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Chapter 23: The Plan

"We have a special room just for you your highness." I said as we each headed to our rooms. "Is your slave staying with you, or would you like her to be placed in our slave quarters?" I asked. He smiled at her before responding.

"I think she can stay in the slave quarters tonight." He said as his guard and he went into the room. As the door shut, I noticed he fell into the bed almost instantly.

"He has never been a night owl." Cani'lu said as I looked at her questioningly. "He will be up at about six or seven though… He always wakes up after about eight hours of sleep." She explained. With magical lighting everywhere in this world it was easy for people to be awake late into the night like myself, but I was considered an outlier since I didn't mind just using 'Refresh' to get all my energy back.

"Do you need anything before sleep darling?" I asked as I looked to the girl. She was a fox beast kin and a stunning one at that. She was probably the same age as T'anya. Her orange hair was all over her body, and I could tell she was a hereditary slave thanks to 'Analyze'. A hereditary slave is a slave from birth because someone born to a slave is a slave. It wouldn't be odd for her to be a child of the king and queens' slaves and being put directly into his service.

"Is there any more of that food left?" She asked immediately but then she jumped realizing that the princess was standing next to me.

"Sure Hun… Let's go." I answered.

Niko, the slave and I were the only ones in the kitchen since everyone else went to bed, when I asked.

"Do you like being the prince's slave? I'd be willing to buy you if you want to trade hands." I said as she ate more of the food.

"Why would you want to buy me? I am a slave of the prince of Ren'galia I would be over priced even though he treats me like shit…" She answered me.

"I think you have promise, but if you enjoy working for him, I won't bother you…"

"Please!" Her eyes shot wide as I spoke. "If you can convince him I will work for you forever." She took my hands and plead with me.

"Sweetie, I can convince a blind man he saw something…" I said smiling at her. "I'll talk to him tomorrow, but this is a secret." I winked at her and, after she ate some more, led her to the women's dorms.

"This is where you keep your slaves?" She asked. "Please buy me…" She said as she looked around the dining area and rest area. Although Misha was being rough with some of the slaves when it came to dance, we still wanted to treat them like employees. This area was decked out with comfortable chairs, couches and so much more. Plus, Mi'a wasn't the only one learning from Niko how to cook so they were all getting better.

"Alright, I'll try my best." I said as Niko and I left the dorms. As we turned to leave Niko wrapped her arms around me and we walked back to the house in a strange embrace. I looked down and she was smiling as she held onto me.

"Umm… Alyssa?" She asked as we approached the door.

"What's up beautiful?" I asked as we locked eyes

"Can you look over my stats again? I made something today for the first time and didn't even have to think about it…" She said as I reached for the door. I scanned her and started to read through all of her skills when I saw one, I'd never seen before.

"Look at you my gorgeous 'Magical Engineer'." I said giving her a quick kiss. "From what I can tell it is a skill that lets someone manipulate magic and create magically driven devices." I explained.

"I thought so… That means that most people in this world don't even know much about what they are actually good at…" She trailed off thinking.

"Are you saying that just because someone has a skill doesn't mean they worked for it?" I asked.

"No, no, what I'm saying is that I created a new cooling device today and I didn't even have to ponder about it… I thought about making it and then did. It was for a potential climate control for the house, but I have only been able to regulate temperature either cold or warm. Not both." We walked to the bath and continued to talk about how her new skill caused her to just be able to do some things.

"Isn't that a good thing… Besides, I'm sure you still wrote down exactly how to do it so someone without the skill could make one as well…" I said as I scrubbed her back.

Looking over her shoulder she replied, "Yeah, Mi'a made one, but mine was better. I want to say it's because Mi'a isn't as good as me, but I know she didn't mess anything up." She turned after I rinsed her off and started to scrub me down.

"So, what's the problem?" I asked.

"It's not a problem, it just seems strange. People just inherently know magic that they know and are okay with finding magical artifacts, but don't understand the idea behind making or fixing them. It's like the only people that would try to make something new would be born with the ability to." She said before rinsing me. We climbed into the bath and cuddled in the water as I thought about it for a bit.

