places and dust erupted next to him.

"It's more than enough to break a tin can." Hearing him the man who was still being held by Shirei began to laugh. "Ya hurry up and kill him!" However, they weren't expecting Shirei's next response. "I guess don't mind dealing with a rabid dog as well. Just don't forget to blame yourselves for chasing me on what happens next."

He was confident in himself mostly because he had checked their threat levels and both of them were below 6 which he considered safe. As long as he had his weapons on hand he could deal with any one of them. 'All I have to do is get information out of this long-armed guy and deal with the hairy one.'

On the other hand, being called a dog made the man-beast quirked man grit his teeth. "Alright then since you still don't understand your situation don't blame me if I kill you." Not waiting another second he charged towards Shirei like a wild animal with the three other members of the group cheering at the alley's entrance.

In reality, everything took place in around five seconds but to Shirei he had all the time in the world to think. Using the same ability he used when in the den he saw an after image being replayed of what exactly the man-beast quirk user was going to do. 'Them moving so simplistically is only making this easier.'

With one strong tug, Shirei pulled the whip armed man towards him with all his strength. Flying up in the air Shirei extended his arm out the moment he began to come in range while he remained disoriented. In a mere instance, electricity began to flow through Shirei's left arm as he caught the man by the face.

Electricity shot through his body, shocking him on the spot as Shirei switched targets and pulled out his 'SZ-Mk 1'. Aiming directly at the charging man's left leg he pulled the trigger. "Gah!" Two screams shot out from the alley as the man being electrocuted began to have a seizure with Shirei still holding him and the other beginning to fall mid charge.

'How! I'm immune to bullets with my quirk activated!' Trying to process what was happening Shirei continued by throwing the man he was holding with his left hand at the wall to his side. His face crashed against the stone wall breaking his nose as the man who was charging Shirei completely fell to the ground and began to slide.

"Oh, Shit! Run!" Seeing how fast those two the three men remaining were ready to turn tail and run however Shirei had already set their sights on them. Using his ability he could see exactly which way they were most probably going to run and fired three near-simultaneous shots exactly where they would be in the next second.

With three pulsing sounds being raced by the blast of energy themselves the three of them didn't even get to take two steps before their heads were burned clean through and they died on the spot. Bringing his attention to the man now at his feat Shirei saw his man-beast quirk had deactivated itself due to his sudden shock and fall.

"Dammit, how did you!" Talking through the pain he suddenly felt something very cold pressed up against his head. "I'm going to be asking the questions or else you're gonna end up like your three friends." Although Shirei's voice would normally carry some type of emotion whether in his human coated form or not he made it a task to sound as cold as possible.

He was actually nervous since those guys count as the fourth people he has killed. However, he knew if he let them run away they would just be problems in the future. It's also why he chose a random alleyway far enough from anyone else to fight in. And it worked hearing Shirei's almost inhuman tone the man suppressed his pain and anger knowing he could die at any time.

"Wh… What is it? What do you want from me…" The man's voice trembled due to fear and pain as Shirei looked down at him with the 'SZ-Mk 1' pressed to the man's head. "I want to know about any sudden appearances of people with strange quirks. They may be young as a kid or it might be someone who suddenly had a change in personality and powers."

Not ruling out transmigration Shirei was looking for anyone who had appeared out of thin air or suddenly acting out of the ordinary. Closing his eyes the man began sweating slightly as he stuttered over his words. "I- I don't know there's no one like that here!" His words suddenly spiked as he heard a powering up sound coming from the gun pointed to his head.

"Wait! Wait!" Thinking as hard as he could he remembered what he and the group were talking about earlier. "Actually there is someone who is an assassin! He appeared out of nowhere. I don't know what he looks like but apparently, he works for All For One." Taking a breath he heard the sound begin to quiet down and he continued.

"He uh. He was lent to one of the Four to handle some trouble he was having. But something happened and the assassin ended up killing him instead along with one of his men. No one knows if it was because All For One ordered him to due to the rumors of betrayal but that's everyone's guess. I swear that's all I know."

Listening to him Shirei paused for a moment letting the AI compile everything it heard before he asked a question. "What about the assassin's quirk? What is it?" Rummaging through his brain the main drew a blank as he responded. "I don't know, I swear! It's all just rumors and stories, nothing can be confirmed due to no one knowing who the assassin is."

'Looks like he really doesn't know anything else.' Standing up the man felt the metal against his skull disappear as he hesitated to ask. "Does… Does that mean you're letting me go-" Before he could finish speaking two pulses sounded out of the alley separated by a second?

A minute later Shirei had walked out of the alley back in his human form mimicking the outfits of the men that chased him. 'Compile all of the information that's been gathered and put in the Local Database.'

[Compiling all new Information… Adding to Local Database...]

Shirei didn't really need to do this but it was best he did it now. The more information he had gathered over time the more chances he could deal with issues in the future at least till he could restore the External Database. 'There's no guarantee this assassin is the System user I'm looking for but if he is then it makes sense he's working for All For one.'

Working for the most powerful man in the MHA universe would not only allow him to kill almost anyone he wanted but he would also have the ability to kill under his protection. Shirei didn't know what kind of System it was but if it made him stronger after killing like most in Fan Fictions did then it was perfect.

'If I take it all at face value then who would be the next person All For One would send the assassin to kill. Someone who has caused him issues but is still in the city. Someone like…'

Aizen_Dleitch Aizen_Dleitch

Hope you enjoy this near 3k word chapter. Don't ask how it got that long it just did. I would appreciate your thoughts on the story so far and how I wrote this fight scene since I'm trying something new.

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