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Chapter 3: Phase 1: A Galaxy Torn Asunder

Part 1

Jedi Temple


Two weeks ago, Obi-Wan Kenobi became the most powerful man in the galaxy.

Eleven days ago, when he was de-canned from a bacta tank, he was appraised of that fact.

It didn't take him long to figure out that his new status was a poisonous fruit.

Billions of soldiers, tens of thousands ships were his to command. In that respect nothing changed – in theory anyway. Obi-Wan still was the supreme commander of the Republic military. He had the authority to save or condemn whole sectors of the galaxy.

Kenobi was in a position for which many would kill for, yet all the former Jedi desired was to go back in time. Just two weeks. Was it so much to ask for?

Obi-Wan sighed. Coming back to the Temple was a mistake. There were ghosts here - friends and acquaintances alike; his brothers and sisters. The only family he knew before Satine. Kenobi wasn't sure if the Jedi Temple was tainted by so many people dying here or if it was just the Force playing tricks on him. The Dark Side reigned unchallenged and its influence was unsettling.

What use was the power he held in his hands when the galaxy was so broken? The Jedi Order was for all intents and purposes gone. The lucky ones managed to flee Coruscant before Yularen's fleet arrived and locked down the whole planet.

Even now, there were whole Clone armies spread all over the planet either maintaining the martial law or hunting down Jedi. Even as GAR's Supreme Commander, Obi-Wan lacked the authority to call off Order 66. He could do anything – condemn or save whole sectors of the galaxy, but only as long as his orders didn't interfere with the hunt for the Jedi.

It was Cody of all people who made that stance crystal clear.

For a thousandth time, Obi-Wan cursed himself for a fool. When he found the Clones on Kamino all those months ago, he should have been even more curious.

"I should have asked better questions..." Kenobi sighed. Even now he was unaware of the full scope of the contingency orders binding his army. Cody told him all he could, though he inferred that there were at least few other orders beside 66 which could be given or stopped only by a dully elected Chancellor.

That was a problem.

"Sir, the Senate is already in session." Lieutenant Nile reported. The young Clone was in charge of Obi-Wan's security detail.

Kenobi looked around the huge and very empty antechamber of the Jedi Temple. There were only his Clones in here and the ghosts of all the Jedi he failed. There wasn't a security detail in existence that could protect Obi-Wan from the intangible shades of the dead.

Power. Obi-Wan frowned at that thought. He would never understand why people seek it. Now that he had it in spades it was more trouble that it was worth. It couldn't give him what he wanted, nor what he needed.

The galaxy was still broken. The Clone Wars were far from over. The Republic itself was ready to tear itself apart.

A pained sigh escaped Obi-Wan's lips. There were too many ghosts here. He doubted he would be visiting again any time soon unless he absolutely had to. Satine was right, coming here was a mistake, yer he couldn't stop himself. He simply had to face his failure.

No matter what the Jedi or the Clones did, Obi-Wan was the supreme commander of the military on that fateful day. It was his responsibility to stop such madness from unfolding – contingency orders or not.

"I'm sorry." Obi-Wan apologized to the dead.

"We understand, sir." Nile whispered. "We'll get the bastards who escaped and avenge our brothers."

Kenobi looked at the lieutenant and an expressionless helmet stared back. Yes. Obi-Wan lost many friends on the day of the coup. Brainwashed or not, the Clones suffered the same. Of the battalion stationed at the Temple, only ten people survived. Most of them would require a lot of replacement limbs and implants if they were to recover.

Obi-Wan felt like weeping. The Sith couldn't have landed a greater blow to the Jedi if they tried. To think that the Council was to blame… even if they were apparently right – Palpatine of all people turned out to be a Sith…

Kenobi wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. Logically it was Palpatine who trained Maul and was ultimately responsible for the Naboo Crisis, Qui-Gon's death and this whole war. Obi-Wan wanted to believe that was the case so much it hurt. He needed to believe that the Council had very good reason to destroy the Order and threaten to break up the Republic through their coup.

There simply was no proof! Oh, Palpatine was a Sith all right. The few surviving recorded fragments of his fight with the Jedi and the sheer carnage in his apartments were proof enough.

However there was no proof the Chancellor had knowingly worked against the Republic. On the contrary, there were mountains of evidence surfacing that pointed at the opposite conclusion. For more than a week evidence of monstrous corruption at all levels of the Republic government were coming to light as Palpatine's dead man switches were coming online.

Solid evidence that was impossible to dismiss.

"Let's not make the Senate wait. They're too much trouble at the best of times." Obi-Wan intoned. He gave one last look to the antechamber and turned around to leave.

On his way to the transport, Kenobi's mind went back to the events of the past week. Did Palpatine plan it this way, he wondered. Did the Chancellor intent to throw the Republic into chaos upon his death or was what his recording said true?

Obi-Wan closed his eyes and his mind drifted back to the first data-dump from Palpatine's dead-man's switch…

Part 2

One week after Chancellor Palpatine's assassination, the Holonet was taken over by another message from a deceased man. This time it wasn't a largely unknown if important government official like Director Yle.

A bit younger looking Sheev Palpatineappearedin the homes of trillions all over Republic waved, then leaned forward so he could place his hands on his desk. Behind him a window showed an ordinary evening on Coruscant.

"My fellow citizens, I hope that this recording would serve no other purpose but a historical footnote, while we're all enjoying a better future." Palpatine smiled ruefully. "However, as your Chancellor, it is my solemn duty to the Republic, to each one of you, to make sure some secrets don't die with me if misfortune befalls me."

Palpatine leaned back and his expression sobered.

"At the time this recording is taken, I've been Chancellor for a little over one year. In that time, its been the greatest of previlegies to represent you. Sitting in this chair, seeing firsthand how the Republic works on all levels, it is a unique experience. It was eye opening for me and I've been a Senator representing my homeworld of Naboo for years before being elected to this post. It is my solemn hope that by the time anyone views this recording, the galaxy we live in, the great Republic you elected me to serve, is a better place."

The Chancellor straightened and looked into the camera with bright eyes.

"I hope that none of you had suffered as my homeworld did under after the Trade Federation invaded. I hope that I've been able to make the Senate the institution it is meant to be: a forum where every Republic member could come to address their grievances, come forward with their problems and find a swift and constructive solution." Palpatine sighed sadly. "It is my hope that no more Republic citizens would suffer under an invaders heels. I hope no more worlds like Naboo would be abandoned while the Senate is tied up in procedures and proven useless."

Palpatine looked down in shame.

"If you're watching this recording as anything else but a part of historical holo, then I've failed my duty. I've failed you and I beg for your forgiveness."

The Chancellor paused for a moment. When he looked up, his eyes were haunted.

