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Chapter 12: Ch.12 - Opening Move

- [32 BBY] - SkyBond Family Home - Training Room -

*Bzt Tak! Tak! Tak tak tak!*

Two figures, one large and the other small clashed at incredible speeds whilst wielding blue training sabers.

Kieran, displaying an absolute mastery of the defensive arts, not moving from his spot as he challenged his son's blade work. His Soresu being the picture perfect for this level of battle.

His first son, Darex, might have become a better General and Warrior, but none in the Galaxy could match Kieran as a Swordsman. Even Darex could only resist, not challenge, his father when it came to One-on-One combat, mostly due to his armor and regenerative abilities too.

So this session wasn't one Anakin was truly meant to win, but it was to showcase his full capabilities as a combatant with his fated departure from Tatooine approaching. Already having gone through his defensive styles, which weren't his strongest due to a preference for evasion he had somewhat picked up from his teacher/father, they were now testing his fully offensive capabilities.

"Very good Anakin." Kieran praised as the boy used his surroundings to his advantage, pushing off the walls at all angles to increase the angles he could strike at.

A risky maneuver, but one suited for a small body like his and his excellent Force channeling abilities. The combination was similar to how Vaho used to fight and how Kieran knew the Jedi Grandmaster preferred to as well, using speed and maneuverability to overcome the limitations of strength their bodies possessed.

Obviously this would change once Anakin grew more, but it was a great base to have him develop his body from and to allow him to experience high-speed combat. One just had to nurture his awareness and instincts properly while doing so to allow a transference of experiences to later styles.

Anakin didn't answer, but Kieran felt a minor fluctuation in his emotions before he focused even more, driving himself downward in a powerful strike which was smoothly redirected away from its target, but the clever boy had predicted this and actually caused a shockwave using The Force, necessitating his father to offset it as he then used the rebound to perform a rising strike at even faster speeds, finally forcing him to shift his feet minutely to not cause a weakness in his stance whilst dodging.

"Haha! I did it!" Anakin cheered whilst sticking on the ceiling through a fun application of [Force Pull]. "I made you move a bit!"

The grinning 10 year beamed proudly, even if he knew his dad was holding back massively during their spar.

"That you did." Kieran easily admired with his own prideful smile, deactivating his blade. "Now why don't you come down and we can go celebrate with a bit of flying."

"Really!?!" He cried out, immediately letting go of the ceiling and bursting to his father with bright and hopeful eyes.

"I'll even let you pilot Stella." Was the grinning answer as Kieran knew the boy loved flying her.

"Yippee!!!" Ani cheered, blurring out of the training room to get changed.

He had gotten pretty sweaty and he knew Stella didn't like that. The sentient bio-ship would probably assault him with water hoses and perfume if he showed up like he was when it wasn't an emergency, and he wanted to avoid that fate.

Chuckling fondly, Kieran internally pondered over events taking place on Naboo.

-Flashback to a week prior-

"Wessa be ready for the mechaniks." Boss Nass, a somewhat portly Ankura Gungan leading the Council of Underwater Nations of the Gungans, longtime allies and vassals of the Sanctuarate thanks to mutually beneficial exchanges in terms of technology and ressources, declared as they received news of the Trade Federation Blockade of Naboo.

Gunguns had access to some of the cleanest and most versatile underwater technology in the Galaxy. Maybe not to the scale of the Mon Calamari, but more in line with the ideals and desires of the Sanctuarate, hence why they decided to open trade and later formed a full alliance with the Gungans instead.

In exchange for said technology, the unique plants found in Naboo's waters and trade of Plasma after they were taught how to sustainably 'mine' it, the Sanctuarate offered education, training, and advancements.

As a result, Gungans entered a Golden Age whilst the Naboo surface residents were left completely unaware of the major power beneath them. Gates were even built there, meaning Sanctuarate forces could actually invade from the planet, but they also linked to other aquatic worlds which the Gungans were aided in colonizing to avoid conflict with the surface and wider Galaxy when their population exploded.

They might be the true natives of the world, but the wider Galaxy wouldn't care since The Naboo were those seen as the true owners of this world. It would likely become a case of elitism, something like the situation of Malastare, or a civil war. So to keep their power a secret, they simply chose to spread elsewhere as a vassal people of the Sanctuarate.

