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Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Olokun

Colonel Maybourne slammed the door of his apartment upon entering. He was filled with fury and disbelief over what had happened hours earlier at the SGC command. That damn four-eyed jerk had ruined his plans…

Colonel Maybourne pushed aside his anger and looked at the shadowy figure sitting on a sofa in his apartment's living room. Maybourne surveyed the entire place, but there seemed to be no one else. He slowly raised his left hand to reach for the apartment's light switch while pulling out his 9mm pistol from its holster with his right hand.

Maybourne flicked the switch, but nothing happened. He gritted his teeth. Having someone waiting in his apartment was already a serious matter, but them messing with the lights and associated security systems was a big problem.

"Who are you?" Maybourne asked the figure in the shadows.

Maybourne had managed to draw his weapon and wondered if he'd catch a bullet to the head if he tried to raise it to aim at the person. Since he couldn't see anyone else, perhaps the man had grown overconfident and couldn't see what Maybourne was doing in the shadows.

Maybourne received no response. The figure seemed like a statue in its stillness. The living room was just five meters away, and the figure about eight meters; he was confident he could hit him in the head.

The chest was the safest place to shoot, but at this distance, he was sure to hit the head, and he didn't want to deal with the unpleasant situation of shooting the guy in the chest, only for him to wear a bulletproof vest, in which case he wouldn't feel the impact much and would have a chance to return fire — terrible news for him, as he had nothing for cover, just his military intelligence uniform.

"Calm down, Colonel Maybourne. It's not in your best interest to shoot our future puppet," said a soft voice, sounding like a young woman.

The voice came from the direction of the figure in the shadows, but there was no one else there…

A shadow materialized behind the figure in the shadows, its right arm raised, snapping its fingers.

The light came on, leaving Maybourne blinded for a few seconds.

When his vision cleared, Maybourne was stunned for another couple of seconds at seeing who the figure that was once in shadows belonged to.

It was Senator Kinsey. But Maybourne shook off his bewilderment because behind Kinsey was an unknown person.

She was a young woman, appearing like a teenager, 1.65 to 1.67m tall, pale skin, short blue hair, red iris eyes, soft features with a slight Asian profile, not too evident but present, wearing a fitted suit on her slender figure. Maybourne didn't know who the hell she was, but she didn't seem… human.

"I'm not human, if that's what you're wondering," said the woman, gesturing with her hand for him to approach. "Let's talk," she added, and her voice had an emphasis at the end that made it sound threatening.

Maybourne understood her threat and approached, hesitating whether to keep his weapon.

"What's happening to him?" Maybourne asked, gesturing toward Senator Kinsey.

"I've injected some bionanites into his brain to turn him into my Creator's puppet," the young woman explained. Maybourne confirmed his suspicions about this girl's origin.

"Who is your Creator?" Maybourne asked.

"An ally," the woman replied.

Maybourne grimaced at the brief answer, but a second later, his brain clicked.

"The ally's report," Maybourne muttered, and the girl nodded, though he wasn't asking.

"Are you an extraterrestrial?" Maybourne asked, who just hours before had been about to abduct a group of them, wondering if this was some kind of retaliation. The girl nodded.

She continued to provide concise answers with minimal information to his questions.

"I believe we can spend the whole night, me asking short questions and you responding briefly alternately, or you can tell me what you're doing in my apartment and what your boss wants from me. Although if you plan to complain about what happened today at the SGC, you can stick your complaint wherever you like because I had a very bad day and I'm not in the mood for recriminations. Our planet is at stake here, and I've never been known to take these things lightly," Maybourne said amid grumbles, unable to shake off thoughts of that four-eyed jerk.

This was his planet, but any alien seemed to think they had more rights than him. The girl continued to show an indifferent expression.

"Colonel Maybourne, my Creator is not a bad person. Although you are somewhat radical, you seem to want the best for your planet, and especially for your country. My Creator can understand your motivations, and that's why, under no circumstances, would he use a method like this," she said, pointing to Senator Kinsey, "to deal with you…"

"And what kind of wrong did the senator do for your 'Creator' to feel free to lobotomize his brain?" Maybourne asked, interrupting because this matter was important. The girl seemed unaffected by his interruption.