"I can't in a good conscience let the Republic continue be the inefficient, corrupt mess I've come to know as a Chancellor. Some might say that I do it for vengeance. Because I'm from Naboo and my home was invaded." Palpatine shrugged. "What of it? Naboo is my precious home. A sovereign member of the Republic. It was invaded. It was conquered."

Palpatine stood up and pointed to the floor.

"The Senate ignored the plight of my people. Just like it would ignore yours if the pay-off is big enough." He took a deep breath and visibly struggled to calm down. "It is no baseless accusation I'm making, my fellow citizens. I've uncovered evidence of widespread ongoing corruption within the Senate. I'm not sure exactly whom I could trust in this building, much less the courts. This is why I'm making this recordings and attaching all I've found out so far. If an 'accident' befalls me before justice could be served, then the evidence shouldn't vanish with my death..."

The Chancellor tapped a few buttons on the terminal built into his desk and multiple windows were projected around him. Data began scrolling down each one of them. Recorded conversations, bank statements, assorted paperwork connecting multiple Senators with the Trade Federation. Ironclad proof of bribes and blackmail. Senators and corporations knowingly making deals which weren't in the best interests of either their people or the Republic as a whole in exchange of favors or various personal benefits…

That was simply the first and oldest of Palpatine's dead-man switches. Each year he made a new one cataloging more and more corruption, which in turn proved his fears that simply going to the courts wouldn't be enough.

Their members were more often than not compromised too – either outright bought or appointed by people who were. The revelations were still ongoing. More than enough evidence had been unveiled and confirmed as real to paralyze the Republic and there were still years worth of messages waiting to fire up.


Senate Chamber

Senate building


Obi-Wan put his thoughts about Palpatine's shenanigans out of his mind for a moment and walked on the Mandalorian platform to stand beside his wife. Her security detail gave him curt nods of respect and continued to ignore him while looking for anything out of place.

"Are you all right?" Satine activated a privacy field, cutting off the current speaker and the noise made by the rest of the Senators.

"You were right." Obi-Wan admitted.

"I'm sorry."

"Me too." Even here, Kenobi could still feel the ghosts at the Jedi Temple looking accusingly at him. "Any change?"

"Same old." Satine sighed in exasperation.

"Everyone trying to cover their backsides while shoving the blame to their former friends." Obi-Wan sneered in disgust. There was a war going on! The Republic needed Chancellor, however the Senate was too busy pointed fingers at each other to seriously contemplate electing someone to the post. Only at the first session post the coup there were any real attempts to get a new Chancellor in place. However, politics interfered. Bail Organa was tainted thanks to his close association with the Jedi and was gleefully rejected by a solid majority. Kuat's representative, who was the next most likely candidate was shot down by a combination of outrage after his people refused to sent help to Corellia and fear that if he was elected it wouldn't be long before he could rule as a dictator and ignore the Senate.

That was even a reasonable concern, because with Corellia losing most of its industry and the system itself under enemy control, nothing short than a reasonably large alliance could hope to rival Kuat either politically or economically. In retaliation, Senator Danu ensured no one else could get enough votes to become Chancellor. The consequences were plain to see – everyone was busy denying Palpatine's accusations from beyond the grave, when they weren't cursing the man's very name.

"Satine, this can't go on! Until a new Chancellor countermands Order 66, my hands are tied." Obi-Wan admitted. His hands were tied. In retrospect, Yularen had gotten quite lucky with admiral Felix at Corellia. Many of the other Clones were much less reasonable as far as Order 66 was concerned. They knew that their actions were hurting the Republic, regretted the necessity, but weren't bulging. Until the Chancellor called them off, their primary mission was hunting down the Jedi and that was it.

It was, insane, it was frustrating, yet Obi-Wan couldn't find a loophole that all but a handful of Clones would accept. The only bright ray of hope were the various special-operations units ARCs and Commandos alike, who were much more reasonable. Kenobi knew that they had either arrested or extracted various Jedi and were keeping them safe until the dust settled and could be determined who was guilty and who innocent.

"This is your glorious Republic, husband." Came Satine's deadpan response. "Lock them in until they elect a new Chancellor?" She half-joked.

"I'm sorely tempted." Obi-Wan grumbled. "At least Veil isn't here or the circus would be even worse. Any news from our glorious leader?"

"Nothing new. I told you the last thing I heard, which isn't any different from what your people concluded."

"He's gone to ground with a significant part of a Sector fleet and the Separatists are trying to hunt him down with no luck so far."

"He'll turn up eventually."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Obi-Wan admitted.

"How deep did you look into his history, Obi?"

"All the Jedi had."

"Not a good enough answer. Our tales tell of a man who doesn't shy from burning whole worlds or drowning them in blood when he deems it necessary, however he had never done it without a good enough reason." Satine whispered.

"You sound like you want him to come back." Kenobi sounded torn.

"And you're unsure what you'll do when he comes back, aren't you husband? I don't like what he does, Obi-Wan. "However considering all this," Satine waved at the chamber, I'll not only welcome his return but gleefully cheer him. Mandalore is under siege and I we both know that even if a new Chancellor is elected today, they might not give you leave to relieve our home."

"Sad but true. I'll be ordered to remove the Separatists from the Core before using everything in my disposal." Obi-Wan reluctantly agreed. "Any ideas?"

"Nothing you'll find acceptable or even funny."


Part 3

Senate building


Every day since he was released from the hospital, Obi-Wan had to do the same useless thing – report in front of the Senate. They asked him the same questions and surprisingly expected different answers, while they kept his hands tied. It was frustrating. Infuriating really and that was especially dangerous given the volatile state of the Force.

"My answer remains the same, Senator Mothma." Obi-Wan answered in cordial tone. "Veil's fleet is still dark. While we've got a hundred new rumors of their location, none have been confirmed. The answers of your remaining questions are unchanged. We do not know why he ordered Kamino bombarded. We do not know why the soldiers under his command – Corellians, Mandalorians and Clones alike – obeyed. We have multiple theories. No proof to go on. At this moment we can't even confirm the status of Kamino. The system is on the far end of the galaxy in a region under Separatist control. All we can say for sure is that the footage and sensor logs provided by the Confederacy appear genuine and not tampered with. Saying anything else would be baseless speculation." Kenobi explained calmly.

For the ninth damned time!

That wasn't what the Senate wanted to hear if their angry muttering and odd shouted accusations were anything to go by. They wanted someone to blame. A scapegoat to throw to the krath hounds that was the media.

Considering what was still happening with the Clones, Obi-Wan wouldn't put it as impossible if they got rogue at Kamino too, even if that didn't explain the other people working with Veil.

