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Chapter 5: Ch.5 - Unseen in the Republic


Alien Languages will be indicated thusly:


This is to stop the massive headache of trying to write in Mando'a, Shyriiwook or whatever other nonsense various species can use to communicate and because I don't have access to italics or anything on my phone.

(And for those unaware, yes, I type everything and all of my stories on my phone because it's convenient for me.)


[55 BBY] - Outer Rim - Listehol Run - Mirial

Cold and dry deserts,

This was what Mirial was usually described as being covered in.

And they were not wrong.

Like many sentients who's homeworlds' surface were less than welcoming in the Galaxy, the Mirialans built their cities underground or in hidden valleys to allow themselves to grow and prosper as they used these places to cultivate their resources and cultures.

Although these certainly weren't the only places their people inhabited on their home planet, especially with Sanctuarate interests residing in their people's connection to the Force and the slavers roaming the sector.

Mirialan culture could easily be seen as restrictive to some due to their religious beliefs, especially with them being rooted in the light-side of the Force, even if deemed primitive by the 'learned' Jedi . These beliefs would value calm and patience, sometimes led to a lack of passion in certain aspects of life, especially with the views of 'fate' and the Force's hand in everything, even if their world had its hidden beauty and art. Because of this, some break away and form their own colonies around the planet.

Unfortunately for them, this made them easier targets for the more nefarious forces in this uncaring Galaxy. Especially when they shared the Listehol Run, a rather significant hyperspace lane, with Zygerria, a planet well known for its slaver culture and former empire based on its back.

Republic sources might claim that the Zygerrian Slave Empire was a thing of the past and that they were closely monitored or that slavery was illegal, but those who lived outside of the Mid Rim knew full well that these words were a thin facade at best. And for those of Mirial, well they had long gotten used to their struggles against such forces.

This did not stop them however, as one Asara Vao easily observed first hand the results of a slaver raid on a Mirialan colony.

She did not know why, but the Force had been guiding her to this place urgently. For her to personally act for her own good and the good of her future in a place Root operatives were already imbedded, having to hand over some negotiations with the downright ruthless Trade Federation to some of her subordinates.

The worm puppets had always been a pain due to not being able to bully Hawk Enterprises out of their very secure position in the Galaxy, leaving them as the only real competition against them, nearly being untouchable as well due to Senate connections, the backing of many major worlds like Onderon and Alderaan, and a less official link between the company and the Jedi from their transport services and Agricorps contracts.

So leaving while she had the opportunity to put the ridiculously corrupted pieces of Sith in their place was something she had not liked.

That she was also busy running the majority of the Sanctuarate's undercover operations in the Republic as the highest ranking Root agent outside their own space was almost less important. Asara had a deep hatred towards Mega Corporations like the Trade Federation, especially after the Republic basically gave them the green light to act on unrestrained greed while being tax-free to 'Develop the Outer Rim'.

An absolutely idiotic notion which showed just how bad things had gotten in the Republic. It was just saddening to really see how everything was falling into place like their people had predicted, not being able to really do anything truly significant about it simply because the system was too ingrained and there was no proper opening yet. Senatorial laziness and gridlock was letting corporations run rampant because they couldn't be bothered to properly develop worlds they had placed in their own system of governance, giving her own company a bad name as they relied on Hawk Enterprise's sterling reputation to justify 'successful initiatives'.

But say what you will about Force Sensitives trained within the Sanctuarate, they knew how to listen to the Force better than anyone, so they knew when the best time would be to act. This was because they could hear all of it while being taught to understand.

Hearing something is easy, understanding it isn't.

Hence why she was so far out into the Outer Rim, deep in the territory of the corporate leeches.

She had even taken her family's personal ship, the ancient Dynamic-Class Light Freighter; Ebon Hawk, which had been so massively upgraded and updated over the centuries that only its appearance was really the same as when her ancestor flew it, and headed straight to where the Force guided her.

The Ebon Hawk was lightyears ahead of other vessels in terms of speed and stealth, even having its Hyperspace signatures being impossible to detect or track simply because of gravity and heat sinks activating on entry and exit from Hyperspace. It allowed the Vao family to move about the Galaxy in absolute secret as the camouflage and stealth systems were simply beyond Republic tech.

Arriving at her destination, what waited for her was a burning colony of Mirialans, built between two small mountains, with no corpses to be found, but broken doors, ships, speeders, droids and strewn around supplies.

