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Chapter 26: The bachelor parties and wedding! There is only one winner!

The next two days were a bit weird for a pirate. Me and Vivi spent most of our time traveling Alabasta, helping with moving sand, creating canals and after experimenting a bit I was able to separate the sand particles depending on what it was made of. Metal sand was collected and dumped in one place to be smelted later, while I played with the silica sands to create glass monuments in different cities, much to the joy of the people.

As our popularity grew within the kingdom, elevating us to the status of national heroes and treasure, so did the news of our marriage.

...1st day...

"Lord Serval and princess Vivi are getting married?!" Townfolk

"Yes! They are in love with each other after spending so much time together. So they decided first to help their people to start anew, in three days they will marry with a grand feast all over the country." Soldier

"But isn't it still too early for it? The princess is still 16 and the country just ended it's troubled times." Townsfolk

"It's their choice, but it's the perfect time for it. Lord Serval even emptied millions saved up by his ancestors from his own pockets to help with the country and for the marriage. It proclaims that hard times have passed and Alabasta will bloom. And you know why? Because they are the prophesied Monarchs of the desert! Let me tell you about them…" The soldier happily explains the prophecy and continues to spread the propaganda that better times have come.

"Mi-mi-mi! Your majesty! We have obtained news from the soldiers! The people are crying tears of joy screaming the names of princess Vivi and Serval. Many people are planning to use the new canals to pilgrimage to Alubarna in hopes of seeing the marriage itself." Igaram reports to the king.

"That is all good, but have the soldiers explain that they should visit their closest city rather than Alubarna. After the marriage, the two will go around all the cities and we can't have all the people gathered here." Cobra commands.

"I will relay the message." Igaram

… 2nd day...

An air balloon lands near the outskirts of Alubarna.

"I am glad that you could make it, Morgans! I'm glad you took my invitation." I walk towards the human albatross hybrid with a smile.

"Hohoo, after you sent that news Coo back with all those files, I just couldn't forget what a BIG NEWS you gave me! And after mentioning a partnership, why wouldn't I come? Nice to meet you Mr Clawe D Lynx!" Morgans smiles as we shake hands.

"Of course! I have no idea why no one realizes how much power you actually have with the newspaper. Deceiving and exposing enemies while also making yourself look stupid." Lynx

"Hoh? You have such ideas when thinking about the partnership?" Morgans gives me an assessing look.

"Well of course! I need you to cover my back here so the secret of Serval isn't exposed for now. In exchange I will provide you with all the juicy news I get my hands on." I smirk at him knowingly.

"That sounds like a good deal. A little fake propaganda in exchange for BIG NEWS!" Morgans grins.

"So you got the special transponder snail?" Lynx

"Yep, here you have it. Remember, bring me news as much as you can." Morgans hands over a big denden mushi with giant eyes.

"I will provide as much as I can. Just don't expect too much when we are sailing, since nothing much happens." I affirm him.

Coming back to the palace disguised as Serval I can see the marines camping in front of the palace trying to get inside to get our crew, but Chaka firmly denies the existence of pirates in the castle.

"Hi, Chaka! What's going on?" I greet him cheerfully, since I got to keep up my persona.

"Nothing, these marines want to enter the castle and search for their missing captain and the Straw hats." Chaka nods at me and answers.

"Yep that's right! We obtained hints that they are hiding in the castle there!" A marine says confidently looking at me.

I scrunch my eyebrows and look at them like they are idiots.

"Are you guys serious? The Straw hats left the country yesterday, a day after they defeated Crocodile. What are you doing still here?" Lynx

"...What?" Marine

"Yea, they camouflaged their ship and snuck their way down the new canal we constructed for the cities. You better go fast before they escape you." I start walking up the stairs past the stunned marines.

"R-report it to lady Hina!!!" The marine screams in panic and sends a lower ranked man to report.

'Fools… But I have to admit, this is a better way of dealing with them than just denying them entry.' Chaka thinks to himself.

"Hey, guys! I'm back!" I enter the room with our guys chilling.

"Yo, whats up? We thought you got lost in the desert." Zoro looks at me.

"Look who's talking… But anyway, Braum! I have something to ask you!" I scream as he is playing with a poro he recently brought with him.

"Yes? What's up Lynx?" Braum stands up, putting the poro on his shoulder.

"... Why does the poro have a mustache?" Lynx

"Oh, I helped my friend Igor grow it! It's nice, yes?" He asks with a smile.

"... Yes, it does actually suit him for some reason. But anyway, would you be my best man for the wedding?" I ask him since he is a true friend.

"OF COURSE!!! I will be happy to be your best man, hahahaha! OH! I NEED TO PREPARE! Lynx! Send me back! I have a lot to do for this!" Braum grabs my shoulders.

"Well alright, anything else you need?" Lynx

"Have everyone meet tomorrow evening in the baths! We will have the bachelor party there!" Braum

"Wait, how do you know about that?" I look at him weirdly, since I don't think the Freljord has these traditions.

"Oh, Zoro told me about it since he expected me to be the best man!" Braum

"Alright… Contact me with thoughts when I should bring you back." I sent him back home.