What was worse, Obi-Wan was actually tempted to offer Veil as a sacrifice. However, that wasn't exactly a simple proposition. Nowadays the man was a sovereign head of state among other things, which complicated the situation immensely even if he was guilty, which wasn't a guarantee.

Considering what the Clones were doing since Order 66 was given, Obi-Wan could actually imagine scenarios where Veil did indeed order Kamino bombed back to the stone age - with good reason too. However, he couldn't say so in front of the Senate. The situation with the Clones was delicate enough without adding further complications.

"General Kenobi, are there any important changes in the strategic situation since yesterday's session?" Bail Organa inquired after the other Senators finally got themselves under control.

"None, Senator Organa. There's still heavy fighting in the eastern sectors of the Mid Rim. The Inner Rim in the Galactic East is currently secure. At this moment the Confederacy is unlikely to launch any more heavy offensives in the Core, however they're still sending in raiding fleets to disrupt our commerce. Our scout report that the Separatists are busy fortifying their conquests. Our projections are that they will use the coming months to consolidate the territory they gained in their offensive, secure their logistics and prepare the ground for a decisive offensive once their next major building cycle is complete. The longer we're forced to wait the higher the price we'll need to pay to regain complete control of the Core Worlds."

"What are you waiting for?" Someone shouted in the silence following Obi-Wan's answers.

"One of two things, Senator." Kenobi intoned without losing a beat. "A new Chancellor being elected and calling off Order 66 so the GAR could freely use our Clone personnel in offensive operations, or for our new training programs to complete their current cycle and give us enough personnel so we could resume offensive operations."

His words were met with resounding silence. Everyone knew that there were whole armies being trained, quite a lot of them too. These volunteers would be ready for deployment over the next few months. However no one was looking forward for them joining the fray, for these were ordinary people. Republic citizens. Every one of them mattered – they were someones sons and daughters, brothers, sisters, parents.

They were real people, not just expendable Clones. If, when the GAR was forced to rely primary on their efforts and the coffins began coming back in a tide, there would be hell to pay.

"What about the traitors?" The Senator from Palanhi asked.

"Which traitors? The Jedi? The Cathar? Their other allies?" Obi-Wan requested a clarification.

"All of them!" Came the answer.

"The Jedi remaining on Coruscant are either in custody and being investigated, they're being hunted down or dead." Somehow Obi-Wan managed to keep his tone light and conversational. He showed no outright sign that the inquiry was infuriating or of the Dark Side whispering how good would it feel to crush the damn useless fools.

Kenobi looked around the chamber. About a third of it was empty, yet every single Senator on Coruscant was in here. Well with the exception of those arrested either for treason or thanks to Palpatine's evidence.

For some reason Obi-Wan didn't doubt that there would be a lot more new faces in this building when the dust finally settled.

"As far as the Cathar are concerned, their homeworld is in contested space. After they officially switched sides last week and joined the Separatists, we're in no position to directly assault them. In order to do so, we need to remove the Confederate presence from the other edges of the Mid Rim in the Galactic East and secure Mandalore as a staging area. None of that is possible while the majority of the Clones are locked in following Order 66." Obi-Wan explained.

Here it comes again…

"Why no one knew about the Contingency Orders and their effects?" Mothma was on the warpath again.

"I believe that files containing the contingency orders are available to members of the Senate upon request. How the Clones would react once a contingency order was given, that I admit caught us all of guard. I believe that the representative from Kamino is better suited to answer such a question. I would like to know the answer too, Senator."

Unfortunately, Kamino's Senator wasn't interested in answering questions. Instead if given the opportunity to speak all that came from her mouth were demand for Veil and Holt's heads mounted on pikes in front of the Senate and for the Republic to be held accountable for the destruction of Kamino.

Obi-Wan has been contemplating the wisdom of getting her arrested and into interrogation ever since he became aware of the debacle in progress that was Order 66. Only the lack of evidence and the shaky political situation held his hand so far. Well, there was the fear that she could implement some kind of contingency order if the Republic attempted to arrest her without due cause, however that was increasingly unlikely as more and more time passed without new Clone related problems.


Ambassador suite

Mandalorian embassy


Bo-Katan sat dejectedly in her hover chair, trying to ignore the fact that without the life-support systems in it she would be stuck in a hospital bed until all her operations could be completed. However, before that could happen she had to agree on the amount of cybernetic implants that would be put in her.

Even the lightest option amounted to turning her into a cyborg.

Bo closed her eyes and growled. Shattered or even pulverized ribs. Filleted internal organs which even bacta couldn't fully heal. Spine snapped on multiple places… The list went on and on. The doctors told her it was a miracle she lived long enough to get to the operating room in the first place.

Lucky. Bo-Katan laughed mirthlessly. She could remember dying twice.

When she faced that damned Jedi… it was supposed to be glorious. A battle for the ages.

Instead Windu crushed her. Made her feel weak. Useless.

He still did. Thanks to that bastard she was a cripple.


Bo shook in impotent fury and frustration. She had to become strong again. She had to be a worthy Mandalorian warrior. That was her dream and yet Windu crushed it so easily.

Bo-Katan looked at the data-pad in her lap and grimaced. She would get stronger. She would train to hunt down and kill Jedi. And she was going to track Windu and end him.

A shacking hand – the only one that was currently working properly – picked up the data-pad. Bo scrolled through the options until she reached those available only thanks to her brother in law's connections in Republic R&D. Project Rebirth. If she went with that option, Bo would be more machine than woman. Yet, it might be worth it in the end.

She thought what her husband would think of it. She hoped Delkatar hadn't managed to get himself killed. Bo was fond of him. She even dreamed of him while in delirium after Windu crushed her.

Decisions, decisions...


Interlude: Pef's Corporate Misadventures


AN: This update is from Per on the space battles forums. It is posted with his permission.

Floating in space, a million kays from Planet Farana

Zinsj Empire world

I mused over the nav comp, trying to figure out how the smugglers did it.

There was no possible way for a hyper jump from Farana to reach Dandoran, not even with mark 1.0 drives. Which this ship didn't have. Unless they had a Samantha Carter, calculating a slingshot around a singularity, while in hyperspace.

The human had been nor female, nor blonde. The body was now floating away, along with the skeletons of the former crew members. Wouldn't do to have to explain the mystery meat in my fridge to some tax inspector. Fridge logic only works in movies.

The route will remain another mystery, for someone smarter. Or maybe one day, I'll ask myself the same question, while inside an auditorium packed full with hyperspace engineers, and drain their brains for an answer.

The nav comp still stated happily that a jump was possible, coordinates loaded.

Fine. Trust in the force.

I felt a delicate hand touch my shoulder, but I didn't turn.

Stealth procedures first. Turn off coms. Turn off navigation aids and gravimetric sensors. Reduce engine output to minimum.