If nothing else, the Zygerrians were experienced slavers. They had dozens of ways to capture their targets alive and certainly wouldn't waste anyone here.

This begged the question though: 'Why did the Force bring me here?' Asara thought as she signaled one of the personal unit she had brought with her on this run to come out.

An Analysis Droid.

It was in her favorite dark red with golden accents, a deceptively harmless appearance thanks to 'bookish' looks, but it was as well armored and protected as any Sanctuarate Droid with a number of very well hidden blasters, explosives and slicing tools on top of its masterful suite of sensors and data processing capabilities. It could effectively analyze scenes and discover seemingly innocuous details to piece together past events

Based on an old and still rather popular Sanctuarate fictional character, these models were affectionately called Sherlock-Droids because of their unchallenged status as the best.

They were humanoid in shape, but had dozens of tools built into every part of their bodies, incredibly versatile photoreceptors with variable 'attachments' shaped like old fashioned reading glasses, enhanced protocol capabilities to read, speak, write and understand nearly any language ever used, and an internal connections to Sanctuarate databases which varied in authorization levels based on the owner/partner. And since this one was with Asara Vao, well not much was beyond her reach.

"Mycroft, I need your help to look around while I try to ask the Force why it brought me here." Asara requested her longtime partner as she 'sat' in the air, readying to meditate. "I just hope it isn't to free the slaves of Zygerria because that would bring far too much attention to us."

"A reasonable apprehension. Even if the Ebon Hawk's stealth capabilities would make infiltrating the planet, child's play." The Droid nodded as he casually began walking around, soaking in everything using his impressive capabilities while also keeping a close eye out for any threat to his partner.

The subtle seismic sensors and echo locators he possessed could not any sense movement, and the Ebon Hawk's own sensors could not locate anyone nearby either, but it was best to be thorough.

Droid he may be, but a gentleman should never allow a lady to come to harm out of incompetency, regardless of how deadly said Lady was. And Mycroft would not make such a rookie mistake, especially for the most special lady in his existence.

As he did that, Asara sunk deep into the Force with practiced ease.

Relatively young she was, but she was also a prodigy who operated directly under Hel Ven, the Director of all Root forces and his most skilled student.

She always had this powerful connection to Force, and more specifically to its shadowy elements. How to hide and find, to focus and misdirect, slip through or secure. It all came naturally, making her an masterful agent of stealth and subterfuge.

Using this connection, she felt and listened. Letting the whispers of past, present and future come, to let her hear the little secrets others miss and guidance offered to those willing to trust.

And as she did so, she gained her answer.

In this burning wreckage of what was once a place filled with hope and determination, there was one faint light of it left. One hidden from everything without any being the wiser.

What surprised Asara as she approached it was that this little light was instinctively shrouding itself from almost everything using the Force, a high level application, even among Root operatives, which allowed the user to conceal themselves from biological senses and technological devices. A very rare gift that even she had to develop due to being naturally gifted in a broader sense than in pure stealth.

Shifting through the former home, a rather standard one for a fledgling settlement, made to be deployed in various environment, thus mostly made of durasteel and sparsely decorated beyond cultural items, Asara looked through the overturned furniture and ransacked storage areas.

'Likely looted of any sort of valuables while taking the settlers.' Asara easily guessed with distaste.

"Madame Vao, I do believe this was the work of the Hol Runners Pirate organization, a group funded and directed by the Zygerrians." Mycroft reported through their comm link, likely having found evidence and patterns to affirm this news. "Unfortunately, residual traces of their trajectory do suggest their destination to be in Hutt Space instead of Zygerria itself."

Now that was less than ideal.

Asara knew she might be able to catch up, but finding specific slaves in Hutt Space would be harder than finding a damn Croke in a Star System.

"Send a look out alert for new Mirialan slaves and set up a search program in systems we have access to regarding them. We can only hope some agents or systems can pick them up." She ordered with a scowl.

Any member of the Sanctuarate hated slavers with a passion.

Nearly every one of them could trace their point of joining it to slavery in some form or another, from released slaves to species heavily targeted by it and even those who combated it. It was why they were called The Sanctuarate, because they were a sanctuary for those who needed one. Other reasons stemmed from how nearly extinct species or actually extinct ones had been made to flourish there as well, but the largest reasons behind their name was because of their completely antagonistic relationship with Slavery.

So yes, she was going to use the ressources on hand to try and find people she knew had been enslaved. It was the right thing to do.

To at least try.

Something far too many didn't even attempt in this darkening Galaxy.

