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Chapter 20: Team 1 defeated!

"So who still wants to fight still?" I look at the others.

"How do you know my name?" Daz

Daz stands up, following him are Zala, Mr 4, MMC and Bon Clay stays sitting not knowing what to do.

"Oh, goodies! Free exp! Zoro, yours is the tanned one. He can transform himself into blades so he is the closest to a swordsman here." I point at Daz Bones.

"Oh, thanks for saving him for me! Who are you going to face?" Zoro

"I'm taking Miss Zala Doublefinger here. I did say I want to recruit her." I shrug my shoulders as I make my way towards her while tossing the curse baton to Smoker.

"Consider this as payment for helping." Lynx

"You're returning something rightfully mine. How is that payment?" Smoker

"You have your weapon back and it still hasn't advanced to the stage of a true cursed object." I grin at him back while casually walking forward.

Smoker groans and faces Mr 4 and MMC.

"You better give up now or I will be rough with you two." Smoker

"Shut up lung cancer! Go annoy someone else! Just die!" MMC

"Braum will just wait here and help if someone needs help." Braum just sticks his shield into the floor and leans on it beside Robin.

"Your majesty! Vivi's super sonic duck Carue has come alone! He is currently re-hydrating but he brought you this backpack."

"Hm? Vivi has arrived home then? What did she send?" King Cobra takes the files and starts reading.

After the first general description of the situation, his look has become shocked as he walks to the throne and sits down.

"This… We were in such a dire situation… I almost lost Vivi and the kingdom would have suffered so much…" King Cobra holds his head trying to comprehend what was written there, before he reaches for the rest of the files.

After speedily reading through in about half an hour, he slumped in his throne while breathing heavily.

"What is it, your majesty?" Pell steps forward seeing the king in such a mood.

After a few deep breaths to reduce his rage, he sits up and looks at his followers.

"Gather all the forces and have everyone stripped! You, my trusted aids will be looking through every inch of the soldiers bodies for this tattoo." King Cobra takes a paper and shows it.

On it is the emblem of Baroque works.

"The ones who have them, capture and imprison them all! They work for the one who is tearing the country apart!" Kobra

"Do you know who it is?" Pell has a flash of realization on his face.

"The enemy of our country, the one who sabotaged us and killed many innocents with his doing. Mr 0 of Baroque works or his real name… Sir Crocodile!" Kobra wants to destroy something from his rage, but the documents are too important so he has to hold back.

"We will be right on it your majesty!" Chaca

"Do we attack Rainbase after the check?" Pell

"No! Send every soldier that isn't guarding to patrol and help the civilians any way they can." Cobra

"But what about the rebels?! They will certainly make a move if we let our army disperse over the country!" Chaca

"You don't have to worry about the rebels. They will be soon joining us. Oh for the marines that come here, have them stand by as they are here to help defend." Cobra

"As you say your majesty!" Pell and Chaca.

"Take me to Koza! I need to see him! I have important information for the rebels!" Vivi comes to the guards standing around the main tent.

"Stop right there! Identify yourself!" Guard

"I am princess Vivi and I came to talk!" She slides off the desert hat, showing her features.

"Princess Vivi?! What are you doing here?!" The guard recognizes her as he used to be part of the sand gang himself.

"I came to talk with Koza. I have something important for him to see." Vivi

"I'm not allowed to just let anyone in… Even if you are a princess."The guard seems hesitant.

"What?! You dare not let these beautiful ladies and kid inside the shade?!" Are you a monster?" Sanji yells at the guy.

"What's with the hubbub outside?" Another guard opens the tent.

"Princess Vivi has come to visit Koza. Please ask him if I let her inside." Guard 1

"Koza, Vivi is here. Do you want to meet her?" Guard 2 yells inside.

"Bring her inside." Koza

The guards make space for the four adults and a kid.

"Long time no see Vivi. What brings you here to the middle of the rebel army?" Koza

"I came to persuade you with the truth about this matter. Please read this." Vivi takes the files and puts them on the table near Koza.

Koza takes the top paper and starts to read it. His face flashes with surprise and anger.

"Vivi… Where did you get this?" Koza waves the papers at her.