"I do not doubt it, but we can't let our enemies know just how powerful the Gungan people are just yet." Kieran carefully warned the boss. "The Sith have chosen Naboo for a specific reason, this being because it is the Homeworld of Sheev Palpatine. This is either to set him up as a kingmaker, or so he can run for the Chancellorship himself, but either way they won't stand for people as powerful as the Gungans harming their plans."

Honestly, at this point they could break the blockade themselves if they wanted.

Thanks to their help, the Gungans were able to develop their underwater crafts to be viable in the air and space. Turning them into the worst enemies for droid based fighting forces like the Trade Federation's with to how they focused on plasma based weaponry and its derivatives like Ion when taught how. As a result, two dozen crafts working together could take down Federation Lucrehulks with relative ease, not counting their Opee-Class Light cruisers and Sando-class Battle Cruisers.

The last two wouldn't be introduced until necessary, mainly because they would spook many and give clues to the Sith regarding something they have missed, but they were there.

"Wessa know this." Boss Nass nodded in understanding. "Strongened our defenses and the Swamp be alive now too. Sneaky be we in fighting the mechaniks.

Maybe be time to unify The Naboo on ready against darkness."

Now that was something to ponder about.

Although without significant military, Naboo was something of a possible voice for matters outside of the Core worlds. Palpatine had made himself important, thus making his home sector more influential, and with it being part of Sanctuarate influence due to the Gungans, it could be a good opportunity to subtly align the planet into their sphere of influence for good.

He had heard good things about the young queen who had been elected not too long ago and seen how her actions prompted the Sith to act with her charismatic and proactive actions to help her people and promote peaceful resolutions to issues within the Chommel Sector. Something rare to see in one in her early teens.

She could be a great bridge for when the time came to reveal the Sanctuarate. Especially if she could grow from this crisis instead of be broken by it.

"You might be right." Kieran said as his brilliant eyes sparkled with a myriad of possibilities for the future, each possible string he could pull was tested through his foresight and experience as he weighted the results of each. "It might be time to mend wounds of old and to show the Galaxy that the Gungan are more than what they believed.

To shake things up a bit more."

"Messa thinks that we be big surprise! Hahaha!" The Gungan Boss excitedly laughed at those words.

More advanced they might be, but Gungans still heavily honored their warriors even if they valued peace. And after growing in strength for centuries now, they wished for the Galaxy to show them the respect they deserved, starting with their homeworld.

-Flashback End-

While the Gungans were ready to remove the Trade Federation from their Homeworld and come out into the Galactic stage with a bang, his own people would aid them into properly readying themselves for the consequences of said action.

Beyond that, Kieran could feel that the die had been cast and that the shadows were on the move to snuff out the lights of the Galaxy. Lights he knew would resist as they themselves unknowingly began to push back.

And soon, some of these lights would meet.

This he knew.

They would gather on Tatooine and with them his son's destiny would begin properly.

- Sovereign Space of Naboo - Consular-class Radiant VII -

"Master, I can't shake this feeling that things are going to go wrong, but also right somehow." One Obi-Wan Kenobi, freshly knighted Jedi of the Order, commented from besides his 'former' teacher.

"I feel it too." Qui-Gon Jinn lightly hummed as he let himself feel The Force. "Forces beyond those visible are at play in this blockade by the Federation. Forces which seem to be at odds.

Let us hope we can smoothly navigate them.

Also, you can call me Qui-Gon now, Obi-Wan."

Being proud of his former Padawan for succeeding in his trials, especially after having shared is more flexible path with him when they became closer with their mutual revelation of their own loves. Obi-wan had settled into an upstanding young man of great skill, even if his mindset was still a bit too conventional.

Their talks and the recent conflicts had allowed him to grow and mature in both mind and body, letting him become a knight after the events on Yinchorr giving him the push needed to do so. The failure of the Jedi and subsequent battles again involving Mandalorians made him focus on polishing his skills and discipline in combat, while his master's wisdom broadened his understanding of the Force, elevating him beyond Padawan status.

"Sorry Master, but I don't think the way I address you is going to change for quite some time." Obi-Wan somewhat cheekily answered as a tiny quirk of his lips told of the smile he was suppressing.

"*Sigh* As you wish. Although I am pleased to still be able to have you with me on this mission." The Master relented for now, letting the young man he saw as a son be. "I feel that we may be more directly threatened due to wider plays and there are none I would prefer by my side."

