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Chapter 7: Playing Catch up

"I can't believe we just did that." She said quietly as we laid holding each other.

"Why? We were both attracted to each other from day one. Don't act like you weren't checking me out. I always know." I said kissing the corner of her mouth. She turned her head slightly, so it was a full kiss.

"I mean, aren't Misha and T'anya gonna be mad?" She looked into my eyes.

"Misha said she wouldn't mind if I brought another person into my bed, and T'anya doesn't even like that I bring Misha into it, but accepts me for who I am." I explained.

"If you, and both of them, will have me, can I stay in your room tonight?" She asked.

"Gods dammit!" I heard T'anya's voice from the hall. I got out of bed and opened the door to find Misha and T'anya standing against the wall. They both barreled into the room and Misha flopped onto the bed while T'anya stood with her fists clenched. Niko was still tired from our tryst, so she tried to cover herself but could only put the pillow between her legs.

"T'anya, Misha, I'm guessing you heard her?" I looked at both. Misha rolled over and slid up to be right next to Niko's thigh. After looking her over she grabbed the pillow and started to smile.

"I'm okay with it. She is a beauty, and this is one of the best pussies I've ever seen." She touched Niko's leg, but I stopped her.

"She is extremely sensitive. I made her cum with one finger and almost no tongue." I explained, stopping her.

"Even better. Even if I want to eat now." She said smiling. Niko grabbed the pillow away and replaced it between her legs. After seeing this T'anya calmed down and took my arm.

"I hate it, but if you care about Alyssa, and she cares for you, I will accept it." She walked over and stuck her hand out. After Niko shook it, we got dressed and went back to the guild.

"Already increasing your party? Usually wait for Emerald or Sapphire rank for that!" A man shouted out before laughing. We registered Niko to the party, but since she was still glass, we were going to have to do some wood ranked missions to get her to our rank. I walked over to the Wood ranked missions and found a monster slaying one that would be fun.

"Hey wanna go hunt some jellies?" I asked Niko. She rushed over and grabbed my hand when she heard me.

"Where, where?" She looked where I pointed and jumped up and down excitedly. "Yes, yes, yes." She kissed me and after seeing it wasn't an open request pulled it down and ran to the counter. T'anya came over and leaned on me.

"Is she always going to give you random kisses?" She asked.

"I think its something she is going to do when she gets over-excited." Misha said leaning on the other side. I felt some glares come my way, but since I was a girl with other girls, these guys weren't going to do anything.

"Alright, here is the information." Niko came back and handed me a scroll with information of the monsters, and where to find them. "Apparently, they come in different kinds naturally, but since they are geyser types the color won't tell you what they do." She quieted down and continued, "With your skills, you can KO them all in a few seconds." She grabbed my hand and started to lead me when T'anya cleared her throat.

"We need to visit the tailor, she asked us to come back in the afternoon." T'anya said jealously tugging on my arm.

"I see. Then let's go. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave." Niko said straightening herself.

When we entered the tailors, the sales girl saw us and went right into the back. After a few minutes, the seamstress came out and looked at me grinning ear to ear.

"You are such a clever girl." She said running to me and wrapping her arms around me. "These undergarments are amazing. I could see an entire store being set up just selling these. Not to mention these Brassieres you have listed. I made a simple one for myself, and I feel like I can move easier, not that I would wear one in home or too bed." She said as she adjusted the strap on her side.

"Let's get your measurements so I can get a few pairs made for each of you right away." She said looking over the four of us.

"Thank you so much." I said calmly. "I was also hoping to get some fabric together, so I could make some clothes for us that aren't flashy, or as ridiculous as this." I swept my hands in front of the robes.

"Of course, of course." She pulled on me and the three others followed. She took our measurements for our bras and panties, and then took me to a cloth rack. As I went through the swatches, she watched me carefully and I could tell she was eyeing up my skill level. I found some softer materials that seemed sturdy and stole those for some nighties for me and the girls, and then found a denim like material I could use for pants and shorts. Lastly, I found a cotton like fabric for shirts.

"Is it okay if I take a bit extra to make you some samples?" I asked. Her eyes lit up when I said samples.

"Of course, my dear. Most clothes are just sacks draped over the head. You seem to really understand what clothes should do. They should accentuate the body as well as protect it." She floated as she said this.

"Jesus, you got another follower already." Misha said smirking. We took up the cloth and I had Misha store it away.

"Can we go find these Jellies now." Niko said practically bouncing.

