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Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Leaving Tatooine and a Change of Plans.

The morning came quickly as the twin suns rays hit the front doorway to Ben Kenobis' hut casting out the shadows of the night before as well as creating new ones in its wake. J'onn opened his eyes and felt as if he'd rested yet all he'd done was listen for the will of the force and all he heard was the still calmness of the night turn to morning yet he felt that his plan needed to change according to the will of the Force.

Both Ben and J'onn made the trek to Mois Eisley spaceport on J'onns speeder bike which he told Ben to keep just in case he needed to get anywhere in a hurry, which Ben gladly accepted. Once at the spaceport J'onn hopped on a transport heading for Sulon he told Ben that he felt that's where the force was leading him and that he should waste no time in getting there which Ben then told him the fastest way to get to where he needed to was to hire a personal transport instead of taking a mass transport ship and that the best way to find one was in the cantinas located in the area.

Once Ben had shown J'onn around he took his leave and headed back to the Jundland Waste with his new found graduated apprentice who decided to head into the first cantina he saw the place was dim on the inside and the walls looked rusted and aged the place gave the young Jedi the creeps but fear was not to be found or at bay. The young man quickly made his way to the bar and asked the bartender if any pilots were looking to make some fast cash with no questions asked just only that he would like to discuss brief details with whoever he wa directed to. The bartender quickly pointed to a on old spacer sitting in the corner and said " That old pilot will be who your looking for his names Kammsu and I'll be asking for that finders fee now." J'onn tossed a credit chit and walked towards the pilot.

The old spacer looked up from his drink and saw a young man wearing brown trousers and boots and cotton shirt with worn brown leather jacket with black hair and brown eyes approaching him which caused him to quickly put his hand on his blaster and as soon as the young man was close enough to asked he said " state your business and be quick about it." The young man did as he was told and said what he wanted on top of the price he was willing to pay " twenty thousand if you can get your ship ready to leave an about an hour no questions asked, do we have a deal ? " J'onn asked, Kammsu looked at the young man before him and made a judgement call but also drove a hard bargain " add an extra ten thousand and we'll have an agreement otherwise ask someone else" Kammsu said and J'onn responded " I can't do an extra ten but five is good c'mon it's not every day this price drops in front of you with no strings attached just bring me there quietly that's all I ask." Kammsu had a smile on his face after hearing the lad talk, he knew he wouldn't get what he was asking but at least the young man before him knew how to deal so he put his hand out and said " we have deal lad meet at docking bay 3 in thirty minutes we'll be leaving alot sooner than an hour."

After the arrangements had been set and agreed upon J'onn left the cantina and began walking toward the market area one last time he found that looking at the passerbys on the street was calming until he sensed that danger was a about to turn down the road J'onn quickly drew his blaster and waited for the assailant to act. Two men came to a vendor and began hassling the vendors scaring away customers waving blasters around they got to five stores before they were close enough for J'onn to do anything so he set his blaster to stun and waited in the back entrance of a vendor's shop letting the owner know his intent and once the two men walked in it was all over in a blink of an eye both men were face down passed out from a stun blast and the shooter was know where to be found for as quietly as J'onn had come he left without a trace.

J'onn had arrived at docking bay three right on schedule in fact he'd arrived and no one saw him due to the ability of force speed which of course Ben Kenobi didn't teach him but he knew how to use it from his previous life since it was a basic skill and not hard to figure out he quickly stopped himself and announced his arrival to Capt.Kammsu and was told to board which he did quickly and within a few minutes they were in the air headed for the planets atmosphere and then space.

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