Start warm up. Deflector shields set to ambient temperature, polarize all outgoing light. Turn off gravity. And flick.

Time stopped, and the stars elongated into streaks of light. My stomach did a flip, then turned back towards the spaceship's deck. Artificial gravity restored. We were in hyperspace now, and nothing except a lucky gravity mine would drag us out.

"Now Clarisse. We need to train. Take those 2 rusted blasters, and go to cargo bay" I demanded, turning around.

The girl was still holding her stomach. Huh, I'd have thought Kuat would have gene spliced space sickness out from their family genes.

"I don't feel so good..." she complained, gritting her teeth.

Hmmm. Zebrak congee should calm her stomach. Or provoke even worse symptoms.

"We'll start slow. First dismantle, then clean the weapons. We'll fire them later" I replied amicably. Her face became even paler.

"Can't you just enjoy my body, like a normal teenager would?" she complained, dragging her feet towards the hold.

Hmm. Maybe later. Survival first.

While the girl was stuck with looking over her datapad for schematics and a blaster operation manual, I reviewed my own abilities.

The force shield still came easy, almost like someone downloaded the ability in my brain. Which was quite possible, and with the number of agencies involved in my life so far, the culprit could be any of them. Too bad it took a fork in my neck for the shield to appear.

The other abilities were self taught, and it showed. My brain drain only worked to a measurable degree if I had lots of people with knowledge about a subject in my range. Less than thirty victims in my range and I got almost nothing.

Probably a somatic symptom, since I started doing it in kindergarten, and those classes had 33 people at all times.

The skill download worked only if I was certain it would work. The force would provide a temporary boost for any ability I needed, as long as I knew that a certain skill would help and asked specifically for it.

Then there were more esoteric disciplines, which only sometimes worked, and I didn't know how or why.

Reinforcement, structural analysis, postcognition, precognition, clairvoyance. I had to be calm and open myself to the force.

Trust blindly that it will work, and sometimes it did. Or just use it without thinking at all. That worked too, for some reason.

Telekinesis was the most difficult ability to measure. I knew I could theoretically lift or dismantle an entire star destroyer using only my mind. I've read about it, in another life.

But for me, it barely worked on my own person. I could jump, and telekinetically guide my trajectory, extend my jumps or slow down a fall. Again, learned it while falling from a tree. Maybe one day a spaceship will drop on top of me, and I'll learn to levitate big objects as well. Probably not though. Objects in motion.

I needed someone to teach me, and my miraluka sensei did a poor job. Everything came naturally to her.

'Let the force guide you, just go with the flow'. Right.

It had worked, in combat. Almost like my knife had a will of its own. But I never managed to even touch my sensei with my practice sword. She saw the force, almost like other people saw light.

If I ever had to fight a force sensitive, I'd better stick to explosives and sonic weapons. Which are very very rare.

Almost like someone was deliberately restricting and marginalizing their existence.

"I did it Pef. Almost nothing broke!" I heard a happy voice exult beside me.

Kriff. I opened my eyes and checked. As expected, the rusted weapons didn't survive being dismantled.

I started picking salvageable parts, till I had enough to assemble a working blaster, from both weapons.

"Clean this parts, gently. And don't use water or soap. The red liquid in the canister" I advised Clarisse, pointing at the jug with cleaning liquid for electronics. Closed my eyes again, and tried to calm myself.

I heard a muffled 'Tchhh', then silence and short bursts of friction and sploshed liquid. Good, she was trying, at least.

What I needed was a speed ability. Something to allow me to aim and think. To plan and move at the same time.

My hand took out a few metal bits from the floor and juggled them.

Flick one up, then slap it, trying to redirect the fall towards the metal wall of the hold.

Miss, miss, miss. Ouch. Maybe I should try it with eyes open.

I did that, and checked for the last bit. Some kind of screw, embedded completely into the ship's inner armor.

The back of my hand was bleeding and started to blacken. Speed achieved. Now control.

Focus on the pain, make it yours. Flick one more. The metal bit floated in the air, almost defying gravity.

The girl was blinking, a thousand times too slow.

Make contact gently with the flying bit of metal trigger, then flick it. Time resumed, along with alarms.

"Hull breach, decompression. Please return to Corellia for repairs" The automated system blared from the ceiling. Ha.

A certain railgun achieved.

I looked down, selected the first flat metal bit, then walked calmly to the fissure and slapped it over it. Vacuum pressure welded it shut instantly.

"What in the nine Corellian hells was that!" the girl yelled, looking at me accusingly.

"A weapon" I answered calmly, dropping back in a meditative trance.

"At this rate, I'll die a virgin" the girl complained, returning to cleaning her weapon bits.

I think this was directed at me somehow, but I can't figure out why.


Interlude Pef

In Hyperspace, en route to Dandoran, a Hutt world.

"Again. Keep your your eyes open!" I yelled at her, as Clarisse wasted more blaster shots.

"It's loud and scary!" she yelled back at me. Oh man, maybe I should try to find some slugthrowers. If she thinks blasters are loud...

On the other hand, trying to deflect bullets would be much different than blasters bolts.

The bolts had a kind of presence in the force, making them relatively easy to intercept. Well, at least shots fired one by one, with random yelling and cursing in between. I'd have been the first to die at Geonosis.

Bullet time would work, for a while. But the mental energy to remain focused was huge. And my other mind would take over.

"10 more shots. Then we take a break" I allowed magnanimously.

"You said that an hour ago!" she yelled back, and shot at my balls. Good aim too. Eyes open, anger driving her fear away.

Huh. What do you know?

My bantha prod glowed blue and moved on its own, deflecting the bolt into the bull's eye painted on a crate.

"That's my girl. Keep shooting!" I encouraged her, and she unleashed hell, firing 20 times in 20 seconds. Her energy pack pulsed a red warning, signaling a depleted charge.

The last bolt hit my hand, the energy making my nerves scream and forcing my fingers to open. The prod fell on the floor with a bounce.

"You did it!" I exclaimed excitedly, running forwards and grabbing her in a hug.

"You idiot, I hit you!" she said, hugging me back. I know. Hurts like hell. Hurts so good...

She stopped for a moment, as my obvious excitement made itself noticed.

"Pef you moron. I told you I am yours..." she murmured, as her hands glided down and grabbed my bottom.

"Mhmmm. Had to break your block. The galaxy is dangerous. And Hutt space even more" I replied, whispering in her ear and massaging her back.

"Let's take a shower" she invited me, her voice an octave lower.

"Soon. Don't wanna wash myself in Zabrak piss just yet" I muttered, letting her go with a slight push.

She blanked out for a few moments, going over life supports systems in her mind. Everything was recycled on spaceships, but I guess she forgot.