"Well, if no one else has your skill that means there may be more. We should start doing all kinds of things and figure out what we can and can't do…" I said before kissing her cheek. "Good job today Niko." I added.

"If you think about it, you are the only one that knows 'Analyze'. That means that no one else is aware of skills and stats like you. If you were to use that to help people find the right calling to work… You could help this whole world." She said before kissing me back. We climbed from the bath and dried down before drying each other's hair with a magical hair dryer and got dressed in some white robes before going to the guest room we were using tonight.

"My 'Analyze' is a unique skill, not a brand new one. Others have had it and others will have it. The major difference is I also have the skills 'Thief' and 'Gift', that let me redistribute stats and skills around." We laid in the bed and continued the discussion as we kissed and felt each other up for a while. Finally, Niko slid her hand under my robe and without hesitation slid a finger inside me. As I gasped, she bit my lower lip. She bit hard and started to pulse her finger inside me. I wrapped my hands around her and pulled her on top of me as I rolled onto my back. She didn't stop, but she did brace herself with her other hand. After a few minutes of us making out as she fingered me, I untied my robe and repeated the process with her. As I felt her warm skin on mine, I opened my eyes and saw a smile on her face as she kissed me and continued to finger me. I slid my hand into her hole as she continued to finger me, but only played with her bean first. She quickly made noise due to her sensitivity, but I waited until she came before sliding a finger inside of her. Next, I kissed her more fiercely and rolled us back onto our sides as we cupped each other's asses with our free hands. She tasted sweet as I ran my tongue inside her mouth and continued to use my middle finger on her clit as her hole was being filled by my index. She started to copy me before long and in a few more minutes I came. As I tilted my head back from orgasm she leaned down and kissed my tits before she forcefully rolled me onto my back. She leaned back into a seated position and opened a small drawer in the nightstand. Inside was the toy I had used on her before only she slid it on this time. Just looking at it I gulped since the cock was probably two and a half inches wide. She crawled back into bed and kissed me before grabbing the shaft lightly and playing it over my clit. She slowly rubbed it up and down for about a minute before she looked at me expectantly. As I looked at her smile I dumbly nodded before she rammed the whole of the dildo inside me. I felt my pussy stretch from the push and remembered a few times I'd felt this pain before.

"Fuck!" I yelled as she positioned herself over me. "I should have used lube." I said as I cupped her worried face. "Gimme a second." I said as I slowly rocked myself around the cock. It was bigger than my pussy was ready for and every movement felt like a small cut. I knew I wasn't bleeding, but I felt one hand reach down and check. After slowly adjusting myself to the size I cupped her ass and we slowly rocked until my juices had properly lubricated the shaft.

"Here goes." She smiled again before she rocked back and forth slowly on her own. I kissed her face fiercely as she rocked my world. I could see her chest was thrush from the insert inside of her, as she thrusted in and out. I wrapped my hands over her back and my legs around her waist and we rocked opposite each other. She got my attention and we stared into each other's eyes as she continued to thrust faster and faster. My vision was blurry, but after cumming for over five minutes straight, she stopped almost at once. She slowly rocked back and pulled the shaft from me before she rolled onto her back panting. I kissed her face as I wheezed as well. I grabbed the toy and pulled it off of her and saw her pussy throbbing from multiple orgasms. As her hole pulsed open and closed, I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over her and myself.

"That was amazing Niko." I said giving her a kiss. She looked into my eyes and after staring into my eyes she smiled.

"You meant that… Good." She said before kissing me and wrapping herself around me.

The next morning, we headed down for breakfast and the prince was in the dining room with his guard and slave.

"That was a truly phenomenal bed. How did you make it?" He asked as soon as I sat down. The maid came right over and poured me some coffee with some honey and milk.

"I'm afraid that's a trade secret your highness." I said with a smile before sipping my coffee. He eyed up my cup and the maid quickly poured him some with the same honey and milk as myself.

"I see. This is a bitter drink. What is it?" He asked as the maid poured some more honey.

