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Chapter 20: Hat Trick (1)

CIS Frigate Midnight Solace

Near Rodia

Outer Rim

Ventress was laying on the cold deck and panting in a painful effort to inhale enough oxygen in her straining lungs. The combination of shock wave and Sith lighting was racking her body with agonizing spasms. Her bleary blue eyes stared at the scarlet lightsaber blade pointed at her throat. Anger and regret fought in the midst of her very soul. She was on the ground. Defeated before being able to engage the enemy of her master. It infuriated her!

Yet Asajj knew that it was at least partially her fault. She had been too sure in herself even after facing that Togruta Jedi master earlier. She was arrogant and now was about to pay the price.

"Go ahead. Finish it." she was able to rasp amidst a coughing fit.

The lightning she was hit with was much worse than anything she experienced from Dooku or even his master. It was not so much the pain which was substantial. It was the damage that she could feel around her body and especially her chest. Cracked bones from the blast wave and seared flesh from the Dark side attack combined into deadly wounds. She knew that without immediate medical attention she was goner. It was harder to breathe with each passing heartbeat and all she could do through the Force was to slow down her demise and prolong the agony.

"It is not supposed to end like this!" at least that was what she tried to shout but only coughing and a spit of blood exited her lips.


"This is such a waste." I muttered.

The girl was strong in the Force. Give her a few more years and proper training, and she could be something to watch. I grumbled at the schemes of Dooku and Sidious. What they were doing with her was a waste of talent. Pure and simple.

I placed my left hand on her chest in the valley between her breasts and concentrated on drawling the Light side of the Force. I could feel her wounds – burned flesh and damaged lungs, the cracked bones and myriad of old injuries which were not healed properly. If it was not for her strong connection with the force she would be somewhat crippled by the old wounds.

Her body shuddered under my hand. I saw her eyes dilating in surprise and a soft moan of relief escaping her lips as she was able to take in a breath without chocking. Her cracked bones mended under the caress of the Force. Burned and blackened flesh cracked to reveal a healthy pink tissue underneath. I could see the confusion in the assassin's eyes. She had expected either quick death or for me to enjoy her slow and painful demise as she succumbed to her wounds. I had other ideas for her future.

Few minutes later she was mended enough to survive without immediate medical attention. As I was ensuring that outcome my attention was divided between healing her and deflecting blaster bolts from the rear ranks of the Super Battle droids – the ones which survived the grenade barrage. They were mowed down by Clones carrying heavy weapons who used me as a cover to unleash their substantial firepower.

"That's better, Ventress. We'll chat later." I said and my right fist, which was enhanced with the Force slammed in her left temple knocking her out. "Give me some covering fire." I ordered the clones.

I deactivated my lightsaber and placed my hands on Asajj's temples. Dark tendrils of pure force enveloped the Dark Jedi's head and spread all over her body. I poured substantial amount of energy in this technique and was satisfied when to my trained eyes Ventress was bound by midnight black chains of Dark side energies.

"I want two of you to carry her back to the hangar. For at least a day she won't be able to use the Force. Stun her every couple of hours just in case. Go!"

"Yes, sir!" a sergeant snapped a salute and motioned for one of the troopers to follow him.

They grabbed Ventress and ran back retracing our steps.

"Let's finish with this nonsense! Men, follow me!" I ordered and charged the remaining droids blocking our path after checking my shield indicator.

I threw my ignited lightsaber which spun before me in a sweeping ark which cut in two the first row of still standing droids. The blaster bolts of the machines which could keep with my speed splashed harmlessly on my defense field. I lifted the closest droid on the left and hurled it at a group of its friends knocking them all to the deck. I landed and rolled under a burst of red bolts just in time to catch my weapon as it returned from its flight.

I concentrated enough Force around my left fist for it to become a visible distortion around it and slammed it into the deck sending a shock wave down the corridor. The telekinetic onslaught threw all remaining Super Battle droids off their feet.

The clones from the 71st ran behind me shooting at the clankers. Within seconds the remained enemies were turned into a bunch of scrap.

"Good work. Let's move on!" I ordered and ran forward.


Shaak Ti pulled back her lightsaber and the droid she had impaled fell to the ground. She looked around and allowed herself a small smile. Only seven men from the 36th platoon were still on their feet but the enemies in the vicinity were dealt with. There were only couple of tactical and B-1 droids left on the bridge which would be eliminated shortly. While the butcher's bill was high it was almost worth it. They had Grievous! The cyborg was twitching on the ground with its limbs shredded by blaster fire. Four of the remaining clones had their weapons aimed at the crippled CIS general.

"You did well." she congratulated the clones and slammed the blade of her lightsaber in the armored doors barring their entrance to the bridge.

