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Chapter 39: Tagging Up 13

"Tch, look at him swaggering around as if he owns the place!"

"That red wearing trash shouldn't even be here!"

"It's all his fault! Alexis is gonna end up getting expelled!"

A mere day had passed, not even a full one even since Titan had attacked Alexis. And, wouldn't you know, rumors of what happened had already spread around.

And of course, Yarden found himself the one being blamed for it all by the gossip mongers, mostly the males of Obelisk Blue, because god forbid it was their precious Obelisk Queen that had been in the wrong.

Granted, she actually wasn't at fault either. But they'd much rather lay all the blame on him than even consider Alexis did something bad.

Fucking simps.

And it was exactly the reason why Alexis would never look at them.

Classes had all been cancelled for the day while the security forces performed a major sweep of the island to try and find Titan. And everyone was confirmed to their dorm buildings for safety purposes.

As such, the Obelisk Blue dorm was filled completely and all eyes were on him as he made his way through the building to the cafeteria.

He paused as he entered. 'Admittedly, not so much a cafeteria, and more like a super high class fancy five star restaurant.' he snorted. The place was like a literal massive ballroom, with luxurious carpeting, marble busts of Obelisk The Tormentor and long sweeping tables with three pointed candle holders.

It was honestly a bit excessive. But at least the food was amazing. The best of the best as far as chefs went put out general buffet's every meal time, and a student, an Obelisk Blue at least, could specifically ask them for tailor made meals.

Which was a big help considering he was in the process of getting this body of his into good, sexy and muscular shape. High quality eggs, salmon, tuna. chicken breast. The best of the best ingredients for a muscle building diet, and hell, they even made protein shakes if asked.

'I should get a cooler or something for my room.' Yarden mused as his eyes swept over the dining hall. He was lazy like that, and having one in his room would be great for keeping snacks and drinks in.

His eyes landed on a dark blue haired head a moment later. Zane was quietly and casually eating a large steak while a bunch of idiots crowded around him. Hanger on's.

Making his way over, Yarden ignored the glares of the dozens of students within the large room zeroing in on him and pulled out a seat opposite of Zane, "Sup pretty boy." he greeted him as he gracelessly threw himself down onto the chair.

"Yarden." Zane paused in his eating to greet him with a single nod.

Yarden made to strike up conversation fully, but before he could, he was interrupted, "Hey, Odhar, the hell you think you're doing you punk!?" a third year at Zane's side demanded, "You think you can just walk up and talk to Zane all buddy buddy!?"

Yarden spared the older teenager a glance, only to pause as he recognized him, "Hey, you're that guy that was whining because Jasmine turned you down," no wonder he rudely interrupted, he was like that before during the duel as well, "Tom right?"

He ground his teeth and snarled at Yarden, "It's Tony!" he slammed his fist into the table.

"Yeah whatever," Yarden rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Zane, "How's the deck tuning going?" he asked.

Zane put his cutlery down and wiped his mouth with a napkin, "It's going well actually," the officially recognized best on the island replied, "It's been quite a while since I had to fully tune my deck up, it's been quite nostalgic and enjoyable actually."

"I get that," Yarden grinned, "I've been enjoying buying new cards and tuning up my deck as well." deck building was always fun back home when he got new badass card. But now that he was actually at Duel Academy? It made it so satisfying when he got the cards he wanted.

Especially now that he had two decks that were totally duel worthy. The spellcaster deck he got from Dark Magician Girl was amazing, and it was one Unhappy Maiden could actually play good support in for locking an opponent out of their battle phase over and over.

"So I've heard, the rumors of you bringing out Five Headed Dragon have been all the rage lately," Zane smirked lightly, "But, I'm sure you're here for a reason. And I doubt it's about a duel, it's not really the time for our rematch. So what brings you here to see me Yarden?"

He was right actually. Yarden had gained a lot lately. And while he initially offered to be Alexis' partner to help keep her in the school. That didn't mean there wasn't opportunity to be found in the tag duel coming up either.

"Heh, you dueled Zane?" Tom or Tony, whatever his name was grinned nastily, "Good on you for putting him in his place Zane!"

