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Straight out of Hell Straight out of Hell original

Straight out of Hell

Author: evan_6925

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1

In a world full of super powers, Izuku Midoriya was one of the few that were unlucky enough to be born without a quirk.Ever since he was 4 his life changed.Her loving mother turned into an abusive one and his best friend turned into his worst tormentor.Everyday in school he was bullied by his classmates, used as a punching bag for them to test out theie quirks.The worse of them all was Katsuki Bakugo, a kid with an explosion quirk.He used to be Izuku's best friend but as said, he became his worst bully.Katsuki had a superiority complex and had the necessity to bully Izuku constantly to feel superior.There was no day in which Izuku wouldnt return home without a few burns and explosion marks or bruised and kicked.

Speaking of which, oh his home.... If you could call it that.When he was diagnosed as quirkless, Hisashi Midoriya, the father of Izuku, left him and Inko, the mother of Izuku.His reasons were that of course he did not want a quirkless child.Inko after that developed a drinking habit to cope with the fact of her loved one leaving her.She also developed a habit of abusing Izuku as a way to release stress.

This was the life of Izuku Midoriya.

Why was it like that?Because he was powerless.... And Izuku knew it.

Izuku developed a habit of going to the public library and read some books.The library was the only place were he truly felt safe.One day at the age of 8, 4 years since that hell of a life started for Izuku, he accidentally made his way into an obscure part of the library.There he found books that talked about magic, demons, potions, witchcraft and so.He found it quite interesting.He took a look at a few books.At first those books looked silly to him, after all how would magic really exist.Then as he scrolled through the pages, Izuku found the recipe for a potion that was meant to give a strength boost to whoever consumed it.This peaked the insterest of Izuku.He still though of it as kind of silly but, what if, just what if, it was real?

Izuku took the ingredients needed, animal meat, animal blood, a few plant roots and finally blood of the maker.Izuku did all of that one night and after trying a few times he made the right combination.Izuku drank the potion.Nothing happened.

Izuku: 'Guess it was all just a fake'

Suddenly Izuku felt a weird pain coursing through his veins.He then felt the pain throughout all of his body.Izuku began to twist in pain on the floor, but he would not scream as to nlt awake his mother.When the pain suddenly stopped, Izuku stood up.

Izuku: 'Did it work?'

Izuku then went to the living room in silence and picked up a whole sofa.He wasnt able to keep it up for long but at least it was something.This was the beginning of something.... Something dark....

Ever since that day Izuku kept going to the library and read more books about witchcraft.Soon Izuku learned about the potions written down there.He learned about speed potions, intelligence potions, fire immunity potions, invicibility potions and much more.Izuku then became imtrigued and started to make his potions out of the basic ones.Izuku liked potions but they werent going to be enough to gain the power he so desired to change his life.At the age of 9 he learned about vudu.He learned how to make vudu rituals and used them to manipulate events in his life and the life of others, like the time he made his mother slip in the kitchen, or when he made Bakugo fall down the stairs of the school and he had to go to the hospital for a week, or when he had a quiz he wasnt ready for so he made his teacher crash into another car and it resulted in his death.The realm of possibilities were beginning to open for Izuku.Still Izuku wanted more, he had learned the possibilities he could unlock, the door was open and it would not close back.

At age 10 Izuku learned abou demons and the demon king himself Lucifer or Satan.He learned that it was possible to communicate with them and ask for favors in exchange of "payment".

Izuku's first rituao was when he sacrificed his neighbour's cat and in exchange he would get 10 on a test he hadnt studied for, and the next day, he got a 10.Izuku conducted his rituals in th old basement of his house, where his mother didnt even bother to go down, he always made sure to clean well so nobody suspected anything.Izuku then kept doing bigger and bigger rituals.He sacrificed a dog, then a dog and a cat, then a bunch of pigeons.All of those rituals granted him boosts in his life souch as strength and speed and intelligence anything he could think of.But the boosts were small as the sacrifices he offered were not big enough and Izuku wanted more.

At age 11 he did his first human sacrifice and who would be better to sacrifice fisrt then his own abusive mother.Izuku used his strengtg and dragged his mother down to the basement.He nailed her to the floor and drew the ritual circle.Izuku enjoyed the screams of hee mother as her soul was being ripped off her body.Izuku in exchange gained more power.That power was enough to finally fight back against his bullies.He enjoyed those powers for a year, but soon he wanted more.

At age 12 Izuku wanted even more power.

Izuku: 'Time to visit my old devil of a friend'

Izuku did the ritual and soon he was in the presence of Satan himself.

Lucifer: Tell me what do you want now?Izuku: I want power!Unrivaled power!Lucifer: And what do you have to offer?

Izuku looked at Lucifer for a minute and then smirked.

Izuku: My soul!Lucifer: Very well then.

Suddenly the floor ripped in two amd Izuku could see bright flames made their way up.Suddenly a bunch of skeletal hands began to pull Izuku down as well as some tentacles which trapped Izuku they were pulling him to hell.

Izuku: Wait!What is happening?!Lucifer: You know I recquire payment first Izuku Midoriya.

Izuku was being pulled harder and was being covered even more by the hands amd tentacles.

Izuku: Wait.... No.... Nooo... NOOOOO.

The streets of Musutafu were shaken.Everybody turned to the nearest T.V or even radio to hear about the latest news.In the middle of all the chaos we see a tall, skinny figure walking down the street.People gave him weird looks but they had bigger issues now then some weird guy walking down the road.This figure was wearing a black suit with white shirt beneath, as said before he was tall and skinny, his nails were long and of a red color, they almost looked like bloody claws.He had a wicked smile on his face, his pointy yellow teeth could be seen.His red eyes moved around looking at everything that happened, all the while they were behind those old glasses that had a small string to keep them from falling.His decayed short green hair danced with breeze of the wind.As a last touch he had in his right hand an old walking stick with a pearl at the top.

The man kept walking down the road and saw a bunch of people around a T.V. He stood behind them to watch the news.

Reporter: Yes ladies and gentlemen, you have heard correctly, UA highschool was just invaded by a new villain organization called the League of Villains.Accirding to our sources the motive was so they could kill All Might using a bio-weapon called "Nomu".

The T.V then showed the image of a tall bulky figure with a chicken head and an exposed brain.Our mysterious man tilted his head in intrigue as well as his shadow.

Reporter: Though the motives as to why they wanted to kill All Might they are still somewhat a mystery, though especulation has it they just wanted to proove themselves as to be the greatest villains.

The man smiled widely at that comment, it had peaked his interest.

He the walked away from the crowd and made his way into the shadows.

In a bar at somewhere in Kamino, we can see a light blue-haired boy with a hand of his face arguing infromt of a T.V.

Shigaraki: Not fair Sensei!That All Might is a cheater!He hasnt weakened at all!And then there is that black haired brat!Cheaters fuckin cheaters!All for One: Calm down Shigaraki we will always get another chance, next time they will know why you will be the next greatest villain.

Suddenly interrumpting the conversation, a knock on the door was heard.

Shigaraki: Are we expecting someone?Kurogiri: Not quite.Shigaraki: Sensei?All for One: Kurogiri, open the door.Kurogiri: On it sensei.

Kurogiri went from behind the bar to the door.He was about to touch the handle but he felt a chill down his spine.He hesitated for a moment but then he grabbed the handle, turned it and opened the door.The one behind the door was what seemed as a skinny tall man with decayed-green hair and in a black suit.The man suddenly opened his eyes and Kurogiri saw they were bright red.He also let out a wicked smile that allowed Kurogiri to see his yellow pointy teeth.

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Kurogiri had a bad feeling about this.

???: Hello!Izuku Midoriya a pleasure to meet you!Quite the pleasure!

Izuku then grabbed Kurogiri's hand into a tight hand shake.He then stepped into the bar.

Izuku: Sorry for inviting myself into your lovely building, but I saw you whole fiasco on the T.V and I have to say.... Boy!What a performance!

Suddenly Shigaraki stood infront of him with an annoyed expression.

Shigaraki: Who are you?!What are you doing here?!Izuku: Hello?Werent you listening?!I am Izuku Midoriya and I came here because of your whole attempt to kill All Might thing!Kurogiri: How did you find us?Izuku: Easy!I just had to follow the scent of utter failure coming from this guy - as he pointed to Shigaraki.Shigaraki: You piece of shit!

Shigaraki tried to attack Izuku but his wounds from the USJ hurted so much he couldnt move.

Izuku: You should be careful my friend!You dont want to kick the bucket so early!Here let me help you!

Izuku snapped his fingers and Shigaraki's wounds were gone.Shigaraki though impressed stood up still annoyed.

Shigaraki: Are you mocking us?!Do we look like clowns to you?!Do you know who we are?!

Izuku smiled.

Izuku: Maybe!And of course I know who you are my hand fetish friend!You are Tomura Shigaraki!Mist guy there is Kurogiri!And the man in the T.V. is Mr. All for One!All for One: Most impressive, may I know how you knew I was here?Izuku: Oh Mr.!I could feel your evil aura from miles away!And boy do I like it!All for One: May you tell me who you are again?I dont recognize you.Izuku: As I said I am Izuku Midoriya!But I am also called by many names like Cronus, Hermes, Charon, Satan, hahahaha but you can call me by any name!Anyways its all the same!Shigaraki: Sensei!Why dont I kill this guy?!He could be a hero spy!Or someone trying to ruin our mission!All for One: Calm down Shigaraki, lets hear him out.Izuku: Yes Shigi!Calm down, besides..... If I wanted to hurt anyone here.... I would have done so already.

Shigaraki stood back from Izuku somewhat in fear of him, Kurogiri was stunned and decided to keep his distance, All for One found the situation very interesting.

Izuku: No!I am here because I want to help you!Shigaraki: Help us?With what?Izuku: This thing you are trying to do!Kill the symbol of peace!All for One: And may I know the reason why?

Izuku smiled at All for One.

Izuku: Thats simple!Because I am evil!Kurogiri: Just... That...?Izuku: What other reason would I need?!Shigaraki: And how evil are you?

Izuku turned and walked to a mirror, he then smiled.

Izuku: Boy!The devil tips his hat to me!HAHAHAHA!

Meanwhile in the reflection of Izuku, which had a hat, despite Izuku not having one, tipped his had to the real Izuku.

