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Chapter 2: Chapter 01

Leonardo took a deep breath as the car stopped in front of the hospital. The tall, white building stood erect amidst high trees gently swaying against the breeze. Somehow, it looked quite peaceful but also...lonely. He was then reminded of a fair young boy he used to know and he couldn't help but release a tired sigh. He was doing this for him after all. Salem. He hadn't seen or heard from him in years. All the leads he had led to dead ends. It was like he vanished after leaving the army. How was he? Is he still alive or long gone? What was he going to do if he found him? Will he ever forgive me? He felt a lump on his throat as memories of the past came flooding back in his head. He couldn't help but scoff at himself.

What an ambitious thing to hope for. After all the horrible things that happened, he would understand if he didn't want to see him anymore. No, he'd be surprised if Salem didn't try and plunge a knife in his chest the next time they meet. Maybe it's better if they don't see each other again at all. Some wounds were better left alone, and nothing would ever be enough for the pain he caused on him.

That's why he was doing this in the first place. Helping those who were mentally ill and wanting to escape life. People like Salem. Beautiful and broken, and he had a hand in ruining the one person he cherished the most.

"Sir? Are we going to get out or are you just going to brood there the whole day?" His secretary's voice snapped him out of his reverie. Leonardo sighed. Jamie sat in the front seat, staring at him with a "hurry up" expression as he not-so-patiently started tapping his fingers on his thigh. There were times where he just wanted to whack Jamie in the head. Proof that he was the best secretary he ever had, and the reason why he can't fire him and his sarcastic ass.

"It'll just take a moment," he replied, wanting to annoy his time-conscious subordinate further. Jamie nodded, before exaggeratingly putting his hand up and checking his watch for a few seconds before looking back at his boss.

"Alright. While we're waiting for your moment to end, do you want me to bring you a glass of milk?" Leonardo snorted, already out the door.

"Don't push your luck Mr. Cross. You're my secretary, not my mother," he retorted, as Jamie followed behind him. A breeze flew by, rustling the trees. At the front of the hospital, a small group of doctors and nurses were patiently waiting, led by Mr. Smith, the head doctor of the institution.

"On the contrary sir," Jamie replied, stepping out after him. Leonardo paused, turning around to see what he had to say. "I'm your nanny. An underpaid nanny that is." With a tug at his suit, his secretary sauntered past him, greeting the people at the front first. Leonardo chuckled.

Tis was simply another day.

"Good morning Sally."

The girl gave him a small smile. She was the newest addition to their group and looked like she was fresh out of high school. He gave her a smile in return. They were in the common room, watching an old teen flick playing on the television. The rest were either playing board games or reading a book, not wanting to be interrupted. A scream resounded across the hall, which they all ignored. It wasn't anything out of the norm. The movie ends, and Sally has to leave to meet up with her psychiatrist.

Once again, he was all alone. With not much to do, he decides it was best to head out to his favorite spot and stay there for a while. Maybe read a book while he's there and get some shade. He bids farewell to the other people inside the room and steps out into the hall. Nothing seems out of place, but there seems to be a sense of urgency. Nurses were walking with a brisk pace, some whispering to themselves. He heard the words sponsor and handsome but for the life of him could not figure out what it was.

"Going to the garden again?" He turned around to see Dr. Smith, the head of the hospital, and his former psychologist walk towards him, a small smile on his face.

"That's where I'm always found," he replied. The doctor seemed to be in a good mood. There was a light skip to his steps, his graying air gelled extra perfectly today, and his smile wider. He looked less tired than he did in weeks.

"Something nice happened today doctor?" Dr. Smith blinked, before letting out a small laugh.

"Of course, you would notice. You notice everything," He didn't respond, pondering if the doctor's statement was a compliment or an observation. He decided to choose the former.

The doctor continued, "There's a special guest, visiting us today. They've decided to lend a hand and donate to our hospital. Everyone's busy trying to keep things in order and be in their best behavior." He leaned in, before giving him a wink. "We want him to like us after all." There was a small expression of surprise in his face, as a nurse called Dr. Smith to tell him the guest had arrived. With quick pat on his shoulder, the doctor left and he was left standing at the empty hallway. Muffled voices could be heard, and then there was the sound of the front doors being opened and closed. There was an excited atmosphere buzzing about.

A small smile graced his features, one that softened the cold look on his face. With a sigh, he continued walking to his destination.

"So, there are still good people out there huh," he murmured, as he opened the doors, and sunlight shone on his face.

A cool breeze passed by, and he took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air. He hadn't brought a book with him so he sat by the shade of a tall tree, filling his eyes with the familiar sight of the garden. This was his safe space. In here, he felt peaceful and calm. The storm of thoughts in his head would quiet down and stop bothering him. He felt like air, light and invisible, free from earthly bound problems and consciousness of his mind. For a moment, he could pretend that he wasn't a patient seeking for treatment, but an ordinary man, sitting in a garden at the back of his house, with his partner beside him as they leaned against each other warmth.

He slowly opened his eyes. What a beautiful daydream. A breeze past by again, this time carrying leaves, as one lightly landed on his lap. He smiled.

He's always loved nature, ever since he was little. If he wasn't here, he might have been a botanist or something of that sort. He absent-mindedly grazed his hands against the grass. He loved to learn about flora, especially flowers. He stopped, placing them back to his thighs, as he unconsciously clutched the cloth of his pants. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to be as interested as he was before.

Voices could be heard approaching. One was from a cheery Dr. Smith, while the other one was unfamiliar. The person had a deep, baritone voice, one that reminded him of dark chocolate. He must be the guest.

They're really going around every corner of this institution huh, he thought. The place where he was lounging was rarely visited by patients and visitors alike, mostly because the main attraction was there once you opened the doors. There wasn't much to see here expect for a few potted plants, tall trees and wild grass, but the breeze would pass by here more often than other places and there was lots of shade. With a sigh, he stood up and was about to leave, but it was too late. Footsteps were approaching then paused. He stilled.

"Mr. Carson?" He hummed, still not looking up, pointedly gazing at the three pairs of shoes in front of him.

"A patient of yours?" that deep voice again. Something at the back of his mind kept telling him that it was oddly familiar but he decided to ignore it. Foolish. He didn't know anyone with a voice as compelling as that.

"Yes. He loves to visit our garden often. This place very relaxing and pleasing for a lot of our residents," Dr. Smith replied. Slowly, he raised his head, his eyes only focusing on one person. Dark brown polished shoes and a black suit which snugly fit a toned body, and a white shirt underneath. He wore no tie, the first few buttons of his shirt left unopened which made it seem less formal and more casual. Heck, he wouldn't be surprised if this was the man's casual wear. He had an intensity about him, which made people nervous or tremble in their shoes. He oozed of power and wealth, dark and sophisticated just like his suit. He could feel his heart pound against his chest.

Then he looked up.

And their eyes met.

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