Their mission wasn't exactly Senate sanctioned either, being a direct request from the Chancellor and a chance to regain some goodwill after the mess with the Yinchorri. Receiving a plea from Naboo's elected ruler to help negotiate with the Trade Federation on their behalf through the Order could help save thousands from starvation.

Everyone knew this blockade wasn't because of missing payments for the plasma refineries the Trade Federation had set on the planet, not late shipments, only because of the taxation they were now being forced to pay after being allowed free reigns for too long in the Outer Rims. A form of protest which could cost tens of thousands of lives, all born out of greed.

It might be somewhat due to Naboo's formerly isolationist stances, but the new Queen had reportedly been moving to fix theses issues and had made progress in a short time, until the Trade Federation somehow came in at the worst moment and stopped any food shipment from reaching the planet as their shortages were becoming dire. This alone spoke of the blockade being pre-planed and that it was to strike back against the Republic, with Senator Palpatine being the more specific target due to being the one to propose the taxation on the Federation.

Qui-Gon honestly doubted they would be able to solve this with words, at least not swiftly enough to save the people of Naboo from suffering due to things which most likely aren't even aware of or involved in. He had seen and heard of how Corporate 'Tax Collectors' truly worked in the Outer Rim, and Qui-Gon had no desire to see a world as peaceful as Naboo be subjected to that.

- A few hours later - Near the Swamps of Naboo -

"I THINK WE WERE A BIT TOO RIGHT ABOUT THE TRADE FEDERATION, MASTER!!" Obi-Wan yelled as he cut down a series of droids with ease, deflecting bolts back at others and then slicing an approaching speeder bike.

"So it would seem." The Jedi Master grunted as even he couldn't have predicted there wouldn't be any negotiations at all.

They simply destroyed their ship, pumped poisonous gas into the room they had been led into and then beset upon by droids until they were forced to stow away onto an illegal invasion force.

Oh yes, the Force was being very blatant about how wrong things were at the moment.

The Trade Federation will be very enthusiastic in making sure they couldn't make their way back to Coruscant now. And with the blockade in place, along with communications being cut off, their only hope of doing so was to reach a ship capable of punching through said blockade. Something which was becoming increasingly more difficult the more time passed, especially with the Invasion force marching towards Theed.

Thinking as they moved towards the edges of one of Naboo's swamp areas, deflecting bolts back at their pursuers and trying to outpace the larger droid transports as they seemed to smash through any obstacle in their ways, sending the local fauna into a frenzy. The two Jedi weaving through it all as best they could, but they couldn't outrun the vehicles forever.

But surprisingly, they didn't have to.

Once they made their way into the swamp proper, their senses suddenly blurred out in alarm, causing them both to jump as high as they could, gasping onto the looming vines above as wide surge of electricity swept through the area, short circuiting every droid in range like it was nothing. The scene shocking the Jedi in two ways as they mostly escaped the energy but still felt tingling across their bodies and at how quite a few droids were just eliminated.

"Youssa Jedi, getta down froma there!" A rough male voice with somewhat odd Galactic Basic called out to them, forcing them to look below to find what would appear to be the probable cause of what they had witnessed.

Not sensing any sort of negativity from the being, the two Jedi shared a look before letting go of their vines, landing with relative ease.

Looking at the being, they found it to be taller than them both, not counting the short eye stalks atop its elongated face covered in a beige amphibious skin with lighter tones down its neck. It wore some sort of leather armor with surprisingly high-tech metallic guards, a more primitive spear on its back but also sleek looking blasters at its hips.

"Are you the one responsible for that blast?" Obi-Wan curiously asked.

"Not messa." The male being responded with a shake of its head causing its long flapping ears to dance a bit before gesturing broadly. "Wessa."

"Wessa?" The Knight repeated in confusion until his eyes widened in realization that they were surrounded by more of the strange beings popping out from the trees, shrubs and even nearby water with rifles and even bow-like weapons.

"Yes, Wessa be stopping the mechaniks from stompa all over ussa's people lands. Wessa Gungan Swamp Hunters." The being proudly announced with a pound on its chest. "And youssa Jedi we be told be supposed to remove mechaniks from above.

Why youssa in ussa's swamps?"

"It would seem the Trade Federation never intended to negotiate and desired far more than they claimed." Qui-Gon smoothly jumped into the conversation. "Although you seem to be aware of much for being people we have not been informed about."