"I infiltrated the group and with the help of someone else obtained even the legal files that were kept in storage in secret." Vivi

"This means we have been fighting the wrong person the whole time, but how can we take down Sir Crocodile?" Koza

"What?! We had the wrong enemy?!" Random 1

"Sir Crocodile?! We need to beat a warlord?!" Random 2

"You don't have to worry about that. Hubby is already taking care of him with the other group." Mikita

"Yes! Daddy will make Sandyass look like an idiot!" Annie

"Hey! Don't rely only on that bastard! I am here to guard you girls too!" Sanji

"Well you could have gone to fight, but all mommy's are here, so a pervert like you chose to come here." Annie

Vivi and Mikita already knew that and ignored him, but Tashigi's opinion of Sanji fell with that.

"Huh? Who's kid is this? Kids shouldn't have anything to do here." Guard 3

Annie only gives him a look before smiling.

"What? Tibbers wants to play with that mook? Okaaay~" Annie throws Tibbers towards the guard.

Tibbers transforms into his giant form and lands with his ass on the guard, shocking every rebel. They take a step back in fear. Tibbers looks around confused in search of the one he wants to 'play' with. Seeing the situation Vivi squats in front of Annie with a smile.

"Heey Annie, could you please recall Tibbers for me? We came here to talk, not 'play'." Vivi

"Fiiiine~ Tibbers, you are sitting on the mook! Go play outside and don't break him." Annie

Tibbers stands up in realization, picks up the mook and carries him outside.

As he exits we hear several surprised gasps as everyone avoids the flaming bear.

"That's quite the dangerous kid you got there… Is that guy also strong like that?" Koza

"He is stronger, but his planning is the most dangerous thing about him." Vivi smiles.

"Heh, I want to meet the guy who can make you smile like that." He chuckles as it's been too long since he actually smiled and had a good laugh.

"Now, off to business. What should we do?" Koza

"This mole woman really is annoying. Don't make me smoke you out of the holes." Smoker stares annoyingly at the holes.

"Haha try me, you cancer! You won't be able to catch me." MMC

"FOUR!" Mr 4 swings his bat hitting the ball at Smoker.

"Alright I had enough of you three!" Smoker turns into smoke and dodges the explosion before entering the tunnels.

"Really, that was a waste of time! You can't even damage me you idiots." Smoker drags out the clobbered MMC and Mr 4 with Lassoo incapacitated.

He looks around and tries to join a fight when Braum extends his hand.

"No, those are their battles. Let them fight!" Braum

Smoker just groans and starts watching the fights.

"Oh~ So you want to fight and recruit me? I'm not that easy, you know?" Zala makes her weird hip walk towards me.

"I know that you are proud of your delicious waist, but with that walk you look like you will snap it in half." I comment without even pulling out a sabre.

"Oh? So you find it attractive or not? Hm? Will you not use your weapons to fight me?" Zala swings her arm with spikes extending out towards me.

I grab the spikes and hold them in place.

"Well no. I want to keep you in one piece if I want to recruit you~ Let's give some space for the others to fight shall we?" I pull the spikes and her closer, grab her by the hips and jump up crashing through the ceiling to the next floor.

"Well now we are alone~ Want to talk it out?" Lynx

"Hahaha, you are so sweet. But no!" She turns herself into a porcupine.

I push her away making her spikes miss me.

"Isn't it rude to attack someone who holds you as tenderly as I did?" I made a hurt expression.

"So you are saying that you would have a problem if I stabbed you?" Zala

"Yes, of course! I wanna be the one stabbing you and try the durability of your waist~" I smile at her.

"You naughty boy~ You need to be punished! Double stinger!!!" She charges at me as she machine guns her spikes in hope of passing my blocking and hitting me.

"Then let's make a deal! The loser has to become the slave of the winner. You just have to scratch me, while I have to incapacitate you. You up for it?" I already awaken my inner deal making demon.

"And why should I strike that deal? Is there a point? Even if I win, you already ruined everything. What do I get out of it?" She continues to attack me but misses because of my agility and swiftness.

"Well if you lose, you become part of the crew and my follower, doing what I ask you. If I lose I become your slave. You can do whatever to me or you can use me as a bargaining chip in negotiations since I do mean something to the crew and princess Vivi." I grab the spike and throw her a few meters away.

"Oh? Since you mean something to the princess, why are you here flirting with me?" Zala lands and licks her lips from battle excitement.

��Do I need a reason? Want your powers, want your body, want you because I like you actually, because converting enemies into allies is addicting,... Take your pick! I just want you on my side. So do you take the deal? No matter if you win or lose, you will have a better life than what awaits you after this fight is over." I extend my hand in wait.

She stares at it and smiles.