Izuku: I do it all because I am evil!All for One: And what do we need to use your services?Izuku: They are free!After all!Their tears and screams of pain are all the pay I need.Shigaraki: So you will just do it for nothing?Izuku: Hahahah well..... Now that you mention it.... I just one thing in exchange actually!If I help you, then you will help me with something I have been working on!I will fill you in the details later!All for One: Just that?Izuku: Yes!After all!I pledge my allegiance to all things dark!And dont worry Mr. All for One!I promise on my damned soul to do as I am told!I assure you, you have never seen a soldier quite like me!I will not only do my job but do it happily!Shigaraki: Just one more thing... What is your quirk?

Izuku turned his head to him and smirked.

He then turned entirely to Shigaraki.

Izuku: Quirk?I dont need such thing, hahahahaha.

Suddenly everything began to distort and many shadows could be seen emerging from Izuku, they began to make their way to every corner of the room and just as abruptly as it started, it ended.Shigaraki's and Kurogiri's souls had almost left their body at this point, they could be seen as small ghost leaving their body.Izuki went to them an pushed the souls back to their bodies.Shigaraki and Kurogiri then regained their senses.

All for One: I guess that settles it.

Izuku smiled widely at that.

Izuku: So... Do we have a deal then?

Izuku stretched out his hand to Shigaraki while green fire was covering it, below them a satanic symbol formed as it glowed bright green as well, meanwhile Izuku's eyes were also lighting up.Shigaraki stretched his hand and Izuku shook it.

Shigaraki: Deal.

Everything that was happening suddenly stopped.

Izuku: Very well then!And now that we are partner here let me give you a present.

Izuku clapped his hands and suddenly a screaming severed head appeared infront of Shigaraki, who almost had a heart attack.Izuku then snapped his fingers and the head disappeared.

Izuku: Oh this is the start of something great!Hahahahahahahahaha....

Izuku stood in the room watching everything around him.

Izuku: Hmmm this place could use a little redecoration!Dont you think?!Shigaraki: NO!Please stop it!Please!Izuku: Oh you are no fun!All for One: Anyways, now you are under the command of Shigaraki as per our accord so you must do as he says, Shigaraki we could test him on a mission to see what use can we give him later.Izuku: Of course!

Izuku then went to Shigaraki amd placed his arm around his neck.

Izuku: What do you want me to do my traumatized fellow?!

Shigaraki thought for a while and them got an idea.

Shigaraki: I want you to retreive Nomu!Izuku: Oh!You mean that chiken on steroids of yours?!Shigaraki: Yes!.... Well.... Um its nit a chicken!Izuku: Whatever you say buddy!

Izuku then walked away from Shigaraki and looked at the mirror.

Izuku: I just wish to know one thing.... What limitations do I have?

As Izuku said that last phrase his body seemingly swapped from place, though his reflection stayed the same.

Shigaraki looked at Izuku for a moment.

Shigaraki: Ummm... Well.... None.....

Izuku smiled greatly at that while his eyes glowed with excitement.

Shigaraki had a chill go down his spine, he hoped he would not regret it later...

Shigaraki then walked near Kurogiri.

Shigaraki: Sooooo.... Kurogiri here will bring you to the place where we suspect they have the Nomu, is that good?

Izuku then became a shadow and reappeared between them, having one arm in each of their necks.

Izuku: Sounds awesome!But there is no need my friends trust me!

He removed his arms from their necks amd gave them a smack in the back, needles to say the smack sent them flying to the other side of the room.

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Shigaraki a bit stunned from that recovered his senses and asked.

Shigaraki: What do you mean?Izuku: You said you wanted to test me right?Well then I shall show you my abilities!And one of them is teleportation!

All for One was surprised.

All for One: Oh what an arsenal you have.Izuku: Indeed my dear Darth Vader rip off!Now just wait for a while and soon I will back!

Izuku placed his hands on a wall amd then opened a portal by tearing it.

He then entered the portal and it then closed behind him.

Shigaraki: Gosh.... In what have we gotten ourselves into....

Outside a government research facility.

A portal opened and Izuku came out of it.He looked around the building and saw the entrance only guarded by two policemen.He smiled and began to walk towards them while humming Charlie Puth.He walked towards the policemen slowly, his smile gave off his malice.The guards suddenly felt a chill down their spine and turned to where Izuku was coming from.The felt his evil aura make the atmosohere heavy, they began to sweat heavily.Mustering their force, both of them rose their guns and pointed them at Izuku.

Guard 1: Who are you?!Guard 2: Stop right there!

Suddenly the guards felt as their throat closed and they began to gasp for air.They dropped their guns and grabbed their neck as they felt like it was being crushed from the inside.Izuku continued to walk, his signature smile never leaving his face.The guards were unable to do anything as Izuku walked pass them.Izuku touched the metal door and it melted in a matter of seconds, he stepped into the building and at that moment both guards vomited a huge amount of blood and died, their corpses remained in the open.Suddenly two red orbs popped out of their bodies and then they seemingly exploded, vanishing into the air.

Izuku kept on walking, when he heard a bunch of steps.He stopped walking and stood in the middle of the hall.Infront of him came more guards from a connected hall.

Izuku: Well it looks like the welcoming party has finally arrived!Commander: Fire!

The guards fired at Izuku who seemply summined an energy barrier that devided him and the guards.

Izuku: Well that was not very nice of you!Someone should teach you some manners!

The barrier then started approaching the guards who saw it coming closer and closer, they tried to run away, but the speed of the barrier went up and it smashed the guards into the back wall.The soldiers were smashed so hard and so fast that their bodies were now just some goo and pieces of bones mixed all over the place.

Izuku approached the remains of the guards.He snapped his fingers and a hot dog appeared in his hand, he gave it a bite and tasted it.

Izuku: Hmmmm.... Could use a little bit of sauce!

Izuku used his finger and grabbed some of the goo sustance that were once the guards and put it all over the hot dog.He then gave it a bit again.

Izuku: Much better!

He then turned to see another guard looking at him with a horrified expression, who was trying to contain his urge to puke.

Izuku: You want some?!

The guard simply turned around and runned while screaming.

Izuku: Welp more for me then!

Suddenly the guard tripped and landed in some spikes that had just been generated.Izuku kept walking down the hall and went pass the corpse of the spiked guard.

He continued walking down the building until he found a giant room with a bunch of guards pointing his guns at him.

Izuku: This is going to be fun!

Izuku opemed his palm and then moved his fingers, curling them into a fist.

Suddenly all the guards began to feel pain all throughout their body.They dropped their guns and began to scream in pain.Someremained standing, others fell to their knees, others fell to the floor twitching.Theie screams of agony could only be compared to being skinned alive..... Suddenly the skin of the guards began to fall fr their body.The guards could do nothing as their bodies were slowly being tored apart.Blood filled the entire room.

Izuku then snapped his fingers and out of the ground many ants, spiders centipedes and other bugs as well as flies approached the guards.Their exposed muscle tissue began to slowly be eaten by the animals who after a few minutes finally devoured the guards, leaving nothing but their bones.

Izuku: Screams of pain!I really love classical music!


Suddenly a bullet went off towards Izuku, but it stopped before even reaching him.Izuku then turned to a guard with a rifle who was pointing it at him, although he was visibly scared.

Izuku: How rude...

The bullet then went flying into the guards foot, making it impossible for him to run away.In the blink of an eye he appeared infront of the guard and pick him up.

Izuku: Come on... Look into my eyes!I promise it wont hurt.... For me!

The guard's vein began to mark all over his body, and he began to feel a great deal of physical pain.The soldier screamed and screamed at the top of his lungs.His veins began to mark more and more, until suddenly, they exploded inside of him.Blood came out of every hole of th guard's body.Izuku stopped grabbing him and the body fell to the ground.

Izuku then entered a room where the Nomu was being withheld.He approached him when suddenly a sonic wave reached him.Izuku took on the wave but wasnt even phased.He then turned to look to his attacker.

Gang Orca: H-how?!That attack could have stopped a blue whale's heart!Izuku: Thats your mistake my friend!I have no heart.

Izuku the sharpened his claws and slashed them at Gang Orca, and just like that his body was cut into tiny pieces.

Izuku: Hmmmm..... I really could have some sushi!

He snapped his fingers and a bag appeared.The pieces of Gang Orca's body then flew straight into the bag.He then turned to the Nomu.

Izuku: Well my amalgamated friend!Time to go!... But first!

Izuku snapped his fingers and suddenly the whole place was engulfed in flames.

Izuku: Ah!Just like home!

Izuku then snapped his fingers and the nomu and him were gone.

At the bar.

Shigaraki was sitting on a couch and Kurogiri was behind the bar, when suddenly a flash of green appeared and Izuku and the Nomu were now in the middle of the room.

Izuku: Im back!Shigaraki: So you really achieve it huh?Well you have prooven your value, i guess you are not just a weird psycho.Izuku: Oh I am weird alright!But what is normal anyways?!Kurogiri: Guess we can rely on him on the future.Shigaraki: Indeed.Izuku: Hey before I forget!Anybody want some sushi?!


???: You think the lord will be alright????: Of course!Who do you think he is????: Sure but you know being bound to a physical body is limiting.???: He is still powerful, we just have to sit and trust him, i bet he has everything under his control.....

In Musutafu, the news of the attack to the government research facility were making headlines.

Reporter: Last night a mysterious man attacked the research facility were the bio-weapon of the League of Villains was being stored.We dont know who this man was or who is he affiliated with, we just know he is incredibly powerful.

In all T.Vs news like this appeared.The death og Gang Orca also appeared.Gang Orca was among the top ten heroes, so his death came as a shock to everybody, since it meant the mysterious attacker had a power that could rival the top ten heroes.

In UA.

We can see a group of students walking down to their classroom.

Uraraka: Hey!Have you seen the news?!Tenya: You mean about the attack to where that creature was being held?Uraraka: Yes!Kirishima: Whoever the attacker was must have been really powerful, dont you think Bakubro!Bakugo: Dont call me that shitty hair!And no!I can probably beat the crap out of that dude!If he is related to those scumbags in the League, I will kill him!Tenya: Bakugo that is not heroic behaviour!Bakugo: Shut up 4 eyes!Uraraka: I wonder.... What if that man would have attacked us in the USJ.Bakugo: I told you I would have killed him!Tenya: What do you think Angela?

Angela Howaito, 9th holder of One for All.

