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Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Agendas

Pushing the door open she drops the stylus into her hand and clears her throat. Not hearing a noise she starts down the aisle, looking down each side as she passes them. She stopped as whispers reach her hearing. Tip toeing she peered around a shelf and sees Faelyn and another priestess bent over and seeming oblivious to everything around them. Clearing her throat again Te'Liona hides an amused snicker as the two of them jump and turn around to face her. The unfamiliar priestess sneers and moves further down the aisle and disappears. The soft click of the door a few seconds later follows the retreat of her footsteps. A small look of annoyance crossed Faelyn's face before she could reform her mask of serene calm. "Is her Holiness finished with you already? My, but you must have made an impression on her. Are you here to return your items or do you need something more?" Watching her with a slightly smug expression, her lips curved slightly and her eyes clouded over making her unreadable. Te'Liona speared her with her own smile and spoke as if she didn't notice Faelyn's behavior. "I actually do need something and I was hoping you might be able to assist me. I was looking for perhaps a catalogue of the lovely plants that we have growing in our garden?"

Te'Liona looked at Faelyn expectantly, her curiosity and hope clear in her eyes. Faelyn could tell how eager the young priestess was to complete the Uth'Tallar's task. Molding her expression into a continued facile of calm the priestess knew exactly what Te'Liona needed, but did not wish to further give this chit an edge, she shakes her head. "I'm afraid not young one. Her Holiness is the only one with a copy of it and it is within her personal chambers."

A smirk pulling her lips she turns to choke back a chuckle and grabbed a few items from her cart and went to replace them. Her eyes watching from the corner of her vision.

With a disappointed sigh Te'Liona started walking back down the aisles and was trying to form thoughts of how to get what she needed when she passed a certain shelf and slowed her steps. Looking at the title she looked back over her shoulder and with a swift snatch she grabbed the book that the priestess had just claimed wasn't in her possession

Clutching it to her she continued walking and opened the door as if nothing was amiss. She was getting the feeling something more was going on under the Uth'Tallar's nose, but as for hiding the book's whereabouts only had one purpose for Faelyn. To lessen Te'Liona's credibility and her worth in Trissae's eyes. Jealousy plain and simple. Snorting Te'Liona stepped through the doorway and wound her way back to the gardens still clutching both her papers and stylus along with the book. She crossed her legs and settled herself on the narrow pathway. A small light giving her a perfect setting to write and see the books pages. Skimming through the pages with her long slender fingers she finds the information for every single plant. Her fingers swiftly filling in the missing information she already had accumulated. Her pages full with beautiful and carefully detailed instructions and drawings that were the required identification. Her work had taken her into the morning hours. Only the level of the noise indicated the passage of time.

Rolling her shoulders Te'Liona looks up and stifles her tiredness and stiff back. Her muscles screaming in protest as she pushes her body from the ground. Only the years of service kept her features from betraying the length of her studies. Forcing away a grimace, the young woman brushed off her dress and gathered her papers. This time every square inch of them covered with her elegant tiny script.

Walking back through the garden she noted the busy workers as well as the hushed silence descending the dark halls. Warily making her way forward she stops outside the Uth'Tallar's door. Raising her hand she taps lightly and waits. Moments pass and yet no answer. Raising her hand to do it harder she pauses. A thrum of energy hit her like a brick wall forcing her to take a step back. Cocking her head to the side she pulls in a deep breath and listens curiously. Agitated voices ring through the door. The energy suddenly and violently hissed out. Her unease rising Te'Liona sets her work down and pulled on the door handle, surprise etching her features when it popped open with ease. Wave after wave of angry energy drug through her body with every step she took into the faintly glowing room. The sudden clash of steel and a bitter coppery smell assaulted her nose. The guttural shout accompanying the ring of metal drew her into an antechamber where she saw a body sprawled across the floor its eyes staring open and empty, a pool forming under its side. The insignia of the Temple emblazoned on its arm. To her right stood Trissae and another guard now currently locked in a duel. With what was Te'Liona's question.