"Bah. The Naboo always high and might, thinking Wessa stupid. Forgetting the Gungan." The being snorted with obvious disdain. "Wessa be here long before thems. Wessa be farming the plasma long before the Mechaniks came and unbalanced it with greed, forcing Gungans to fix or hurt world.

So me no surprise youssa Jedi not told about ussa Gungan. Because they be ignorant, as mosta tend to be."

Now that surprised the two Jedi.

An entire species that was clearly advanced and sentient being forgotten certainly was an oversight, or the result of intentional efforts of their behalf.

"Since you know this area better than us, and seem to not be intent on harming us, would you happen to know a way for us to reach Theed as quickly as possible?" Qui-Gon carefully inquired. "We need to find a ship to make it through the Trade Federation Blockade to inform the Senate of what happened and ensure nothing too drastic is taking place in the capital."

"Wessa know a way, although youssa need permission from the Bosses." The Gungan nodded, signaling to follow as he turned and began walking deeper into the swamp.

"And these bosses would be your leaders?" The Jedi Master asked, fishing for more information in a situation where he was flying blind.

Not for the first time, but information was always precious.

"Uh huh. The Bosses oversee Gungan cities. Youssa need their permission to use ones of the Bongo. Theyssa can bring you through water core, all the way to The Naboo capital." Was the answer, which didn't shed much light, but did reveal that the Gungans had entire cities hidden on the planet, likely all connected through the watery core of it. "They likely be giving you one since the Shamans sees youssa arrivals. Warned The Bosses of Jedi in need of help to bring peace.

Itsa why messa call you down. Messa got orders to bring Jedi to the Bosses."

The mention of Shamans foretelling their arrival was an interesting pieces of news.

Many cultures in the Galaxy saw The Force as magic, especially when primitive. The presence of Shamans, monks, witches and whatnot were often How Force-Sensitives were classified when encountering them. To hear that the Gungans had them whilst knowing about the Jedi was a bit odd, but understandable if they weren't exactly on speaking terms with The Naboo nor following Republic protocols to test children for high-midichlorian counts and informing the Order if willing to part with those that do have such counts.

Meanwhile, it would seem Qui-Gon's former Padawan had clung to a different piece of information.

"Cities? As in settlements large enough to actually be called cities in pluriel? There are that many Gungans?" Obi-Wan asked out of shock, likely due to being baffled as to how they could have been hiding multiple cities.

"Heh heh. Wessa be big people." Their guide chuckled at the reaction.

"But why haven't you been helping against the invasion or the starving people?" The fresh Knight questioned as his morales got the better of him.

"Because The Naboo be taking our lands and be trying to change The Gungans, never listening to ussa and only taking. So Wessa stopped trying and decided it be better to be apart after bad conflict." The Gungan shook his head as he brought up old struggles which often occurred when worlds with 'primitive' inhabitants are colonized by other worlds.

It was a sour pill to swallow for the younger Jedi, but even he had seen such things before and knew that a few words from him wouldn't do much good when it came to long-standing issues. Especially when already in a rather serious problem.

Soon enough, they were brought to a calm watering hole which outwardly looked like many other areas of the swamp lands, but it would seem that this wasn't the case as the escorting Gungans began leaping great heights into the air, diving freely into the deceptively deep waters.

"Hoping youssa can hold breath better than The Naboo." Their guide grinned as he took his own jump with a bit of flair, joining his comrade as the pair of Jedi shared a look and took out rebreathers they always carried for instances such as this.

They were far too used to going to odd places at this point, Obi-Wan mostly due to his master's proclivity for choosing missions which somehow always brought them to chaotic worlds and dangerous situations.

Waddling into the waters, they were surprised to find that it wasn't only much, much deeper than visible from above, the water was cleaner due to it flowing downwards. It spoke a lot to Naboo's environmental policies, or now possibly Gungan technology as well.

Making their way deeper and deeper, the Jedi had to use The Force a bit more to keep up with the amphibious Gungans and to see where they were going, all until they passed a cliff and finally saw what was undoubtedly their goal.

A massive city made up of round biospheres filled with lights, turning the dark waters into a luminescent wonder hidden from prying eyes. Dozens of vehicles zipping around in patrol routes or for trade, even seemingly domesticated water creatures being guided by Gungans were visible from where they were as the place positively teemed with activity.

They could even see great root like protrusions beneath the cities pulsing with blue energy, likely being how they 'mined' the planet's plasma and powered their city in a clean and efficient manner.