Angela: Well... If the news are to be beleived, then..... I could fear the worst.Kirishima: You really think so?Angela: Probably, but there is no need to think about the what ifs!We are safe now and its all that matters!

Angela then gave them a big smile to them.

All: 'So bright... So pure...'

Meanwhile in the UA staff room.

We can see all of the UA staff sitting in a table with Naomasa at the side and they were watching a TV.In TV they could see the security camera tapes.Naomasa then paused it as a more clear image of Izuku could be seen.

Naomasa: So this is the attacker of the facilities, we have no records of who he might be and he has never veen seen before.We suspect he is affiliated with the League for obvious reasons.All Might: What quirk does he have?Naomasa: We dont really know, but we suspect it to be a reality altering quirk.Nezu: Sounds logic.Snipe: Someone with such a quirk in the side of the villains...Vlad: Indeed, it was already worriesome enough for them to have a warp quirk, now this?Midnight: You think you could erase their quirks?Eraserhead: If it is an emitter then yes I might be, although we are not sure what he could do to prevent that.Nezu: Very true, he could probably alter the nature of his quirk at will.All Might: We must bring him to justice!Present Mic: Yeah!Aizawa: For once, I agree with All Might, I volunteer myself to chace thta scum down, I might have a greater chance with my quirk.All Might: Me too!Naomasa: Very well, lets finish the recordings, it may give you a greater idea of who you will be dealing with.

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Naomasa unpaused the recording but nothing happened, the image was still.

Naomasa: What the hell?

Naomasa paused it and unpaused it several times but nothing happened.

Naomasa: Maybe its stucked.

Suddenly in the T.V, the Izuku turned around to face directly at the camera.

Naomasa: That was definitely not in the original.

Suddenly the a few texts appeared on the screen and then the image distorted.

Naomasa stepoed back and as the images stopped appearing one stucked.

Aizawa: Naomasa what is happening?!Naomasa: I-I-I dont know!

Suddenly the image disappeared, but as they thought it was over, hands emerged from the T.V and out of the T.V, Izuku came out.

Izuku: Hel-

Bang, he dodged a bullet.

Izuku: -lo!Naomasa: Catch him!

Naomasa and Snipe tried shooting him but bubbles came out of their guns.Aizawa used his quirk and prepared his weapon as well as Midnight prepared hers, but suddenly their weapons seemingly came to life and wrapped them both in them.Vlad King tried using his quirk to form a lance but instead of blood coming out from the cut he made on himself, a black goo came out and it began to engulf him.Hound Dog and Power Loader tried rushing him, but suddenly everything went dark and Hound Dog and Powerloader instead of hitting Izuku, they hit each other.Present Micvtried using his quirk on him but instead of a scream coming out of his mouth, Present Mic began to play Charlie Puth.Then All Might attacked him with a smash but Izuku, just caught the punch.Izuku then made All Might deflate and Izuku send him away by blowing on him.

Izuku: May I speak now?

Nezu looked around the room at his comrades.

Nezu: You may, but could you fix them please?Izuku: Of course!

Everything went back to normal.

All Might: Who are you?Izuku: Izuku Midoriya!Quite a pleasure to meet you my totally not stereotyped american hero!Naomasa: Why did you come here?Izuku: Well!You know... Its just rude to talk about someone who is listening...

The heroes felt a strange pressure in the atmosphere, his prescence was now able to send shivers down their souls as the adrenaline from the beginning wore off.

Nezu: W-well, we had to discuss you after all you were doing things against the law-Izuku: Laws?!I will not be bound by laws..... Not anymore!Naomasa: Thats impossible, everyone inside society is bound to them.Izuku: Hahaha!Dear.... You dont know whats possible.Nezu: What is your purpose here at the moment.Izuku: Now thats a great question by dear homuculus thing!I have my plans to work on something I have been meaning to do for quite some time!But I know you will get in my way since you consider me some big bad villain!So I came here to offer you a deal!Nezu: Deal?Izuku: Yes deal.Naomasa: And what deal do you offer?Izuku: You will not get in my way and I promise any member of your ranks will be safe from me!Naomasa: You really expect us to just let you roam around?Izuku: ....Maybe!Nezu: I am sorry Mr.Midoriya, but we dont negotiate with villains.Izuku: But I am not a villain.... I am something far worse than that.

Nezu: W-what I said still stands.Izuku: Very well then... But I assure you... You will regret it.

At that moment the whole room began to distort and suddenly Izuku was gone, letting the heroes release the breath they had been holding in a collective sigh.

Izuku suddenly appeared in the bar.

Shigaraki: Where were you?Izuku: Doing businness!

Suddenly Izuku's eyes started to glow.

Izuku: Looks like someone is calling me...

Izuku then disappeared in a poof.

In a house at the outskirts of Musutafu.

A 13-year old kid with a lot of bruises and bandages was looking down on the circle he had made.A ritual symbol.

Mazushi: This... Is my last hope....

Suddenly the circle began to glow and out of it came a smiling Izuku.

Izuku: Hello!Quite the pleasure to meet you!Mazushi: So you are him?....Izuku: Indeed my boy!Yeez you look like straight out of the garbage can!Here let me help you.

Izuku snapped his fingers and all of Mazushi's bruises were gone.

Izuku: Much better!... Now.... May i ask why you called on me?Mazushi: W-well... I came here because I want to ask for something!Izuku: And what is that something?Mazushi: I want power!Power to beat up everyone who wronged me to a bloody pulp!

Izuku smiled after hearing that.

Izuku: I like your resolved kid!But you know you must offer something in exchange of equal value of what you are asking.Mazushi: Anything!Whatever you want!Set your price!I will pay it!

Izuku smiled ven more at that.

Izuku: Very well then!I will give you your powers!In exchange you will help me with soemthing I need without even thinking!Do we have a deal?Mazushi: Deal!

Izuku extended his hand covered in green fire and Mazushi shook it.

Suddenly Mazushi began to feel pain throughout his body, he fell to the ground while screaming.His veins began to mark, and his muscles were tonified, out of his back two wings appeared and his skin became blood red.His legs turned inhuman.His eyes began to glow, just like the fire of hell and his teeth became pointy.A helmet and a sword also appeared to aid him and soon the transformation was complete.

Suddenly a man came to the room.

Man: Hey brat!Whate do you think you are doing screaming at this hour!I will beat you so hard you will... What the hell?!

The man was then petrified at the sight of his son.

Izuku: Why dont you test your new abilities?Mazu: Right.

Mazu grabbed his sword and slashed against from a distance.His father was slashed in two and half of his house was destroyed.

Mazu: Yes... Yes!This is what I have always wanted!

Suddenly Mazu's head began to hurt, and he felt like losing consciousness.

Mazu: What is happening to me?!Izuku: I require payment in advance, and after I told you, you would help me without even thinking.

Mazu began to scream and then suddenly it stopped.Mazu then began to growl.

Izuku: Good my dear Mazu.... Now go and help me... Destroy central Musutafu... Kill as many people as possible.

Mazu let out a screach and then he webt flying off to the central part of the city.Meanwhile Izuku just looked into the distance.

Izuku: I told them they would regret it.... I am truly far worse than a villain.

It was calm in the city of Musutafu.It was in the night, people were calmly walking down the streets.The police and heroes were patroling the streets to ensure the safety of the people.The stars enlightened the dark sky.The wind blew throughout the city.What could possibly disrupt this peace?

From the calm sky, a demonic screacy was heard, interrumpting the activities of the people.Right in the center of Musutafu.A big red demon weilding a sword and with wings on its back landed in a car.

Many cars crashed into one another as the creature surprised them.The traffic in the center of the city had collapsed.Suddenly the beast let out another screach that was strong enough to make the ears of the people closest to him bleed.He then exteneded his palm and carmesi ball of energy formed.He rose to the sky once again and then threw the energy back to the ground.Once the ball reached the ground it exoloded with great force.

As the smoke of the explosion dicipated, it could be visible that the entire center of the city was in flames, while calcinated bodies layed all around the site.The beast decended back to earth, his landing caused a small earthquake.The creature contemplated the destruction he had caused for a moment and smiled widely, as if amused by all the chaos he has caused.Suddenly the beast heard a noice from above.He turned to the sky and saw a news helicopter.

Reporter: Last minutes news!A villain has appeared in the center of the city and he appears to have destroyed it in a few seconds.We have reports saying the heroes are on their way to stop this monster.

The demon then suddenly rose up his sword and slashed in the direction of the helicopter.Wind pressure created from the slash was strong enough to destroy the helicopter completely.

Suddenly a bunch of vines appeared and trapped the demon in it.

Kamui: First response team!

Death Arms and Mount Lady surrounded the demon while the hero Backdraft tried to put out the fire.

Kamui: I cant beleive you did all this....Death Arms: You will experience the hammer of justice villain!

Suddenly everything began to shake and the demon broke free of Kamui as his muscled expanded and the destroyed the vines.

He charged against Kamui and with an inhumane strenght he send him flying straight through the city.

Death Arms: Damn you!

Death Arms tried to charge against the demon.He managed to lamd several blows against him but they had no effect on the monster.Instead the demon caught his hands and began to squeeze them.After a few cracks, Death Arms's hand had been completely broken, his bones turned to dust.The demon then let him go and punched him in the chest, creating a hole on it, letting his insides spill out.The demon was then stomped on by Mount Lady in her giant form.

Mt. Lady: I know killing someone is not hero-like behaviour, but I had to make that monster pay!

Suddenly Mount Lady felt her foot shake and it was then throw off the ground with an incredible force.The demon then took out his sword and slashed in her direction.Mount Lady was then split in two by the slash.

As both halves of Mount Lady fell to the ground.The demon was suddenly engulfed in flames.

Endeavor: Take that you bastard.

Suddenly out of the fire, the demon came charging at Endeavor with incrdible speeds.Endeavor blocked the punch directed at him with his arms, but it broke the bones in his arms.

Endeavor: Damn it!Cant move my arms... That freak is powerful...

Suddenly behind the demon, Edgeshot appeared and kicked him.The demon turned around and tried to hit Edgeshot but he was able to dodge.He appeared behind the demon again and kicked him.This pattern reoeated itself for a while until the demon got enraged, he created a small energy ball and sent it to the ground, causing an explosion.Edgeshot was sent flying back and he landed on the ground.The demon then charged at him aiming to punch him further into the ground, but he was suddenly kicked by Mirko.