The person standing in front of her gleamed with an ethereal glow. Flung out from its back and keeping it aloft from the ground were the source of the bright light. Its color almost blinding her. Her appraisal took only a second before she realized the danger the Uth'Tallar was in. Acting on instinct she rushes forward and stands in front of her Holiness. An animalistic growl escaping her lips as her body pulsed with adrenaline. Now facing the threat she noticed with a gasp that it was a male, and a strangely handsome one at that. Long dark pants hanging loosely over slim hips, combat boots at his feet. His chest covered in a tight fitting white shirt overlaid with a matching dark hooded vest. His hair a shimmering white surrounding a deeply brooding face, lips raised in an amused half-smile, his large ever changing eyes filled with a bemused expression. The wings at his back a mixed shade of greens and light.

"What do you think to do little girl? Fight me? Go back outside while I'm still amused." His amused smile slowly faded into a grimace as he closes his eyes. Cursing he throws out a ball of energy from his palm towards the three. "I'm not finished here, you won't be left to worry for long. I'll be back whether you're prepared or not." The last word an echo as he disappears through a wave of flames. Moments pass and the three sidhe he still standing, their expressions ranging from confusion and anger to outrage and mild amusement. "Well seems as if opportunity keeps knocking on my door, even when sometimes the knocking is just plain appearing in my room." Snapping her fingers Trissae looks expectantly at the remaining guard. "Clean this mess up and return to your post." Turning around as if nothing had happened, her Holiness turns her attention to the young priestess who foolishly ran to her rescue. Although pleasantly surprised and happy at her faithfulness she was angered that Te'Liona would run into a dangerous situation.

"I do hope there is a good reason for your intrusion priestess." Her voice quite steady as she stared down Te'Liona. "I heard shouting your Holiness. I merely worried for your welfare. I do apologize for barging in. When I first arrived I had heard the same commotion coming from behind a set of doors. I could have sworn that I saw those same wings. May I inquire as to who or what that was?" Te'Liona cocked her head to the side as she kept from fidgeting back and forth under Trissae's gaze. For some reason Te'Liona felt like a child who had disappointed a parent. It was an unusual feeling making her nervous.

"It's nothing you need concern yourself with now. Have you finished your assignment? Or are you finding an excuse to shirk off your duties?" Spearing her with a pointed look Trissae walked around her and took in the smudged fingers and the loose foliage and dirt attached to the hem of the priestess's robes. "You certainly are dirty enough to have appeared to have worked." Her expression widening in horror, Te'Liona hurries back to the door and pulls it open. The papers she had tossed to the ground were scattered in the small alcove from her haste. Scurrying to pick them back up she restacked them in order and hurried back to her Holiness's side. Trissae tapping her foot in annoyance trying to hide her pleasure at having such a studious new apprentice. "You are correct in your assumption Uth'Tallar. I did finish and was coming to your study to deliver it to you. May Lithos glory shine thru my work." Bowing her head Te'Liona held out the papers towards Trissae. Despite her anxiousness te'Liona held the papers steady for what felt like hours under her Holiness's watchful gaze , but in reality was only a few minutes. She showed her effort and desire in her actions to please Trissae. Unbeknownst to her, Trissae was more than pleased with the efforts she portrayed, her quick mind already placing her in situations that would be most beneficial to not only herself but the Temple.

Grabbing the papers from Te'Liona's hand, Trissae perused the elegant script and beautifully detailed drawings with an expressionless face. Trissae was never one to show favoritism so she pointed out the rough edges of the paper and how there were smudges of ink from fingerprints. The work was incredible and efficient, but Trissa couldn't let this little whelp of a priestess know this. Too much praise led to death around here. "Your work looks to be complete." Tossing the papers onto her table Trissae walked past the young woman. "You may stand and follow me."

