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25.64% Spider-X

Chapter 10: Spider-X Chapter 9

Opening scene Spider-Man just walked into Xavier office for the emergency meeting of the X-Men, everyone was there except for Bobby guess he's still on probation. Xavier sat behind his desk looking frustrated with whatever news he was trying to tell his team. "The Brotherhood is planning an attack," Xavier said. "We just got a call from the capital and the X-Men are tasked with defending a research lab here in New York".

"Why is Magneto attacking a lab?" I asked Xavier. With the grimmest look on his face, Xavier said "They are researching a cure for mutants"

"WHAT!?" the X-Men said in unison. "A cure what does that mean that can't be legal for the government to "cure" a minority group," Kitty said.

"They haven't actually made one they were just researching if one could be made they are decades away from anything substantial" Xavier stated.

"Why does it sound like you knew about this all along," I ask with an accusatory tone.

"Kids right something smells fishy Chuck," said Logan.

"I didn't tell you all because I didn't want to discourage you for a possibility we won't face for years to come" Said Xavier. I give him a menacing stare and to my surprise, a few of the X-Men back me on this. Logan glares with me while Kitty and Dr. McCoy look hurt by this. Storm seems to be more interested in observing everyone's reaction to this to try and calm everyone down while Scott and Jean silently look at each other I assume they are telepathically communicating. "I know you all are mad and disappointed in me for not telling you this, but lives are at stake right now and we are the only ones that can help. We all agree that this discussion should be tabled for now and we all go to the basement where I see the X-Men's personal jet the Blackbird.

"Wow, you guys have a jet," I say with awe.

"Kid you've fought robots and holograms and a plane impress you," Logan said. Kitty and Storm laughed at this while I looked away embarrassed. We all pile in including Xavier and I ask "wait whose flying this thing?" Logan gets in the cockpit and tells me to buckle up. We fly in awkward silence for about fifteen minutes before we arrive in what looks like an abandoned lab in the middle of the forest.

"This place looks abandoned," Kitty says

"It isn't I feel about ten minds in that lab and their all scared," said Jean. We get out the plane and walk inside the lab a man, in a lab coat, comes from under a desk and asks who we are. Xavier greets him explaining they were called here to help defend this place from Magneto and the Brotherhood. After this, the scientist conferred with his colleges and told them not to be afraid of us and we were here to help protect them. Just then what sounded like an alarm went off in the lab.

"What's that sound and how do we turn it off," I ask covering my ears? The scientist explained it was the fire alarm for the lab and all people needed to be evacuated immediately. Xavier looked to Jean and through some psychic reports between the two of them, Jean used her powers, and easily lifted the scientists and took them out of the lab to safety while Xavier leads the rest of us to the source of the alarm. I look around and see a standard lab with test tubes beakers computers and everything you would expect but it was all in fire and the source of it all was a blonde teenage boy I yell "John!?". The boy turns around and when he sees me he only scowls in my direction. Then a voice from above says "I heard you meet our new recruit he has quite a talent, and he's not the only one". I look up and see Magneto floating above us just then a loud explosion happens in the lab not from the fire but from what appears to be a giant bald fat man breaking down walls.

"Magneto I smashed all the computers like you told me and I'm ready for more," the fat man said. Then all hell broke loose Storm summoned rain clouds to put out the fire. Scott blasted the fat man only pushing him back a little while pyro started to focus his attacks on us and away from the lab equipment. My first priority was taking down John again I web my way towards him while he focusses his attack on me lucky for my suit was very resilient and I only suffered slight burns. I crash through his pillar of fire and drive John into the ground.

"Looks like Pyro's put cold" the fat man laughs.

"You're about to join him bub," said wolverine swinging his claws at him. Magneto looked displeased but his attention was too focused on stopping storm who threw lighting at Magneto. She really does look like a Goddess when she does that. Wolverine and Cyclops were having some trouble with the fat man till Kitty snuck behind him and partially phased him into the ground. I focus all my attacks on Magneto. I try using my new vibro blasts on him and it looks like me and Storm are pushing him into a corner when Jean flies back in and telekinetically knocks Magneto on the ground. I web his helmet off him for Xavier and Jean to incapacitate him when blur runs in the room and takes the helmet from me. I see Pietro give it back to Magneto as we all gang up on the two of them

"Dad your new recruits suck," Pietro says. Pietro speeds back in the room with the scientist from earlier and immediately uses him as leverage to escape. Xavier agrees. Logan says "Chuck have you lost your mind we got them on the ropes we could end this"

"And let them kill someone in the process" responded Xavier

"You mean the human who sees us like a disease that needs to be cured" Logan responded back.

"does he deserve to die because of that," I said. Logan glared at me then back to Xavier and walked away.

"Glad to see you are still reasonable Charles," Magneto said as he started to fly away using his powers to lift John off the ground and in the Blobs case picking up the ground with him in it. Dr. McCoy checked what was left of the computers apparently all trace of whatever the scientists were working was destroyed and we all got back on the blackbird and started the flight home. It was quiet at first till Storm spoke up "It looks like we are all avoiding this topic so I will just say it, you should have told us about the cure even if it was only in development, Charles".

"I didn't want to burden you all with that information," Xavier said solemnly.

"That's crap Xavier," I said. "You want us to trust and rely on each other as a team then you have to trust us to handle what you know". Dr. McCoy nodded his head and agreed with me.

"Out of curiosity what do you think would have happened if you told us that they were working on a cure that we would all quit and want to be human?" Kitty asked.

"Not all of you" Xavier responded looking in Dr. McCoy's direction. "I believe we would have argued and possibly lost teammates over the cure so I thought it best you not know".

"Do you think the idea of a theoretical cure is enough to break up the team?" Kitty said.

"Maybe," said Xavier "I didn't want to give it a chance though".

"You really don't trust us, Xavier," I said. Silence followed until Scott said, "I believe Xavier's been thinking of things on such a big scale for so long he forgets to think of an individual's perspective sometimes". "If the cure became common knowledge how would that affect the rest of the world it would be chaos, but that being said we are here because we want to stop that from happening maybe we have come up with ideas together to stop this future cure."

"Chuck you wronged us plain and simple next time believe in us a little more," Logan said from the cockpit. After that, we landed getting rid of some of the awkward air between us. After this experience, I now know Xavier is without a doubt a shady guy but I also see he has his reasons so I can trust him for now.

Anthony_Essex Anthony_Essex

This was supposed to be uploaded yesterday, but I kept reworking it (The fight scene especially). It still doesn't feel right but tell me what you guys think good or bad.

BTW: I might start limiting characters because I constantly forget whose where and what's going on with so many running around I won't write them out of the story altogether but fights from now on will be a lot fewer characters.

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