It was something her people would more than approve of, as long as she didn't tip their prey to the slowly encroaching end they had in store for them.

Moving on, she looked around, finding herself in a ransacked food closet, but what was guiding her was coming from below.

Not seeing any immediate means of progressing, Asara felt around her with the Force, prodding it using a minor application of Mechu-deru to open a hidden compartment.

Within, Asara found something… well someone rather surprising, a young Mirialan girl with pale violet skin and short black hair, huddled in fear as she tried to inch away to escape without luck.

"Hello little one." Asara gently said as she knelt down, using the Force and her body language to let the girl know she was not here to harm her. "I know I can look a bit scary because of my skin and tattoos, but I will not hurt you."

Letting her presence speak fo itself, something she wasn't exactly the best at, especially compared to those from the Temples of Healing, Asara was patient as she let the girl calm herself and grow curious.

It was in the nature of children to be curious.

And if someone wasn't hurting her after what the settlement had just experienced was waiting near her, the young Mirialan would eventually wonder why.

Soon, nervous orange eyes peered out hesitantly, looking at her as she smiled gently, trying her best to silently help the child as Asara could feel the Force telling her what this meeting meant.

"W-what do you want?" The little girl asked, her voice trembling as she tried to be brave.

"I didn't want anything until the Force drew me here, to you." Asara answered slowly. "Do you know about the Force, little one?"

"Are you a Jedi!!" She suddenly turned around with big orange eyes filled with awe while asking.

"Sorry little one," Asara softly chuckled as the girl's expression dimmed somewhat, "I am part of a group which would consider them a sister order though."

"A sister order?" The little Mirialan tilted her head in askance, having almost completely let down her guard at this point.

"We do follow some similar practices, trying to help others, listening to the Force and training with lightsabers," The Twi'lek explained in a simple manner, flashing one of her blades as she mentioned them to the great interest of the girl, much to Asara's knowing amusement, "but we aren't as restrictive and don't answer to the Republic."

"So a Jedi… but not a Jedi…?" The girl tried to reason, much to the lethan Twi'lek's amusement, finding her scrunched up expression rather cute.

"Something like that, but I'm also a really important business lady." Asara grinned as she tried to help the little one understand more about herself.

"Really? But why? You have a lightsaber!" Was the baffled question which caused Asara to burst out laughing at the sheer disbelief.

"Well, the business I run is very important to me since it's been in my family for almost 4000 years." She answered with an exaggerated tone that she'd remembered hearing when youngling caretakers engaged with them. "Plus I get to do a lot more good with it than if I was off waving my lightsabers around."

"4000!?!?" The girl exclaimed out of shock.

"Yup. One of the longest running, and most successful and well liked if I might add, businesses in the entire Galaxy." Asara playfully boasted, making the little Mirialan look at her with stars in her eyes. "And well, I want to ask something of you because the Force itself is simply begging me to do it: Would you want to be my apprentice?"

"What? Like learn to be… sort-of-Jedi like you?" The girl replied with a mixture of hope, excitement and some confusion.

"Yes. I'd teach everything I could while we try and find your parents to reunite you all, after that, if they would be alright with it, we could continue." Asara slowly explained. "Of course we'd try to find them anyway and we'd take care of you until then, but this way I can teach you directly."

"You can find mommy and daddy?" The sheer hope in her little trembling voice all but melted whatever remaining ice covered her hardened heart as Asara gently reached down and lifted then girl from the hiding place she had been in into a carry.

"We'll make sure of it." She promised. "But to help things along, could I have your name?"

"I'm Sorea Tsiost and I'm 5 and 1/2!" Little Sorea answered with great determination to help in any way she could.

"Well met Sorea Tsiost. I am Asara Vao and I'm 24 and 1/4, but if anyone asks tell them I'm 22." The Twi'lek responded with a kind smile most males would find daze inducing. "I hope we get along."

Carrying the little girl in her arms, Asara left the ransacked home, bringing her to the Ebon Hawk for a check up while Mycroft packed up everything which could mean something to the Tsiost family. They would soon set off as the Galaxy was again unaware of the beginnings of a future power player.

- Around the same time - Mandalorian Space - Mandalore

"*Manda'lor, I mean no disrespect, but should we even be approaching them?*" A senior Mandalorian wearing traditional armor fit for a human, with scuffed and scratched sections displaying the harsh conditions it had been under as even the Beskar had been damaged in a minor fashion.

