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Chapter 95: Chapter 85

Renn lounged on the sofa in his Naboo mansion and smiled softly as he relaxed.

It had been over a month since the supreme chancellor of the republic had placed a bounty on his head in an attempt to stop bounty hunting.

The bounty hadn't even remained in place for more than two weeks until the chancellor had been forced to remove it.

But in the time, it had been active two hundred and fifty-seven pirates, less reputable mercenaries, and ironically non-guild bounty hunters had accepted the bounty and had tried to claim his head.

A republic approved hunter guild known as the Bloody Gears, had also taken up the contract and had begun the hunt to claim the Wraiths bounty.

The Bloody Gears where a guild that liked to augment their bodies with mechanical upgrades and despite being under the republics control had a reputation for being incredibly merciless, and not being very concerned about causing collateral damage.

The galaxy had then watched in shock as over the course of a fortnight the Wraith had waged a campaign of guerrilla warfare that had left the majority of the pirates, and villainous mercs dead, and saw the complete destruction of the Bloody Gears.

Renn had turned the tables on his hunters and instead of running and hiding, he hunted his pursuers mercilessly.

He destroyed many of the ships following him before luring the remaining assortment of enemies to a small uninhabited planetoid that was almost entirely covered in a forest so dense that the light from the distant star the planetoid orbited struggled to penetrate the trees thick canopy.

Renn then picked off his pursuers one by one, moving through the forest silent and unseen as though he truly was a wraith, until only a handful of terrified hunters remained.

The survivors ran, abandoning the contract on Renn's head and most immediately decided to retire to different, safer, occupations.

Some told people of their experiences hunting the Wraith and Renn's reputation grew more and more, as did his popularity amongst people living in the outer rim.

Especially after he annihilated the bloody gears, who despite being republic sanctioned where rumoured to have attacked and destroyed several small settlements on frontier worlds to raise funds for the mechanical enhancements they loved making to themselves.

And so, the support for the Wraith in the outer rim, that had already been quite high because of the jobs he had taken on Ryloth and other worlds as well as the support that Dredd industries, that had been heavily linked to the Wraith, had given to poorer outer rim worlds, had increased drastically.

When the bounty for the Wraith had been issued, the chancellor and much of the senate hadn't expected the fury that had erupted across the outer rim and parts of the mid rim.

The senate had been bombarded with petitions and outraged protests, claiming that the senate was purposefully letting pirates roam free in the outer rim and that they were trying to arrest the only ones trying to do something about it.

Numerous planets joined the protests, including Ryloth and surprisingly the peaceful planet of Naboo, as did several trade guilds led by the new and mysterious Dredd industries.

The protests had led to a coalition of senators, led by the nervous and recently appointed senator for Naboo Padme Amidala, to demand that the chancellor rescind the bounty he had placed on the Wraith and reconsider his choice of persecuting non-guild hunters, to which he had reluctantly agreed.

The whole ordeal had spread Renn's fame across the galaxy and had already given him a reputation that was almost on par with the legendary Jango Fett, making him one of the most respected and feared bounty hunters currently living in the galaxy.

A fact that seemed to have irritated the chancellor to no end, which Renn and his friends found incredibly funny.

Renn still remembered watching the speech the chancellor had made about how he was 'a servant of the people and that he would magnanimously listen to their request and remove the bounty on the Wraith', and how much Opal and Shae had laughed while watching it.

As though she had sensed that he was thinking about her Opal appeared and nestled into the sofa next to him.

She mumbled something unintelligible and Renn looked at her in amusement as she immediately fell asleep while using his shoulder as a pillow.

Renn smiled at her sleeping face, and he remembered the moment Opal, as well as Shae and Seela, had officially become his girlfriends.

He had asked them as soon as he had returned from forging his armour, and although he was certain that he already knew their feelings on the matter he was still nervous and was expecting it to be an incredibly awkward conversation.

Instead, after he asked them, Shae and Seela had started laughing and Opal had punched him lightly on the shoulder before complaining about how long it had taken him to get around to asking them.

Renn had just stared at them, momentarily dumbstruck as they explained that they had talked about the issue of him having a harem amongst themselves, as well as with Sapphire, years before.