As they approached, the Jedi managed to see that there were multiple layers to the bubble-like spheres, with what seemed to be shield generators, turrets and multiple hangers hidden around the place. A veritable underwater fortress that no current military force Qui-Gon was aware off could take at the moment.

Quite the shocking sight indeed.

And something they would definitely remember and discuss later.

At the moment though, they followed their guide to an entryway, mimicking his example as he walked through the bubble-like entrance whilst he talked to the guards ridding a two-legged beast which seemed quite fast and suitable for the swampy lands above with the reptilian/amphibious skin and webbed feet.

"…Youssa be right. Theyssa need to be taken to The Bosses." The guard seemed to be agreeing with whatever their guide had told them before they made it through the entrance.

It had been an odd sensation for the two Jedi, but an interesting experience overall.

"Follow messa." The guide told the Jedi before walking towards a large bubble contain a set of smaller ones within.

Passing by a number of curious locals, the duo spotted all the hallmarks of what would be in a peaceful and currently prospering civilization: Markets, unafraid parents and children, lack of litter and obvious homeless individuals if those aren't just kicked out of the city, even a daycare filled with still developing Gungans who seem to have more amphibious traits in their less matured states going by the tails seen on a few and a still limbless infant being carried by its parents. Signs of their hunter/warrior ways were also visible to their trained eyes based on how many males observed them, the fact that a good deal had some form of weaponry on them and the large number of guards and soldiers patrolling the city.

The latter observations might be due to their knowledge of the Trade Federation's invasion, but it was still something to make note of.

Entering the large, multilevel bubble, they swiftly reached its depths.

"The Bosses be inside already, talking about some things. Wessa be in luck." They we're told as they entered to find a mix of well dressed Gungans of seemingly two different types as some were bigger, with larger heads and without the eye-stalks. "Bosses, messa bring the Jedi."

"Hm? Ha! Youssa be doing good, Capitain Binks! Very good!" The Boss seated at the head of the semi-circular position heartily exclaimed, seemingly very pleased.

"Messa be doing messa's duties." Their guide, whom was apparently a military captain and likely the leader of the others they had seen in the swamps, saluted.

"Good! Then youssa be the one to help them get to The Naboo, since youssa be the one who found the Jedi, Fate be speaking clear today." The Boss decreed, surprising the Gungan warrior. "Decision be made by The Bosses to see if now be time for The Naboo and Gungan to be friends. To show Gungan might!

Youssa be there to see if worth helping The Naboo and help Jedi bring back peace."

Although rather fast, the Jedi duo certainly wouldn't complain about an expedited process in order to secure passage to Theed. And if they had to be accompanied by a seemingly competent warrior to do so, it wasn't a hard decision.

"Understood Boss!" Captain Binks responded with great seriousness.

"Take tha Goo-Bongo through the core passage. This be quick and away from beasties." The Boss told him, which really didn't tell much to the Jedi as they were still unfamiliar with what a Bongo was, much less a Goo-Bongo.

It did sound somewhat unappealing though.

"Yessir Boss." Binks nodded appreciatively, so it was likely a good thing.

"We thank you for your swift assistance." Master Jinn humbly bowed his head.

"This be important for getting rid of mechaniks and making friends! Of course The Bosses be quick!" The Head Boss laughed heartily again. "Now go and bringa peace."

"We shall endeavor to do so." The Jedi Master responded as they made their way out almost as quickly as they went in.

"That was easy." Obi-Wan almost awkwardly stated, being so used to basically pulling teeth to get anything on missions and the Galaxy always trying to somehow ruin your day, finding such help without any difficulties was just odd for the Knight.

"Sometimes The Force can bring aid in the most unexpected ways." Qui-Gon casually smiled, simply enjoying the sights around him. "I think coming back to discuss their views on The Force would be quite fruitful if they truly did predict our arrivals and possible roles in the coming troubles.

Especially with how clouded the future has been as of late."

"I can admit to some curiosity about these Gungans." Obi-Wan nodded in understanding. "Although at the moment they are rooted in what a 'Goo-Bongo' is and what 'Beasties' we will be avoiding."

"The Goo-Bongo be very fast Bongo powered by special goo. It be bringing us through the Great Ways very fast. This way wessa be avoiding the big beasties living in the core." Captain Binks answered as he brought them down a level, likely heading to the hangars they saw from outside. "But messa don't think Shamans be opens to talking of the Ways.