"He's a corrupt man who sells himself to the highest bidder, like most of your politicians, but he has fewer scruples and sold all the information about the stargate to private individuals, both external and internal to this country.

"He was also here to offer his support and, with his help, create a rebel intelligence organization that would extract extraterrestrial technology for profit while silencing anyone who approached," the girl explained. Maybourne looked at her suspiciously.

Kinsey had provided him with the presidential orders he used to try to take the Tollan with him, but Maybourne wouldn't get involved in the kind of affairs this girl was mentioning.

"I'm not a traitor, and the senator knows it," Maybourne said.

"That claim is debatable, but in this context, acceptable. Senator Kinsey didn't plan to tell you the ultimate goal of his organization. Just by telling you that he would support you in obtaining alien technology for the defense of Earth and this country, he would have you eating out of his hand," the girl explained indifferently, and Maybourne tightened his grip on his pistol and put it away, taking a seat.

As annoyed as he was, he would undoubtedly accept that deal. The girl nodded, remaining behind the senator.

"You can call me 00. My Creator believes that an alliance with your intelligence agency could be beneficial for everyone involved in this conflict, and our assistance can bring great benefits to your country.

"Firstly, vital information, such as a goa'uld system lord has released two of his service ships to send them to Earth, and in a couple of months at the latest, they will be bombarding this planet from orbit," the girl explained. Maybourne tensed. If that information was true, Earth was doomed. "Don't worry; all goa'uld suffer from a severe mental illness, and disrupting their plans is not difficult. Even you can handle this attack if you have the right information," she added.

"Are you saying you're willing to help us?" Maybourne asked, ignoring everything else for the moment. 00 nodded.

"When the time comes, my Creator will contact you. Now, there's no need to worry. I've revealed this information so you understand the importance of the deal I offer you because, when the time comes, depending on your actions and sincerity in our possible agreement, we could help you not only destroy the threat but also get a good haul."

"Assisting you in capturing those ships and placing them in your hands is not ruled out," explained 00, and Maybourne's heart raced. He didn't mind this girl continuing to give him information bit by bit, as if she enjoyed seeing him desperate, and he hurried to ask the next question.

"What would I have to do?" Maybourne asked.

"Nothing more than your job. Don't be an idiot with SGC members, ensure SG-1's safety, don't harass them, don't try to kill them for a small benefit, don't form rebel intelligence agencies that could end up becoming terrorist groups, and maintain project security. Do you think you can handle that?" 00 asked, raising an eyebrow. Maybourne had to admit he felt somewhat embarrassed.

"What does your Creator gain from this?" Maybourne asked.

"My Creator is a citizen of your country and cares about its future and humanity's because he enjoys the peace and freedom of your country and the world, the great cultural riches that exist, as well as the carefree way of living life.

"Colonel Maybourne, even if you don't believe it, this planet is unique in the entire galaxy, and my Creator considers it an invaluable treasure. So, as long as you don't turn into lawless criminals and lunatics, he will be happy to help you maintain your security," explained 00.

From her words, Maybourne deduced that the ally's report was an extraterrestrial who had decided to reside on Earth and had also chosen his country. That could be good, as in this case, but also something terrible, considering that this uninvited guest had sent a lackey to lobotomize a senator's brain.

"What will you do if I refuse to participate?" Maybourne asked. 00 continued to show an indifferent expression.

"If that's your decision, you'll wake up tomorrow without remembering anything about this conversation, our meeting, or anything about Senator Kinsey.

"My Creator has already selected another of your colleagues who is a human piece of garbage to lobotomize his brain and fulfill the role we're offering you. However, my Creator prefers not to resort to extreme measures unless absolutely necessary," explained 00.

"I accept," said Maybourne with a sigh. He couldn't overlook information concerning the planet's security or the accusations of treason now weighing on Senator Kinsey.

"Excellent, my Creator has sent you some gifts that will prove useful in your work," said 00, pointing in front of him, where after a flash of white light, six boxes about a meter long, half a meter wide, and about thirty centimeters thick appeared.