The metal glowed yellow then orange and started melting. For a whole minute Master Ti stood that way until she judged that the blast doors were weakened enough. Then she send a strong telekinetic wave at the half melted armor and it was blown into the bridge showering the few remaining droids with pieces of glowing metal. She jumped through the hole, rolled and her sword arm snapped forward impaling a B-1 droid with her lightsaber. There were only five armed robots and they did not last as many seconds against her. She deflected back their shots which blasted them apart or used the force to smash them in the nearest conveniently placed bulkhead. Within seconds all resistance was eliminated and Shaak Ti was smiling sweetly at the only remaining droid – a tactical one who had its arms in the air and was slowly walking back towards a wall.

"Uh, oh. I'm doomed!" the machine bemoaned while shaking its head in apparent distress.

One of the clones who had followed the Jedi shot the droid removing its head. He shrugged when Master Ti gave him disapproving look.

"It gave me the creeps." said the trooper.


An hour later

Chancellor's office


The former senator from Naboo was watching the holographic images displayed by the comm unit build into his ornately carved desk with a cheerful smile on his face. Inside he felt anything but happy. His plans were threatened like never before. The CIS general, who was to be used as a Boogie man in captivity as well as Dooku's pet! That was something that could not be borne!

It was unfortunate that after that disastrous rescue attempt of the Viceroy, and may Gunray rot in the nine Corellian hells for eternity, another such stunt was unlikely to be successful. Both the Jedi and GAR high command were on high alert and ready for another rescue attempt. Sidious would have to arrange on regardless but it would take some doing. He would need to wait a bit for the heat to die off too. Perhaps a distraction or two first?

That man, Delkatar Veil was a loose cannon who was becoming a problem. Unfortunately the newcomer had dealt with some of Palpatine's pawns and after engineered the capture of both Grievous and Ventress simply ordering the army to deal with him won't pass a smell test. Such an act would have the Jedi sniffing around and they might find what he was planning for them. That was unacceptable! On the other hand, one such as Sidious did excel in turning unfortunate situations in opportunities.

"This is splendid work you did, Master Ti!" exclaimed Palpatine with a smile on his face. No even a hint of his real feelings could be found on his face or in the tone of his voice. "What do you plan to do with the prisoners? They must be interrogated and Grievous must stand trial for his crimes. I need him on Coruscant. Showing this victory to the galaxy will do wonders for our cause!" exclaimed the Chancellor.

"We are already on our way. For security reasons we won't be disclosing our route."

"Yes. That is a sensible precaution after what happened at Rodia." nodded the old man.

Sidious looked at the masked figure which was standing behind the right shoulder of the female Jedi. Whatever else the debacle at Rodia led to there was at least a small silver lining. The Dark Lord of the Sith now knew that Veil was a dangerous man who was more than a match for most of his pawns. He had to make different arrangements about him. Palpatine's smile widened a bit. Why change something that works?

"Mister Veil, in light of your actions which were above and beyond the call of the contract you had with the Republic to protect senator Amidala, I have a proposition to you. But first let me thank you again for saving my dear friend Padme!" Palpatine beamed.

"You are honoring me with your gracious words, Chancellor." rumbled the distorted voice of the masked man.

"I want to offer you a commission in the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic."

Veil tilted his head to the right at that.

"This is an interesting offer, sir. At what rank?"

"If I may be so bold to say, you demonstrated abilities that rival those of the Jedi. If the report you two and ensign Piett gave me is correct it was your forward thinking and bravery which led to the capture of three dangerous enemies of the Republic. When I take that into consideration I want to offer you the rank of general with the same authority the Jedi have."

Palpatine smiled like a kindly old man. If Veil accepted it would create friction between him and the Jedi. Only a blind man would be unable to see that he was a Dark side wielder. With that man in the army not only Sidious would have some control over him but would be able to ensure that he could be placed out of the way of his most important plans. If Veil proved unresponsive to the overtures Sidious planned to send his way and refused to join his side, well military operations were known to become disasters from time to time. Even the most powerful Jedi could be take out by massive numbers and firepower. It would be truly regrettable if something happened to that man... Hehe… Besides, Veil's presence would prove to be an additional distraction for the Jedi Council. A win-win situation for Sidious.

"It will be an honor to accept your gracious offer, Chancellor." Veil gave a small bow.

"Splendid, my young friend! With you on our side the Separatists will regret the day they raised arms against the innocents of the republic! We should speak face to face when you arrive with your prisoners!"

With those parting words, Palpatine cut off the connection. He had to insure that Grievous and perhaps that foolish child Ventress were freed. He drummed his fingers over the wooden surface of his desk while thought who amongst his agents would be the best man for the job. Then he smiled when a plan formed in his crooked brain.

"Yes, that will do. If the plan is executed carefully not only it will take care of Grievous but it will also help my political agenda..." he muttered with a sinister smile on his face.

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