"Moron, you ruined my last pleasure on this ship!" she yelled and tried to brain me with her empty blaster.

I ducked and came under her arm, then hugged her from behind. Hand to hand rating, negative two. She still had a lot to learn.

"Shhhh. Life is what it is. Now, load the engine schematics on your pad and start memorizing. If you ace my test, we'll shower together, to save on water." I explained, massaging her shoulders. Tension rose, then fell sharply.

"I'll never be a ship mechanic, no matter what you promise" she complained, leaning into my arms.

"Study harder then. The rest of the crew will be competing for your spot" I teased her, then patted her bottom while going back to my meditation mat.

Combat and aggression needs met, for today, I opened myself to the force, and let it pass through me.

My hand tingled, a sign of regeneration beginning. It was strange, almost like here in hyperspace, the force was easier, helping.

Perhaps hyperspace was an expression of the force, like a higher circulatory system.

Nothing I knew of the force from my previous life fit with what I experienced here. No light side, not even a dark side.

Just my own mind, fracturing along morality lines. How could Skywalker bring balance to the force, if he wasn't balanced himself?

Extermination of the Jedi kept going, beacons of light going silent in the force, all over the galaxy. But this was only politics?

Most Jedi were just religious authorities, cardinals imposing their church's view on the galaxy. Rarely a critical thinker among them. A mind set I was bred to oppose, even if it did work. Trust in the force.

Belief worked, because quadrillions of sapients also believed, and made miracles possible. But the Sith were even better.

They studied, they invented, they researched. Well, they used to. Until they went mad and started burning worlds.

Palpatine was dead, and Yoda most likely too. The force shifted and bent when those two monsters fell.

A peak of selfishness lasting only minutes, then gone. Another peak of self sacrifice, then gone as well.

And Moff Zinsj began forming his empire even sooner. Some separatist elements joined him too, grasping at what they saw as chance to power and survival. Too soon I think, the Republic and the separatists were still quite even.

The current Sith, Veil and Zash, were dormant for now, probably injured. But they'll be back.

Monsters both of them, trained by the Sith Empire in its glory. I could learn from them, perhaps.

I would survive, I guess. I sort of knew what Sith training implied. But the one to survive wouldn't be me. Only a shell, an empty body driven by base instincts.

I could look for a Jedi maybe, plenty of those hiding from persecution now. Hiding in the shadow of the tree was not living anyway. Not in the long run.

A palliative to true learning. There had to be a way for me. A near infinite galaxy, just visiting all the planets would take billions of years. The Sith and the Jedi were mere toddlers on this scale.

Somewhere out there, there will be answers.

I just had to reach them.

I had to survive till then. Get stronger and faster. Train myself. Find a teacher, maybe.

My hand tingled one last time. Healing complete.

Guess it was time to cook some Zabrak then. It's not cannibalism if he was a different specie, right?


Part 4

Secure room K-1



Telar Valentra dragged himself to the head of a long table that dominated the room and slumped in the chair waiting for him. He took a few deep breaths and sighed. The doctors might have been right in their assessment that he needed at least one more week of rest before being cleared for the lightest of duties. However, there was too much work to do with the Republic going to hell while he was busy napping in a bacta tank.

Valentra put the data-pad he was wearing on the table, linked it with its in-built systems and called up the latest assessment of the Republic and Separatist industrial capacity. With the Corellian system all but lost, that left two major shipbuilding hubs in the galaxy. Kuat for the Republic and Fondor for the Confederacy. While the former was a very heavily industrialized system, they were almost peers as far as building capital ships went. Not only did each of them produce at least half the cruiser and larger classes each side could build, they were two of a handful of places where larger craft like battle cruisers and star dreadnoughts could be built.

Along with Coruscant, Kuat was the only other system the Republic couldn't afford to lose. The same was true about the Separatists and Fondor.

The single entrance into the room opened with quiet hiss and two people wearing identical green uniforms walked it.

"Yularen, Coburn, good. Come take a seat – we have things to discuss." Telar cracked a tired smile.

"They actually let you out already?" Wullf quipped. "I heard that you'd be on ice for a week or two."

"You know me, having too much time makes me restless."

"I'll take half your vacation time once the war is over." Coburn suggested.

"I'll think about it, but only if you take half my paperwork." Telar needled back.

"Whats the newest catastrophe?" Yularen asked after sitting to Valentra's left.

"No big problems." Telar frowned. "One of our own is apparently playing empire building in the Corporate Sector. Zanji or something. He apparently has family connections at Fondor and has limited Separatist support too."

"We'll have to sort it out sooner than later, before some other fool decides to follow that example." Coburn looked like he bit into something particularly sour.

"It's on Kenobi's to-do list." Valentra shrugged.

"Fixing the whole galaxy's on that list but it won't happen before the Senate sees reason. Any developments on that front?" Yularen asked hopefully.

"The newest edition of Palpatine's kriff the Senate just came online. Apparently its going to be a bad day to be from Ord Mantel." Telar shrugged. He caught a bit of it before coming in the secure room.

"It couldn't have happened to nicer people." Wullf smiled in content. "Anyway, any news on Palpatine's front? Was he just a Sith keeping a low profile to avoid the Jedi assassinating him or did he betray us?"

"Jack hasn't been able to find anything conclusive yet." Coburn grumbled. Being stuck with overseeing the debacle that was Republic Intelligence after his return from Kuat wasn't fun at all. SIB and ONI were effectively paralyzed while under investigation for treason which left only the GAR's own Military Intelligence as a working agency.

Which meant that the Republic's overall intelligence gathering capabilities were crippled and would remain so for the foreseeable future.

Investigating Palpatine for potential treason wasn't fun either. Jack's people weren't able to find proof, however that kind of work wasn't their specialty. Unfortunately, at this time Coburn didn't really have someone else trustworthy to offload the job to. That particular investigation was a very sensitive one considering that after his assassination and all the leaked evidence of corruption in the Republic, Palpatine was viewed as a borderline divine figure by the average citizen and low level functionaries in the government.

"The man's dead anyway." Telar noted. Not that the fact prevented Palpatine from stirring more trouble from beyond the grave. "Nevertheless, the former Chancellor isn't why we're here. We have some choices to make and I need your input. As you know our current capital ship building cycle is about to be complete. I'll need recommendations on any alterations you might want to propose while there's still time to make changes. I'll want your reasoning too. Once that's done and Kenobi's back from the Senate, we'll need to plan how to use our newly built ships. Thoughts?"

"We need more heavy capital ships. Kuat's Mandators demonstrated that even crushing numerical superiority wouldn't be able to either breach or hold a defensive line in the face of so much concentrated firepower if it is properly supported." Coburn began. "I saw three separate engagements where over a thousand Separatist ships engaged a star dreadnaught with her battle group and lost."