"It's a computer with goa'uld technology thousands of times more powerful than what your intelligence agencies use, with an operating system that, due to its complexity and technological level, will be impossible to infiltrate with your current technology.

"This computer has its own user manual and operates with an interface that you'll find very easy to use. In its database, you'll find technical specifications for all the most-used goa'uld technology, as well as a general design blueprint of their ships, with important locations like engines, cargo bays, the bridge, and more.

"We've also included six lie detectors, whose use and examples are in the computer's database. With them, you can rid yourself of unwanted or unstable elements trying to enter the Stargate project. You can also ensure the discretion of private collaborators, like companies. I believe an intelligence agency will appreciate this artifact," said 00.

Maybourne stared at the boxes with wide eyes. This far exceeded his wildest expectations, and 00 was one hundred percent right: any intelligence agency in the world would send half of its agents to die if it meant getting this technology.

"Are there any rules regarding the use of this technology?" Maybourne asked nervously. He already wanted to jump and check the boxes.

"You can do whatever you want with them; they're yours. But if you mess them up trying to figure out how to create identical ones, you'll have to deal with it on your own in the future. My Creator isn't here to wipe your drool every time you do something stupid," said 00. Maybourne hurriedly nodded. He did like these aliens. "Well then, I bid you farewell."

"If you fulfill your part, my creator is willing to provide you with more technology of this kind in the future, which will facilitate your intelligence operations," 00 concluded and disappeared in a flash of white light, along with Senator Kinsey.

Maybourne jumped onto the boxes and began to open them.


Korr read 00's report on her encounter with Maybourne. He had decided not to interfere until now, but the creation of a rebel faction of the NID was something he could not allow, and he had kept an eye on both Kinsey and Maybourne to see when they would start getting involved.

Kinsey had been put under the control of his bionanites, and now it was as if he were controlled by a goa'uld. Korr had taken care of the businessmen he worked with, and the next day they would wake up and remember nothing about the SGC or anything related to it. All the money they had invested in this project of stealing extraterrestrial technology was already in Korr's account, waiting to be invested in video games.

Korr continued to look at reports. The next one was from Jet, his Jaffa primus, to report on the state of his ground forces, which included over twenty thousand Jaffa whose bodies had been enhanced with bionanites and Wraith cells.

Of the eight planets his army had taken from Mot, who still slept in the hold because Korr still didn't have a job for him, Korr had given one to his Jaffa and had also built two large and luxurious cities, each capable of housing a million inhabitants, for them and their families, using the advanced technology of the Leviathan and the bioships of his envoys, 05 and 06, which had already been completed along with 00's.

As a thank-you for his gift, the Jaffa had built several temples for him in the cities, using their own hands to demonstrate their loyalty to their covenant with him. Since they were his ground and assault forces, Korr had granted them many privileges, including the use of his technology in their cities.

Korr had not given them the knowledge of how to create it, only the ability to use it. There were transport rings, a portal shield, public lighting, electricity for their homes, and a bunch of appliances like refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, air conditioning systems, computers, cell phones, machines to make their own clothes, and any modern device one could imagine.

For the Jaffa and their families, Korr had established a payment commensurate with their services, providing them with immense amounts of food and entertainment, such as alcoholic beverages and more. The Jaffa's job was to be his ground army, and Korr paid them according to the risk that represented for their lives.

On his planet, Korr had built military bases where the Jaffa could train with state-of-the-art technology. For their safety, from among themselves, Korr had formed a security force to deal with any crimes committed.

For external security against other Goa'uld trying to invade his planet, Jet had protected it with three Ha'tak ships, one of which Korr had given to Jet, and two upgraded Ha'taks with naquadriah energy sources, and a permanent garrison of four thousand Jaffa. His ships were more than what some mid-rank Goa'uld had, as they typically only had at most two Ha'taks at their disposal. Additionally, it should be noted that the Ha'taks Korr had given to the Jaffa for their protection were upgraded, both in their energy source and in all their systems, weapons, and sensors, making them vastly superior to the ancient ones.