"You are quite stupid aren't you?" She hip walks towards me and grabs my hand. But her hand turns into spikes.

"Hehe, I win~" She smiles victoriously.

"Check again!" I pull my hand away and show it not containing any scratch, dumbfounding her.

"Wait! How?" She looks confused since my hand should be swiss cheese by now.

"Did you forget? Armament haki~ Ah you don't know what it is haha! Well anyway, a deal is a deal!" I channel armament haki all over my body before I grab her in a hug and start slowly squeezing harder.

"AH! STOP! STOP IT! LET GO!!!" She starts to struggle and create spikes all over her body trying to free herself, but it can't pierce my armament haki not make me stop squeezing.

"Just give up before I break your back. It's a waste to make you a cripple." I whisper into her ear.

"Ah! I won't give up that easily!" Zala

"Fine, have it your way! Just so you know, I can lift one ton with one hand~" I start to squeeze her harder and harder. My right hand wanders to squeeze her ass cheek.

"AH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! AH!" Beside her pain she also started to feel some excitement.

"Come on Zala, we both know that your dream job was being a waitress. We still have that position free and I've decided that only you can fill it!" I continue to whisper into her ear.

"Y-You! HoW. Do. YOu. KnOW?!" Zala

"I would be a failure if I don't know the dreams of my future girl~ Now say it! Baroque works are finished! Why stay on a sinking ship?!" Lynx

"F-FINE! NOw stOP SqueeZING, I Can't BREathe!" Zala squeezes out.

"Good! Welcome to the family! Now let's seal the deal!" I stop squeezing, hold her gently and kiss her.

"Now I've marked you. No matter where you go, I will go to the ends of the world to find you~" I make a small lie while smiling at her.

"Shit… *Sigh* Well take care of me…" She sighs.

Taking her into a princess carry position, I jump back down the hole to the other fights.

"Three sword style: Bull needles!" Zoro

"Iron guard!" Daz

Zoro passes Daz without leaving a scratch.

"So your body is like a sword itself. If I want to cut you I need to be able to cut steel." Zoro

"That right, hacking and slashing have no effect on me." Daz

"That's too bad since I haven't learned how to cut steel yet, so I can't defeat you." Zoro

"So what will you do?" Daz

"I feel sorry for you! I've been waiting for something like this so I can push my strength up a notch! When I defeat you, that means I will be able to cut through steel!" Zoro grins like a demon.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but ever since I got the dice dice fruit, no swordsman was able to put a scratch on me. NO SWORDSMAN CAN DEFEAT ME!" Daz

"Yeah, I understand but you should put those old stories in your photo album. I have no idea how many swordsmen you fought over the years, but you have never met a swordsman like me." Zoro

"You talk well, but how long will you last?" Daz

"Same to you!" Zoro smiles as the two clash blades.

Daz swipes his leg low at Zoro's legs, who block it. Next moment he turns his fingers into blades and tries to slice his face, which he barely catches in time. Daz continues to switch between his leg and hand swipes. Zoro uses the power of one of the kicks to make distance.

"Oni-GIRI!!!" He slices at Daz, passing him by and making him fall out of balance.

"Tiger-TRAP!!" Zoro jumps backwards and uses all three swords to slice at Daz's stomach.

Zoro makes distance, allowing Daz to stand up casually.

"I told you." Daz shrugs.

"Not even a scratch, that's a bit disappointing. And you go up after I flattened you. That's a first for me." Zoro comments.

"Of course! You never met someone like me before." Daz

They continue to engage in the fight as Zoro keeps being pushed back from having to defend from the blade human.

"Daisy hands!" Daz makes the kame-hame-ha pose as he cuts the wall behind zoro with 10 flying slashes.

"Off with you." Zoro is sent through the wall into another room.

"What is happening in the casino?! The ceiling is falling apart! Get out!!!" The civilians run out of the casino while there are two people sneaking around.

The first one is Durin that went to the pirate trap where he lands in the seastone prison.

He grins and grabs the bars of the seastone.

"Heh, boy! Ya finally repaying thee material cost, huh? Now, let's try feeling that thing he told me about… A string that connects me ta him." Durin closes his eyes as he tries feeling the surroundings.

Soon he feels a string connected to him, but he can't touch it like Lynx can.

"Now… Send me back boy…" He focuses on the string while he keeps repeating the sentence.

"... Durin?! What are you standing there in a cage?!" A voice asks in dwarvish.

