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Chapter 16: Chapter 10: The mysterious savior & The panicked Haru-chan

[ Warning: This chapter will include Attempted sexual assault. I do not condone this by any means, The actual touching is near the middle/end so you can skip it you would like. ]

{Haruame's POV } 

My eyes wandered down my lists of contacts until they stopped on the name "Louis", I felt very tempted to click on his name and text him something I would definitely regret the next day but I tried my hardest to hold myself back from doing so. However, Being drunk didn't really help the situation as I had little to none self-control left. My hand move on its own and clicked Louis's name bringing me to his messages. It was basically empty as we never texted each other, we barely even spoke to each other at home. 

I let out a small chuckle, I felt tears well up in my eyes. I always get emotional when I'm drunk like this, I hate it. Its a bad habit that I need to get rid of. Anyway, I see that he sent a text a few hours ago, 


Louis: Hey, Will you be coming home today? I . . . . I would like to talk to you about something and I'd appreciate it if you would listen and not ignore me this time. Please reply when you get this. 


I felt something swell up in my chest, Whether it was my heart or something else in the pit of my stomach, I don't know but I felt . . . . . felt . . . . . What did I feel? Well, At the moment not much except for nausea. I was about to text him back when some drunk men started talking to me about how pretty I was or If I wanted to come "Hang out" with them. 

I hate drunk perverts with my whole existence, I quickly brush them off and politely declined but of course they didn't accept No for answer. They started grabbing me and touching me places that gave me goosebumps, I quickly pushed them away from me and began walking away but they were just too stubborn and began walking behind me, calling out to me. 

I was getting very annoyed and started yelling at them for them to leave me alone before I started running away from them. They also came running after me, I was surprised they could run that fast for old uncles with balding hair who worked office jobs. I was getting kinda freaked out and started to slightly panicked as I began running as fast as I could and finally started to get away from them a little bit but hell, they just wouldn't give the fuck up. 

I felt the tears come back and start falling down my cheeks, My breathing got harsher and my heart rate quickened. I was struggling to breath and my legs felt like they were going to give out on me if I continued to run. So I looked around at my surroundings and saw a dark alley a little whiles ahead of where I was running from. I gave the old men the slip somehow, they were probably tired too, and hid in the alley while holding my breath and squeezing my eyes shut. I was crouched on the ground hiding behind a trash dump, {A/N: I don't know what they are called. They long trash things that have 2 lids and are connected to each other.} hoping that the old men wouldn't check down here. 

{Author's POV } 

However it seemed like luck wasn't on his side today, The old men began walking down the alley and were searching for Haruame. He felt like he was about to have a panic attack or something, His eyes started blurring and his throat stung from holding back his sobs. He didn't care who it was but He quickly sent his location and a very distorted text message, " H3lp 1n dang$r !n al3ywa2y on Taki$r st33t!!". He prayed that someone would come save him, he hated situations like this. He waited for what feels like an eternity before the old men finally found Haruame hiding. They grinned mischievously as they approached him with greedy eyes and perverted desires gleaming in their eyes. Thye began touching Haruame's thighs and arms, Haruame pushed them away but they only held his arms and legs down so he couldn't fight back. He was still quite drunk and very afraid so most of his strength was completely gone. He started to cry as they touched his crotch through his pants and his chest through his shirt, One old man lifted his shirt up and began touching his skin with his bare hands. Haruame felt like throwing up from the touch. 

The other men then began taking off his clothes as Haruame began screaming as loud as he could before one of them covered his mouth with his hand. Haruame felt helpless and was about to give up when he heard yelling and saw one of the men get kicked to the side and hit the wall. The rest of the men got scared and quickly ran away, leaving Haruame alone with the mysterious savior. 

The mysterious savior crouched down in front of Haruame and took off their jacket, They fixed Haruame's clothes and wrapped the jacket around Haruame's shoulders. They picked him up and held him close to their chest. 

" Haruame, Its alright now. You're safe now, I promise " The mysterious person promised, Haruame looked up but couldn't really see who it was because his eyes were blurry and his head felt like it was about to fall off his neck. He groaned and rested his head on the person's chest and let them do whatever they wanted. Haruame could barely comprehend what was happening anymore. He felt himself and the person get into a car or taxi or something before he passed out. 

The mysterious person noticed and smiled under their hoodie, They leaned down and gently kissed Haruame on the forehead. Before letting a few tears slip and roll down their cheeks, they quickly wiped them away and rested their head back on the seat. 

" Its alright, Haruame. I'm sorry that this happened to you but I promise it won't happen anymore, I'll protect you. So please don't ignore me and listen to me when you wake up, I have something important to tell you. Heh, Why am I talking to someone sleeping. Hahhh. . . .  goodnight, Haruame. " 

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