"I don't see why not." I said as we left the tailors.

"I'll get these done as soon as I can. Come back tomorrow, first thing." The Seamstress said as we left.

"Alright, I'll see you then." I said as I left.

The Jellies were in someone's warehouse, and although weak, they could cause serious damage if one decided to use fire or water on the wooden walls. When we arrived the owner of the property came over to us. He was a shady looking guy with a ridiculously stereotypical 'bad-guy' mustache. As we approached, I felt his eyes undressing me and checked his info. He was a Duke, and he was 'Lv44' He was on the upper end of none Hunters I had seen.

"Ladies, I'm glad to see someone took my request." He said as we approached. He eyed Niko a few times, so I stepped forward.

"We are here to kill jellies and leave. That's it." I informed him. "No tea, no sitting and chatting." I crossed my arm and both Misha and T'anya stepped up to hide Niko behind them.

"My apologies, it's not often we see a 'Wayward' in these parts." I didn't know what that was, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

"Where is the warehouse?" I asked him indignantly.

"Right this way." He turned as he played with his mustache and led us to a big wooden building. "When I opened the door, it had at least fifteen green jellies inside. I was so scared I didn't know what to do." He said still with a smirk on his face.

"Well, you head back, in case any charge the door when we open it." Misha said.

"Right, we wouldn't want anything to happen to the client." T'anya followed. The man clicked his tongue and walked back around the corner of the building.

"Just make sure to kill them all." He said before he rounded the corner. After he left Niko stepped forward.

"Thanks everyone. I didn't know how to react to those eyes." She started to bow when Misha grabbed her.

"You're ours now!" She said smiling at her. She gave her a light kiss and turned to me. "Right?"

"Yeah, we all help each other." I said as I wrapped us all in a hug. I kissed her, and then T'anya followed suit. "I know its weird, but we are all one." I felt everyone squeeze in a bit, and then after she was refreshed Niko pulled back first.

"Right, lets go." She said.

As we opened the door to the warehouse, I quickly moved everyone aside as a cannon like object fired a net at us. I looked into the warehouse, and after seeing it was free of jellies, I went to say hi, alone, to a certain duke.

I rushed around the corner with a net, and as soon as I rounded it, he was waiting there with a stupid grin on his face until he saw me. I quickly wrapped the net around him, and after double checking his stats, I stole about half of them. He didn't have any skills, so I could only make do with the points.

"What should we do with him?" I asked looking at T'anya. "He is a Duke, so he has some sort of power."

"The Hunters guild is unrelated to politics, to prevent any nation from trying to manipulate its hunters to go to war or something." She answered. "What he did is extremely illegal and could very well have him executed by the guild." She said. I glanced, and he looked terrified. I glanced at the house, and in the basement, I saw ten more names with special status'.

"We weren't the first. We need to save the others, and then we can take him in with multiple witnesses." I said calmly. We entered the house and went straight to the basement. I could see a bit of their information, but it was on the other side of a wall that we couldn't get around. I used my skill 'Sense Life' and found a small amount of human energy seeping through a crack. After examining the area, we found a switch that opened the wall.

"Hey everyone, we are here to help!" Niko yelled as soon as we entered. I could smell Blood, Shit, Semen, and Decay. I had Misha pull out a few of the Healing potions to have at the ready, and then we entered. I noticed before that all of the names were female but didn't expect for a hole to be nearly filled with male corpses. I called Niko over, and she burned the bodies. All Hunter Pendants were enchanted, so I could easily cast a wind spell after to gather their Pendants. Next, we went and opened all of the cages and unbound the prisoners. Each drank one of the healing potions, and after a few minutes we had successfully rescued them all.

"Does anyone need a hand walking or moving?" I asked. I knew first hand what they went through, so I offered a hand.

"Why is he even still alive?" One of the women said. "Just fucking kill him. Or worse turn him into a slave and sell him to some Oni." She continued. It appears all Oni were bisexual and didn't care what gender they were fucking, as long as they were the ones doing the fucking.

"We need to turn him in because he is technically a Duke. Even if that is only until he gets brought in." T'anya replied. After calming down the women, which took a while, we headed back to the guild.

When we entered with the Duke in a net and ten women with scraps for clothes and covered in dirt, the whole of everyone in the guild hall looked at us.

"Hey old lady? This guy was using a low rank request to capture women for sex slaves and killing any of the men that took the request." I said as we walked to the counter. She looked at us and at the women behind us and put up one finger. After walking into the back, the Guild Master appeared.