Maybe being Jedi, youssa have better chance.

Not even messa momma telling about Shaman knowhow, and she be one."

"Here's hopping then." Qui-Gon hummed lightly. "Ah, but where are my manners.

We shall be traveling together but haven't introduced ourselves or thanked you for your assistance so far.

I am Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn."

"Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi." His former Padawan followed suit. "Thank you for your swift assistance Captain Binks."

"Youssa right. Wessa now be fighting together, but no thanks for doing duty needed." The Captain nodded with an approving smile. "Messa be Hunter Capitain Yen Binks. Nice to meet youssa Jedi."

""Likewise."" Was the in-synch response from the duo.

After that little exchange, and an internal promise to hopefully return to discuss more matters with the Gungans as their much stronger presence than anticipated and Force culture deserved to be addressed, the trio found themselves in the Goo-Bongo authorized for them. A sleek vehicle made for a maximum of five humanoid individuals, with flowing curves, a shape leaning towards that of a mix between an arrow and disk, and sporting pulsing energy veins made to even work as fighter in the air and space apparently.

Although a bit low on weapons for a dedicated fighter, the Captain informed them that these were closer to bombers in their roles than fighters, so not surprising in hindsight.

What was again surprising were the special tunnels the Gungans had apparently created through the planet's watery core, allowing them to reach pretty much anywhere they desired, including the official Capital of Naboo's water ways. Something which should make The Naboo feel rather fortunate the Gungans decided to simply not bother with them instead of wagging war.

"Wessa be leaving the Goo-Bongo here. It be going home alone." Captain Binks informed them as he carefully surveyed their far too quiet surroundings.

Theed was far too populated to be this quiet and it was disconcerting.

"It looks like we need to move quicker than anticipated if they've forced a curfew or, even worst, imprisoned everyone." Qui-Gon grimly advised.

"At least it doesn't look like there was any fighting, so the people should be relatively safe." Obi-Wan noted the lack of blaster fire and destruction.

"Let us hope so." His former master nodded. "The Naboo do not have a standing military, barely fielding enough security to fend off common pirates, so I hope this is a good sign and not one of worst evils.

Thankfully, The Force is not warning us of great wrongs though."

With that said, the trio began stealthily making their way through the city, heading towards the Royal Palace due to it being the most probable location of the Queen and/or Trade Federation officials.

Nemoidians were infamous for their luxurious tastes after all. If one had the option between an opulent palace and transport ship, they would pick the former any day if they felt assured of their safety.

-Some Phantom Menace events later- (Not going to mention things that haven't really changed from the movies)

Finding the Queen had been easier than previously thought, with only B-1 Battle Droids guarding both her and her immediate entourage.

The Trade Federation had been keeping her close to force her into signing a 'treaty' to legalize their invasions and essentially take control of Naboo and its vast supplies of Plasma, like they'd strong armed and swindled hundreds of other worlds into doing. Luckily this meant they hadn't needed to protect said Queen and her apparently required entourage far thanks to the Palace's own hangers containing a suitable ship to punch through the Federation Blockade.

Naboo designs may not possess much firepower, especially true for the Royal Yacht which had no weapons at all, but they had remarkably well designed engines and strong shields enabling escape from most situations.

The pilots necessary to operate it had luckily been held in the hangars themselves, being readied to be moved after they attempted to sneak to their ships to try and punch through the blockade or weaken it enough to send out a message to the Republic. Soon proving themselves instrumental in making it past said blockade with the aid of a rather useful astromech droid currently being favored by the Queen for fixing some damages allowing them all to break through in time.

But now they faced a severe issue with their ship.

"Our Hyperdrive is shot. We won't be making it far without repairs or a completely new one." Their flight captain cursed helplessly at the diagnostic scans.

"We can't risk stopping. Not with the Trade Federation now desperate in regaining the Queen or killing her to ensure their actions are not brought to light." Qui-Gon sighed heavily as he tried to formulate a plan.

They were too far into the Outer Rims after their escape jump to reach any Jedi or Republic aid. Limited on funds, even if they tried selling the Yacht and the Queens abundant wardrobe and jewelry to try and purchase another ship. Only a handful of combat capable individuals. And likely they couldn't risk the darker elements learning about the Queen in case criminals attempted to get to her or the Federation posted a bounty.

"Master." Obi-Wan called out, gaining his attention as the young Knight looked at something on his terminal. "What about this planet?


