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Chapter 53: Chapter 53

(We hit 40%!$forestofdarkness)

A few days after Master Kirk was thinking about how kind and innocent Jial and the Yautja seemed, the leader of the Yautja was sitting down with a Sith Lord and discussing how they could improve the Jedi-Slayers with an assassin droid designed specifically to kill Jedi was standing next to them. 

"Their exoskeleton is not blaster-repellent like I wished. Perhaps we could..."

"No," Jial interrupted. "If they become too strong, then we earn the ire of others. Giving them a weakness allows for others to not want to gang up on us. Just look at the Hutts' current situation."

"Understood, My Lord," Seviss agreed with Jial before taking his leave. The realistic image of HK-47 and Seviss disappeared as the Sith ended his spell. Jial sat alone in his room with a Holocron in hand. This was not the Telos or the Great Holocron but one that Jial had constructed himself. It was a compilation of forbidden knowledge that he had collected. This included things he learned from the Telos Holocron, the Great Holocron, the Yautja Database, and what he learned about from the Grey Knights. 

Jial was currently trying to mimic their Psychic abilities but was having difficulties. The way that Psyker's abilities work was very similar to the Force but also different. The way that Kaldor explained it, they pulled their power from a different dimension, unlike the Force that used the power of the living creatures within the universe to power itself. Psyker abilities also seemed closely related to both the Light and Dark Side of the Force but had no real alignment. Instead, it would corrupt those who were unable to withstand its powers.

As he was studying how to use Psyker abilities, Jial was also ordering his forces to engage the Hutts and Black Sun Syndicate on multiple fronts. He was very strategic in his battle, locating the weak points in their networks that would not have a chance to reinforce the locations that he decided to attack. 

While Jial was in the middle of coordinating an attack on Ryloth and giving the location of some important Black Sun and Hutt members to the Pride, Nott knocked on his door.

"Master. Master Kirk of the Jedi Order has arrived and wishes to speak with you," Nott bowed at the door, not entering even when it opened. 

"Got it. Let's go see him together," Jial set down his Holocron before standing up and walking out the door with Nott by his side. Both of them already knew why he was there but Jial was not willing to end the war. If it was just the Yautja, he did not mind letting the war end as long as the Hutts and Black Sun did not continue to try and attack them.

But since he formed the Shadow Collective, he couldn't just stop the war anymore. He made a deal with his allies and he had to stick to his part. His force made up the bulk of the military force. If he pulled out, the Hutts and Black Sun would surely exterminate the other 3 groups. 

Jial and Nott entered the meeting room that had remained unchanged since they had first taken over the building. Even with all of the remodeling they had done with the rest of the building, Jial kept it the same as it was during their first meeting. 

Sitting down was not only Master Kirk but Master Yoda was present as well. 

"Jedi Masters," Jial greeted them as he walked into the room before making his way to his seat. "What an expected visit."

"Lord Jial. The Republic has become anxious," Master Kirk informed him immediately, barely even greeting him. "The Basilisk War Droids returning, the Exchange coming out of hiding, and the Zygerrians launching such a massive attack. Any one of these events occurring would throw the Republic into panic. All 3 happening have made the various planets very anxious."

Jial could imagine that. Just the fact that the Mandalorians had refused to join the Republic and built up power on their own caused a near genocide. Their regaining the mount that helped them conquer half the Galaxy was indeed terrifying. 

The other two groups were also feared throughout the Galaxy as well. Both groups had barely survived the wrath of the Republic and Sith Empire, only scrapping by by the skin of their teeth.

If any were to regain their former glory, it could spell ruin. Let alone all 3.

"But what would you have me do, Master Kirk?" Jial asked, knowing that the Jedi Master couldn't give him an answer. He couldn't just say to surrender to the Hutts and Black Sun. That would be telling Jial to kill himself and his people. 

Master Kirk let out a deep sigh. He also knew just how outrageous the situation was. Neither of the two sides could or were willing to give in. The war wouldn't end until one side wiped out the other.

"Lord Jial. I am trying my best to keep the Jedi out of this conflict. But if the Republic pushes us... I'm not sure how I can turn them down without turning the Jedi into enemies of the Republic," Master Kirk explained his main issue with the war.

He truly didn't care that Jial was warring with the Hutts. He also wasn't threatened by the 3 forces. Each of their empires existed separately from one another. If all 3 tried to exist at the same time, there would surely be fighting. Only so much power could exist at once. 

"The Jedi have already become involved," Jial told him. Nott tossed the only lightsaber that had managed to survive Kaldor's wrath above Nod Kartha. Both Master Yoda and Kirk recognized that the blade indeed belonged to a Jedi. 

"That belonged to one of three Jedi that tried to assist the Black Sun with invading Nod Kartha last month. And I have information from a reliable source that there are at least 20 more supporting the Black Sun Syndicate," Jial dropped a shocking piece of information that neither Master knew. "I hope you guys remember what happened with Revan."

Both Masters nodded, taking this matter very seriously. They knew that Jedi sometimes got involved in other conflicts but never one like this. The fact that these Jedi were also keeping their involvement hidden meant they knew they should not be getting involved in the war.

"Thank you, Lord Jial," Master Kirk stood up from his seat. Jial may have been helping himself but he also helped Kirk. The Jedi getting involved without the Order officially declaring a side or the Republic making a stance meant that they were showing some bias. He could use that as an excuse to get the Jedi to stay out of the war if the Republic insisted on it. 

Master Kirk and Yoda left the building and Yautja Prime, leaving Jial alone with Nott and a blue screen that only he could see. 

[Multiple Paths Detected

Path 1: Continue war with the Hutts and Black Sun

Rewards: Beta Plus Psyker Abilities, 1x Guide to Psyker Abilities, 3x Geneseed Implants, and 1x Premium Companion Summon

Consequences: The Yuuzhan Vong Invasion occurs 20 years sooner

Path 2: End the war with the Hutts and Black Sun

Rewards: Beta Plus Psyker Abilities, 1x Guide to Psyker Abilities, and 5x Premium Companion Summon

Consequences: Other members of the Shadow Collective turn against the Yautja]

'Yuuzhan Vong? Is that a species related to the Grey Knights or something from the Unknown Region?' Jial had never heard about the Yuuzhan Vong, even from his two Holocrons or the Yautja Database. He knew it couldn't be related to the Yautja so he guessed the two most plausible answers.

'Will the invasion occur next week or in a few hundred years? Are they just invading Yautja Prime or the entire Galaxy? How strong are they?' Jial thought of all the questions he had but knew the System would not answer. 'This damn System never gives enough information! Whatever. I pick the 1st path.'

[Host choice confirmed. Rewards are placed in storage. ]

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