"You again? What happened now?" He asked me. After explaining the situation, he walked over to a strangely shaped box and after putting a piece of paper in the top he waited.

"That device can magically copy a piece of paper and transfer it to a predetermined device similar to it." T'anya explained to me.

"Oh, like a magic fax machine." Niko said with stars in her eyes. After we waited a few minutes a bell like chime sounded, and another piece of paper fell out of the bottom.

"This man is to be executed immediately by stoning. Anyone that wishes to participate is asked to enter the Arena immediately." He shouted into the hall. All of the women he captured walked to where we took our test yesterday, and out of curiosity I followed.

"You would kill him in one toss, hell all of us would." Misha said leaning on my arm.

"I just want to watch. Other than what we did to the ones that summoned us, I've never seen a rapist get his just deserts." I explained.

The four of us entered but jumped into the stands, as the Duke was pulled from the net and put into stocks made of a purplish metal. I had Niko to my right, Misha to my left, and T'anya sat between my legs. I watched as the Guild leader read off the names of each pendant, and then the Ten women slowly and carefully took aim. One by one they launched almost perfectly round stones at him. There was a small pile and slowly it disappeared. As the stones hit him his fingers broke, his nose became dislodged, and eventually one of the stones killed him. I was expecting him to beg or cry, but he just checked out. After his 'HP' hit zero the women weren't done. They continued to throw the stones until his entire body was just broken bones and mush. After they finished all but one of the girls left. She stood there looking at the pile of what used to be the Duke and spit at him. She kicked his flesh and picked up a stone and continued to mash his flesh and bones with a stone. I lifted T'anya and placed her in Misha's lap, and then hopped over to the ring. When she heard me land next to her, she looked at me and I could see hate and anger in her eyes.

"What the FUCK do you want? Do you want a reward for SAVING me? Here!" She shouted as she threw the stone at me. I caught it and dropped it. She grabbed another and threw it. We repeated her throwing and me catching the stones for about twenty minutes, until she almost passed out. I decided I would risk it and called her name.

"Ly'anna, look at me." I said as I squatted to her eye level. She had flawless tanned skin, and light blue hair. Her eyes were two different colors, one light blue, one gold. She was sitting with the bottoms of her feet touching so her legs nearly made a circle. She had a rock in her hand, but her 'SP' was at one, so she didn't have the energy to lift her hand.

"What?" She wheezed. She looked at me and when she looked into my eyes hers lit up. "Something like this happened to you too huh?" She said quietly.

"Me and two of my girls." I said pointing behind me. She glanced and after looking at the three of them she looked back at me.

"So, am I supposed to believe things will get better? One of those names he just read was my husband." She said sobbing lightly. I kneeled and went forward. After I wrapped her in my embrace, I felt her entire body shudder. She started wailing, and I rubbed her back. After she wailed for a while, I cast sleep on her.

"I want to keep her." I said as we put her up in Niko's old room.

"Of course, you do." T'anya said, jealous as always. "I'm just going to get less and less time with you, aren't I?" She asked me.

"This isn't about that." I said. "I won't act like she isn't a stunning beauty, and that heterochromia isn't still as sexy as ever." I lost my train of thought and shook my head. "But she is going to need people that don't pity her. Us four and a few others here are the only ones that won't automatically think the worst of her." I said.

"Ugh, and such a sound argument." T'anya pouted by hugging me. I wrapped an arm around her and looked to the others.

"If she wants to join our party, I'm all for it." Misha said. "I doubt she will be rooming with us for quite a while though." She added to cheer up T'anya.

"I think it is probably the best choice." Niko said thinking about it. "I know I'm the newest to the group, but with how at ease you can make people, I think it would be for the best." She added looking at me and kissing my cheek.

"Great, it's unanimous then. If she will allow us, we will take her into the party." I said as we left the room and went to cover a few more days' worth on the bill.

As we reached the main floor a messenger was waiting for us from the Hunters Guild. He handed me a letter asking me to return at my earliest convenience and ran off. After giving Red a few more Gold coins for our lodging we headed over.

"We were summoned?" I said as I approached the woman in the guild.

"Summoned isn't quite right, but sure go on back." She said as she raised the plank to let us into the back.

As soon as we entered the guild leader's office, he looked up at us and shook his head.

"You've got quite the luck the last few days." He said gruffly. His white hair swayed as he shook his head. He lifted his hand when I went to speak. "Sorry, it's just, there are at least ten Hunters sitting out there right now that have never even seen me." He explained.

