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Chapter 17: Fanatic part 1 of 2

There was a boy who lived in a cave. He did not know the kings who ruled the lands outside. He didn't know any of the folk tales in his village. All the boy did was read. He read books from all over the world, directly from a book importer. The sailor asked the boy to read all the books, and then translate them into the country's language. The boy did it with pleasure, he loved the sailor.

He read books about pirates, thieves, heroes, passionate ladies, and corrupt politicians. But he had never really seen any of them, and he didn't even plan to. The world was so dangerous for him, and although innocent he knew it.

One day a woman appeared at the cave door. She came to the boy and said: Poor kid! Poor thing! What can I do to alleviate the suffering that passes through the old sailor's hands? The boy looked at the woman in confusion and asked: Madame, do you know the old sailor? He gives me shelter, food, and books. It also teaches me many things. I assure you, he's a good man. The woman sighed and said wistfully: Oh, poor boy, always exploited by the old sailor. What a bad man is the one who takes advantage of a child's innocence to keep all the profit!

The boy could not understand why the drama of the lady and tried to argue: I love to read, and I love to write! Even more knowing that old sailor spreads my books across the state to make other children as happy as I am!

The woman's face begins to contort with sadness when she asks: But my little boy, don't you see? You are a genius of rare talent. You could be getting rich and living comfortably instead of staying in the cave!

The boy remains calm, apprehensive. He had seen this situation in his books. She probably heard rumors among the villagers. They made her fear the old sailor and now nothing would take her fear away. Perhaps, with more fear it is possible. Thought the boy and said: But look at me, dear madame. I'm just a little boy. In the outside world I would make a wealth that would attract the attention of people worse than the old sailor, don't you feel sorry for what could happen to me?

The woman was no longer pursued the boy's words, she was convinced that he was a simple innocent boy being manipulated. And then she begged: Please, dear little boy, I beg you to hear the voice in his conscience. Tomorrow I will bring the priest to see you. He will know how to save you.

The boy takes a deep breath and tries to counteract the words: I don't expect to be saved! But the beautiful girl was already gone.

The next day the priest knocked on his door.

The priest was an old man who had a very kind expression.

He slowly sat down in front of the door and said:

You can trust me, I won't hurt you. I want nothing from you and I will not force you to anything.

I'm listening. Continue, please. Said the boy. So, the priest continued: I know you love the old sailor, but we love you too.

We are worried that the old sailor will hurt you.

The boy had already gone through the same thing with the woman, so he started to articulate without fear:

With a wooden leg and fifty years old, I don't think he is much of a threat to me! The priest looked at him with a smile while said:

The problem is not that my boy. It would be much easier if it were! The problem is much more obscure. The love that a sailor gives you is not a good kind of love.

The boy was already distracted reading one of the sailor's books when he asked: Explain it better, I didn't understand what you want to tell me.

So the priest began to speak: God created Heaven and Earth and made humanity in God's image: male and female he created us. In God's image: we are loving, creative, and powerful. We are beautiful. Since Creation, God has been tirelessly seeking to communicate with us, to bring us to our highest way of being. There are two principal ways in which God communicates with human beings. The person of his son our Lord Jesus Christ, in a personal relationship; and through the words of the Bible. I seek what is Right, the best way a human being can be, through a relationship with God. In this, I continually fail: and God's love lifts me and enfolds me. God's forgiveness cleanses me. I am perfect in my imperfection. The atheist is also created in God's image but is unable to see how God seeks to communicate with them. When they attempt moral argument, it is fatally flawed, because though they seek what is Good they reject the ways our Creator has given to find what is Good: His holy Word, in the Bible and the person of Christ. They are incapable of moral argument, knowledge, or clarity. Oh, God! Heal them!

The boy who had consciously waited for the priest's speech to end now declared himself: Well, Father, I personally do not see God as you do, nor do I worship him as you worship him. But I don't think I'm sick or anything. I live well as someone good who always looks for the best and the right. And you haven't explained to me about the sailor's love is dangerous.

The priest looked at the boy this time without smiling: My boy, I understand your point. You only knew that cave and you have not yet experienced the beauties of our world. Once I'm done I'm sure you'll learn to appreciate the word of God, I have faith in you.

About the other subject, it is something so terrible that no child of your age should even know it exists. But if you insist I will tell you.

Male and female God created us, and that creation is beautiful in its complementarity. The man fits the woman as perfectly as two halves of a whole, physically and spiritually. Two people become one. The male character for the female character. Making tender care beautiful human Love, a reflection of the Love which is God.

But your sailor is not like that. He distorts and destroys that. In place of the fitting love and complementarity of male and female, he put lust for a disgusting physical action, the misuse of their own bodies. This blasphemes the body made in the image of God. His kind seeks to pervert marriage and families, the symbol of the Godly union of a man with a woman, to their demeaning lusts. We cannot let it destroy you with distorted love. He's dangerous, please come with us.

The boy was no longer distracted, he was sad and hurt. Full of anguish he complains: All of you! They never met my old sailor. Even so, they keep saying things but about him! They never listen to me when I say how well it does me! He does love me, not as a son, but as an apprentice! We are brothers and a family! He would never hurt me!

With the final point, the boy closes the door in the priest's face, but he can still catch his sweet voice saying: Okay, I already said I won't hurt you, I want to help you trust me! Tomorrow I will bring someone who really knows his sailor, so maybe you will see the light of reason.

abibia_berri abibia_berri

This story is a psychological quiz:


a) the old sailor is a bad man

b) everyone is crazy

c) the priest and madam are crazy

d) the boy is an idiot, he should listen to the others.

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