"*We must. Viszla is going too far with his Death Watch and we need allies. Strong allies, like the ones Clan Vornskr could be or bring.*" Jaster Mereel, current Manda'lor and founder of the Supercommandos responded grimly behind his helm.

His own armor showcasing his pride in the material it was made of and accented by red designs near his visor and shoulders.

This was actually one of the most apparent reasons as to why his claim to the title Manda'lor was contested: Jaster did not have the Helm of Manda'lor nor the Darksaber. This fact alone weakened his claim, not to mention the Death Watch believing itself to be 'True Mandalorians' because they believed in the most violent aspects of their culture and idealized their 'Great Crusades', not the 'New Mandalorians' who lost all aspects of strength or their warrior culture after the Jedi and Republic preemptively destroyed everything their people had been building centuries ago and then created their faction to declaw their people.

Jaster could understand why some would join either side, he could. Warriors will want to lay down their arms at one point and they could lose themselves in lives filled with battles and the rush one feels when dancing with death. He didn't like either side, but he could understand.

But for his ideals on how to revitalize their people and bring them honor and strength, he needed more support as this Civil War between his Supercommandos and Tor Viszla's Death Watch escalated everyday.

Clan Vornskr was the best possible option for this.

Powerful to an unknown degree, even Death Watch was more than hesitant in drawing their ire. They were strong, skilled, the best equipped and armed Mandalorian Clan, far surpassing the strength of Houses like Kryze, Viszla, Eldar and Straxon, with them holding the only truly prosperous lands left on Mandalore through sheer might.

Their main sources of strengths were things all Mandalorians could admire, even the New ones as they welcomed people into their fold, always selecting those they deemed worthy in one way or another, and their robust industries and manufacturing capabilities allowing them to support themselves completely independently.

The only reason why most Mandalorians didn't swarm to their clan, allowing them to become the uncontested leaders of their people was the major sticking point of their culture regarding Force-Sensitives. Because they had fully trained Mandalorian Force users capable of wielding Lightsabers and other variants on top of their armors and weapons.

Death Watch saw this as a traitorous act due to what Force Users had put the Mandalorians through over the millennia, always being the source of their greatest woes, even though their founding House's greatest claim to power comes from their Mandalorian Jedi Ancestor, the New Mandalorians parroted the Republic and Jedi they seemed to worship by demanding all Force Sensitives be handed to the Jedi for 'proper training', which caused another enormous reason for Death Watch's strength as even many New Mandos were very much not ok with ripping children away from their families to be raised into their ancestral enemies, and even many of his Supercommandos weren't exactly comfortable with these Mando Jedi thanks to conflicts they've had with those high and mighty dogs of the Republic.

"*But they've ignored us! All of us! Just living in their lands as we all toil and fight for everything!*" One of his other men growled in anger.

"*They fought and worked hard for what they own, like all of us. They simply had the strength to protect it, unlike so many others or were capable of rebuilding.*" Jaster chastised quickly because even if he had some small bitterness over their people being left struggling, it was also clear as to why they would do so. "*Regardless, if we can just gain some support, it'll be worth it. Even if it is through one of their vassal Houses.*"

And wasn't that something which told all just how strong Clan Vornskr was.

A Clan had Houses as Vassals.

This was because while they recognized the traditional values of such, Clan Vornskr believed more in welcoming new blood into their fold to rebuild Mandalorian culture and greatness, allowing them to grow beyond any other Clan or House currently in existence. Something many looked down upon, but as they grew, many began to understand their strength and as such some chose to follow their lead to share in this growth. This included various Clans and, later on, Houses, resulting in Clan Vornskr growing into the unofficially largest power in Mandalorian Space, but largely ignored because they did not cause any issues and actually were productive in the eyes of the Republic while not being warmongers, thus thought of as non-threats because the Senate likely had no real clue as to their strength.

If they knew, they would have likely attempted a repeat of the Mandalorian Excision.

Something the Republic and Jedi feared above nearly anything was Mandalorians becoming powerful again after all.

So making sure his men wouldn't do or say anything stupid, Jaster continued waiting at the meeting point for their meeting.

Clan Vornskr was incredibly strict about protecting their land and air space, not permitting anyone from travelling through them unless allied. Something they took almost zealously even before the Excision. At least they didn't have to wait long for a shuttle to arrive.