"Well whatever. What did you need?" Misha spoke up.

"Ah right. I wanted to give you your reward for returning those pendants. It's fifty silver each, so here." He held out a sack and inside was about ten golds worth in silver. "We don't like to change the form of currency when it comes to this." He explained. "It seems like it adds levity to the situation. On behalf of the Hunters Guild, I would like to thank you for your work today." He stood and lowered his head, so we all just stood there looking at him.

"Is that it?" Niko asked.

"What more can there be?" He asked looking at her.

"I was kind of hoping to be ranked up to my party's level at least." She said completely seriously. The Guild Leader looked at her pendant and ours and laughed.

"Sure. Here." He took out a piece of paper and handed it to her. "Give this to Miel'dread."

"Thank you, sir." She said shaking his hand when she took the slip. After going over the finer details, we headed out. While we waited for Niko's Pendant to be upgraded, we looked over the quests in the obsidian category.

"Wow, four of em now, and they are all stone rank?" One of the other Hunter's said.

"What about this Al?" Misha pointed to a request for what should be simple herb gathering.

"Isn't this usually a glass ranked job?" I asked looking at Niko.

"There is probably some kind of catch, like a monster infestation, or we are actually stealing from a neighboring country. I'd say skip it." She said smiling at the board.

"Here." The older woman tossed Niko her pendant, and it was made of stone now.

"Thank you Miel'dread." She said as she happily put it around her neck. We continued to scan the board and finally found one we could do. It was a subjugation request, it was an open request for tusks from a giant boar-like monster. There was one with a spider monster, but Misha just said no to that one.

"Here we go. A real adventure." Niko said looking like a child on Christmas morning. I approached her and put a hand on her head.

"Calm down gorgeous. If you get to worked up, we may end up in a bad spot." I said as she took my hand from her head and held it. T'anya ran over and took my other hand quickly, while Misha planted herself over mine and T'anya's shoulders.

"Off we go." Misha said before giving T'anya and I a kiss on the cheek each.

We walked outside, and it was actually getting to be around four. We stopped at a stall to get something to eat and then headed West to check out the Boar Monster. After playing with everyone's agility, we made great time, and made it to the estimated place in two hours.

"Your ability is something for sure." Niko said when we reached our destination. I had given her the spell 'Refresh', so whenever anyone got low on 'SP' she would cast it to refill it. When we started exploring, I noticed we were in a swamp like place.

"Just like earth." I said smiling.

"These creatures were on your world?" T'anya asked looking at me.

"Well with the description of the beast, it was close." I said as I ran my eyes in front of me. After we explored for a few minutes, we found our first target. I used 'Analyze', and it was a 'Giant Tusk-Boar' for the name. I started to move forward, and everyone followed suit. When we got within a certain proximity, it noticed us and started pounding its hoof on the ground. It charged at us but was pretty slow. Misha lunged forward and punched it hard with her gauntlets. Its skull cracked, and it fell to the side and slid right to me. I looked it over. It looked like a warthog, but stood with its back at about twelve feet, and from ass to snout, it was about twenty feet long. "Can we bleed this out? I wanna try making some pork later." I said looking to Misha and Niko. They both nodded, and Misha took out some of the rope we had braided from the string shot and we hung up the boar and bled it dry. Since Misha's 'Infinite Storage' didn't allow time to go forward, we could throw it in there and take care of it later. After field dressing and draining the boar, we tucked it away and finished the job. Every two tusks, or single boar would make a single request, so we hunted significantly extra. They had a very high 'Strength' stat, so I was stealing it and dumping it into everyone equally. When each of us had 'Strength' matching our 'Agility' We left. The return trip was similar since we just ran and kept out of other travelers' sights. When we made it back to the guild, I walked up with Niko holding my hand and Misha and T'anya were right behind us.

"We finished a repeatable request and wanted to turn in some 'Giant Tusk-Boar' Tusks." Niko said timidly to Miel-dread.

"Ah how many?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Umm, how many can we turn in?" Niko asked back.

"That's new. How many do you have?" Miel-dread looked upset, but since she always looked like this, I could never get a read on her.

"Umm," I could tell Niko was doing the math in her head, so I decided to step in.

"Thirty Tusks Miel." I said as Misha heard me and opened the bag to place them on the counter. After she put six on the counter it was full since they were so large, so we waited at that point.

