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Chapter 53: Spirit Stalker 4

The bald man's eyes narrowed a split moment later, "How do you know of that?" he demanded.

"I know a lot of things," Yarden smirked, "Though, if you're wondering if I went into the Abandoned Dorm or not and found out that way, then the answer is no. I didn't need to go in myself."

Technically, true. He had never entered the Abandoned Dorm, physically, and he'd never needed to. Actually, he bet he knew a lot more of went on there than pretty much anybody else, even those who take part in it, or those who were behind it in the first place.

Sheppard stared hard at Yarden, searching him for answers. His already narrowed gaze tightened and he pursed his lips, "Those spirits of yours." he bit out.

Nope. But as good an excuse as anyway,

"Sure, let's go with that." Yarden shrugged.

The chancellor's gaze softened and he slumped back into his seat wit a sigh, "It's not as simple as letting Miss Rhodes know," he admitted, reaching up to rub at his temples, "She is a willful girl. I believe if she were to be told, she would look into the darkness herself in an effort to find her brother and become a victim herself."

Well, it wouldn't be quite that simple, but, he wasn't wrong at least, "She definitely would try at least," Yarden nodded in agreement, "It doesn't change the fact she deserves to know what happened to her brother because of the fault of this school. Did Kaiba sign off on that little experiment, I wonder?"

On one hand, Kaiba initially couldn't stomach magic and that crap at all initially. But he was also the guy that wanted to teach alien's how to play a card game and ended up developing a literal whole new species of duel spirits and alien race at the same time.

"Mr. Kaiba left it to our discretion," Sheppard grudgingly replied, "You must understand Yarden, Duel Academy is no mere school, it wasn't built simply to nourish the growth of the next generation of great duelists alone." he implored the boy to understand.

Yarden leaned on the desk and his lips curving up, "Oh I know," he admitted with a smirk. Sheppard had given him a perfect in, "It was to raise up seven duelists specifically, with the strength to protect the Spirit Keys."

For the second time in just a few minutes, Chancellor Sheppard's eyes flew wide open with shock.

"Spirits have been on this island a long time and it's so very easy for them to get through physical barriers or listen in on people without them knowing." Yarden teasingly added.

Sheppard took a moment to regain his composure and closed his eyes, "So you know of that too." he mused in defeat.

"Like I said, I know a lot of things." the teen shrugged in a blase fashion. Thanks to the man focusing on the spirits as an excuse, he could roll with it and get more out of this situation.

"Why bring this up?" Sheppard asked, opening his eyes to pin the boy with a serious stare, "Are you perhaps trying to blackmail me with the knowledge of the Sacred Beasts and making me tell Miss Rhodes what happened to her brother?"

That was an idea. But one he quickly discarded, he didn't want to burn bridges like that.

"There is something I want," Yarden admitted, "But nothing to do with the Sacred Beasts or blackmailing you about it. I just thought it would make for a good starting point for a trade."

"A trade?" the man's bushy eyebrows rose.

"Yep, a trade," Yarden nodded, "See, I heard from a little birdy that it won't be long from now when you need those seven duelists to guard the Spirit Keys, I'm bringing this up now to offer to be one of them."

Sheppard blinked, "You...are?" he asked, taken aback. He shook his head, "What could I possibly have that you want, that would interest you more than the Sacred Beast's themselves, especially something that would have you so freely offer to guard something that could cost you your life."

"You sure about that sir?" Yarden narrowed his eyes lightly, "You are the master of the Cyber Style school are you not? The one who gave Zane the Cyber Dragon's."

"Ah, so that's it," Sheppard relaxed a bit, and then shook his head, "I'm sorry Yarden, but there is only one set of Cyber Dragon's, and they belong to Zane."

Yarden rolled his eyes, "I'm not interested in the normal Cyber Dragon's, they don't fit my deck," he replied. He gave the man a serious gaze, "I want the Cyber Dark Dragon's that you've still got in your possession, the so called 'Underworld Deck'."

All things considered. The Cyber Dark Dragon's were not strong monsters. Making a deck with them as the main was silly at this point in time. When Zane used them, his deck was so gimmicky it was unreal. Cyber Dragon's and Cyber Dark Dragon's did not at all mix.

At best, they would be decent support for his dragon deck, but would struggle to be a headliner.

But if he was right. Then like the Cyber End Dragon was a spirit, so to would the Cyber Dark Dragon be one.

All was silent for a moment.

Sheppard's eyes focused into a glare on the boy, "I won't even ask how you know about them," he replied, "The answer is no Yarden, those cards dangerous." he flat out rejected him.

"They are," Yarden agreed, "But they wouldn't be if they were just cards alone. There's a spirit involved in those cards, right?"

"Ah.." Sheppard's eyes widened in realization, "So that's what this is about. You want the spirit to add to your growing little army of them."

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner," Yarden chuckled and shrugged, "Spot on sir. The Cyber Dark Dragon's aren't all that powerful as far as I'm concerned and I wouldn't really feel the need to seek them out, if there wasn't a spirit involved." a spirit he knew he could tame. After all, Syrus had shown him how to do it. And it was so simple.

Really, it was almost amusing that prior to going all Hell Kaiser that Zane would have had no trouble earning the Cyber Dark Dragon's respect and taming them.

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