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Chapter 21: Approved Act and Meeting

Silas amusedly watched her walk away, "I'll be waiting for your call so we can finish what we started."

Her ear twitched but her figure disappeared once entering the classroom, leaving Ahsoka and Silas alone.




Ahsoka then looked at him with an expression of obvious displeasure.

"What?" Silas asked obliviously.

She clenched her fists while speaking, "You didn't summon me, or come to see me once in the past few weeks, aren't you supposed to be my master? Even Master Skywalker dropped by, but whenever I tried to get in contact with you, you were supposedly unavailable."

He could only sigh with a helpless smile, "Is that what this is about?... I am your master, and I am teaching you about something, your just too dense to see it."

Ahsoka seemed confused as he then continued, "Patience Ahsoka, I'm trying to teach you patience, that's the reason I haven't visited you. I know it may seem kinda dumb, but small things like you waiting for my instruction is something that can instill a skill like patience within you. And who's to say that I haven't been watching over you without you noticing."

She seemed to understand as she reluctantly nodded, but her expression still adjourned a frown, "And since when were Jedi Masters allowed to be in relationships?"

He could have swore he heard some jealousy in her tone, nevertheless Silas didn't even bother with her question as he turned around and walked away while putting his helmet back on, "If you truly are my student, then you'll keep your mouth shut."

But before he could walk down the hallway, he felt a hand grab his gloved wrist.

Silas's expression contorted into annoyance as he glanced back, but his face unnoticeably softened once seeing the sad look on her face.

He remained silent for a few seconds, before sighing, "Fine, I'll be sure to visit you more, I think the lesson was enough anyways."

Ahsoka abruptly smirked as she backed up, "So you do have a soft spot for me."

Silas raised an unimpressed brow while mumbling, "What mediocre acting..."

She then winked as she stuck her tongue out, "Haha! Bye Master, I'm going back to class now." And just like that she ran back into class with a skip in her step.

He just shook his head as he had to do something urgently before time ran out.


[Senate Chamber]

It was the next day and everyone including Silas was at the large Senate Chamber, he was on one of the tall side platforms beside the other Senators with a calm expression while sitting down silently observing the situation.

The time to vote had arrived as Palpatine stood in the center with the role of Mediator/Announcer.

"My fellow Senators, the time has come to vote on whether or not the Clones Right Act will be passed into the Republic's Official Law."

He continued on speaking as he looked around at floating cameras that were recording the gathering, "Since we're recording this live for the public to see, I will do a short explanation on what this act will implement. Simply put, it will give the Clone Troopers equal rights as any other normal Republic Citizen, with additional benefits. They will be given the right to life, right to freedom, right to marry, free housing and food, among other things under certain conditions."

Palpatine finished as he said, "With that said and done, we shall now start the voting. A blue holographic interface will promptly show up in front of all of the Senators, you must choose one of the three options of either, [Pass], [Do Not Pass], or [Neutral]."

"Well then, let us begin."

Marking the end of his words, blue interfaces showed up infront of all the senators on each platform. While there was one gigantic blue interface in the center which showed the number of people voting for each one.




Constant beeps were heard as the numbers increased beside their category.


[Pass]: 298

[Do Not Pass]: 328



[Pass]: 417

[Do Not Pass]: 686

[Neutral]: 69


After some more time, the votes finally ended with over 2,000 Senators.

Until murmurs broke out as they stared at the final results in shock.


"How could this happen?"

"This is preposterous!"

Padme herself could only stare in amazement at the large blue screen in the center which showed the final results.

The final votes were...


[Pass]: 909

[Do Not Pass]:898

[Neutral]: 193


Even Palpatine was stunned as he didn't expect such an outcome.

But soon his gaze landed upon Silas's platform.

Silas could be seen sitting down on his platform's chair with an arrogant smirk as he relaxed his face on his hand, his eyes gleaming dangerously as if looking down on the world itself.


Palpatine's dumbfounded expression soon disappeared as he chuckled, 'What an amusing fellow...'

Screams of shouts could be heard as many senators disagreed with the results.

"This can't be!"

"It must be rigged!"

Palpatine scoffed as he raised his hand for silence, quickly quieting the room, "We are professional Senators, we shall act as our position befits, as for the results, they are final, their is to be no more discussion."

He could hear groans of discontent, but he ignored it as he continued, "As of now I shall deem General Silas Raven the Representative for all clones. He will speak for all of them and make sure they as a people are treated with the rights they deserve... If there is nothing else, that is all."