Well, shuttle by Mandalorian standards and something anyone else would call an Assault Transport due to its belt fed middle launchers, heavy laser turrets, abundance of armor plating and evidence of shielding on top of being able to carry two dozen men. That the thing was supposedly space capable gave it great versatility as well. (MAAT - Multi-Altitude Assault Transport)

Out of it came Vornskr warriors, plated in near black beskar armor of similar coloring to the beast who's name they bore and its symbol typically placed on their shoulders, they exuded strength and discipline few of Jaster's Commandos could even mirror as they neared them. In the lead was a larger male, standing somewhat higher than all of them and with a sturdier build which exuded strength and command.

A true warrior and leader which even overshadowed Jaster, someone known for his charisma as Manda'lor.

"*Greetings Jaster Mereel, current claimant to the title Manda'lor, I am Maar Kun, second-in-command of Clan Vornskr." The large armored humanoid male said in a strong and clear voice, is origins hard to place due to Mandalorian cultural beliefs and his helm, but the lightsaber on his hip told Jaster that this man was likely one of the fabled/reviled Mando Jedi of his clan.

"*Greetings Maar Kun of Clan Vornskr. Have you come with news regarding your Clan Head's response to our offer?" Jaster inquired evenly.

He had been communicating with the current Head of the clan in secret, forming the groundwork for a possible alliance or at least cooperation to combat Death Watch as both sides saw them as self-destructive fools who would destroy everything left of the Mandalorians or bring dangerous attention on them. This was to be the moment of truth as an answer to this kind of discussion necessitated leaders on both sides to meet in person to show respect.

A Second-in-Command being here might be somewhat of a blow, but this was a valid indicator of the difference between Clan Vornskr and the Supercommandos. They could barely hold off Death watch while the Clan could wipe them from existence if it wasn't against their morals to do so.

Believing in freedom of choice was heavily emphasized with Vornskr holdings, hence why they were one of the most powerful forces against slavers in their, and neighboring, sectors. New Mandalorians might get on their knees for the Republic, but it was this Clan which truly kept them safe even as they looked down on them from the domed cities.

"*Yes. Clan Head Ordo has decreed that aid in terms of weapons, equipment, droids, medical and nutritional supplies will be sent, alongside some warriors, although these will only be to protect civilians on both sides.*" Maar Kun revealed which was both more and less than Jaster had expected really as he looked through a data pad handed to him by the man's fellow clan member.

This would drastically aid in freeing up his people to focus more on Death Watch itself now that their struggles in supplying themselves would be alleviated, plus even if they said they would basically be protecting all civilians, his men rarely ever lost themselves enough to cause harm to them, so this was essentially them saying they'd be on their side, just not offensively. It was simply mildly disappointing that they wouldn't be committing more offensively, but this would be incredibly helpful already.

"*This is more than generous.*" Jaster diplomatically responded, not wanting to sound overly grateful but not rude in assumptions.

"*We believe in your reforms being part of what could make Mandalorians prosper again, if an agreement could be reached with the New Mandalorians anyway.*" Kun shrugged. "*Death Watch are the worst of us and will see us die off in search of 'glory', but we can't move just yet.

The time will come, but for now we will support your fight to minimize harm and at least contain this growing cancer in our people.*"

"*And when would this be?*" Jaster questioned being his mask.

"*When our oppressors will not be the only 'danger' to the Galaxy.*" Maar Kun knowingly chuckled, turning around to take his leave, stopping before getting onto his transport. "*Oh and, I'd be careful of the Jedi.

If too much of a ruckus is made, the Senate will sick their dogs on our people again and their facade of compassion will be tossed away at their word anew.*"

With that final warning, Jaster took and his men and took off using their jet packs, flying to their parked ship not far away. They had a Civil War to get back to and Death Watch Nerf Herders to beat down.

Unknown to them to, to any Republic Mandalorians really, this would be the first step in a plan to finally reunify Mandalorians into a powerful people. One with no loyalty to the forces in the Republic but locked somewhere which could heavily impact them.



-Mirialan: Most Clone Wars fans will be very familiar with these Green Near-Humans thanks to Bariss Offee and her Master known as Luminara Unduli, but did you know they came in more than just green? They are also much more flexible and agile, and possessed greater reflexes than humans. So much potential.

Their homeworld sucks, which is unsurprising in Star Wars. And it's not like there aren't millions of planets around to colonize and terraforming technology isn't a thing (great sarcasm), but no, let's stay on the planet because it's 'ours'.

Zygerrian: Slaver cat people, more Furry than anime kind. Dicks down to a cultural level who believe in an innate superiority so much they think it's their right to enslave others if they're weaker than them. They an entire empire around enslaving others and when the Republic 'outlawed slavery' well that basically just limited them to a point where it wouldn't be outright noticeable basically.