Mirko: I will be your opponent now ugly!

Mirko jumped at the demon with great speed and managdd to land a few kicks, she jumped around the demon Gran Torino style for a while, landing kicks and punches.She mamaged to make the demon move a little with the strikes but aside from that, they didnt seem to be causing great effect on him.

Mirko: Damn it this monster sure is resistant.

Suddenly the demon charged at her with incredible speeds he almlst managed to kick her, but he was sent back by a punch.

All Might: Do not fear!Everything will be alright!Why?Because I am here!

The demon charged against All Might and punched him in the jaw sending him back as soon as he finished talking.The demon then jumped and stomped All Might's abdomen, making him vomit blood.The demon then tried to kick his face, but All Might punched him back.All Might then pressed against the demon with several punches.This actually had an effect, as the demon screached in pain.

The demon then used his sword and tried to cause as many slashes as possible to attack All Might.All Might dodged, but the slashes continued and destroyed several buildings which had people in them, killing them.

All Might: Damn you!

All Might went to his limits and began to punch the demon.The demon responded with the same amount of brute strength as All Might.They began a fierce exchange of fists.They had almost equal strength and speed.The shockwaves from the punches were enough to send the surrounding heroes flying back.All Might was then able to launch a decisive blow on the demon, sending him back.The demon summoned his sword, but All Might was able to break it and punch the demon in the face sending him back once again.The demon then summoned energy balls and threw them at All Might.All Might dodged and everything behind him exploded.

All Might: 'If my power is not enough to beat him... Then maybe I can use his to my advantage!'

As the demon was charging another energy blast, All Might charged at him with his top speed and grabbed his arm.He then punched the demon in the abdomen with all his strength.The demon screamed in pain and then All Might directed his arm into his mouth and the energy blast was released.All Might was thrown back by the explosion.All Might then saw how the demon now had smoke coming out of his mouth because of the explosion.The demon then began to screach in pain as green lightning surrounded him.He then transformed back into his human self.The heroes were stunned.

All Might: A..... Kid?!

Back in the center of Musutafu.

In the original crater of the explosion.

Izuku was standing in the middle.All the bodies of the dead had been piled up inside the crater.Izuku's eyes then began to glow and he extended his hands, engulfed in red fire.From out of the bodies of the dead, some red energy spheres came out.They then began flote upwards and merged, they then transformed into a cricled the size of the crater and fell back to the ground.They seemingly merged with the ground.

Izuku: Part one has been completed.

The center of Musutafu was destroyed by the demon.The heroes who participated in the battle were shakem that in reality it was a kid who was behind it all.As the medical team arrived they tried to save the small child, but in the end, the kid died of his wounds.The heroes then found a disturbing scene of all the bodies piled up in the center of Musutafu.Some days later, after the police had investigated thoroughly the case and the heroes who fought on the battle were healed, the heroes had a meeting in UA once again to discuss the matter.


Nezu: As you know we are here to discuss the recent attack to the city.Endeavor: Get to the point, I have things to do.Mirko: Yeah spill it out!What the hell was that all about?!Edgeshot: As much as I dislike their attitude, I have to agree I am intrigued as well.We fought im that battle thinking we were going against a new big villain, just to discover it was a child all along.All Might: I want to know as well...Aizawa: I think I speak in behalf of the staff we also want answers.Nezu: Okay, you are in your right to know, Naomasa may you please explain to them what we have found.Naomasa: Right, the kid who was the villain was called Mazushi Tamashi, a 13 year old middleschooler, he came from a poor household and lived in the outskirts of the city, after researching we beleive he may have had an abusive background.

Midnight/Mirko: Oh my!

Their motherly instincts awokened, how could someone do that to a small child.

All Might: Whoever did that to him was scum...Edgeshot: May I ask what kind of quirk he had?Naomasa: Thats the thing according to all records, he was quirkless.Endeavor: Quirkless?!That thing we fought was certainly not quirkless?!Naomasa: That is what the official records state.Endeavor: You can shove your records up your!-Edgeshot: Enough!Endeavor calm dowm, I beleive you have a possible explanation for this.Naomasa: Indeed, we went to research his house and we found ut half destroyed, he also found the corpse of his father laying around, cut into pieces.We investigated the remains of the house and found his room, what was in there was... Disturbing...Aizawa: What was in that room?Naomasa: In the floor there was drawn a satanic symbol, according to my research it is used to perform rituals.Endeavor: You are telling me the kid became that thing after performing some dark magic ritual?Are you hearing what you are saying?Naomasa: Yes I am.... Though I have a feeling this connects to our other case.Snipe: Izuku Midoriya...Naomasa: Yes.Mirko: Sorry, who?Present Mic: The one who attacked that research facility.Endeavor: Oh?All Might: How do you think it connects?Naomasa: I did a research on the name.Izuku Midoriya was a 12 year old child who disappeared 4 years ago.According to my research, he also came from an abusive family and was also quirkless.His mother died when he was 11, though somehow the judge ruled to let him stay alone, instead lf going to an orphanage.At age 12 he disappeared, when the police investigated his house they found a bucnh of dark magic books and materials, they also found a symbol written down in the floor of his basement.I analyzed the photos of both symbols and found them out ot be exactly the same.So now we have two quirkless children who performed some sort of ritual, which was exactly the same and suddenly they became extremely powerful.Endeavor: Are you seriously telling me that this all happen because... Magic?Dont make me laugh, magic is not real, I have better things to do then to hear this fairy tale.

Endeavor stood up and left.

Mirko: I have to agree with flames over there, sorry detective, it just doesnt make sense to me.

Mirko also stood up and left.

Edgeshot: Do you really think that magic is the source of our problems or the devil?Naomasa: I am certain there is a relatiom between those two and the rituals, but I cant be sure what is it.Aizawa: And you think it is possible for those things to exist?Naomasa: As Izuku said.... We have no ide what is possible.Nezu: Well then.... Looks like this is our reality now....

At the Bar.

Izuku reappeared after some days.

Izuku: Hello my villainous fellas!Shigaraki: Where have you been?.... Again....Izuku: I have just been doing good bussiness!Kurogiri: Bussiness?Shigaraki: What kind of bussiness?Izuku: Well to give you an example, my last bussiness ended up with a great fireworks show in the center of Musutafu hahahahaha!Shigaraki: That.... Was because of you?...Izuku: Yes!Yes indeed!Kurogiri: From where did that beast appeared?

Izuku smiled at the question.

Izuku: I created it!Shigaraki: You?Izuku: Yes... I...Shigaraki: Incredible.... That beast had a power even greter than Nomu.... Can you create another one?...Izuku: Indeed he was more powerful, and even taki into account that one was utterly weak!But I can only create them if I strike a deal!Shigaraki: That was weak?.... What are you?....Izuku: Me?Oh I am nothing to worry about!I am just like the fly in your soup!Or maybe the pebble in your shoe!Or perhaps the pea beneath your bed!Or a bump on every head!But also the peel in which you slip!Or a pin in every hip!Or the torn in your side!But most importantly!I am evil.Hahahahahahaha.

With that Izuku walked away into one of the rooms.

Shigaraki: Cant beleive this is our new reality now....

Shigaraki was sitting on the bar while Kurogiri was cleaning it.Shigaraki had his eyes fixed on the T.V. The UA sports festival was on the news.

Shigaraki: Those damn brats.... If it hadnt been for them I would have killed All Might!Kurogiri: Calm down Shigaraki, we will get our revenge, and now with our new ally, I think victory is within our grasp.Shigaraki: Right!But I want to teach them a lesson.... Izuku!

Izuku suddenly appeared behind Shigaraki.

Izuku: You called?Shigaraki: Indeed!Tell me have you been bored lately.Izuku: Of course I have been!There is nothing much to do lately and you wont let me to go and hunt babies!Shigaraki: You know thats messed up, even for you.Izuku: But it is such a lovely hobby!Shigaraki: A-anyways... How would you like some entertainment?

Izuku smiled.

Izuku: Entertainment?!Shigaraki: Yes!

Shigaraki pointed at the T.V.

Shigaraki: The UA sports festival is currently happening, and those brats there fighting were the ones who made my plan fail last time.I want to give UA a lesson, so why dont you go and have some... Er... Fun?

Izuku smiled widely.

Izuku: Of course!Thank you very much!Dont move your eyes from the T.V!The show is about to start!

Izuku then suddenly teleported away.

Shigaraki: This is going to be good hahahahahah!

At the UA stadium.

Angela and Todoroki where in the middle of a heated battle.... Literally.Todoroki had finally used his flames and Angela was using everything to fight back.Suddenly Todoroki and Angela collided in a "hi five" and the whole arena exploded.

Present Mic: Damn it Eraserhead!What are you teaching your students!Midnight who won?!

Midnight looked around and saw Todorki in his knees in the arena, while Angela had one foot out of the arena.

Midnight: Angela is out of bounds!Shoto Todoroki is the winner!

The crowd went wild with claps amd cheers from both.As the smoke began to clear, they could see Angela approaching Todoroki.

Todoroki: Sorry.... I overdid it...Angela: We both did.

Angela smiled at Todoroki.She then hugged him they then separated.

Todorki: Thank you...Angela: No need!What kind of hero would I be if I couldnt help my friend????: Bravo!Bravissimo!*clap clap clap*

The UA staff tensed after hearing that voice.The students and espectators were confused.In the arena, Angela and Todoroki lookes around until they saw a skinny man with decayed-short-pointy-green hair in a suit while holding a walking stick with a pearl at the top and wicked smile on his face that allowed thwm to see his yellow teeth that contrasted with his pale skin and red eyes.

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Angela: Who are you?Izuku: I go by many names sweeteheart!

Izuku suddenly appeared in the arena infront of them.Angela amd Todoroki stepped back.

Izuku: So you dont have to worry about that!Angela: 'His prescence why does the only thing i feel is... Evil?!'Todoroki: 'This guy... His appearence isnt so intimidating... But.... I can feel he could probably kill us in an instant...'All Might: Stop right there!

Suddenly All Might landed in between the studengs and Izuku.

All Might: I dont know why you are here!But I will not let you hurt anyone!Izuku: My dear All Might!You must that if I truly wanted to hurt anyone here!I would have already done it.

All Might: Then why are you here?!