…3rd day…

"Let's go Vivi! We are going partying tonight without worrying about Lynx!" Nami

"We need lots of drinks and food… We need something else for entertainment!" Mikita is already planning things as the head bridesmaid.

"Chill girls! We still have time!" Vivi tries to calm them a bit.

"No can do! You are marrying daddy! We need to celebrate!" Annie

"I just wonder when it will be our turn?" Marianne

"Not now Marianne-chan, you will get it in the future. But let Vivi enjoy it, as we will let you when you have yours." Robin politely warns Marianne.

"We need lots of action! We need a performance! A male stripper!" Lola

"What the hell Lola?!" Tashigi is actually shocked by Lola's suggestion.

"It's not that bad of an idea… One more time we can gawk at a guy that isn't Lynx." Zala

From the side the always calm Heph just stares at the girls arguing about the entertainment.

"You girls are perverts like Sanji." Heph

Let's say that hurt Zala and Lola like a sword through their heart. Like veeeeery much.

"Achoo!!! Hm this feeling? Ah, some girls are talking about meeee~" Sanji starts to wiggle in expectations.


"Get yer head out of yer ass. We need ta prepare thee party in thee baths with Braum!" Durin

"YEA! We will party like crazy! Female Igaram even said that she will prepare a lot of food!" Luffy casually forgets Terracotta's name.

"PFT! Well they do look alike, but you could remember her name as she cooks a lot here." Usopp

"Fucking kids…" Zoro rolls his eyes.

"Tell me about it! PFT!" Buggs is hardly holding back his laughter.

"You are one to talk!!!" Chopper

In the evening the guys all gathered in the guys bath. There is a large table with food there and dozens upon dozens of barrels. All the guys from the Strawhats to king Cobra and the main retainers joined us in the baths.

"We are gathered here to celebrate our friends' last day of freedom as many call it, but I would say the last day of the happiest thing that can happen to people that love each other!" Braum starts his speech while giving mugs with different colored milks, ranging from blue, red, purple, pink, yellow, black and many others.

"What is this stuff? It smells like yer milk, but more pungent." Durin smells the drink.

"Oh this is my special brew! I normally store them and save them for special occasions. It's my cows milk with the local berries that can survive the cold winters. High sugar content! I crushed the different ones and put them into milk, fermented it and let it age!" Braum pats the barrels like he is looking at his children.

"... Can ya proceed then? I can only imagine how good this milk can become with natural alcohol!" Durin grins while licking his lips.

"YEA YEA YEA!!!" Luffy chimes in with a few others giving their consent.


"CHEERS!!!" EVeryone joins in while downing the drink in one shot.

Chopper, Buggs, Pell, Usopp and Cobra are already down for the count.

"Hm, seems like they are too weak to handle the stuff yet?" Braum starts to stare at his drink carefully while sniffing it.

"YOUR MAJESTYYYYY!!!" Chaka and Igaram jump to aid Cobra who is lying down with a silly grin.

"This stuff is tasty as hell!!!" Cobra sits up with a red face and a stupid grin.

"AYEEE, THIS IS THE TASTIES SHEET EVEEEEERRR!!!" Durin runs towards the barrels starting to try out the other berry fermented milks.

"Hey! We are supposed to party! Where are the dancing ladies?!" Sanji was all crazy after hearing that Cobra has organized a bunch of belly dancers.

"Oh right, send them inside!" Cobra tells a guard to bring them inside.

A bunch of cute belly dancers came inside and some musicians who started to play and dance.

The party started with drinking, eating, bathing, watching the belly dancers and joining in their dance. Joining to dance was started by me after a few fermented berry milks as I started to copy their belly movements. Others soon joined and we lost track of time.

But there was one person missing.

"Bring in the dancer! You said you found the best male dancer in the kingdom!" Lola

"Pervert." Tashigi sips her drink as they just finished their meal.

"Oh stop being so uptight miss 'Do me so hard I forget today'~" Zala teases Tashigi.

Nami, Heph, Lola and Robin look at her in disbelief.

"You are the same as me! You hypocrite!" Lola yells and in response Tashigi just hides her face.

"Yes! Here is the best dancer we could find. He is agile as a cat and mesmerizing as an incubus. I present you- Bastet's emissary!" Maid

Unnoticed to everyone, Annie and Marianne grin.

The music starts and the doors open, revealing the lean figure of a tanned man. He is wearing red harem pants (Arabian baggy pants), some sandals, a purple vest, a red veil. His long brown hair is braided with many golden accessories in them. There are several rings, bracelets, some castanets attached to his fingers and a metal scale scarf around his waist.

The man starts shaking his waist to the beat, with the scales clashing with each other in rhythm. Soon he runs forward, jumps high in the air with somersaults, landing in the middle of the girls table. The music stopped at his landing.

Slowly starting to shake his hips and using the castanets he starts the beat as the music picks up with him, slowly speeding up.

Sensual movements around the table, going to his knees, rolling and laying on his back, winking at the girls and waving his fingers at Annie.

'OH SHIT WE FORGOT ANNIE IS HERE!!!!' But as the girls wanted to do something about it Annie gave them a glare promising death if they tried to get her out.