Opening his eyes, Durin sees the giant silver and gold layered throne room. A grin appears on his face.

"Bwahaha, I finally understood how ta pass on messages to the boy! No more weird times of summoning!" Durin laughs, before turning to the other dwarves.

"What are ya waiting for?! Get me out of here!!! This cage is made of the seastone I was talking about!" Durin screams at the dwarves.

"The ghost banisher stone?! Men! Start working!" Dwarf leader

"I LOVE YOU LYNX!!! Hehehe, can't wait to drag all this money and gold to the ship!" Nami is giddy while she loots the whole casino storage, preparing the money for transportation to the ship.

"Too bad I will have to leave the money later in Alubarna as our bank… If they charge any interest for saving the money, I will rip their face off! Now how much money did we make a deal to split? 25% me, 25% Lynx and his girls, 25% the rest of the crew and 25% for the ship maintenance or budget for the second ship. Hm, this will be around 200 million in hard cash and 10 in moveable gold? I will have to make a deal with king Cobra to split some of the gold of the giant gold bananadile statue above the casino…" Nami is already calculating our gains.


"AH! Wait ZORO?! What are you doing here?! GET YOUR ASS BACK INTO THE FIGHT!!!" Nami grabs him by the shirt and pants, spins in a circle and tosses him through the hole in the wall he just made.

"AND STAY THERE UNTIL I STEAL ALL THE MONEY!!!" She screams at the hole.

"Oof!" Zoro faceplants back in the room in front of Daz bones.

"...What are you doing?" Daz just stares at him weirdly.

"Scary ass woman! I WILL GET YOU LATER FOR THIS!" He screams at the hole before turning back to Daz.

"You still want to try getting me? Hmpf! Go ahead! You will never cut me if you are the one always taking the beating." Daz crosses his arms.

"Unfortunately, you will not get to see me cut steel! Because when I do, that will be the end of you!" Zoro rips out a wall and throws it at Daz.

"Atomic dicer!" Daz starts to cut apart the big wall coming at him.

"FOOL!" Daz

"But to push and keep pushing, that is the true way of the sword! Until I defeat you…!" Zoro charges while thinking about the words of Koushirou, his teacher.

The two clash and exchange blows as Zoro keeps pushing Daz back. They soon disengage after the quick succession of blows.

"Huff...Huff… You are an irritating man!" Zoro

"So are you!" Daz counters.

"Don't mistake me for a swordsman, I have lots of other weapons to dismantle you with. Buzz saws!!" Daz transforms his arms into a blade spiraling around his arms. The blades start to spin like drills after.

"Then if you are not a swordsman, then you are maybe an excavator? You might be sought after as a drill for water hole digging here." Zoro smiles at Daz.

"I am an assassin!" Daz

The two clash again, but this time sparks fly because of the grinding of the spinning blades.

"Excavation work is impossible for me… I would make too much of a mess!" Daz strikes Zoro into the wall face first. He continues to pursue and hit him.

'Must not show my back to him!' Zoro manages to turn just in time so that Daz cuts him from the front instead of scratching his back.

Rubble falls from the higher floor and Daz bones turns around to look at Braum and Smoker. Braum's face isn't looking that friendly and looked like he wanted to just jump in, but he held himself back.

"Hey! Why are you leaving Daz? The fight still isn't finished between you two!" I land from the top floor with Zala laying in my arms.

"What do you mean? He is dead. But did you betray us Miss Doublefinger?" Daz looks at me and Zala.

"I defeated her and she lost our deal. Now she is mine~ But you should be more mindful of yourself!" I just point behind him with a smile.

He looks back to see Zoro standing in between the rubble. He slowly finds his sword in the rubble.

"My sword understands my will…" Zoro points the sword at Daz.

"You think you can defend yourself from me with one sword?" Daz

"It's alright, I don't need to defend myself anymore." Zoro

"Prepared to die, eh? Suit yourself and let your friends watch it!" Daz

Braum almost jumps at him but I stop him with a thought.

'Gotta thank Durin! He figured out that I can communicate with my summons telepathically.' Lynx

"One sword, one strike. Lion strike!" Zoro steps into an iai stance.

"Dice cutter!" Daz charges at him.


"You have my thanks!" Zoro sheaths the sword again, making Daz collapse to the floor.

'Now I am STRONGER!' Zoro grins.

Natsujan Natsujan

Hello my pretties!

Here is the chap 20 and our party for Christmas eve (Or whatever else you celebrate or not)!


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