"It's coffee. It has something called caffeine in it that can wake you up, or keep you awake, depending on when you drink it." I said smiling lightly. This whole time his slave was holding his cup and giving him small sips. Since the cup was basic ceramic it transferred heat well and I could tell she was hurting. "We also have sweetened black tea, or sun tea…" I said before he broke her. She was gorgeous and sweet, so I didn't want her to suffer. Plus, her 'Intelligence' was outstanding, so she could be of use long term.

"Sun tea? That's interesting… I'll have that." The maid took the cup and left before returning with a ceramic glass and filling it with the drink. His slave lifted it and I saw her relax. It was a cold drink, so she wouldn't be hurting. He took his first sip and smiled with a satisfied moan.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"It's pleasantly sweet. I quite like it." He said before getting another sip.

We couldn't make glass, but Ly'anna and Lori'dae had found a see-through material that allowed us to make windows and see through containers. They were actually stronger than glass as well, so we were currently trying to get a decent amount of the material, but the monster's heart was the only part that was see through. They were quite large, but nothing enormous.

"How do you come up with this stuff?" He asked.

"Brother… You need to understand that they aren't going to just tell you. They always say the same excuse. 'In our old country' blah blah blah…" Cani'lu said entering the room. In'tasha followed closely but kept about two feet away. "And don't bother asking what country since they were taken as children and don't know." She answered his next question prematurely.

"Taken?" He asked.

"They were kidnapped and sold into slavery. They recently escaped due to a fight between slave traders in Bestin." She continued.

"To think they would have kidnapped slaves in Bestin…" He zoned out with a grin on his face. It was obvious he was going to try to get over there to buy some. Standard law was a person could only be sold into slavery by the head of house or by the prison warden. Slaves weren't given any special protection, and if you were to kill your own slave in front of one hundred witnesses, nothing would be done to you. That doesn't mean you could kill someone else's slave though. If someone's slave was killed, they were allowed to mete out justice as they saw fit, more survival of the fittest I suppose.

"Breakfast is ready. I made pancakes and waffles." Niko laid out some plates and grabbed some waffles and pancakes for us before sitting on my lap. Next, she split them up and poured way too much honey on her plate. I put some butter and a bit of honey on mine before we started to eat.

"I may never want to leave." The prince said through a full mouth. It was a gross sight, but I smiled and started to eat some food myself.

"Brother, I found these people, so I get to keep them…" Cani'lu replied to his jest.

"Well thank you for sharing." He said laughing.

After finishing breakfast Misha and I went to the slave dorms and lined everyone up.

"We've been training you for today. I think most of you are more than capable of making someone want you, but what you really want to do is make someone fight someone else for you. Show them what you are made of." Misha started.

"And once you do get bid on, don't forget to do everything in your power to get them coming back." I followed up. We had been using word of mouth from the town to get ready for today, and I was pretty sure that our brothel was going to be quite packed today. We had some men and women lined up as whores and others just wanted to be servers. For the first week bids would only last half an hour and after that it would be one hour.

After making sure that everyone was ready, we headed to the brothel and started to drop the

furniture and beds where they were needed, as well as get the different outfits ready for the dancers.

At first, I was making sexy nurse and sexy fireman outfits, but realized that they didn't have those here. That made me change over to a sexy bunny outfit, but again realized they have those here. In the end, I made the outfits multi-layered and taught the dancers the art of the strip tease. They were going to dance and show off the way their body moved, and the winning bidders would be the only ones to get to see them fully naked before sleeping with them.

"Don't forget me!" Niko said as she entered the club. She had built alarms for each private room, and I powered up a few guards. Each guard was partnered with a dancer and they were decided by preference. I already realized some of them were sleeping together, but the best person to have cover your ass, is probably someone that thinks it's pretty cute. At least, that's what I believed. The guards would stand outside the room, and if the dancer or winning bidder released any magical power in the room, a red tinted light would trigger above the door and the guard would enter. Every customer would hear about this when they entered, but some people probably just thought they could get away with this kind of stuff.