All Might was doing the best to keep his cool, he knew what Izuku was capable of doing.

Izuku: You see, I have been bored recently!So I decided to come here and challenge you!All Might: Challenge us?Izuku: Yes!I want to see you struggle against one of my peers!All Might: One of your peers?Like the one you let loose in central?

The crowd gasped... This guy was behind that.

Izuku: Oh?So you realized?But yes!Or do you prefer having to fight me?I know you are still weakened, so if you fought me it would be no fun, but if you dont accept, then I will murder everyone in here.

All Might knew it was true, he wouldnt stand a chance right now against Izuku.

All Might: If I accept... Then you promise not to hurt anyone in here?Izuku: Yes!All Might: Fine then Midoriya, I accept...

In the stairs watching everything stunned we can see Bakugo.

Bakugo: 'Did All Might just called him.... Midoriya?'

Back at the ring.

Izuku: We have a deal then.

Izuku extended his hand covered in green fire to All Might.All Might still relcutant, he shook Izuku's hand.When All Might stopped shaking his hand.Izuku stepped back and began to flote into the air.He extended both of his arms to the side and his eyes began to glow.His hands were then covered in red fire.In the side of the arena below him a giant red circlre of flames appeared.Izuku began to laugh.

Izuku: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha...!!!

The flames began to expand in the middle of the circle and they began to form a star.The sky darkened and had hints of red on it.Everyone was stunned by what was happening.A bunch of symbols began to appear around Izuku.

Izuku brought his hands to the front and closed his palms.

Izuku: Time to come out.

In the symbol, suddenly the ground opened, suddenly a demonic screach was heard a sudden flash of light blinded everyone.

As everyone regained their sight, everyone was stunned by what was in the arena now.

Izuku the clapped his hands and a throne appeared.He sitted on it to enjoy the show.

Izuku: Now.... Let us begin!

Woman: Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

The public was scared, the civilians were trying to run away from the stadium as fast as possible.

Izuku: And where are you going?

Izuku snapped his fingers and all the exists were closed by an energy barrier.People tried their best but they couldnt get through it.

Izuku: I dont want anyone interfering!

Izuku clapped and an energy dome covered the entire stadium.

Izuku: Now come one ladies and gentlemen!Sit back and enjoy the show!If anyone tries anything funny to interfere, you will regret it.It is only All Might and the kids!

All Might turned to Angela and Todoroki.

All Might: I am sorry kids, for dragging you into this.Angela: You dont have to be All Might!Todoroki: We may be injured but we are still able to fight!Angela: Lets kick that thing's butt!All Might: Very well then!Just be careful, this thing is probably on par with the creature that destroyed the city a few weeks back, if not a bit stronger.Todoroki: That thing?Angela: There is no going back now!All Might: Right.

All Might turned to the demon and Midoriya.

All Might: Lets do this!Midoriya!Izuku: Then... Let the show begin!Hahhahahaha!

The demon prepared a fighting stance.

All Might: That thing was 4 arms on each side, so prepare, if it is like that other creature, then it has an erratic fighting style, so prepare for the unexpected.Todorki/Angela: Right!

The demon suddenly charged against the heroes, they managed to jump away, but they were still reached by some of the arms and had a few cuts on them.All Might now attacked from the right while Todoroki and Angela attacked from the left.

All Might had to dodge the lance but was the cut in the chest by the other two arms, though only superficially.

All Might ignored the pain and continued, he managed to land a punch on the demon's face.

Todoroki: He is distracted, lets continue!

Todorki threw a barriage of flames against the demon's face, meanwhile Angela jumped and landed a punch against the demon's side.Todoroki launched then a barriage of ice spikes to pierce the demon, meanwhil All Might jumped and smashed the demon into the spikes and the ground.

Suddenly All Might was grabbed by the tail of the demon and he was thrown against Angela.The demin then turned to Todoroki and ran fast at him.Todorki tried creating an ice barrier but the demon simply smashed through it with his tail and he managed to hit a kick against Todorki's jaw, sending him flying.

All Might: SMAAAASH!

All Might suddenly punches the demon in the face, sending him flying back.Angela tried attacking the demon from the side, but he attacked her by using his swords and lance, Angela barely managed to dodge the slashes.She stepped back and ran towards All Might.

Angela: I cant get near!All Might: We must work together, prepare your strongest smash!

They charged their arm back.

All Might: Double...Angela: Detroit...Both: SMMAAAAAAAAAAASH!

The wind pressure reeached the demon and sent him flying back.Angela and All Might ran as fast as they could and positioned themselves behind the demon.

Both: Double Texas Smaaaaaash!

The punched the demon up into the sky.They then jumped up.

Both: Double Carolina Smaaaaaash!

They punched the demon back into the ground.As soon they also landed in the ground the demon got up and charged against them.They dodged but got split one from the other.All Might was smashed into the ground by the demon's tail.The demon then turned to Angela and opened his mouth, releasing an energy blast.Suddenly All Might appeared and took the blast, blocking it with his arms.The demon then runned against them and pinned them to ground with his swords.Both had a sword in one shoulder and one leg.The demon then pulled back his spear, aiming to stab them and kill them.

Suddenly the demon began to freeze from the ground up until he was entirely frozen.Angela and All Might took the oppotunity and did another double smash on the demon and they destroyed it into pieces.As the demon crumbled, they saw it was Todoroki who had frozen the demon.

Suddenly the pieces of the demon began to reassemble and they broke the ice, in a matter of seconds, the demon had completely regenerated itself.

Izuku: You really didnt think it was going to be that easy right?!Hahahahahaha!

The demon opened his mouth an released an energy blast against Todoroki.He tried to block it by creating an ice barrier, but the blast simply pierced through it and destroyed it.It reduced the damage but Todoroki was still heavily injured.

Angela/Endeavor: Shoootooooo!!!

The demon then charged at All Migh and Angela and in a few swift movements it made a bunch of cuts on their bodies.The demon then used its spear and pierced Angela's other shoulder and pinned her to the ground.The demon raised his sword and tried to stab Angela, but All Might intervened and caught the sword with his hands.All Might was struggling against the force of the demon.

All Might: I....I wont let you..... I wont let you stomp on her life!I will stop you right here even if I die!

All Might summoned his remaining strength and pushed the demon back.The demon landed and prepared all of his swords to pierce All Might.

All Might took a defensive stance, he wouldnt go down so easily.

The demon ran fast against All Might.

Suddenly a flash of light appeared in the sky.Izuku tensed up a little.Then a blast of light pierced through the barrier and landed on the demon, pinning him to the ground.Everyone was stunned by what had just happened.Izuku had an annoyed expression on his face, but his smile never left his face.

Everyone then saw as a sword has stabbing the demon in the neck.Suddenly the demon began to desintegrate into the air.They still couldnt see who was doing it because the being was covered by light.Suddenly a man's voice resonated through the stadium

???: You have overstepped your authority.... No longer shall we allow the likes of thy to keep terrorizing the righteous.Those are the words of God.

Suddenly the light vanished and they could see who was behind it all.

Izuku was sitting on his throne with an annoyed expression while lookimg down to the man in the arena.Meanwhile the spectators were stunned.

Man: Is that man... An angel?!Man #2: What is going on?!Woman: Its the end of the world!

The crowd was too impressed by the appearence of the being in the arena.

Endeavor: An... Angel?...Mirko: So... Tsukauchi was telling the truth....

In the UA staff room.

Aizawa: Principal!What should we do?!Vlad: We must do something!Nezu: No... I have a feeling.... That this is far greater than us....

All the teachers looked at him with a worried expression.

In the bar.

Shigaraki: I think.... This is getting out of hand....Kurogiri: This is bad...

In All for One's hideout.

All for One: Oh?How interesting.... Who will win?The demon or the angel?

Back in the stadium.

Izuku teleported into the arena.

Izuku: Well well well well well well well well!It looks like that being decides to send on of his lackeys to face me!He must really hate you if he wants you to fight me!Hahahahaha.Angel: Be quiet devil!I am here to carry out the will of the Father!You have overstepped yourself!You shouldnt be in this realm!

The angel pointe his sword to Izuku.

Angel: I will send you back to were you belong.Izuku: Hahahaha!Come on Michael!You know you cant possibly beat me!Angela: Michael?Like the Archangel?All Might: Possibly...Angela: But if he is an angel then..... That other guy must be a demon....All Might: Again possibly... And a really powerful one for an Archangel to be sent to face him.Izuku: Come on, you know you dont stand a chance!Michael: If you were in your true form maybe.... But we both know that in that physical form you are utterly weak.

Izuku's eye twitched with annoyance.

Angela: True form?!All Might: He seriously called him weak?!

Every spectator was shocked, they had seen a glimpse of his powers and they thought of him as incredibly powerful, yet the angel called him utterly weak.

Izuku: I will show you who is utterly weak.

Out of the ground a bunch of spikes appeared.Michael jumped and avoided them.Suddenly a bunch of pillars came from the ground to smash the angel, but Michael simply cut all of them with his sword.He then flew towards Izuku at incredible speed and managed to stab him in the chest.Izuku's eyes glew and an explosion happened.The angel flew out of the dust and landed near All Might.

Michael: You are a "hero" right?All Might: Y-yes...Michael: Good, I have broken the barriers, take everyone out of here, I doubt that demon will hold back.All Might: Okay!

All Might turned to the heroes.

All Might: Get everyone out of here!

The heroes began to evacuate everyone.

The angel suddenly had to dodge 5 slashes from Izuku's claws.He then was greeted by fire which he had to block using his wings.Izuku then stepped out of the smoke.

Izuku: You'll die for that.

The arm of Izuku then transformed into a blade and he charged against Michael.Michael charged against Izuku as well, their blades collided with one another.They began a fierce exchange of strike with one another, their speed being othee wordly.Suddenly Michael got the advantage over Izuku and managed to strike at his neck.Michael turned around to see that Izuku's head was still attached to his body.Izuku turned and smiled at him.

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Michael: 'Did I miss?... No... This demon regenerates the moment I cut him'

Izuku then charged at him with great speeed and greater ferocity then before, he even managed to land a kick at the back of Michael.

Michael: 'He is more powerlful then what I expected'Izuku: Whats wrong?!You didnt expect me to put up much of a fight did you?!Hahahahaha, I told you..... I would show you who was truly the utterly weak one.

Izuku transformed his other hand into another blade and charged against the archangel.