They had gotten information about House Dredd's stance on polygamy as well as some more useful facts from the A.I., before coming to the unanimous conclusion that they were happy sharing him.

Although they would have to get to know and approve any addition to Renn's harem, should he ever decide to court another girl, before things went too far.

Renn's shock had only lasted a few seconds before a wide smile had spread across his face and he had wrapped the three girls in a big hug, much to their amusement.

But that had all been quite a while ago and now Renn and the girls where just enjoying a relaxing holiday in the Naboo lake district.

"Someone looks comfortable," A voice said softly from behind Renn, and he craned his neck back to see Seela grinning at him.

Renn offered her a half shrug, not wanting to jostle the sleeping Opal, and smiled as if to say, 'what can you do?'.

Seela smiled before gracefully vaulting the back of the sofa and landing gently on Renn's other side.

She then reached for the remote to the holo-projector on the coffee table in front of her and began absent mindedly flicking through the channels, trying to find something interesting to watch.

Seela finally settled on a film that was already halfway through its runtime before settling down and watching silently.

They were soon joined by Shae, who sat down next to Seela, and the four of them spent the rest of the day relaxing.


Wild Space, newly discovered planet Ushu

Yaddle sat on a small moss-covered boulder overlooking a glitteringly clear lake and inhaled deeply.

She could feel the force moving through everything around her, every plant every animal, even through the rocks and the rivers.

Yaddle had spent a lot of her time over the past few years meditating and reflecting on the future, and it had solidified her view that the Jedi order was doomed.

The jedi had attached themselves to the republic, which itself was dying, and it was only a matter of time before the whole thing collapsed, plunging the galaxy into chaos.

Then she thought about Renn. The boy remined her of his grandmother more and more as the years went on, loyal to his friends and determined to protect his people.

But he had built up and expanded on what his grandmother had tried to do when she was alive. Lilk had spent her life trying to protect the survivors of Aruum but Renn was trying to protect even more people.

And in turn the people he was protecting were helping him grow more powerful, so he could help even more people.

He had created a trade guild that was expanding daily, freed countless people from slavery, and was starting to build up his own fleet.

Even the Ushu, the planet she was currently on, was under his control. Just like New Kalee and several other worlds in Wild space near that massive space station he had built.

Renn had also begun settling a world in a nearby system with people who wanted a better life than what the republic offered.

Some where people from outer rim planets who were tired of being oppressed by either pirates, Hutt gangsters, or the republic. Others were slaves that had been freed by Renn in one of the many clashes he'd had with galactic crime syndicates.

What all these people had in common though was that when they had left to colonise their new world, they had sworn allegiance to Renn and House Dredd.

Renn had named the planet that was being settled New Aruum, in honour of his clan's lost home, and Yaddle thought that Renn's grandmother would be very happy about that.

Yaddle knew that Renn had taken measures to protect the sector of space that he had now found himself in charge of.

His space station had already produced several smaller ships, frigates, and corvettes mostly, and although Renn and his A.I.'s had slowed down production on the massive dreadnoughts in favour of having enough ships to patrol and protect the entire sector they would still be a force to be reckoned with once they were completed.

Other Jedi might have been appalled by the massive build up of arms going on without the republic's knowledge, but Yaddle didn't care.

She knew that sometimes violence was necessary to protect people from harm, and sometimes you didn't even need to use violence to protect people, especially if you had a humongous, heavily armed, and armoured warship floating nearby.

Yaddle looked around the peaceful clearing she was in once more and then rose to her feet.

"Alright you lot, lets get started." She said clapping her hands together.

"Yes, lady Yaddle," A chorus of synthetic voices sounded from nearby and Yaddle turned to look at the team of construction droids behind her.

Yaddle had made a decision. She wouldn't just sit in retirement any longer. She was going to form a new Jedi order, one that wasn't a hypocritical mess and actually did what it said it did.

She would build a temple here on the quite world of Ushu first and then she would try to recruit people to follow her, but she didn't care if the only person in her new order ended up being herself.

Yaddle still hadn't decided on a name for the new order, she decided she would get around to that later, but it would be an organisation that instead of being focused on preserving peace, it would be an organisation that was focused on protecting the innocent.

She grinned as she watched the droids begin constructing the new headquarters for her order, this was going to be fun.

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