"So, we have drinks, food, and sexy dancers…" I said loud enough for everyone to hear. "Are we missing anything? We open in a little over an hour." I said looking around. Everyone smiled and shook their heads knowing everything was all set. "In that case I'm double checking everything." I went through each floor and each room checking for anything that might be missing. After double and triple checking the building it was finally time to open.

"Everyone remember your jobs, and don't forget, smile…" Misha said to the dancers before they each went to their respective floors. Each of us were going to be on our own floors. Misha was on the floor for lesbians while Niko was on the straight girl floor. I was going for the straight men and T'anya was on the floor for gay men. None of us wanted that floor, so we drew lots and she lost. The bright side for her was that this meant she got me in my private room tonight. As we all split up, I saw Lynne coming into the building and turned her away.

"I'm almost fifteen. You already let me live with my girlfriends, but you won't let me see your whore house?" She said grinning.

"You are fourteen and don't need to be in here. I will not turn you away whenever you turn fifteen, but for now, you are too young." I said to her as I ushered her out and showed her to the bouncers. "This one is only fourteen. Remember adults only." I said smiling before heading back inside. Once the doors opened quite a few people were lined up, and after being explained everything, went to their respective floors. We had been advertising fiercely, especially to women, and I was glad to see they showed up. I was on the floor for men looking for women since that was where the prince would be.

"There she is sir." I heard his slave say. Her gorgeous orange hair and face were amazing to look at.

"Shut up!" He said as he punched her. I wanted to kill him then and there but just came over to try my first pitch.

"Your highness. Let me offer to purchase that useless slave from you. It seems she fails you quite often." I said as I walked up to him and started to usher him to the prime seating. He had already paid for entry and I told the guard he only needed to pay for himself.

"With how troublesome she is, I may be willing to trade…" He said looking over my body.

"I'm sorry to say that I can't just give myself to someone. One of my lovers is the one that decides if I am allowed to have anyone else in my bed, and she is currently occupied." I said with a flirty smile and batted eyelashes.

"It's a shame." He said before sitting. I was going to be his personal server today and I quickly took his drink order and also told him about the Rucco wings. We had increased our collection to over one hundred, and also harvested quite a few more. They were free income in my opinion. As I returned his feet were on his slave again and he was repeatedly lifting and dropping his foot on the slave. I felt bad for her but couldn't do anything right now.

"Here is your food and drink your highness." I said with a smile. I quickly pulled a wing from the table and held it to his slave's face. She took a bite and I saw her smile. After waiting for the poison check he devoured the whole plate before the first dancer even came out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, lets give a round of applause for Honey!" The musician said before he started to play a song. There was a guitarist and a drummer on this floor and they played very well together. As they started to play a beautiful blonde cat girl came out from the curtains. She moved her body gracefully and with purpose as she moved forward towards center stage. She made her way to the stripper pole and slid her hands around it and dropped her ass low before popping back up to turn and look at the audience. As she danced, she slowly removed her clothing one piece at a time. Each piece was designed to pull apart easily and be stitched back together with a weak thread later. As she danced paddles started to raise and I noticed the bids were already over one gold.

"I want that one." The prince said as he raised his paddle over and over. It didn't take long for everyone to realize this and they quit bidding after he broke fifty gold. After, she continued to finish out her dance before coming down and standing in front of the prince in a pair of almost see through lingerie and high heels. Her tight stomach and body were glistening in a faint but sweet sweat as she smiled at the prince and reached a hand out. As he accepted her help to stand, she led him to her private room. Her guard was a beautiful blonde-haired dog man. He held a small club enchanted with lighting magic. The princes guard took a spot right next to him while the next dancer came out. She was a human with brown hair nicknamed Cocoa. With the prince going for the first girl I went to the slave girl and cast heal on her.

"You're a mage?" She asked surprised.

"Oh Hun… So much more than that." I said patting her head lightly. She raised her eyebrow, but I ignored her. I started to watch Cocoa on stage, but it didn't take long for the red light to glow above the door. I walked over, and the guard tried to stop me, but my guard grabbed his arm and pinned him to the wall.