(And Former Slave Anakin Skywalker got so into Furry Pussy that he wanted to save the life of the Queen of Slavers who wanted to resurrect her people's empire revolving around it, because she wasn't as big as a bitch as her replacement would be dick, while Married.)

-Trade Federation: Surprise, they were cunts before the Naboo Blockade and the Clone Wars. Basically basing their entire business models on taking advantage of a near monopoly they would have had if Hawk Enterprises didn't exist in this reality.

Did you know Nemoidians, who basically ran the Federation either directly or by being 'advisors', grew from grub like forms where their 'carers' specifically give them too little food to encourage backstabbing, cheating and basically every other short sighted mindsets needed to suck the blood out of the Galaxy and then whine to their mommies when they're told to stop? They're also one of the most hated species around and known as disease carriers too. And the Republic thought it was a great idea to let them be in charge of pretty much all shipping and hyperlane travel as well as to have them pay no taxes so they could develop the Outer Rim for them, the lazy cunts.

-Mandalorian Civil War: Ok, so this bit happens around 60-44 BBY, mainly between the Supercommandos led by the Manda'lor claimant Jaster Mereel and Death Watch of Tor Viszla, Pre's kin, due to differences in philosophy over what Mandalorians should really be like while the New Mandos (Republic Peace humpers) are basically just there until later.

(Once the Civil War was done, it did result in a much shorter struggle between clans for leadership, when Obi-Wan and Satine 'nearly' got it on, with a nephew suddenly appearing later.)

Supercommandos wanted to be honorable mercs and bounty hunters to show off their strength and regain said honor from thousands of years of basically being seen as space vikings who literally beat the sentience out of a race once and then used them as mounts while using the kick ass droids they'd created as war mounts too, while Death Watch basically wants to still be space vikings, getting to pillage and invade anyone they felt like to show off their strength (like that always ended so well for them).

This really came about because back around 738 BBY, Mandalorians were really starting to get their shit together and flourish, which really scared the Republic and the Jedi because they also didn't want to join the Republic for some historically valid reasons, so in their infinite wisdom the Republic and Jedi decided to preemptively attack, shattering Mando clans, turning their major worlds to deserts and then forcibly disarming a great many of them. They then put in place a near puppet ruler under the banner of the New Mandalorians to preach pacifism, hoping to completely neuter them in the future.

As most could guess, some weren't exactly pleased with this idea, but the violent ones were exiled to their moon of Concordia in the hopes that they'd die off, but well that never goes well in Star Wars since they joined together and eventually formed Death Watch as a cesspool of Mandalorian hate and their darkest practices desiring nothing less than the destruction of the New Mandalorians and revenge against the Republic and Jedi.

(Basically the Mandalorian Version of the Sith if you think about it. That pain in the ass also started when the Je'Daii of old just shot dissenting 'dark Je'Daii' into space, hoping they'd just die off somewhere, only to come back with a whole damn Sith empire and incredibly dark powers from that red-skinned race)



Trying to balance info about the world and stuff happening cause right now it's mostly going to be subtle actions to ready for their grand reveal in many places.

This chapter was to give more of a feel for what kind of forces and ressources the Sanctuarate already has in the Galaxy, and that are actually standing against darker elements out their. Hawk Enterprises is actually a pretty big thorn in Sith plans if most didn't pick up on that since Trade Federation power growth is a major aspect of their endgame. Meanwhile, having a powerful force poised in Mandalorian Space is very useful if they wanted to cut off major Hyperspace lanes near their space between corporate entities and the core.

And as mentioned in previous chapters, my OCs are moving about to prepare as they feel is best for the Sanctuarate's future. Kieran will come in soon and then it'll be on him for a while, but I do still want to try and not forget about other ongoings in a 'world' as vast and with so many parts as Star Wars', but Senatorial, Jedi and Sith POVs will have to wait until some actions or presences really start to catch their eyes since right now all forces shown have been part of the known Galaxy for a long time and are considered 'known-entities' after all, hence not threatening. It's why Clan Vornskr doesn't just erase Death Watch basically.

Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try and not make this too info dumpy while being accessible to more casual Star Wars fans, with summarized explanations about species, forces, and events relevant to what's happening down in my info corner.

If you find those helpful, do let me know and give me heads ups if you want an explanation for anything going on and I'll do my best.

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