"Yeah about time someone took this runt down off of his high horse!" one of the other third years chimed in, and the others started laughing alongside him while glaring at Yarden.

"No Tony, we did duel," Zane replied, "But I was the one to lose. I in fact didn't even last two turns." he admitted casually and without shame.

There was a stunned silence all around the hall at his words.

Tony's face screwed up in disbelief, before outrage colored his his cheeks red, "Yeah right! Bullshit!" he spat, "No way this shitty punk brat could beat you Zane. Does he have something on you or something? Is he blackmailing you?"

"First Alexis and now Zane!?"

"This little bastard! All he does is cheat! Cheating his way into Obelisk Blue and now blackmailing Zane!"

"And he's always around Alexis, Jasmine and Mindy! He's probably got dirt on them as well!

"Fucking disgusting creep!"

"Let's kick his ass!"

A cacohpony of angry, jealous rage was aimed at Yarden from all around as males clad in blue blazers stood to their feet.

"How foolish," Zane rolled his eyes at their stupidity, "Facts are facts. Believe what you want."

"I don't give a crap about you Truesdale!" another student rushed over to the table, clad in a pair of tight white shorts and a grey fashionable, sporty t-shirt, "What's pissing me off as this little creep messing with Alexis, my adorable Obelisk pixie!"

Yarden gave him a weird look. He kinda recognized him. Short brown hair, lean, fit and muscled build, and the Alexis obsession.

Harrington Rosewood, the super simp himself who challenged Jaden to a duel for Alexis' hand in marriage.

Zane snorted, "Disgusting," he replied, before turning to Yarden, "Don't worry about them. I'll make sure they won't do anything to you."

"Nah mate, it's fine," Yarden waved him off. He had just about lost all his patience with these retards. He pushed himself up to his feet and glared at every single one of them, there had to be over thirty of them, "Shut your fucking mouths you pathetic losers. Either nut up and come at me, or go huddle in the corner like the wimps you are."

Cries of outrage shot at him from all directions, but as expected, none of them really made any moves. After all, most of these idiots, were rich pansy boys that had never been in a fight in their lives.

"You sure think you're tough don't you Odhar?" Harrington sneered, "Think you're a big man just because you're some little back alley thug? You wouldn't last five minutes on the tennis court with me!"

...Yarden was willing to bet he would crush this twit at tennis as well. It wasn't exactly a hard sport to play and he was supernaturally enhanced. It would be child's play.

But, the hell did tennis have to do with any of this anyway?

"Whatever, I'm getting tired of dealing with all you idiots," Yarden snorted. He lifted his gauntlet clad arm, fitted with his newest dueling disk, one of his spoils from Titan and with a clench of his fist, it de-compressed and the dragon wing shaped duel disk folded out, "Let's just do this the proper way. I'll take every single one of you on in a duel, right here and right now, all of you against me."

Silence followed his statement, before Harrington burst out into laughter, "You're kidding, right?" he seemed to think Yarden's statement was hilarious, "You couldn't touch me in a duel, never mind take on us all!"

"Sounds like you're looking for an excuse not to duel me even with that big of a handicap," Yarden snorted, sending a smug smile at the rich older boy, "Pussy."

Zane snorted in amusement as Harrington gaped at him. Then the third year tennis pro slammed his fist into the table and snarled, "Fine, you want to duel us all at once, let's go then! There'll be enough room in the main hall!" a massive cheer erupted at his words from the students behind him.

"You sure about this?" Zane asked as the assembled students all gathered up to head to the main hall and grab their duel disks, "I don't doubt you can beat any of them one on one, but all of them at once is a bit much."

Yarden smirked at him. "Don't worry about it." he waved him off. These guys were all trash tier. He could just bum rush them all at once. These were the types of guys he didn't need to worry about follow up after his first move.

And it was the perfect time to put these idiots in their place and make a killing while doing it.

"I'll take your word for it then," Zane hummed and stood up from his seat, "If nothing else, this will be interesting to see."

"Well, don't blink," Yarden shrugged, "If you do, you'll miss it."

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