One of the Ha'taks upgraded with a naquadriah power source could take on two regular Ha'taks and defeat them without taking damage or escape from an enemy fleet without any problem, thanks to its superior speed. Taking into account Jet's ship, enhanced with a subspace energy source, the Jaffa could confront system lords who had at least ten Ha'taks in their personal service. However, these system lords rarely left their territories. If the system lords became too crazy and left their territories unprotected, they paid a high price when other Goa'uld invaded and stole their resources.

Korr possessed nine Ha'tak ships—two he had before, and the other seven he seized in his recent conquest. Six from Mot and one from one of his lesser Goa'uld vassals. Two of these ships were with the Jaffa, and the rest formed his personal army. The lesser Goa'uld who had served Mot now served him, but Korr had not given them a Ha'tak ship because he handled the security of his territory himself and, for the time being, only needed them as governors of the conquered planets.

Korr did not assign Ha'tak ships to the conquered planets. He did not have the disadvantage of being unable to gather his army because he had scattered spy satellites throughout his territory and knew in real-time all movements of ships within and outside his territory. In addition to the nine planets he took from Mot, now his territory, only three of them were occupied.

Of the five hundred thousand humans living in Mot's territories, Korr brought a hundred thousand to his own planet, and the rest he sent to two other planets under the rule of his new Goa'uld servants. That meant that among the Goa'uld, he already had a fleet that rivaled a system lord.

The other planets were turned into farming planets, only about five hundred kilometers around where the Stargates were, to facilitate transportation. On each of them, Korr had planted a Tree of Life that ensured improved harvests and kept pests away. Planting and harvesting were done by his human servants using advanced machinery provided by him.

Korr did not grant technological knowledge to his human or Jaffa servants, but neither did he prevent them from learning to read, develop their own writing, or try to develop their own technology. What he had prohibited was using his technology without permission or attempting to steal it.

The nine conquered planets were not the only ones in Mot's territory. There were thirty abandoned planets with small human villages, a few thousand inhabitants each, which he distributed among his three inhabited planets. There were also thousands of planets with poisonous atmospheres unsuitable for human life and millions of planets that were sterile rocks, but all these planets had resources to a greater or lesser extent, and Korr had set up replicator-run mines on the richest ones.

The replicators had been in this venture for three months since Mot's fall, and he already had millions of tons of resources like naquadah, trinium, neutronium, and other rare metals and minerals.

Korr finished reviewing the reports from the lesser Goa'uld serving him. It had been six months since he arrived on this world, but he had no rush to resolve all his problems. For him, the most important thing now that he had all the technology he wanted was to enjoy the scenery, have fun, live carefree, and yawn lazily from time to time.

Korr was not like other transmigrators who seemed to have some nervous tic, always desperate to get things done and artificially increasing the difficulty of their tasks by being in a hurry, wanting to solve everything on their own.

Korr stretched on his throne and cleared the reports from his mind, calling 00, who appeared as a hologram because she was on Earth at the moment.

"Where are the ships that Apophis sent to Earth right now?" asked Korr.

"If we consider that they need to stop for refueling, gather some resources and troops, they are a couple of months away from Earth," replied 00. Korr nodded.

"It seems we have nothing to do there until then. Have you recovered the Tollan phase-shifting technology and planted the tracker on theirs?" asked Korr.

"Yes, creator, I have. Tollan technology is behind Asgard and Alteran technology and is even partly more outdated than that of the Goa'uld because their spatial capabilities are hundreds of years behind. But they have a technological development and application of their technologies much superior to the Goa'uld," explained 00.

Korr was already aware of that and reviewed the phase-shifting technology as it reached his mind. Korr smiled. This would be another security measure for his guardian spheres, also for the Leviathan, and even for the Jaffa planet and his own capital planets.

The Tollan could not unlock the full potential of their technology due to their inadequate power sources and their own technological level, but he could make the most of it.

"00, you've done an excellent job. Go home. System Lord Olokun is not happy because I've taken over Mot's territories, and I'm not willing to serve him. So, he has sent five of his ha'taks to destroy some of our planets. Since it seems we have free time, I am prepared to accept his gift of five Ha'taks and keep his territories and Jaffa armies," said Korr with a smile.