"I agree. While the correlation of forces at Corellia was much worse…" Yularen paused. "From all the AARs Felix forwarded it becomes clear that properly supported and led heavy capital ships are great power multipliers. Further, the battles during the last few weeks of the enemy offensive suggest that the strategy employed by the Confederacy is flawed."

"Extplain." Valentra leaned forward.

"While the enemy does outnumber us by a significant margin the war-plan we went with was the correct one. In a large battle our individually more powerful ships have a bigger impact that simple numbers or their individual capabilities would imply. When we've got large enough fleets to allow our capital ships to rotate away from the line of battle and replenish their shields, we gain a significant advantage against the Separatist when they're deploying Munificent or Recusant heavy fleets. In such engagement, the enemy need much higher than the expected six or seven to one numerical advantage or more battleships if they are to win with anything approaching acceptable losses."

"So the old axiom that big powerful capital ships are better remains true." Valentra nodded.

"In all out war and heavy fighting anyway. We need lighter ships to cover all our space and as escorts." Coburn pointed out.

"That's true. However while corvettes and frigates are food for scouting and police work, they have no business engaging proper capital ships." Yularen intoned. "Besides covering everything is a waste of resources. Light ships can't stop a determined opponent and when all is said and done most of the galaxy isn't exactly strategically important. Our current situation perfectly illustrates that fact. This war will be won at Kuat or Fondor. It would hinge on who could keep long term control over the hyperlanes."

"Besides, almost all important worlds do have their own defense fleets separate from the GAR. Most of them are already made from corvettes, light escorts and the odd cruiser." Coburn agreed.

"So we're continuing with Venator Mark II's and the new Victories as the backbone of the navy. There's also that Mandator II Kuat's building for us. Standard mix of escorts?" Valentra asked.

"That's my recommendation." Yularen nodded.

"I concur." Coburn agreed.

"That's settled then. I'll speak with Kenobi and inform procurement..." Telar leaned back and looked at the ceiling. It was high time he got a permanent replacement for Jerjerrod overseeing procurement. Damn the Jedi for getting a good man murdered!

"What's next on the agenda?" Wullf asked.

"While we're on the topic of shipbuilding and industry – Keyhole." Valentra answered.

"I'm not familiar with that designation." Coburn stated.

"Neither am I." Yularen said.

"It was a suggestion by Veil – building a secret industrial center to rival Kuat and Corellia. In that vein we need to discus contingencies if our war effort collapses due to either enemy action or politically." Valentra winced when he said the last word. That was a can of worms he was reluctant to poke with a long range missile.

"That's certainly ambitious." Wullf whistled. "Speaking about our favorite Sith, any news? Any new conclusions about Kamino?"

"Besides the obvious?" Coburn grumbled. "Even if he went off the deep end why did everyone just go along and bomb the planet? If that's even what happened."

"I'll ask him when he resurfaces. Or when we're able to push a scout to Kamino." Telar shrugged. There were very many questions about what Veil did or didn't do at Kamino. However, answers were in very short supply.

"Keyhole?" Yularen got them back on topic.

"We've got some good sites picked up. Most are in the Deep Core, so they're secure and out of the way. We can have basic shipyards operational within a year. Two to three for something with decent output, especially if we want to keep the place secure." Telar answered.

"I like the idea. Especially if the worst happens." Coburn indicated his support.

"Can we pull it off without compromising the war effort? Wullf inquired.

"If we're careful." Telar answered. "Jerjerrod was looking into it before he was killed. I'll see what could be realistically done and green-light it if feasible. Now, lets talk contingencies…"

"Can we get a useful Senate already?" Yularen muttered.

"The way things go, we might not have a Senate for much longer." Coburn noted. "Already a third is either arrested, fled Coruscant or joined the Separatists along with Cathar."

"Our political masters..." Valentra trailed off. This was a dangerous topic, however one that simply couldn't be avoided any longer. "They're a problem..."

There. He said it aloud. Was this the first step over a very slippery slope, Telar wondered.

The uneasy looks Yularen and Coburn exchanged didn't help. Valentra had been half-hoping that at least one of them would disagree with his simple statement, even if it was true.

They didn't.

Part 5


Detention cells



Anakin stalked through his small cell feeling restless. He just got back from another useless interrogation, where he was asked the same damned questions for the hundredth time as if the investigators expected him to contradict himself. Those inquires were infuriating. Each of the questions was a painful reminder that the whole galaxy went to the gutter a few weeks ago.

Palpatine, the closest man Anakin had to a father was murdered. Assassinated by the Jedi. By the people he used to trust.

Skywalker snarled and the meager furniture in his cell began shacking. He cursed and forced himself to calm down before his jailors overreacted.

He felt Palpatine die. Hundreds of Jedi flaring through the Force before flickering out just here on Coruscant. Thousands across the galaxy. At least half the Order was gone. The rest were either jailed like him or on the run with the whole Republic baying for their blood.

There were friends of his who were caught in this madness. Feeling their death struck almost as hard as Palpatine's.

At least Obi-Wan still lived. His mentor was changing.

Anakin rubbed his forehead. Kenobi felt different through the Force. He wasn't exactly Dark, though the light that Skywalker associated with his former master was muted. Greyish? Did that make any sense?

A new presence entered Anakin's awareness and he smiled. Padme was approaching. To his senses she felt much sharper, more real than the usually muted Clones who guarded him.

It took his wife a few minutes to reach the cells and pass through security and they felt like eternity. Anakin barely restrained himself from jumping at her when the door opened and the force field disengaged.

Padme smiled wanly at him, making her scars stretch like living thing. She walked in and Anakin was hugging her, taking comfort from her presence before he knew he moved.

"Hey." Padme relaxed I his arms and returned his hug. "I've got some good news."

"That's a relief." Anakin muttered, too busy inhaling the scent of her hair to pay proper attention to what his wife was saying.

"You're being released into home arrest. My security detail is supposed to keep an eye on you. Anakin, please don't do anything foolish." Padme begged.

"I… That's great!" Skywalker exclaimed. He couldn't wait to get out of that cell. Being home with his wife… He smiled.

"Anakin, promise me!" Padme hissed.

"I'll behave, I promise." Anakin reluctantly pulled back to look her in the eyes. "I won't do anything to hurt you again, Padme. I won't do anything that will get us separated."

Anakin hoped he would be able to live up to that promise. While there was a part of him that craved to go after Windu and Tiin, they weren't worth it in the end. Being stuck in a cell again helped him to straighten up his priorities.

He wasn't going to go half-cocked on some crazy revenge quest or something like that. Finally he could go home with Padme and that was what mattered.