Te'Liona suppressed a groan as a kink in her neck muscles strained. "Yes your Holiness." Leading her through a back archway Trissae strolled silently towards their destination. Speaking over her shoulder the priestess corralled the young trainee towards the edge of the watery moat. "When you first arrived it was brought to my attention that with great ease you were permitted through our boundaries. It does seem my newest priestess is quite adept at animal husbandry. So your next task should be simple to complete, so simple that I wish for the report to be done by this evening. All around us lies the stealth and beauty of Lithos's creations, including her creatures."

Spearing Te'Liona with her gaze the priestess raises her hand palm side up off to her side. A small glowing spider dropped from its shimmering web to land on her hand. His beauty belying its deadly presence Trissae gently rubbed along its back as if stroking a pet. "You are to identify and describe each of Lithos's magnificent arachnid creations as well as the subspecies living around our humble town. I presume you know how to gather your information and tools. I'll leave you to it. Oh, and don't forget you have a duty in the gardens as well. You'll be watched so don't forget to do them. I'll see you after evening devotions." With that the priestess set her eight-legged companion on the ground and disappeared around a corner.

Te'Liona waited till she was sure Trissae was around the corner before reaching up and rubbing her neck. Groaning inwardly Te'Liona took a small moment to gather her thoughts and then sought out her scroll paper and stylus. Tracing her steps back to the water's edge she sat down wearily onto the bank with her bare toes tickling at the lapping water. This time as she wrote it came from memory. All her visits with the fortress spiders had adhered to her mind. Her fingers flew across the pages till she had nearly a full six feet covered. Each creature in alphabetical order along with their detailed sketches. She did her best to not smear her ink or leave traceable prints behind this time. The subspecies of creatures was a tad harder as she had never seen them personally. She merely recollected what she had overheard the other priestesses and warriors say about them in their comings and goings from Lithos's fortress.

Looking across the calm moat Te'Liona catches a shadow seem to slink around the walls top. Narrowing her eyes she tried to pinpoint the movement but as she did she noticed the elapse of time and quickly pushed herself up. Rolling the scroll she tied it together and stored it in her room. After returning the items she had borrowed to the store room, the other priestess not in sight, Te'Liona walked out to the gardens. Despite her weariness, being amongst this fragrant beauty seemed to revitalize her. Pulling in a glorious breath she decided that she would help rid these gardens of any choking weeds. Her hands digging and grabbing then dragging through the cool dark dirt, releasing her tension and soreness and frustration through the tips of her fingers and out of her body.

The lights slowly dimmed in the cavernous earth as Te'Liona seemed lost in her task. Only a cleared throat brought her out of her meditation. Her eyes snapping up she peered around for the source but couldn't find one. She narrowed her look and thought she saw a shadow hung low on a tree skirting the barriers edge. Brushing her hands together she pushed up from her kneeling position and caught how silent it was around her. The other priestesses gone as well as the servants. Swiping her hands along the hem of her skirt she circled through the garden and exited through the archway that headed towards the main altar room, making a small detour to her room and grabbing her report. Walking with purpose she flitted through the emptied halls and made it to the altar room. Pushing the door open she realised that she was possibly the last person to enter and didn't want to be singled out so she slowly made her way deeper into the room. Finally finding a seclusive area she drops to her hands and knees and folds her hands out beside her.

Somewhere a low toiling bell followed by a congregation of murmured voices signaled the nightly devotions. Sliding her small delicate dagger from its sheath attached to her leg she brought its razored edge to her lips where she kisses it tenderly almost like a lover before letting it slice clean along her tongue. Cupping the raw wound she catches the escaping blood before swallowing it and letting it coat the inside of her mouth. Her words a blood bond between her and Lithos.

"My Goddess, ever are my deeds yours and rightly so shall they honor your name. Bring to me the chance to show your chaotic depths to this small Temple. All glory be your name and all blood be your drink."

Swiping her tongue along the roof of her mouth she seals the wound. Bowing her head she allows for the rest to finish before seeking out Trissae. Kneeling females bar her way as they seemed to draw out their prayers. But under closer inspection they seemed more like a gaggle of geese waiting to peck out any tidbit of gossip from each other. Working to block them out Te'Liona stepped around them. Her intention from the start was not to gain friendships or even the similes of one. Wishing internally for all their eyes to shrivel and their tongues to thicken for being so obvious she finally caught sight of her target.