Michael: I will show you why I am one of the three archangels!

Michael charged against him and the two collided again.

As Michael stepped back once again, he noticed his sword was split in two.He threw against Izuku who dodged, but Izuku wasnt able to dodge the incoming punch from Michael that sent him flying across the arena.Izuku was quick to regain his footing anf threw a massive blast against Michael who blocked it with his wings, but the explosion was still big enough to destroy the stadium.Izuku then snapped his fingers and a portal opened a bunch of tentacles appeares and tried to grab Michael, but he managed to dodge them and kick them away.Izuku then made a bunch of debris float and threw them at Michael.He kept dodging and punching through them.He then charged quickly at Izuku who side stepped and made Michael run straight into static water.His wings were now wet and heavy.

Izuku: Hahahaha!Now you cant fly!

Izuku began to flote in the air and extended one of his palms, in it a red orb of energy formed.Izuku raised his hand and the ball became bigger and bigger.

Izuku: Bye bye my dear angel!Hahahahahaha!

Izuku then threw the ball against Michael.Michael was prepared to stop it with his fist, but suddenly a bunch of chains came out of the gorund and they tied Michael.Unable to do anything, he received the full blast of the explosion.

The explosion completely oblitarated what was left of the stadium and it was felt all over the city.

Izuku came back to the ground and walked towards a dying Michael.

Izuku: Looks like not even you were able to beat me, hahahaahhaa.

Michael smiled at him.

Izuku: Tell me, what are you smiling at?Michael: I may have failed but..... Now.... It is possible that..... That man will come after you.Izuku: Which man?

Izuku then felt a felt a chill go down his spine.His eyes began to tremble.

A flash of a man standing infront of him with a sword passed through his mind.

Then Izuku felt pain in his head and another image of the same man just now like if he was ready to attack with magic appeared again.

Another image passed of the same man now standing infront of him.

Suddenly the images stopped passing through his head, and he looked down to the angel.

Izuku: That he used to be afraid of that man, doesnt mean I will.Michael: The you will soon learn why you should be... I pity you... You have been devoured by your sins.... You cant even recognize your own limits..... Guess pride has done that you....Izuku: I am sin.

Izuku then transflrmed his hand into a blade and stabbed Michael in the chest.

With that Michael died and Izuku teleported away from the scene.

The entire world went on panic.The UA sports festival was an event that had been transmitted to the entire world, so almost everybody saw what happened.Scientists couldnt offer a rational explanation meanwhile the church could offer no answer to the events.Society was breaking down as people began to talk about the end of the world.

In the bar.

Izuku appeared while Shigaraki amd Kurogiri appeared.

Shigaraki: That was..... Quite the show....Izuku: That damn archangel, that damn man, who do they think they are?!

Izuki screamed in anger and he and everything around him began to distort.

Izuku then regained his cool.

Izuku: Sorry!Just had to let out some frustration!Shigaraki: S-sure...All for One: Izuku...

Izuku turned to the T.V.

Izuku: Yes sir?!All for One: May I speak with you in private for a moment?Izuku: Of course!

Izuku suddenly disappeared and he reapeared infront of All for One.

Izuku: Yeez!You look like a potato!All for One: Glad to see you are back.Izuku: May I ask what do you need?All for One: Tell me... What exactly are you?You dont have a quirk... Yet you can do all of the things you do... And just now an angel..... One of the most powerful angels according to christianity was sent to beat you down.... Are you..... a demon, no probably not just any demon, am I right?

Izuku smiled at All for One.

Izuku: My friend.... Why do you think so much into things?I am a cryptic message of the universe thats feared!

All for One sighed.

All for One: Fine then... And tell me when someone strikes a deal with you... What can you do for them?Izuku: Pretty much anything of course!But they need to pay an equivalent price!All for One: Then I need you to do something for me...

In a hospital in Musutafu, Todoroki amd Angela were being treated for their injuries.

Angela: Cant beleive an Angel literally came from the sky to save us...

Todoroki nodded, he couldnt talk because of the broken jaw.

Angela: I have a feeling this is far greater than any of us....

Suddenly the door opened and tje rest of 1A was seen to be outside the door.

Mina/Uraraka: Angelaaaaa!!

They rushed to hug their friend.

Angela: Mina, Uraraka!The whole class!You are here!Uraraka: Yes we came to see you guys!Momo: Todoroki, how are you?

Todoroki raised his thumb.

Angela: He cant speak because of his broken jaw.Momo: Oh!Kirishima: You were extremely incredible back there!Even if you were with All Might that thing sure looked tough.Aoyama: Most fantastique!Tokoyami: You really have courage to fight a being as dark as him.Tsuyu: He looked really scary.Mineta: Are you kidding I pissed my pants!Kaminari: You had already pissed them when that first guy showed up.Tokoyami: I had never felt something so dark in my life.Sero: He didnt seem as much but holy shit!An angel had to come down to beat him.Momo: You are forgetting he wasnt any angel, he was Michael the Archangel.One of the three archangels of christianity, and by far possibly the second most powerful only behind Gabriel.Hagakure: He sure looked like an angel!Ojiro: But he was defeated in the end - he said a bit jealous.Mezo: Indeed, and he called the other guy weak.Kirishima: Yeah... How did All Might call him?.... Oh yes Midoriya!Sato: If an angel fought him then he must have been a demon... Though I have never heard that Midorita was the name of one...Bakugo: Thats because is not!Kirishima: What do you mean Bakubro?Bakugo: Midoriya.... Izuku Midoriya.... That was the name of a quirkless loser of our school.....Angela: What?I dont remember anyone by that name in our school.Bakugo: Thats because he disappeared before you came!That was 4 years ago!Tokoyami: So your friend is now a demon...Bakugo: He is not!Kaminari: But we all saw him, how do you explain what he did!He literally summoned a hellish pokemon from the ground!Sato: Not to mention he went toe to toe with a powerful angel.Angela: What is your explanation Bakugo?Bakugo: I.... I dont know!But I will get to the bottom of this!

Bakugo then went storming off the room.

Bakugo: 'I know that damn nerd is not possibly a demon from hell...Right?..'

In the UA staff room, the heros were having an emergency meeting.

Aizawa: I think things have gotten out of our control now....Present Mic: I agree with Shouta here!You all saw what happened!He literally spawned a demon that almost killed All Might if it werent for an angel.... An ANGEL!Nezu: I agree.... This sure are interesting times indeed.Vlad: But we cant just sit around and do nothing.Snipe: That be true as well.Midnight: But what can we do against a seemingly all powerful being.Hound Dog: You must also remember the angel said that was not his full power.Power Loader: We are doomed then...Cementos: I suggest we stand our ground.Ectoplasm: Me too.Cementos: We must hold him back, he is probably planning something and heaven knows it... We must hold him back until the ones up there take care of it.Nezu: Lets hope you are right.... This is one weird world we are living in.

The battle in Hosu raged on.The heroes were finally being able to contain the Nomus.Meanwhile the Hero Killer had been captured by the Angela, Todoroki and Tenya.In the top of a tower Shigaraki amd Kurogiri were watching everything unfold and Shigaraki was pissed.He began scratching his neck.

Shigaraki: Damn it damn it!Damn you Stain!Damn the heroes!My Nomus are toast now!Kurogiri: Calm down, remember, we still have him...Shigaraki: Right!Izuku!

Suddenly Izuku appeared right next to Shigaraki.

Izuku: Yes?

Shigaraki jumped in surprise due to Izuku's sudden appearence.

Shigaraki: I will never get used to that... But anyways!I want you to bring hell upon the city!Izuku: Hahahahaha, as you wish.

Suddenly Izuku extendes his arms and a portal opened, out of it came out what looked as rotten, living dummies.

Izuku: Go my little puppets.

Izuku: Lets bring hell to the city.

As the dummies made their way to the city they began to fight the remaining heroes.

Hero 1: What are these things?!Hero 2: Dummies?!

The dummies despite their looks were incredibly powerful, they had super strength and were extremely durable.

All throughout the city the heroes were struggiling, the dummies while not so lethal on their own, in large groups they could easily overpower the heroes.The dummies often killed the heroes by dismembering them, of forcefully pulling off their heads from their bodies.It was a gruesome massacre.Some surrounded heroes were prepared to make one last stand in the center of Hosu.They were ready to accept their deaths but suddenly the dummies were covered in some blue energy and they began to flote and suddenly they vanished into thin air.The heroes didnt know what was happening, until at the distance the saw a hooded man with the exact same energy in his hand.

???: So.... You are here....

Where Stain is...

Stain had just killed the Nomu that had captured Angela and was giving his speech to the heroes, he was releasing his bloodlust bust suddenly an even heavier prescence made Stain's blood lust look like a child's trantum.Everybody felt it.The students felt a chill down their spine.

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Todoroki: 'This prescence...'Tenya: 'Its just like...'Angela: 'The stadium!'

Stain turned to see Izuku standing behind him.He had seen the news, he recognized him, and he knew what he could do.The heroes were shocked, they didnt expect him to appear in Hosu.

Stain: You....Izuku: Hello Stainy!A pleasure to meet you!Im-Stain: Cut the crap!I know who you are.... Even All Might was reluctant to fight you.... Now I can see why....Izuku: Oh!So you saw that whole fiasco!Stain: What do you want?!Izuku: Well I am here at the request of our common friend handy man!Stain: You mean Shigaraki?Izuku: Of course!Angela: 'Shigaraki?!The league leader?!No way!'Stain: What does he want?!Izuku: You see he wasnt so pleased by the fact you almost killed him, so he sent me here!Stain: I cant beleive someone like you is taking orders from him!Izuku: Hahahahaha!No dont get me wrong!We had a deal and I will honour it!Its just good bussiness!

Stain took out his swords, ready for the moment Izuku attacked, but he wasnt ready enough for what was about to happen.Stain blinked and when he reopened his eyes he had Izuku in his face and he felt pain in his chest.Izuku's arm had pierced it and he had ripped off his heart from it.Izuku pulled his arm out and dropped the heart.Stain fell to the ground dead.A red orb came out of his body and Izuku shooed it away.Izuku then turned to Angela who was in the floor.

Izuku: Hmmm, hand guy also mentioned you, and after all you didnt fulfill your challenge... You must die for that!

Izuku stretched his hand to grab Angela's face much to the terror of the heroes.

