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Chapter 2: It’s Over

*Trigger warning ⚠️ death, suicide/murder*


       She grasped the shard of glass and dragged her body forward, stray slivers burrowing into her knees. She had to get up this was it.

         Hannah was told she was special ever since she was born. No one failed to mention that. She always felt better than the other kids because she was told she should be. Hannah never really made friends only enemies. Her mother was one of the most beautiful women with glimmering blue eyes and golden hair. Hannah gets her looks from her mother. She assumed people were just jealous of what they could never have. She was enrolled in many extracurriculars such as horseback riding, ice skating, and fencing. Plus, she spoke four languages by the age of ten. Again she was always told she was special and she was going to be the one to help save the world. Everyone lived under the rule of basically and evil monarchy where everybody had to listen to these tyrannic stuck up bitches that made the rules about everything. They sent people to war without batting an eye when people died, they made citizens pay thousands in unnecessary taxes, they killed people whenever they pleased. One day someone came to this island. He called himself a prophet, but he was really full of bollocks according to everyone else. He said one day a maiden (16) so fair with clear blue eyes and hair more golden than gold itself would kill the monarch's only son, and be in charge her self. The monarchs didn't like this news and sentenced this man to death. They made his execution public to those who wanted to try the same "shenanigans" see what will happen to them too.

          Now Hannah was beyond sure that she was the one in the prophecy, as many have told her. Her 16 birthday was tomorrow subsequently the same day as the monarchs' son William. Hannah knew she was the special one. But she never knew how to get William's attention. He was fairly unpopular except on the days he decided to attend school (about 50% of the time) he was shockingly captain of the Football and Basketball team. He had piercing green eyes and darker brown hair. He was slightly tan and had a great body. Hannah didn't want to kill him but knew she was going to at any cost. Her world was so dark with the sun only shining every 3 months and everyone working miserable jobs. She hated the monarch family.

          Fast forward a few days and it's Hannah's birthday. She goes to confront William. In a grassy area where not a lot of people are. Surprisingly he showed up. She claimed that she knew who cheated on him, and surprisingly he came. Not without several weapons though. Hannah has a pocket mirror and a small dagger. Of course William has a sword on his side and two daggers by his thighs. Although Hannah couldn't get over just how hot he was. She stopped for a second until he replied annoyed.

"Excuse me, sweetie what information to you have pertaining to Stephanie?"

"Oh, my- I'm- I'm sorry I-."

"Speak up can't really hear ya."

"Right um... Steph cheated on you with Matthew."

       William looked slightly amused with her answer. He stepped closer to her and said.

"You don't think I know."

Hannah was taken a little by shock and replied "why'd you come than?"

Will smiled and said "your fairly pretty"

          Hannah froze, she knew why she was here again so she ran toward him dagger in hand. Will looked incredibly shocked and shifted to his left. Hannah missed her strike at his shoulder falling into the grass.

"What the fuck did you do that for!?!"

Will was practically screaming

Hannah just replied "stand still please."

Will positioned himself to face her "I can't and I'm not dying today. I don't want to kill you, but I can."

Hannah knew the prophecy wouldn't lie so she replied "No, Will you will."

        Will brandished his weapon and hit her with the fat part of the blade she landed on her pocket mirror.

"What do you mean, stop and think for a second Hannah. This is ridiculous."

          Hannah threw her dagger into his arm. He yelled, and said.

"Alright stupid girl fine"

And he stabbed her in the arm.  

         She grasped the shard of glass from her pocket mirror and dragged her body forward stray slivers burrowing into her knees. She had to get up. This was it. But she couldn't instead cried knowing she will never be good enough and stabbed herself in the stomach. Will looked shocked than stopped and said.

"I came here today because I wanted to tell you something. I love you."

He bent down and kissed her knowing she'll never feel it because the last words she heard were "I love you"


Sorry if it's shite didn't focus and had it sitting in my drafts thanks for reading. I based it off of this prompt.

"She grasped the shard of glass and dragged her body forward stray slivers burrowing into her knees. She had to get up. This was it."

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