Catching the glimpse of Trissae's robes Te'Liona followed her to the back entrance of the main temple. It was there that she realized she had errored. Darkly decorated pillows and tables surrounded a blood red plush bedding hung over with a silken gauzy netting. In the middle was a naked High Priestess laying on top of it. Short breathy moans echoed from underneath the sheer canopy along with flashes of bare skin tangled up in the bloodied sheets. The effect looking like a deeply erotic sacrifice was taking place in the midsts of her Holiness's bed chamber. Te'Liona didn't stick around to find out. Tiptoeing out she leaned against a beam support outside the door and pressed her palm over her heart willing it to calm its fretful beating. The feelings that erupted flushing the skin on her chest and cheeks seemed confusing. Lust, Embarrassment, and Anger seemed equal as they worked inside her veins. Muttering under her breath she curses the blood in her system that constantly showed her emotions across her face. She struggled to make her face an emotionless mask as she wandered back and forth in front of Trissae's door. Feeling somewhat like a perverted guard patrol. Stopping and listening at the door she hears what she's not expecting. The sharp sound of a male in pain, his voice reaching a pitch even Te'Liona didn't think possible. A sharp crack resounded from the door and made Te'Liona press in even closer practically mounting the door as she tried to determine what was going on.

An amused chuckle erupted right behind Te'Liona's ear, the person's lips close enough to blow a soft warm breath across the nape of her neck, making her shiver as she turned to face her audience. The deep throated laugh softened to a small chuckle hidden behind a strong set of hands. Clearing his throat the male bowed graciously while keeping his eyes glued on her. As he was bent over another males form loomed behind him silently watching like a statue behind the hood of his cloak.

"Am I to presume that her Holiness is currently occupied?" His tone suggested he was both amused and slightly put out by the circumstances. Turning his head to the side he spoke over his shoulder. "Brother I think we should schedule an appointment to meet with her Holiness another time don't you?" The statue inclined its head and without a peep made to stroll back out of the building. Te'Liona this whole time was shocked both by embarrassment of where and how she was found, but also by how confidently these two handled themselves in an otherwise dangerous location for two independent males. Squaring her shoulders she attempted to appear more calm and higher ranking than she felt, but their opinion of her was already set at catching her plastered to the priestess's door. "Do you have a meeting with her Holiness?" Her voice going slightly higher with resignation. "Seeing as you're here during evening rituals obviously not. Be brave if you wish." Throwing her arms wide she looked to Trissae's door. "I am sure that she will be most pleased to have you pay her tribute this evening."

Stepping away from them to save her dignity, her chin held high when she passes the flustered male, he grabs at her elbow and tugs her back in front of him, his eyes glimmering with a steely glare. "Oh no priestess, I must insist you first. You were after all standing outside her door so patiently." His last words were a snarl as she hastily pried his tightened fingers from her arm. Rearing back her right hand she made to lash out against his cheek for being so bold. A flash of dark skin holds her wrist in place. The voice velvety and deep as it breathed warmly into her ear. "I would not do that if I were you." The hand encompassing her wrist squeezed tighter making her squirm and bite into her brightly layered lip.

"You will release my priestess, Now outrider." The deadly calm of the female voice made those around her tremble. Trissae stepped out of her door, the deep ember of her body due to the flickering lamps around her and of the rich coppery scent that wafted off of her as her body shimmered with a cloak of blood.

The male eased his fingers from Te'Liona's arm, but not before flicking his eyes to his brother who nodded at him brusquely. Trissae's eyes narrow at this, her anger narrowing to a pinpoint at the two males open disobedience to her authority. Turning to look at her priestess, the anger and cruelty in her eyes washing over Te'Liona like a storm made her shrink back internally, her eyes lowering in deference having seen the same look many times in their Goddess's eyes when she was vengeful and bloodthirsty.

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