Suddenly Izuku's arm was chopped off, Izuku stepped back in surprise.Izuku tried to regenerate it, but he had some trouble doing it.After struggling a bit he managed to regenerate it.He then felt a chill down his spine and looked behind him to see a hooded man with a sword engulfed in blue flames.

Izuku began to tremble a little, the memories began to flash once again.

Izuku: 'That man....'

Izuku: 'Its him....'

Suddenly the mysterious man charged aginst Izuku and slashed him many times with his sword at incredible speeds.He then placed his hand in Izuku's chest and Izuku was thrown back an energy pulse.

Izuku stood back up with a hole un his chest, again he had trouble regenerating but in the end he managed to do it.He then made a bunch of pillars come from the ground to attack the man, but the man slashed through them and charged against Izuku.Izuku charged a dark energy orb and threw it at the man, but again the man cut through it.Izuku was surprised, he then dodged the man and stepped away.

Izuku then saw how the man summoned blue flames in his hand.

He then threw the flames at Izuku.Izuku easily dodged it, but he didnt expect the flames to change direction an hit him in the face.Half of Izuku's face burned away.Izuki was unable to regenerate it.

Izuku: You'll pay!

Izuku threw his own barriage of crimson flames to the man, but he simply blocked it and dissolved it into thin air.

Izuku: Impossible...

The man then summoned giant blue snakes from the ground.

The ghostly snaked went towards Izuku.Izuku tried to dissolve them by snapping his fingers but ge was unable to do it.The snakes then trapped him and squeezed him hard.Izuku was mad at this point.He released a massive amount of energy, and exploded the snakes.

As Izuku was recovering his breath, suddenly a bunch of lightning attacked him and he was trapped inside a bubble of lightning that were constantly dealing damage to him.

The man readied his sword to stab Izuku, but Izuku mustering his power opened a portal near the man.From the portal a fire demon emerged, his power was above the one he summoned in the UA stadium.

The demon threw fire at the man who had to dodge and in turn he lost some concentration and Izuku was released.The demon kept attacking the man but he dodged all the attacks and reached the demon he placed his hand on it and the demon caught on fire with the blue flames.The demon quickly desintegrated into ashes.The man then turned to Izuku who had summoned a massive energy ball, similar to the one he used to kill the archangel.Izuku threw it at the man.The man catched it with his hands and began to compress it.He finally managed to compress it into a small ball of blue energy.

Izuku widened his eyes at that.The man then threw the ball back at Izuku at incredible speeds that Izuku wasnt able to dodge.He received the whole impact of the blast.Izuku's entire body was damaged and it was taking him too much time to regenerate.He then looked up to see the man looking down on him.He was then raised up by the man who was seemingly using telekinesis.

Izuku: I hate you!I assure you!You will have the most painful death imaginable!

Izuku then summoned his powers and everything began to distort.He threw a bunch of spikes and material shadows at the man who created an energy barrier to prevent himself from being pierced, releasing Izuku in the process.Izuku then ran against one of the heroes nearby and placed his hand on his face, they all watched in horror as the hero began to transform into an abomination.

He began to erratically attack everything.Izuku took the opportunity the distraction had given him and teleported away.

The man seeing the creature, he prepared an energy ring.

He threw the ring at the demon and it slowly began to transform back into a human.It was finally over.

The man was then approached by Angela.

Angela: Who are you?... What is all this about?!

The man turned to her.He snapoed his fingers and a small amount of energy made its way into her head.Then some information made its way to Angela's brain.

???: If you want answers, then find me at the location and hour I gave you.

In the blink of an eye, the man was gone...

The battle of Hosu left everyone with a thist for the truth.What was truly happening?What was the true nature of Izuku?Who was the mysterious man who almost beat Izuku?All of those questions were soon to be answered or at least they hoped so.

Angela and Todoroki were summoned to assist in another UA staff meeting, having been the two most involved with the whole affair, it was the reasonable thing to do.Angela and Todoroki were nervous but they entered the room.There they saw the whole of the UA staff sitting around a table.They also saw there were two empty chairs in a table.Naomasa was also present.

Nezu: Mr. Todoroki!Ms. Howaito!Please take a sit.Angela: Thank you principal Nezu.Todoroki: Thank you.Nezu: Now you are here because of the recent events that took place in Hosu, mind telling us about it.Angela: W-well...Todoroki: As you know we were fighting against Stain and managed to capture him, although he managed to get away.As he was giving us a speech on his beleifs, the man of the arena appeared and killed him.Nezu: I see...Endeavor: Its true, I was there.

Suddenly Endeavor and Gran Torino entered the room.

Nezu: Glad you could come Endeavor and Gran Torino!Naomasa: Dont worry Endeavor, I was using my quirk so I know they are telling the truth.Nezu: Could you continue please?Angela: Midoriya, as All Might refered to him as, then tried to kill me, but suddenly a hooded man with a sword appeared and he began to fight Midoriya.The man was able to use what I beleive was magic.He gave Izuku a tough fight and his attacks seemingly made Izuku's regeneration almost useless.Izuku had to run away from the man.I asked him who he was, and the man I suppose casted a spell on me that allows me to see the images of an old neighbourhood and he told me to meet him there at 6 pm today if I want answers.Naomasa: Did you saw the face of this man?Angela: I couldnt, I am sorry...Nezu: Dont be its okay.Naomasa: Do you know then the location this man told you?Angela: Sorry I dont exactly.Endeavor: You said he casted you a spell to let you know the directions didnt you?!Angela: Yes, but they are just images, I cant pinpoint the locations, but I am sure if I follow the images I can find a way.Nezu: Very well then, we must organize a group to investigate the zone.All Might, Eraserhead, Endeavor, Gran Torino, young Todoroki and young Howaito will go to the zone.Aizawa: Very well then, there is no time to waste, Angela, may you lead the way?Angela: Yes sensei.

As the group left Naomasa asked Nezu.

Naomasa: Do you think they will find the answers to this fix this mess?Nezu: For the world's sake, lets hope so.

The group followed Angela as she guided them through the city in hopes of finding the mysterious place the man had said they should meet.After one hour of walking around the city the finally reached.... A dead end.

Angela: This is supposed to be the place....Endeavor: What?!You made us go around the city for one hour just to reach a dead end?!You brat!Gran Torino: Todoroki!Calm down!All Might: Please give her time!Angela, are you sure this is the place.Angela: Positive.Aizawa: Then there is something weird going on.Todoroki: Everything is weird with those guys.All Might: Cant argue that.

Todoroki walked into the wall and stared at it.

Angela: Whats wrong Shoto?Todoroki: That guy seemed an skillful magician, and with magic you can do anything right?Then what if...

Todoroki stretched his hand into the wall and it went through it.

Todorki: As suspected.Gran Torino: Bingo!All Might: I told you to be patient Endeavor.Endeavor: Whatever..

The group passed through the wall and saw a house on the other side.They were in the middle of a blank void.

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Endeavor: The heck?Gran Torino: Look like an old german house.All Might: How is this on the other side of that wall?Aizawa: Better not question.Angela: Wow.???: So you came.

The group turned to see a hooded figure standing infront of the house.

Todoroki: He is that man...Aizawa: Where are we????: You are inside a personal dimension.Angela: You said if we came you would give us an explenation of what was going on right????: Indeed, please, come.

The man guided them inside the house, they were a bit reluctant but still decided to follow him, after all this is what the wanted, answers, but they weren the only ones.

We can see someone walking down the road, a blonde boy with a look of the determination set on his face.He continued to follow the path he used to take when we was very little, it had been years since he had walked down this path, and the circunstances that drove him to wakl down through it again did not please him.

He finally reached his destination, he looked at the place and a chill went down his spine, how long had it been since he had visited the place?

Bakugo: 'I swear I will get to the bottom of this, and what better place then where it begun.'

Back in the other dimension.

The group was sitting inside a living room, it was nice and comfy.Suddenly the man snapped his fingers and full tea cups appeared infront of them.

Aizawa: So sir, I dont want to sound rude, but may you explain to us what is going on, who are you and how do you relate to all of this?

The figure sat down on a couch and removed his cloak.

???: The name is Albert von Franke.Gran Torino: Oh?Quite the unusual name, you are not from here?Albert: Not entirely, I do come from the region of nowdays Germany.Endeavor: Why do you make it sound like you predate Germany itself?

Albert sighed.

Albert: I was borned during the reign of Emperor Charlemagne of the Frankish Empire.Todorki: What?!I may not be an expert in history but, wasnt the regin of that monarch in the 800s?Albert: Yes.Angela: B-but then that means, you must be around 1400 years old!Albert: Indeed.All Might: But that most be impossible!Albert: Even after all you have seen and you still dare to throw that word around.Aizawa: I bet there is a long story behind that.Albert: Yes there is.As I said I was born in the 800, back at the time there was a renaissance in learning after the beginning of tbe dark ages.I was born into a small noble family of Frankia so I was able to have access to this new renaissance knowledge.It got me intrigued since I was little.As I grew older I spent my time studying and doing research, I guess I became an early scientist.I developed things such as the molecular and atomic theories way before they were msdd known, I also began to dive into the world of chemistry, physics and biology.I wanted to learn everything.That also made me dwell into the world of magic.I had my theory that magic was just disguised science, and I thought maybe if I could combine them, then maybe the path to discover the secrets of this world would open, but I was running low on time.The lifespan of people wasnt that much back then you know?I soon fell ill, but I didnt want to go, not before discovering all the secrets this life has to offer.So with what little knowledge I had been able to piece together by combining magic and science, I was able to do it, I found the formula of immortality, or at least came close to it, my body wont age nor get ill, nor do I need food, but I still can be killed, though tough luck with that due to my regenerative factor.Aizawa: So you are an immortal scientist basically, but still that doesnt explain what ties you to all of this.Albert: As I said I searche dfor the truth, I discovered more things as the centuries passed, I gained lots of knowledge and as they say, knowledge is power.My theory that combining science and magic seemed right but still, it was not enough.I gained lots of abilities sure, and that was very useful when he appeared.Angela: Who?Albert: The devil...All Might: You mean like THE devil?Gran Torino: Like Lucifer?Albert: Indeed.The bible always tells us about the first time Lucifer tried to usurp God, but never about the second one.Angela: W-what?

Albert sat back in his chair.