It might be under Hutt control, but they should have what we need and there will at least be some semblance of order."

"You can't take Her Highness there! The Hutts are gangsters!" Protested Captain Panaka, the Queen's Head of Security.

"It is either this, or risking the Trade Federation." Qui-Gon replied, internally feeling The Force call out to them at this moment. "And I would rather take a neutral, if opportunistic entity instead of a hostile one."

Those words quieted the well meaning Captain. He knew they were short on options at the moment.

"Set the course our dear captain." The Jedi Master then requested.

He was curious as to what would happen next.



•Gungan: We all know them, but did you know that there were two official kinds?

Lanky Jar Jar Binks Kind are called Otolla and make up the wider Gungan race, being surprisingly strong, agile and flexible with more cartilaginous bone structures and powerful legs.

And the portly Ankura who are like the slobbery head shaking Boss Nass that have more human faces Mr share green skins. Apparently they're the more politically minded ones who generally sit on the Ruling councils in Gungan societies.

Overall, the Gungans are actually pretty interesting with how their tech developed into both being very advanced in their shielding technology and plasma manipulation, but also primitive in their weaponry. They're actually pretty badass overall when you look away from Jar Jar cause they took down Grievious and they helped fight in Mon Calamari.

•Malastare: Home of the Dug and now infamous Zillo Beasts, Malastare kind of shows how dirty the Republic tends to be.

This planet was basically 'colonized' by the Gran, three eye-stalked aliens that supported a committee be formed to investigate 'allegations' against the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo. Meaning, they came in, saw the unfriendly, aggressive and 'barbaric' Dug's and fought a bunch of conflicts against them, but since the Gran had much greater numbers from being a race of the Republic and the support that came with that, they basically took over the planet and were 'awarded' with it.

Hence why the Gran represented a planet when there was a native species that had joined the Galactic community by then and why Dugs aren't exactly fans of anyone else on top of having a weird culture when it came to insulting people.

So Naboo is basically a less violent version since the Gungans just decided to live Underwater cause they preferred it anyway.

•Naboo Summit: If you didn't know, Sith plans had actually been accelerated when it came to Naboo's invasion, messing a bit with things since they were supposed to take it over with little effort. It was why they had pushed Padmé into becoming Queen, her parents having been against her even running until Palpatine convinced them, thinking she'd be easy to manipulate and force into capitulation.

So imagine his surprise when Queen Amidala immediately begins overturning the policies that were harming and weakening Naboo due to their isolationist ways, and then organized a successful summit between themselves and the other planets of the Chommel Sector to fix immediate problems like food shortages.

Her actions and success forced Palpatine to act so he wouldn't lose his opportunity to capitalize on his Homeworld's struggles to become Chancellor, which is how the Jedi managed to get involved and the Queen slipped through Federation captivity to meet the Chosen One and later become a recurring thorn in Palpatine's side.



Yes, we be skipping most of the stuff that remains vastly unchanged for this bit.

Saves me time and boredom in transcribing events pretty much anyone has seen in this day and age.

This chapter was more to highlight what was different.

First off, I've hinted and stated before that the Sanctuarate had interests in Naboo, and now you all generally know about them with the reveal of Gungans being done Justice. Basically more peaceful and less physically powerful water wookies they be.

And yes, Jar Jar Binks does not exist!

Met Yen Binks, Captain of the Swamp Hunters instead. I'll try to give him some action later.

Although I am sorry I had to write their broken basic in there. It's the best I could do with that. Kind of like with Yoda Speak.

Next up, Obi-Wan Kenobi already be a Jedi Knight!

This is explained through a few things, but mainly due to him getting laid and the deeper connection he and Qui-Gon shared after they spoke of emotions in a Jedi's life and the Force.

I am not kidding when I say that losing one's virginity, as a male at least, seems to essentially de-mystify sex. It lets teens and young adults relax when it comes to and take it less seriously.

Love and experiencing such a level of intimacy would also help cool heads and gain a more mature view of things, which a young Obi-Wan only really gained after his Master's passing.

A combination of these, plus a deeper drive to improve after being involved with Yinchorr, I believe would be good enough to push him into becoming a Knight.

Anyway, this was mostly what the chapter was about.

Explaining plots behind the movie, hinting at what will be different later and setting everything up for Anakin to meet his destiny.

Hope you all liked and have a good May the 4th and Revenge of the 5th.

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