"Creator, I'll be there in a few minutes," replied 00.

She would use a portal in Earth's orbit within a utility ship to return because her bioship was in orbit around her capital planet. Korr bid farewell to 00 and sent a communication to 05 and 06.

05 and 06 appeared before him as hard light holograms. 05 was a blonde woman with hair down to her waist, and 06 looked like her sister because she was also a blonde woman with an athletic body and appeared to be in her mid-twenties.

"System Lord Olokun has sent an attack against us. Due to this, I will be off-planet with 00 and the Ha'tak fleet. You two will be in charge of the security of this planet," informed Korr.

"We will do so, Emperor," said 05.

"Of course, boss," said 06.

Korr sighed after cutting the communication. Each of the enhanced replicators referred to him differently, and Korr did not understand why.

00 called him Creator, 01 called him Supreme Being, although he also called himself Supreme Replicator, 02 called him father, 03 called him God, 04 was brazen and called him Korr, 05 called him Emperor, and 06 called him Boss. Korr didn't know what to think. These human replicators were his most reliable allies because they were part of his own mind, but most of the time, he didn't know what they were thinking.

Korr shook his head and moved to the bridge of his flagship. This new conquest was not a simple matter and would take him years. The territory of a system lord was extensive, and Olokun had about thirty middle lords serving him, plus dozens of minor lords. The planets to be conquered were more than five hundred, even if it took a day to capture each one, that would be more than half a year, which made it unacceptable. Korr had to use a different tactic than moving his fleet from one planet to another. It was time to summon Mot.

With a thought from Korr, a man 1.90 meters tall, very dark skin, golden eyes, and an athletic body wearing attire similar to his, was transported in front of him by an Asgard transport beam.

"My lord, I am Mot, and I accept to serve you," said Mot, kneeling as soon as he appeared, because Korr had left information in his head about the current situation and the new power source for his Ha'tak ships. Korr nodded.

"Mot, I have appointed your former servants as my governors, but I have a different mission for you because I need more commanders for my fleet and forces," said Korr, deploying a hologram of the galaxy between him and Mot, causing Mot's eyes to widen as it showed in real-time all the current forces of the system lords and all their planets.

The map was not precise because it only showed ships in orbit around the planets and not the ground forces. Still, it left Mot with wide-open eyes. This was his network of satellites distributed throughout the galaxy, and the Goa'uld forces were not the only thing they had discovered; it was just what Korr was showing. This satellite network was there to monitor the galaxy on a large scale and ensure that nothing could catch him off guard, but it was nowhere near what he wanted because his goal was to have a satellite on every planet and thus have a complete and absolute view of what was happening at all times and everywhere when he felt like it.

The obstacle to this plan was that there were billions of planets in the galaxy, and he had only been there for six months. He hadn't even sent a satellite to each of the planets in his own current territory, which numbered in the millions. So, covering the entire galaxy with his satellites would take him years.

Korr focused the map on Olokun's territory.

"Mot, with the current speed of my Ha'taks, we can traverse Olokun's territory in two days. My problem is that his forces are distributed across hundreds of planets, and if we attack them one by one, it will take us a couple of years to conquer all this," said Korr, and Mot appeared surprised again because that was very unconventional for the current Goa'uld standard. It required superior technology, like Anubis had at the time, to advance so quickly on Goa'uld territories.

"Mot, my Ha'taks are far superior to Olokun's Ha'taks and his forces. They can face two of his best models and win easily. If they face three, they would receive damage, and if they face four, they could still escape. So, I don't need nine ships to conquer a planet defended by a maximum of three Ha'taks.

"For this reason, I have decided to divide my forces, giving you two Ha'taks to attack the planets defended by Olokun's middle lords, conquer his forces, and in turn, send them to conquer other middle lords on my behalf.

"With our weapon to overload shields and destroy their generators, there will be no problem capturing enemy Ha'taks, and my replicators will take care of upgrading and putting them into operation with all the current improvements in half a day. You just need to leave them in orbit around a planet with a Stargate, and I will take care of everything because I also have the resources for it," explained Korr.