"Look at that." I heard another Hunter say from behind me.

"They said they have more?" Another Hunter asked.

"Yeah, she said thirty tusks, that's like uh, a lot." Another, less intelligent Hunter said.

"That would be fifteen subjugations. That will promote you straight to Quartz." Miel'dread said as she started to slide the Tusks into a bag for the guild. After she and Misha finished the transfer she asked for our pendants, and when she returned them each was a different color, but they were all Quartz.

"Look Alyssa, mines purple." Niko said holding hers up right in my face. I was more mesmerized by her smile though. As we finished up and turned to leave for the day a Hunter approached us.

"So, you four are like pretty strong huh?" He asked. He seemed more scared of us that anything. I looked him over and he was a blonde human with grey eyes. He didn't have much muscle on his bones, so I used 'Analyze', and found he was a mage. I looked through his spells and saw one I liked but couldn't bring myself to take it.

"What's up?" Misha asked eyeing him up.

"Umm, no, I umm, just wanted to congratulate you on making it to Quartz. You can finally say you're a Hunter and people will take you seriously." He said and turned around right away.

"Oh? Thanks guy." She said and laughed. "I thought he was going to cause trouble." She said as she draped her arms over my shoulders and 'accidentally' grabbed my chest.

"Yeah. That's always in books, but real people aren't just going to make a scene over nothing. Especially when they won't get anything out of it." Niko said holding my hand.

"Well if we hurry, we can still get back for dinner." T'anya said looking at the clock.

As we entered the Inn most of our group was eating and chatting. I noticed Pzymon was sitting with a few girls that were about fourteen, and they were all fawning over him. I was a bit upset since he was really good looking, and had a nice sized cock, but with the three at my side, I decided to play dumb. When we sat down Lynne saw me and without being noticed by the others, pointed at Niko and then at me with an eyebrow raised. When I gave her a light nod, she gave me two thumbs up.

"What's so funny?" Niko asked me when I chuckled at Lynne's expression.

"Lynne just realized you were sitting with us and gave me two thumbs up." I said sliding my foot between her legs. Since T'anya stayed on my left at most times, and Misha took the other side when we sat, that left the only available seat to be across. I had taken my shoes and socks off when I sat to do this, and slowly moved her robe out of the way with my foot. I slowly ran my toe over her clit, and then carefully moved her folds from side to side. Her face almost instantly turned red, and T'anya realized what I was doing.

"Of course." She pouted and leaned against me. She rested her head on my shoulder and watched Niko's face. Misha, realizing what was happening, just laughed.

"Dinner and a show." She said laughing hard.

I slowly worked my toe in a circle, grazing her clit and her pussy. As my toe started to pick up speed, her juices spread onto my toe, and before long I stuck it inside her and started to rub the inside of her pussy along the back of her clit. She had stuck the side of her hand in her mouth up to now, but I finally saw her eyes roll back and a long sigh escaped from her mouth, and Misha caught her before she smashed her beautiful face into the table. I pulled my foot away and grabbed my cloth napkin on the table to wipe my foot and Misha was kind enough to clean up under Niko.

"Wow." T'anya said quietly. "To be that sensitive." She said, and I saw her ears blush a bit.

"I knew I made the right call." Niko said panting and looking at me. "That was amazing." She said quietly for just the table to hear.

"If you thought that was good wait till after dinner." Misha said just as Red showed up.

"Don't you dare. You three are so loud." She pointed to Niko, Misha, and T'anya. "I NEED sleep. If you plan on doing what you did last night, I'll die." She looked at us pleadingly.

"Oh, we won't be doing that tonight, so don't worry Red." I said as I winked at her. I saw all three visibly droop their shoulders. After taking our orders she walked away, and all three of them looked at me at once.

"""You didn't mean that, right?""" They all asked at once.

"Of course not. If only someone had a spell that forcibly puts someone to sleep for several hours depending on 'Intelligence'." I said looking at Niko. Her eyes lit up since she could probably make the spell last for six hours easily.

"Great thinking." She gave me a smile and a nod.

"What a reward." I said quietly to myself.

"Here ya go girls." The waitress said bringing out our food and some drinks. It was some ground meat, and a few other things. I enjoyed the food, but it was still boring to eat without any kind of spices or seasonings added.

"Time for bed ladies." Misha said as we finished our food. We stood and headed upstairs, but I peaked into Ly'anna's room on the way, and she was still sleeping. I cast sleep on her to be safe and we made our way to our bed.

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