The Senators reluctantly started leaving after hearing the Chancellors commanding voice, not even hiding their dissatisfaction at the situation.

Silas himself was getting up to leave, but before he could leave, Palpatine pressed a button on his platforms screen which seemed to be the communications to Silas.

"Silas meet me in my office, I wish to speak with you."

Without waiting Palpatine then left.

And a few minutes later, he was in his office with Silas entering and sitting down in front of his desk.

"How'd you do it Silas?"

Silas was in a white military uniform as he raised a curious brow, "I'm not sure what you mean by that Chancellor, I was just as surprised as you were."

Palpatine narrowed his eyes but nevertheless smiled, "Is that so?... Well I didn't call you here for that."

He then resumed speaking as his eyes wandered behind Silas's figure, "I found the individual you asked for me to search."

Silas turned around as a figurecame into sight.

"I hereby introduce Mitth'raw'nuruodo, or rather he goes by Thrawn." Palpatine smoothly introduced without mistake.

Thrawn was a blue skinned man with piercing red eyes, he had slicked black hair, and was adjourned in a professional navy blue outfit.


"I appreciate the introduction Chancellor, but I officially go by Thrawn." He calmly remarked as he walked forward and stood beside Silas's chair.

Silas had a smirk as he stood up and shook hands with the blue skinned man, "It's nice to finally meet you Thrawn, after hearing of your exploits in your war at the Unknown Regions, I've been interested in meeting you."

Unfortunately he was in a war currently defending his home planet Csilla somewhere in the Unknown Regions, but while he was fighting, he was forcefully taken by clone troopers as his presence seemed to be needed at Coruscant for some reason.

Even though Thrawn's expression was rather cold, a small smile could be seen, "I've also heard of your exploits at the Battle of Geonosis while I was heading here, they were quite riveting if I do say so myself..."

But his expression soon turned indifferent as he continued, "But with all due respect, I know you didn't force me to come here simply because you were impressed by me. So what is it you want?" 

Silas nodded, "Well to be frank, I wish to give you the position of Admiral but you'll specifically be under me."

Thrawn's expression didn't falter as he replied, "I see, while I expected such an outcome, it still perplexes me on how you caught sight of me, in such a small scale war as compared to your newly started Clone Wars..." His eyes narrowed in suspicion toward Silas but quickly faded away, "Regardless, seeing it as you've summoned me down here, you must have an offer that you believe will convince me to work under you."

It was silent for a few seconds as both Silas and Palpatine couldn't help but appreciate his straightforwardness.

But eventually Palpatine was the one to speak as he confirmed his thoughts, "Indeed, Silas and me have come up with an offer for you to work here. Of course their are certain requirements that need to be fulfilled, but they should pose no problem for one such as yourself."

Thrawn and Silas finally sat down into their seats as a blue interface showed above Palpatine's desk.

His red calculative eyes roamed across the screen and after over a minute of silence, he nodded ambiguously.

"The proposal seems compelling to say the least. So for my loyalty to the Republic, you will support Csilla in their war and became their allies, even giving them a seat in the Galactic Senate? As understanding as I am, even I seem suspicious of such a grand offer for only my loyalty." 

Silas lightly laughed, "I mean let's just say I believe your potential to be worth much more..."

Thrawn was someone Silas couldn't help but admire, his intelligence was something to be feared, not to mention his potential was immense when adding to the fact that he was currently still young at around his late twenties.

All he needed was more knowledge to be something akin to his older self in canon, and Silas was going to make sure he absorbs all the right information.

Thrawn then said, "I see, so you believe in my potential?..." He hummed silently in thought, wondering his options.

'The clear answer is to take the offer, and I plan to do just that, but Silas Raven seems to be rather knowing of my feats, or so called potential. Meaning he knows more than he's letting on, I'd like to find out how.'

Ending his thought process, a calculative smile appeared, "I'd like to take further observations and add certain things, but I do believe we are in agreement."

Silas smiled triumphantly, "Haha! Good choice!" He patted Thrawn's back before standing up, causing the red eyes man to eye him curiously.

"Alas I have some work to do so I can't stay any longer, if you need anything please contact me."

Thrawn nodded understandingly, "That is quite regrettable, I shall like to speak with you later."

Silas ignored his rather cold tone as he knew that's simply how Thrawn spoke, but he looked toward Palpatine with a curt nod, "Sir, I'll be going now."

Palpatine returned the gesture, "Do not worry, I shall take care of our new friend."

And with that Silas exited the room, leaving Palpatine and Thrawn to finish the appropriate negotiations.


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