SIB Safe house


Awareness came back to Count Dooku with a sharp twist. One moment he knew nothing, then he could feel the Dark Side's heavy presence and he grasped at it with his whole being. Power flowed through his body and it chased any vestiges of lethargy he could feel.

"It's done." An older Rodian grumbled. The man wore blue hospital scrubs and was leaning over him with a scanner in hand. "Everything looks good. Now we just need to calibrate the prosthetics."

"Good." Dooku rasped. He was laying on a raised gurney locked at a forty five degree angle.

"Here, water." The doctor shoved a cup with a straw sticking out of it in the Count's face.

Dooku glared at the man who was already busy looking back at the scanner, however didn't refuse the water. The cool liquid soon splashed over his parched throat. It was one of the best things Dooku could recall tasting.

When the offensive man got the cup away from his face, the Sith looked down at his body. For the first time in months, Dooku had arms, even if they were made of dull gray metal and had a rough rugged look to them. Certainly not top of the line prosthetics. Still, it was better than being a cripple.

Dooku felt Windu's onerous presence and looked at the entrance to the man's bedroom. The Jedi was glaring at him, making the Sith put a thin smile on his face. His new hands might be rather primitive, however their existence made him anything but helpless with the Jedi around.

"How long before he's going to be useful, doctor?" Windu asked.

"He'll need a few days at least to acclimatize to the hardware. A more advanced model would have needed much less time, however that's the best I could get on short notice." The Rodian explained.

"Good. Then we can leave soon." Mace grumbled and went back into his room.

"Looking forward to hunting Veil, are we?" Dooku smiled thinly. He didn't intent to follow SIB's plan. Oh, they would prove useful allies while he pursued his vengeance. Veil simply had to die, however certainly not on the terms of his new friends. Dooku was a Sith and thus no ones tool. Windu and his handlers would learn that soon.


Part 6

corvette Headhunter

two light hours from Mandalore system

interstellar void

"Do you still think this is a good idea?" Sev'rance Tann grumbled.

She was sitting on the bridge with Forge, the only one of her team who made it off Geonosis. The large Mandalorian shrugged nonchalantly.

"It's as good idea as any. What are you going to do otherwise, Sev? Go and hide? Play mercenary in Hutt Space?" A pair of soft blue eyes, which looked out of place on the rugged and scared face of the mercenary looked at the Sith disciple.

"It won't be so bad..." The Chiss woman sighed. "You won't come with me if I go, would you?"

"Finally my people have a worthy leader. One we faced in combat and lived only because he was exhausted – you told me so yourself. Mandalore called us back. Its high time I listened. I would prefer to go home with you by my side, Sev." Forge admitted.

"Was that a proposition?" Tann chuckled huskily.

"What if it is?"

"Veil might as well kill me instead of listening to anything I've got to say." Sev'rance pouted. "Kill both of us..."

"It's a risk, I admit. My status as a Clan Leader might open us the door, but after that… Sev, both the Republic and Confederacy are after you. As far as we know your master is dead and even if he wasn't, Dooku wouldn't be in any help. He would be on the run just like us." Forge grumbled.

"Besides you want to go home." Sev'rance hummed. "You aren't even trying to hide your emotions."

"Should I? You know how I feel."

"Damn it, Forge!"

"You know, that's not really my name." The Mandalorian chuckled.

"It is! I fell in love with Forge!" Sev'rance pouted.

"You know you're cute when you make that expression."

An empty caf cup flew from the nearby compartment and bounced off his breastplate.

"Very mature."

"You're one to speak. Boys and their toys..."

"They're not toys! They're explosive devices!"

"Keep telling yourself that dear..."

"Impossible woman!"

"That's why you love me."

"Among other things." Forge looked over Sev'rance's figure, which was on display in her form-fitting robe and let out an exaggerated sigh.

Tann snorted softly.

"We got off topic. No one knows where Veil went. I could get arrested the moment we step foot on Mandalore."

"That's actually a good think."

Sev'rance narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"Not getting arrested! Touchy much today?"

"I didn't get my beauty sleep last night." Sev'rance muttered.

"And who's to blame for that?" Forge gave her a pointed look.

"There's only one insatiable Mandalorian on the ship so its your fault." Tann said primly.

"One insatiable Chiss too."

"Details, details. Explain.|

"We prove ourselves useful. There's a Separatist invasion to help with that. Once Veil's back I'll arrange a meeting. I still have some contacts back home and hopefully they're still alive. If not, we'll improvise."

"That still doesn't explain how I don't get either shot or thrown into a deep dark cell."

"Marry me."


"You heard right. I'm not asking just because I want to, which I certainly do. You know that." Forge grinned. "We're going to make a proper Mandalorian out of you."

"I'm very improper." Sev'rance smiled slyly.

"That's a bonus."


ORR Base

Valley of the Jedi

Location classified

General Garza and Master Perrion stood next to the close combat training area and watched two platoons worth of Jedi Padawans fight with practice lightsabers. About half of them had individual duels, while the rest were engaging in small groups, sometimes against a single opponent.

"They look sloppy." Garza frowned.

"The nexus might be able to give them access to the Force, however they still need to learn how to use it. Only the few who're actually talented might face a Jedi one on one in the foreseeable future and win." Jerrod shrugged. "They're all volunteers."

"A force multiplier against regular troops and a decent counter-measure against Jedi or Sith." Garza nodded. "We'll have to make up with numbers what we lack in quality." Her frown was back firmly in place. "I don't like it. Our biggest successes came from fielding better troops – veterans, both regular soldiers and Jedi alike."

"That's a luxury we could no longer afford. We lost too many of our best on Kamino." Perrion seethed. He should have foreseen it! Veil was a monster! Burning a world he was supposed to keep safe in order to kill as many Jedi as possible… That was an obvious play for a Sith to make.

However that son of a diseased Bantha had to go a step too far, didn't he? Turning Kamino into that… that abomination to everything that lives… Jerrod shuddered. The Jedi who survived – they were changed. Tainted by the touch of the Dark Side.

Even now, Perrion wasn't sure what to do with them.

"How long until they're ready?" Garza's words got his attention.

"Them?" Jerrod nodded at the training Padawans. "At least couple of weeks if we want to avoid wasting a lot of them against regular infantry. If we're talking Jedi – they'll need months at least."

"I can see that." Garza glared at the Jedi Master. "I mean the rest of the trainees. I know we didn't send everyone to Kamino."

"Of course not." Perrion snorted. "It's not like I trust the Confederacy. They're a means to an end. If we're very lucky, they might even be in a position to fix up this galaxy. If they aren't we'll be ready and waiting." Jerrod paused. "Thank you for kicking me out of my funk." He reluctantly admitted. "I was handling my reaction to Veil's actions sub-optimally."