"Truly, my lord is a god," praised Mot. It was a false compliment, and his eyes gleamed with greed, like any Goa'uld, but Korr was satisfied.

As long as Mot didn't behave too treacherously, he would overlook his foolishness; that was the Goa'uld rule.

In his time, Ra knew that the system lords ignored his orders and had hidden shipyards, but he didn't bother much to look for them. He would only act if one of them showed open hostility or was too brazen.

The Goa'uld now working for Korr were stealing at least one percent of the taxes they were supposed to send him, but he said nothing, even though there was a computer program monitoring them at all times, and he knew what they were doing and how they disguised their reports.

Korr made one disappear who was too ambitious for his own good, daring to try to capture a replicator for study, which was the utmost secret of his technology. Korr sent him to the hold without asking questions. His disappearance did not go unnoticed by the other Goa'uld, but none of them dared to ask what had happened to the guy. Korr informed them of his crime but not of his fate, as he wanted their imagination to instill fear in them.

"Mot, I am beyond your simple imagination. Now take your Ha'taks, and remember, the Jaffa are not slaves; they are all my warriors, and each one of them is valuable to me. Try to sacrifice them, and you will no longer be useful to me," warned Korr, making a hand gesture to make Mot disappear and send him to a Ha'tak while transmitting his orders to Jet, who was millions of times more reliable than any Goa'uld and would always be the one leading his personal fleet, serving only under his orders.

The conquest of Olokun's territory began the next day. Korr first attacked the planets where the middle lords' forces with the highest number of Ha'taks were, directing his main force on one side and Mot's on the other. They faced planets defended by three Ha'taks, and their surprise attack resulted in capturing them within a few minutes of their arrival.

The goa'uld and Jaffa who served them, as well as their ships, were put in the service of Mot, and in half a day, he already had two more commanders and six Ha'taks, so he gave one more to Mot and two to each captured middle lord, taking the remaining one for his own fleet. He also annexed the Jaffa, who numbered around twenty thousand.

Thus, his fleet grew, and the next day, they attacked four planets simultaneously, increasing their forces and fleet for the second time.

Olokun immediately noticed their lightning-fast attack and didn't sit idly, moving the forces near his main planet, ordering his closest lords to retreat, and his more distant forces to act as cannon fodder to slow Korr's advance.

Olokun tried to send naquadah bombs to the captured planets using the Stargate, but Korr already knew this Goa'uld tactic and placed shields on each captured Stargate.

Olokun ordered his Jaffa-commanded ships to crash into Korr's, but it didn't work either because the mobility of his Ha'taks was far superior to Olokun's, and they couldn't catch up. To prevent similar tactics, Korr blocked all communications in Olokun's territory using his satellites. This didn't affect him because his own communications were based on a psychic network.

With communications blocked, once they attacked, Korr just had to activate a Stargate to leave Olokun's forces isolated and without communications, so the capture of his territory advanced at lightning speed.

"You are a rebel and will be punished by the system lords if you do not lift your siege right now!" threatened Olokun.

Olokun's host was a dark-skinned man wearing a suit with African tribal designs unrelated to the Egyptians.

Korr's Ha'tak fleet arrived at Olokun's capital world a month after receiving his declaration of war. During this time, Olokun could not attack any of Korr's planets, while he had captured all of Olokun's territory using his own forces.

Olokun was a system lord with greater forces than a middle lord like Mot. He owned more than five hundred worlds, an army of hundreds of thousands of Jaffa, and over a hundred Ha'tak ships, distributed among his lesser and middle lords. Most of these were now in the service of Korr.

Olokun had his personal fleet, reinforced by a few Ha'taks he managed to save from Korr's lightning attack, ordering them to withdraw and now facing his fleet. Fifteen more Ha'taks formed a fleet of thirty Ha'taks for Olokun, confronting Korr's fleet, also consisting of thirty Ha'taks but enhanced.

Korr didn't want to scare the other system lords and only brought a fleet equal to Olokun's, led by the Leviathan. According to his intelligence, Olokun only protected his capital world with eight ships, but he had abandoned the protection of several worlds and withdrawn the Ha'taks from the service of lesser Goa'uld when he saw Korr's unstoppable advance, trying to gather his forces for a stand. However, he acted too late, and his territories now belonged to Korr, who had surrounded him on all sides, leaving his capital world for last.