Albert: It was the 1330s, the black death had swiped through the old world bringing misery and death.In this time of chaos, many people moved away from God and into the teachings of the darkness.This brought too much negative energies to Earth and allowed Lucifer to open a portal and try to make his way to our realm.He planned to stomp on us and make his way to heaven from here to usurp God.I cought wind of this and reached the scene.I saw how many angles tried to stop Lucifer from completely entering our world but he was extremely powerful.I used my enchanted sword and engaged him in battle, the beast was way too powerful.The flames of hell were starting to leak into our world, and that is when I had an idea.From what I had studied, hell flames can bur anything even souls, but that did not affect demons.So using my knowledge I managed to do something I beleive unpresedented.I purified the hell flames.

Albert snapped his fingers and and a small blue flame appeared.

Albert: This was the result.The use of purified hell flame had the intended effect and with that the tide of battle was turned, I realized the pure hell flame could also give me small boosts and after a few more exchanges, I managed to beat the devil back into hell.Angela: So that is why you could beat Midoriya like that.Albert: Yes.Todorki: So he really is a demon.Albert: It seems so, though his nature is weird.Aizawa: How so?Albert: I cant say for sure, I just know he is not like any other demon I have faced...

In the old house.

Bakugo entered the house and began to look around, it sure seemed like a mess.The house had not been inhabited for a long time.As he walked through the ruins of it he reached the living room.

He looked around the room and then he saw a set of stairs.

Bakugo: 'That nerd's room must be there.'

Bakugo walked up to the floor above.He was careful as the stairs looked like they may break at any moment.He reached the second floor and made his way to what he remembered to be Izuku's room.He reached the door and entered it.

He looked around the place and investigated it but he found nothing.He walked down again trying to think, he had investigated the entire place, yet he found nothing, maybe the damn nerd wasnt a demon afterall.He then remembered the one place he had forgotten about.The basement.

Bakugo searched around the hosue again until he found it, the basement door.He opened it just to see how a bunch of rats came out of there.He then walked in to there.He felt tense as he felt constant chills going through his body.He then reached the bottom and saw another door.He wasbt ready to see the image of what was behind.

A bloody corpse with Izuku satnding above him.Izuku turned his head and looked at Bakugo.

Izuku: Oh?I wasnt expecting a visit, nice to see you kacchan!

Bakugo stepped a bit in fear.

Bakugo: Y-you really are Izuku?Izuku: The one and only my good firecracker!Bakugo: What happened to you?!You really are a demon?...Izuku: Oh sure I am buddy!Bakugo: How is that even possible?!What did you do!Answer me you fukctard!Izuku: Hey language buddy!Bakugo: Language my ass!You are going to tell me what the hell is going on!

Izuku cracked a smile.

Izuku: Very well then, as you know poor me was born without a quirk, and so I was mistreated by everyone for that.So poor little me decided he wouldnt take that anymore and begun to read.After some time little me found a book about magic and got into it, but the power he got just wasnt enough, he craved and craved and craved some more, giving the life of his mother for it but it just wasnt enough, he wanted some more.So in his last attempt he payed a visit to his old devil of a friend, so as to get the power he so craved!

Bakugo stood there and watched Izuku with a shock look.He then regained his usual scowl.

Bakugo: So you did that just for power, you are telling me you sold your soul to the devil?!

Izuku after hearing that begun to laugh maniacally.

Izuku: My dear!I did not sell my soul to the devil.In the end.... I replaced him.

Bakugo stood back in fear, Izuku was giving off some dark energy that made Bakugo all tensed up.

Izuku: Now.... OFF MY PROPERTY!

An explosion shook the ground, we can see Bakugo flying out of the ground and landing on the road.The fragile structure of the old house collapsed.Bakugo was took a lot of damage from that explosion.He barely had time to step up again.

Bakugo as soon as Izuki charged him released possibly the bigfest explosion he had ever done which sent him flying out of the house but also got Izuku away from him.

As Bakugo stood up, he looked back to see Izuku walking out of the rubbly whole regenerating his face.

Izuku: Wow!That sure was unexpected.As much as I would like to play with you, I have things to do!Dont worry though!I will leave a friend for him to play with you!

Izuku clapped his hands.

???: You called?

Izuku and Bakugo turned to the voice.

They saw a white demon sitting in the branch of a tree.

Izuku: Oh Alastor!My good fellow!Why dont take care of my friend here!Alastor: Sure thing boss!

The demon jumped off and landed on the road, causing it to crack.

Izuku: I leave the rest to you!

In a sudden flash of light, Izuku disappeared.

Alastor: Time to work I guess.

Alastor then charged at Bakugo at blinding speeds and punched him in the stomach, sending him flying down the road.Bakugo stood up and coughed blood.Alastor then stomped on his back, pinning him back into the ground.Bakugo felt as his back was being crushed.Bakugo putted his hand to his sides and made his palms aim to Alastor, he then released a massive explosion and sent Alastor back.Bakugo then stood up quickly and turned to look at Alastor.

Alastor: Eh!Thats quite the power!How exciting!It would be a shame if you died so quickly!Bakugo: Shut up you bastard!

Alastor charged at him once again, but this time Bakugo used his quirk to dodge the incoming attack.Bakugo didnt expect for Alastor to maneuver around using his wings and turned to kick Bakugo in the face.Bakugo once again landed on the floor.As Alastor made his way to Bakugo, but he was able to bring his hands to the front and released an explosion on Alastor's face.Bakugo then quickly stood up, he then barely dodged a hand coming out of the smoke, he then used his quirk to jump back further.

Alastor: Eh?!Amazing!Amazing!You really are impressive for just being a human, it has been long since someone was even able to dodge me!Show me what you can do human!

Alastor then appeared infront of Bakugo and threw a kick at his face, but Bakugo managed to block it with his arms, but he was still sent flying back from the force, he still managed to land on his feet.Bakugo felt a sharp pain in his forearms.

Bakugo: 'Damn it that definitely broke something, this guy, his strenght and speed is insane, probably even above All Might's!'

He was then punched out of his thoughts by Alastor who punched him in the face, Bakugo went flying back again.His face was then grabbed by Alastor and he was shoved into the ground.Alastor pulled Bakugo's head up from the ground and smacked it back into the ground several times while laughing maniacally.

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Alastor: I had a good time with you!But I must kill you!But dont worry!When you go to hell, we will see each other and will be able to have fun for the rest of eternity!Hahahahahahaha!

He then began to squeeze Bakugo's head as he began to scream in pain, he felt how his skull was being crushed.Suddenly it stopped.The hand that was squeezing him fell from his head and Bakugo looked up to see Alastor who had a surprised look in his face.Alastor jumped back and regenerated his arm.

Alastor: Oh?Hahahaha so you finally decided to show yourself!

Bakugo looked back to see a winged man with a blade for an arm behind him.

Back in Albert's dimension.

Albert continued to share his knowledge of "Wissenmagie" or the science of magic with the group.

Aizawa: I see... Do you think there was a way for us to beat this demons using this wissenmagie?Albert: Wissenmagie is extremely complex but I think there is something we could do...

Albert suddenly widened his eyes and stopped drinking from his cup.

Angela: Something wrong, Mr. Albert?Albert: I sense two powerful prescenses are about to engage in battle.Gran Torino: Could it be that Midoriya?Albert: No, I have memorized his prescense and this ones are weak compared to his.All Might: Then who are they?Albert: I am not sure, but only one way to find out, will you come with me?Endeavor: Who do you think we are?Of course we will go!Albert: Very good then.

Back with Bakugo.

Alastor: Hahahaha!What a pathetic form you have to use to hide yourself Abaddon!Bakugo: 'Abaddon?I remember that name from my research, he is the angel of death?!'Abaddon: I could say the same thing about you Alastor.Alastor: Unlike you I am not hiding!Abaddon: Because you decided to join that bastard!Alastor: I merely joined the winning side.I beleive lord will be pleased if I bring him your head!He may even give me a promotion!Abaddon: How pathetic.

Abaddon then turned to Bakugo.

Abaddon: Kid you better get out of here if you wish to live.

Bakugo understood what was about to happen and moved away from the area, but still close enough to look at the battle.

Alastor: Oh Abaddon, you will regret the day...

Alastor raised his hands and his claws sharpened, a number 7 in the back of his hand.

Alastor: When you challenged one of the seven lords of hell!

Alastor charged at Abaddon using his claws, Abaddon was able to dodge the incoming attacks and tried to slash Alastor using his own blade.Alastor dodged and kicked Abaddon back.Alastor then extended his claws and attacked Abaddon from a distance.Abaddon managed to block them using his blade.Alastor then retracted his blades and put his hands on the floor.Suddenly a bunch of spikes made their way to Abaddon who jumped into the sky.Abaddon the summoned lots of blades with he threw to Alastor.Alastor summoned an energy barrier and blocked the blades entirely.Alastor then flew up and summoned a red energy orb which he threw down at Abaddon, who blocked using his arms, but the explosion was still really powerful, Bakugo was sent flying back from the shockwaves.Alastor landed back on the floor and was then greeted by a blade that stabbed him through the throat.Alastor got mad and kicked Abaddon back.He then extended his claws rapidly and they stabbed Abaddon in the chest, even sending him back to were Bakugo was.Bakugo looked in shoch as Abaddon landed next to him.The claws then retracted and Abaddon began to heal.Alastor slowly walked to them.

Alastor: I really didnt like what you did Abaddon... Tell me... Do you have any idea what I am like... When I am angry?!

Alastor was then surprisingly engulfed in blue flames.The flames then stopped, and Alastor was shown to be all burnt up.He had trouble regenerating.

Albert: Looks like we came just in time.Abaddon: That man...Alastor: B-bastard...

Albert was seen standing infront of the group that was with him in his house.

Alastor then sharpened his claws and charged at Albert with incredible speed.Albert raised his hands and created a blue energy shield that stopped Alastor dead in his tracks as he couldnt get through it.Albert then reversed the shield and trapped Alastor in it.The shield then released massive amounts of blue lightining through Alastor's body.Then Albert released him and grabbed Alastor's head.Alastor's body suddenly caught up in blue flames as his body slowly burnt away.


Alastor extended his hand and tried to reach Albert but his entire body turned to ashes before he could reach him.

Albert the snuffed out the flames and turned to Abaddon and Bakugo.

Albert: Now.Care to tell me what are you doing here, Abaddon?

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