"That's one way to put it, Jerrod." Garza snorted. "You looked like half-baked corpse."

"I felt like one."

"We'll get Veil. For everything he has done, not just Kira. You took out the Emperor. I recon Veil won't be a harder challenge." Garza pointed out.

"I know. He just might be a trickier one, though. We don't have the same resources." Perrion admitted.

"We'll improvise then. With the Jedi Order scattered, all we need is time." Garza turned to look at the old temple where the nexus was located.

"The Separatist will buy us at least a few years, especially with us supporting them." Jerrod smiled. "We've got more volunteers arriving every day."

"Speaking about the Jedi..." Garza inquired.

"I've put feelers through our network. I'll be talking with the Confederate Council too. Everyone we could snap will be a net boon for us."

"Good. I'll leave the Force related stuff to you. I've got a military to rebuild." Garza cracked a tiny smile too.

One way or another they would restore democracy and justice to the galaxy.


Part 7

Blue ballroom

Trade Federation Enclave

Raxulon City


"How am I looking?" Trest Ilroth asked his personal assistant.

The younger Neimoidian carefully examined his suit and frantically nodded in relief.

"Good. Now that we're fashionably late lets meet the crowd!" Trest beamed. "You can stay out of sight." He nodded to his security detail made of Commando Droids.

"Roger, roger. Security situation Green. You can proceed, Viceroy."

"Jolly good." Another nod and Ilroth's personal assistant opened a side entrance leading into the ballroom.

Trest slipped between two groups of people who were quietly talking to each other and went to meet the guests of honor.

"Resa, dearest you look fabulous in this dress!" Ilroth exclaimed when he passed by Shadowfeed's greatest star.

The Twi'lek woman sent him a kiss and a sultry smile, before her companion for the night pulled her back to the dance floor. Trest knew that Zabrak from somewhere… Was that the CEO of Interstellar Freights Unlimited? It looked at him, but a bit younger. So, son? Brother perhaps or just a good cosmetic surgeon?

Trest shrugged and continued making his way through the crowd. He excitedly greeted his supporters, beamed at people who he wanted to make business with, complimented guests who wouldn't know taste if it hit them in the face – like that human in the purple… What was he wearing?! Ilroth had trouble keeping his smile in place as he examined the… Seriously what was that? It looked like someone violated, then murdered a huge bathrobe before letting it to bloat on the sun for a few weeks. Damned Outer Rim hicks…

Finally after what felt like eternity, Ilroth got to the guests of honor. There were twenty of them – all representing systems which just joined the Confederacy. This ball was in their honor.

"Senator Sylvaris! I'm so glad to see you arrived safely!" Trest exclaimed.

Thanks to that overgrown feline and her friends now the Confederacy had a solid, friendly foothold in the Mandalorian sector. There were already fleet and engineering elements en route to secure those systems from Republic aggression and begin building forward logistic bases for the navy.

"Viceroy Ilroth." Sylvaris gave him a haughty look, then bowed. "Cathar and her people thank you."

"You're all too welcome my dear! We couldn't do anything less. I'm just glad you saw the truth and did your best to stand against the Sith and their Mandalorian lapdogs."

"We remember, Viceroy. While most of the galaxy might have forgotten, we never did. We know the true face of the Mandalorians. We know the Sith. Cathar is with you to the end of the line."

"Thank you, Senator Sylvaris." This time Trest's smile was genuine. Say what you will about that woman, she and her people truly believed the Mandalorians and thanks to Veil, the Sith, were enemies they couldn't live with. "Together we will stop them once and for all." Ilroth looked around. "It is good to see so many of your neighbors sharing the sentiment."

"We aren't alone, Viceroy. I can assure you, there are dozens of worlds across the sector who could be persuaded to join us, for protection against Mandalorian reprisals if nothing else. I understand that we'll be moving in force against Mandalore soon?"

"Our troops have a foothold at Sundari, unfortunately they won't be able to secure the planet without heavy reinforcements." Trest sighed sadly. "We're already fighting on multiple fronts in the Galactic East alone. So far all we could sent to Mandalore was just enough troops to keep the beachhead open and enough ships to secure the orbitals above the capital."

It couldn't be any other way because there were millions of bloodthirsty Mandalorians waging gorilla warfare across the whole damned sector! The Confederacy couldn't simply bomb them too because more often than not the bastards were hiding within largely neutral if not even friendly populations. Unfortunately, so far the Mandalorians were avoiding hitting civilian targets and thus pissing off the other locals… that was something Intelligence was looking into.

"Our people are more than ready to fight, Viceroy. We simply lack sufficient equipment to do so properly." Sylvaris smiled.

"I'm sure we'll be able to do something about that now that we're allies."

"That's excellent!" The big cat purred at Trest sending unpleasant shivers down his spine.

Damn feline.


"This is Ryloth Resa, live from the Trade Federation Enclave in Raxulon City!" A perky Twi'lek exclaimed at the cameras. "Tonight, we at Shadowfeed have an exclusive coverage of the official inauguration of the Confederacy of Independent Systems newest members!"

The picture changed to show a richly decorated podium sitting at the far corner of a cavernous room. It was flanked by large Confederacy banners with twenty different flags proudly rising in the back: G'wenee, Halmad, Cathar, Er'Kit, Meerian and many others harder to recognize.

"Today, twenty new star systems – thirty one worlds join the Confederacy in our fight to restore freedom and justice in the galaxy! They do it after the last loyal to the Republic Jedi attempted to remove the corrupt government led by the Sith Sheev Palpatine and regrettably failed. While the Sith himself was slain thanks to the valiant efforts of Jedi Masters Tiin, Piell, Windu and Kota, the Tyrant behind this war did not die alone. Master Piell along with more than two dozen Jedi Knights perished in battle, while Master Kota was left crippled. Regrettably we the status of Masters Tiin and Windu remain unknown."

Resa's huge teary eyes looked at the cameras.

"In retaliation, the Sith led Grand Army of the Republic stormed the Jedi Temple murdering hundreds of noncombatants many of them children. Even as we speak, Jedi who chose to remain faithful to the principles of freedom and democracy are being hunted all over the galaxy by vengeful Republic forces. Or should I say Sith?"

Resa smiled proudly.

"While we in the Confederacy managed to overthrow the Sith who attempted to pervert our ideals and was responsible for the atrocities on Naboo and Coruscant, the Republic wasn't so fortunate. The true loyalist of Cathar and their various allies failed to do so in the Republic and thus put a stop to this terrible war. It's my sad duty to inform you that in a closed session earlier today, the Confederate Senate voted not only to officially accept our new members but to continue the war until any trace of Sith influence within the Republic could be eradicated..."

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