"Olokun, the system lords won't save you. If they decide to support you, their ships will take years to reach your territory, and I have already secured all the Chappa'ai on your worlds, so they won't be able to send ground troops to delay your conquest. Surrender, and I promise you will suffer no harm. You can serve me…" Olokun's ships opened fire on his fleet. Korr shook his head. These Goa'uld lords were too proud.

"To all ships, disable their shields. Jet, prepare the Jaffa for transport and capture," ordered Korr, simply observing the battle on a holographic representation in front of him.

00 stood by his throne, looking on with indifference while transmitting strategic orders and correcting the tactics of the Jaffa troops participating in the battle.

This battle was not like the one with Mot and other middle lords because Olokun had deployed all his forces and was ready for the assault. His fleet presented a battle line of thirty Ha'taks, reinforced by over a hundred Al'kesh, and his Ha'taks began deploying death gliders as soon as they saw Korr's fleet enter their territory.

Jet, commanding the battle, also did not hide his forces and deployed his own Al'kesh, in addition to fighters. The forces clashed while Olokun stayed in the rear.

Jet's forces, leading the battle in his enhanced Ha'tak, attacked Olokun's ships, firing their overload cannons, disabling their shields to invade their ships, using ring platforms because this time, his Jaffa were more than sufficient for that.

Seeing that the ships with failing shields were being invaded, Olokun ordered them to be shot to kill his own Jaffa, along with those of Korr.

Korr, whose bioship stayed in the rear, leaving the entire battle to his fleet and receiving only an occasional stray shot, gritted his teeth and used the Asgard transporter of the Leviathan to bring all endangered Jaffa to a nearby ship.

Jet, seeing Olokun's tactic, modified his own tactics, and instead of trying to invade Olokun's ships, he disabled their weapons, causing some enemy Ha'taks to explode from the severe damage. Korr took the Jaffa to the planet as they would be his future soldiers.

Korr's ships did not escape unscathed either because, seeing that one ship couldn't harm their shields, Olokun concentrated the shots of several ships, forcing some of Korr's Ha'taks to withdraw from the battle with severe damage, and some Jaffa died in the explosions beyond the reach of the transporter beam.

The battle lasted three hours, but the superiority of Korr's Ha'taks was something Olokun couldn't face, and ten of his Ha'taks were destroyed, while twenty suffered severe damage, his Al'kesh were disabled, and his death gliders were destroyed.

"Olokun's flagship has lost its shields; we have located his life signs. He's attempting to escape… Jet's forces have captured him," reported 00.

"Send him to the cargo hold after subjecting him to treatment," ordered Korr.

"Olokun's flagship has been captured," informed Jet. The battle didn't last much longer.

"My god, we've captured the planet," reported Jet an hour later, sending an image of a captured army of Jaffa kneeling in a plaza belonging to a palace.

Korr didn't bother making actual recordings this time, projecting only a simulation onto the planet, where he executed Olokun himself and declared himself the master of all. The Jaffa surrendered upon seeing their fallen god.

"Casualties?" asked Korr.

"A thousand Jaffa killed in capturing the Ha'tak ships, two thousand in capturing the planet, and two hundred missing," reported Jet, who knew he would be asked and was prepared.

"Use the sarcophagi to bring them back, including the Jaffa who belonged to Olokun," ordered Korr.

"The Jaffa who served Olokun and died in battle disappeared in the space between explosions. As for those who fought in our battles, my Jaffa only used zat guns, as my god has ordered," informed Jet. Korr nodded and cut the communication. This battle had taken a heavy toll.

The Jaffa were stubborn, and retreat was not an option for them. Their Jaffa armies were obliged to advance because Korr couldn't wage a guerrilla war. Fortunately, Olokun trusted in his fleet and didn't decide to hide on the planet. If he had thought to entrench himself, capturing the planet would have taken weeks or months, and that was time Korr couldn't afford to lose. He didn't want neighboring system lords to try stealing his conquered planets.