"I'll ask you not to touch the young miss." He said with a strange accent. I had only picked most of the slaves based on appearance, so I hadn't even heard some of them speak. I opened the door and the prince had a dagger in his hand as he peeled off Honey's face. She was screaming as he continued to thrust his cock into her. He was grinning as he grunted. I knew they didn't really have a lot of different types of sex in this world, but vore making it in pissed me off. I rushed in and grabbed his hand that was holding the dagger before turning it and stabbing him in the throat. As his blood poured out, I saw his 'HP' hit zero and he fell over holding his throat. Next, I cast 'Sleep' on Honey before gently placing the torn of bits of her face back on and casting 'Heal'. As I did, I saw her face return to normal including the pieces that were in the prince's stomach.

"What the fuck is wrong with people…" I said as I turned. The prince's guard was staring at me with disbelief, so I shook my head and Honey's guard brought him into the room before closing the door and slitting his throat. I left the room and headed up to grab Misha.

"This wasn't the plan…" She said slapping my head.

"Oww…" I pretended to be hurt. "He was cutting off and eating her face as he fucked her." I said quietly as I led her down to the room. As soon as we entered, she sent both the prince and his guard into her 'Infinite Storage' before doing the same to all the blood. After making sure everything was back in a proper order, we told the guard to never speak of this and repeated the same when Honey woke up.

"Why are people so fucked up in this world?" She asked. "We have already dealt with quite a few rapists and now a prince with a vore fetish…" She trailed off.

"FUCK!!!!" I shouted as I punched a hole in the wall. We had moved into my office because our whole plan just went to shit.

"Alyssa…" Niko reached to my hand and made sure I was okay as T'anya hugged me. "We just need to alter the plan. Don't forget, as long as his corpse is in Misha's inventory, he is still only dead for a few minutes. A warm body is a freshly killed body." She said after opening my hand and interlocking our fingers.

"The scum of the earth deserve to be placed into it." T'anya said.

"First we should check in with the princess about what to do next…" Misha said as she hugged me. The four of us split up again and headed to our respective floors to make sure nothing else happened before heading home near the end of the day.

"You killed him?" Cani'lu asked immediately after explaining the situation. "You may as well flee the country now. This country is currently run by my mother and she absolutely adores him." She added.

"We have his body and the guards still warm. They could easily be placed on a road or path and we could work together to make it seem like some freak accident." Misha explained next. "Besides, isn't this world survival of the fittest?" She asked.

"Yes, it is, but that doesn't mean the Queen of the country can't just get a bunch of guards to come wipe you out." She said. "Besides, how do you expect to fake his death? Bandits?" She asked.

"He did come here with only one guard that wasn't overly strong. If we keep an eye out for posts about bandits in the guild, we can make it work." I said realizing I wasn't going to be running from the country.

"There is a Sapphire ranked quest that no one has taken yet right now." Lori'dae said next.

"Fuck yeah, we go in, fuck them up, and then plant the corpse." I said as I looked at Cani'lu.

"That should work, just keep to the plan this time." She said as she rested against In'tasha.

"To think you have trained your guards well enough to execute Trin'tarn with little worry…" In'tasha said eyes sparkling.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He is one of the most renowned guards in the capital city. He could take on three or four men trained to his level and one of your guards incapacitated him. You must be a marvelous teacher." She said staring at me.

"Look, I just showed them how to use swords and daggers. I don't know why or how, but I just got the point across well enough I suppose." I said with a half-assed smile.

"I see, and humility that has no end." She was quickly becoming something similar to an acolyte, so I just turned to leave.

"If we go right now, we can say he left to head home and collect more funds to continue using our services here so who's coming?" I asked. My whole party of six decided they were joining me, and we headed out towards the guild.

Anonism Anonism

Vacation was good, but I'm back and ready for work. The current volume is almost over, so i wanted to know if the readers wanted more of this story or another. Let me know in the comments over the next few updates.

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