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Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Reunion Between Master and Student and Luke's training begins

As J'onn looked over the darkness that was space he contemplated all that he'd seen as many events had been changed and many new enemies had been foreshadowed in his vision on Yavin 4 and it scared him for all he desired was to be apart of the original star wars story but with his arrival brought change to something that once before written on paper was forever set in stone but this was different this was a whole other universe that existed.

The last thought as J'onn fell asleep on the Tantive was if things are changing in the story then I need them to change according to my own design, after that he slept and dreamed dreams of all kinds of possible outcomes, a few hours later J'onn got up and began to practice his lightsaber forms and the force powers he'd grown used to constantly pushing his outer limits so that he could cause rapid growth as well as using meditation to gain greater understanding of his own abilities he did this till his arrival on Tatooine.

A few days later the ship and crew had arrived to their passengers requested drop off point which at that time the Senator Organa graciously offered to drop off J'onn directly at Ben Kenobi's hut but J'onn felt that it would be wise to start near the entrance to the Jundland Waste so as not to draw any attention from Imperial tracking Scopes and sensors which then the Senator offered a high quality speeder bike to get him to his destination which J'onn greatly accepted without hesitation.

As J'onn flew through the sands of Tatooine on his newly acquired speeder bike he looked at the terrain remembering the many places and spots Old Ben Kenobi had trained him in the ways of the Jedi and Force and it almost brought tears to the young man's eyes, almost, from there J'onn stretched out his senses and feelings hoping that he would be able to locate Ben if he wasn't hidden. It took longer than he thought and in actuality it was Ben who found him with a surprise sneak attack which launched Master and Student into a ferocious duel with Ben thinking it was one of the emperor's Inquisitors he hid in the sand and J'onn just happened to ride over Ben's spot.

As fast as it happened both men continued on for a good while even though Ben immediately recognized the presence of his second student he wanted to see how far he had progressed in his skills and from what he was experiencing under the attacks and defense from J'onn he could see that he'd become an excellent swordsmen he could also see various forms mixed together perfectly one substituting for the others weakness but at the center of it all he could see that his young pupil had made form three his backbone like he did before him and for that Ben Kenobi was proud.

Soon the two men stopped and looked at each other and smiled wide smiles as it had been too long since they had seen one another Ben spoke " Well well the prodigal student has returned and not only that it seems you've masters what I've taught , so far." Ben said in a mischievous tone and J'onn replied back with one of his own " and it seems like you've kept up on your training instead of degradting like an old man I thought your skill would have hmm." both men looked at each other seriously until they couldn't more and began laughing at one another for a brief moment.

Ben looked at J'onn and asked " Why have you come back I thought I told you to stay away?" he asked J'onn sat there and thought for a bit on how he would answer his teacher, after awhile he came to the conclusion that telling Ben about his visions would be the best route to go and so with his thoughts set he answered his master's question " I've had another vision Master of you dying and though we are taught not to have attachments I believe it is the will of the force that I come here and do my best to prevent it."

Ben Kenobi looked at the young man before him with a bit of surprise yet he was not shocked for when he first met the young man he could tell that he was strong in the force similar to Anakin but he did not have the feel of the chosen one about him more like a mirror reflection to the chosen one, a strong reflection.

Ben thought more about the resemblance in the force and would one day ask his former charge of his parentage but now they had other pressing matters at hand for all had been in an uproar in the two short years since J'onn had left, Vader had come to Tatooine looking for a disturbance in the force that Ben knew he and J'onn had caused and when he couldn't find it he left his masters Inquisitors to look for it.

Some of the Inquisitors had come close to finding Ben and others had stumbled upon the Lars homestead sensing a young Luke Skywalker which caused quite the commotion and caused Ben to fight the ones that had come close to the homestead which led to the repercussions of Owen Lars trying to do anything he can to get his nephew off planet and far away from Ben Kenobi as possible but just as all had looked good the empire shut down the space port due to space battle simulations for the next few months causing both men to return home and which led to Ben finally having a chance to approach Luke on one of his errands and tell him of his parentage and legacy thus beginning the boys desire to be tutoring in the ways of the Jedi and Force. Within that time the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO finally made their trip with Princess Leia and then attacked by Vader thus landing on Tatooine to fulfil the mission that had set about the greatest story in all the universe as their capture by native Jawas, and their slow but impressively huge sandcrawlers, and sold the Lars Homestead all the while the little astromech was carrying a foreboding message which drove Luke to seek answers beyond his home and meet up with Ben Kenobi in an eventful manner which led to the men having a few days and meeting the last person in their party for that time for J'onn arrived a few days before the battle and was there to help the young Luke develop a bit more in skill and power just before the discovery that would set the galaxy in flames and a young man's burning desire for revenge would set off the crux of a great adventure and at one time the greatestentor to live death.

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