The Goa'uld were opportunists, and when other Goa'uld clashed, they always hovered like vultures, waiting for a chance to get something for free.

"00, send the other captured Goa'uld directly to the infirmary and then to the cargo hold. I'll deal with them after taking care of the captured Jaffa and ships," said Korr, and 00 nodded indifferently.

Korr opened the galaxy map, marking his new territory. The worlds under Olokun's control numbered five hundred, but his territory was enormous.

The abandoned planets were In the thousands, as he was a system lord, theoretically occupying almost five percent of the galaxy. However, even the Goa'uld-occupied planets had scarce populations, and their territories had millions of planets that the system lords didn't even consider, as they were barren rocks or had toxic atmospheres.

Korr wouldn't leave the human populations on the conquered worlds but would redistribute them to his planets closest to his capital world, leaving at least one million inhabitants per planet. Olokun had two hundred million human slaves across his territory, fulfilling quotas for two hundred planets. As for the Jaffa and their families, they would be sent to the Jaffa homeworld…

"Creator, do you like my appearance?" asked 00's indifferent voice, pulling him from his thoughts. Korr furrowed his brow, looking at her, wondering if he heard correctly.

"Creator, you gave me this appearance. Why did you do it? Do you like it?" asked 00 seriously. Korr smiled, unsure of what 00 wanted by asking that question, but it wasn't something he needed to hide.

"In my childhood, after school, my hobby was watching anime, a type of animation from a country on Earth."

"Watching these anime, I came across the type of girl I would like in the future. For some reason, that anime character was always portrayed the same way in any anime, with slight variations in personality, but nothing more. Over time, her image became my first crush, and when I was creating you, the fact that you were the first made me recall that part of my childhood, and that feeling…"

"It's hard to describe, but I wanted to see her appearance once again. But, as I told you before, there's no problem in changing it if that's what you want," explained Korr.

00 showed a slight smile. She approached him, sat on his lap, and nestled into his chest.

"That means you love me more than the others," said 00 with satisfaction. "I always knew I was special to you," she added in a whisper. "That's why I didn't change my appearance. I think I could feel those feelings, and that makes me happy," explained 00. Korr smiled and stroked her hair.

"00, why do you call me Creator?" asked Korr. 00 shrugged.

"We are part of you, but we are also independent beings. Each of us has our own likes and ideas. Each of us is different. So, we are not really you. We are a creation, your creation. A unique creation, a miracle of existence. You are a creator, the person who gave me life. That's my definition of you and also my first conscious thought," explained 00.

It was something straightforward, with no philosophical interpretations or double meanings. Did that mean it was the same for the other six enhanced replicators? Wondered Korr, when his thoughts were interrupted by a silent alarm. 00 also received it and sat up.

"It's an Asgard probe," said 00, who had already inspected the threat.

Korr wasn't too surprised by the spy probe. The Asgard barely kept the situation under control with the Goa'uld, and he had mobilized a fleet of over thirty ships in the conquest of a system lord's territory. Moreover, he had done it in a month, when such an endeavor should take years.

Korr's fleet was only comparable to Anubis in his final battle. Baal in the movie "Continuum" could mobilize a fleet of hundreds of ships, but those were the combined forces of all the system lords. A fleet like Anubis's was unheard of, especially now that Ra had died, and the Goa'uld kept their ships on their conquered worlds to ensure they weren't stolen. Their personal armies were busy plundering everything they could from the fallen supreme lord, building shipyards, and strengthening their forces and borders in their territories.

"Should we warn them that their probe has been discovered?" asked 00 indifferently. Korr shook his head.

"No, let them gather data on the Ha'taks. Evaluating their technology should give them the answers they seek. If they want to ask questions, then we'll talk," said Korr.

He didn't plan to enter Into conflict with the Asgard, and they wouldn't engage with him due to the war they were waging against the Replicators. As for his own ship and Jet's, they were already shielded against Asgard sensors, so their advanced technology wouldn't be uncovered, and there were no replicators around.

If the Asgard discovered his replicators, he would have to give many explanations, which is why his replicators were always concealed.

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