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Chapter 3: 3

Within a large bedroom laid a man, this man was naturally Marcus as he remains soundlessly asleep until suddenly.


Almost instantly Marcus is woken up and quickly pressed a button on a device he knows all too well. A device he crafted after the many months of studying onboard the Reclaimer. The device was naturally an alarm clock from his 'time'.

'Another day, another search...' He could not help but think to himself but this thought was quickly forgotten as he remembered his dream.

'How did I not think of this? actually, how did no one think of this yet?' Marcus's dream explored the concept of using Newtonian physics or simply kinetic weaponry such as Railguns instead of Laser-based technology.

'Let's take a railgun, for example, If I load a Tungsten rod and give it enough electricity to form a magnetic field and fire it towards a Venator-class Star Destroyer would the shield detect the mass and stop it, or would it not register it at all and simply pass through?' Marcus put the idea away temporarily as he got himself dressed and freshened up before making his way towards the bridge.

Days ago he might have looked in awe towards the Beautiful lush green and blue planet but now he simply regards it as either a Planet worth mining or a staging ground as conflict would soon enough come for him.

"SN-21, have you found any remains or even clues of a battle between the alliance and Eternal Empire?" Marcus slightly turned his head catching a glimpse of her within his field of vision.

"Lastest seismic scans report that possible structures underneath Odessen's surface may remain. Further information and expedition would be required to identify if these structures are true remains of ships." Marcus hearing this realized that if these were indeed ships from the Eternal Empire they would have crashed into the planet's surface.

Throughout thousands of years's the planet's gravity would destabilize the makeshift orbit the debris took until one day they would fall and get covered by the sands of time.

'This explains why there are no signs of battle... How stupid could I be to expect remains of a large battle to remain in orbit and the planet's surface after years upon years passed...' Marcus then decided if the debris was capable of producing enough for a single ship then he would send the said ship to another planet to enact operation: planet killer.

"How long would it require? Hypothetically speaking if those are ships how long would it take to build another Harrower-class dreadnought or any ship capable of housing enough resources to begin planetarily mining?" Marcus asked while simply waiting by gazing at the planet.

Not long after he heard her response.

"With available units planetside we could have detailed reports within two days. Regarding your final question if we land the Reclaimer planetside and dedicate all units we could construct a Harrower-class dreadnought in four weeks minus all life-supporting systems and six weeks if added." Marcus was going to give the go-ahead but before he could SN-21 gave another suggestion.

"An Interdictor-class cruiser would be up and running in 2 weeks minus the life support and 3 weeks if included." Marcus had a slight wonder as to why she didn't lead with that but then again he specifically asked about a Harrower first so he ignored it.

"Begin construction of an Interdictor with all available units once we gain a detailed report of the structures underneath the planet's surface." SN-21 gave a salute and walked away which caused him to smile as it was another one of his 'times' actions.

Marcus may be in the Star Wars universe but that won't stop him from introducing his way of life to it.




Meanwhile, within the Jedi Temple, Anakin Skywalker the 'chosen one' was fast asleep within his dorm but instead of a calm a relaxed face formed during dreams he had a face of horror.

Within his dream, no his nightmare he stood on a bridge of unfamiliarity design as he watched what could only be described as his older self giving out the orders.

Young Anakin watched as the older version of himself speak to a soldier wearing an all-white suit of armor with blue lines decorated on it.

Suddenly young Anakin fell down as the bridge shook violently causing him to bring his attention towards the window.

What he found were multiple ships donning an insignia which could only be described as a hexagon with dark blue outlines resting on one of its bases, dissected into six triangles, and containing a smaller hexagon at its heart.

"Rex! Get ready and bring the rest of the clones to the Starfighters. Let's show the Separatists they picked the wrong target!" Young Anakin watched as his older self spoke to 'Rex' before looking towards a man wearing a gray uniform.

"Admiral Wullf Yularen ill leave the ship in your hands. Try not to accumulate too many scratches would you?" Not long after Younger Anakin watched a yellow Jedi fighter shoot out of the main hangar followed by other Starfighters he had never seen before.

The following circumstances caused him to feel fear as he watched Starfighter explode on both sides all the while blue lasers shot past his field of view striking the 'separatists' ships. Which only returned fire with red lasers.

Young Anakin's vision was soon blinded by massive explosions coming from the 'separatists' ships followed by another and then another.

He wanted to scream in fear as he didn't know what was happening but his body refused to follow his will as he continued to watch until all that remained were Wreckages.

He waited for what felt like ages when suddenly the doors behind him opened revealing his older self followed by 'Rex'.

"Admiral, didn't I say to keep the scratches to a minimal? Our baby is all beaten up!" Young Anakin wanted to scream at himself for joking when countless lives were lost just now but everything changed when sirens started whaling.

Older Anakin brought his hand to his forehead as if he suddenly felt something wrong.

Everyone on the bridge looked towards the window as a large ship exited hyperspace followed by two, then four, eight, sixteen, and then so much more.

The ships had no insignia to define who they were with but Young Anakin heard his older self speak.

"Uhh, Those aren't our reinforcement or separatists. Admiral, I want you to attempt to hail communications, who knows maybe we are experiencing a first contact scenario?" Young Anakin could tell that his older self was nervous as he could see sweat forming on his forehead.

What followed after could only be defined as chaos as once Communications opened, instead of someone appearing they watched as a red Galaxy appeared followed by a female robotic voice sounding out.

"By the Supreme Commanders' orders, all who are infected with the parasite shall be eliminated. You who are believed to be infected results in your existence being forfeit." Older Anakin wanted to speak up but as the channel closed as everyone witnessed thousands of Starfighters exited the unknowns ships.

"JUMP TO HYPERSPACE NOW!" Older Anakin yelled out as light particles formed followed by the blue tunnel all the while young Anakin woke up screaming and covered in a cold sweat.

Anakin looked around and noticed he was back in his dorm while the sunlight was passing through his window.

Before he could start hyperventilating a man opened his door causing Anakin to bring his attention towards him.

"Everything alright Anakin? I was coming to get you for your initiation in becoming my padawan when I heard you screaming." This man was naturally Obi-Wan Kenobi causing Anakin to calm down.

"I had a nightmare... It felt so real! I saw myself on a starship fighting separatists I think? There were these guys covered in white armor who followed my orders and, and when we finished fighting a stupid amount of ships came out of know where and started attacking me!" Anakin wanted to continue but his master placed his hand on his shoulder and spoke.

"Anakin you must first relax, it was only a nightmare and must not let the fear of them consume you. Fear-" Anakin then spoke up in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Fear leads down to the dark side. I know but it just felt so real... I'm supposed to meditate when this happens right?" His Master nodded before speaking.

"That's right Anakin, now get ready. Don't want to be late for your own ceremony, do you?"

(A/N: I don't know when Anakin was made into Obi-Wan's padawan so just ignore this if it's too early.)

Harbinger9901 Harbinger9901

The first person to guess the ‘Parasite’ gets a cookie.

So yeah hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and if you have any suggestions let me know in the comments. If they don't conflict with my current ideas of course.

Also, Marcus won't be Force Sensitive.

Leave a review because it lets me know if you guys want me to continue this novel.

See you guys later.

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