'Well, we will just listen to Lynx's complaining later. Don't want to be burned right now.' Girls

The girls start to fully enjoy the sensual dance the man was giving them with slight blushes. At one point he threw off his vest during a spin. Next was his sandals with two kicks. The girls were starting to get worried about Annie but the guy still rips off the harem pants, being left in some shorts. But that's when the song stops and he is left a bit sweaty with heavy breathing.

"Hubba hubba!" Lola just stares on at his well developed muscles.

"Hey~ Would you be so kind to show us your face too~?" Zala

He points with a shocked expression at his veil.

"Yes~ We want to see the man that entertained us so much~" Zala

Vivi and some others were a bit uncomfortable about it.

The man shrugs his shoulders and slowly reaches for the veil and rips it off. Lola's jaw fell to the floor from shock.

"So how did you girls like my performance~?" I grin at their silly faces.


"Yea, this is Vivi's party! Go on your own!" Nami

"Well, I decided to crash your party since mine are in a coma dead drunk already." Lynx

"Not that I mind with that performance~" Robin just adds oil to the party.

"Yea, you should let us enjoy some girl time as well!" Heph stares hatefully like if I just cut her off mid masturbation.

"... Do you really have a right to say that after leaving Annie inside for a stripper performance?" I stare at them judgingly

"... Hey you still performed as Annie was inside!" Heph

"So what? I am her dad, it's normal to see your parents naked a few times as a kid." Lynx

"That's some shameless logic." Vivi

"Who cares! I am joining you now! I brought the special booze from Braum too! Now to the next dance!" I lead the party as we drink and dance till we drop.

…4th day- Wedding day!...

"My head fucking hurts!" Zoro picks himself up from the bathroom floor.

"Damn that booze hits hard! I as a dwarf have a hangover!" Durin

"Imagine that Braum distills it… That would be an instant knockout…" Sanji joins the complaining.

"Stop complaining! Lynx outdrank you all and then went to join the girls since you were all dead drunk!" Braum yells while enjoying a morning bath.

"... Sorry to say Zoro, but you are not our heaviest drinker anymore." Usopp

"Fuck you! I won't lose next time!" Zoro

"Your majesty, are you alright?" Igaram tries to attend Cobra in getting up.

"Hey Igaram… Have some of those barrels hidden." Cobra whispers groggily into Igaram's ear.

"... Goddammit your majesty." Igaram facepalms.

I wake up on the table in the throne room, sticky with booze, with Annie and Marianne clinging to me. Glancing around I see the other girls sleeping on the table, floor or in their chairs.

"Well that was fun~!" I smile to myself remembering my own party and my party crash.

"But now it's time to get ready! Everybody, it's morning~!" I start to wake them up.

With everyone slowly waking up, recovering from the hangover we freshen up and start preparing the castle entrance for the wedding.

Tons of work and the castle minions running around like headless chickens was fun to watch.

I masquerade myself as my Serval persona, we change the crew's appearance so that the government can't recognize them and we await the wedding.


"So are you ready for the big day Vivi?" Nami asks while fixing the dress.

"Even when it's a false persona, you will still be marrying our Lynx." Mikita helps with the curls of her hair.

"Mommy is pretty~" Annie smiles brightly at her.

"Damn he tricked us yesterday…" Lola complains while rubbing down her shoes.

"Are you complaining after salivating for most of the night?" Tashigi glances at her while trying the bridesmaid clothes.

"True, she enjoyed it the most~" Robin smiles while reading.

"Oh, screw you girls! Why is there no one on my side? Zala?" Lola

"I won't cause any more trouble for now. I don't want to die from sex if he decides to focus solely on me once." Zala uses her spikes to help tighten Vivi's dress.

Her dress is white with rivers and rain drops embroidered inside. It covers her front side, while her back is exposed. It has sleeves that widen towards the end while the dress itself follows her body lines to halfway her thigh where it widens out like the fog under a waterfall.

*Knock knock knock*

"Vivi, are you ready?" Cobra knocks.

"Yes, you can come inside." Vivi

Cobra walks in and is stunned by her beauty. A tear comes from his eye.

"You look beautiful… Sorry, you just reminded me of your mother on our day. Well, it's about time." He wipes the tear and extends his hand towards her.

"Yes, let's go!" Vivi smiles, flops down her veil and holds her fathers hand as she leaves with her bridesmaids in tow.

Down in front of the castle I am waiting under the arch with the guys behind me. We are all wearing arabic thawb clothes without the head dress and with many ornamental designs.

The street below the stairs is already full with the citizens of Alabasta waiting for the grand wedding.

Soon the music starts as Cobra, the bridesmaids and Vivi exit from the side exit.

They arrive in front of me, Cobra gives me her hand and walks forward as he as the king will be the one marrying us.

"You are beautiful~ Well with this we reached the halfway point." I smile at her before turning to Cobra.

"Thank you… You are handsome too." She blushes and turns towards her father.

"Dear friends, family and the citizens of Alabasta! We are gathered here to witness and celebrate the union of my dear daughter, princess Nefertari Vivi and our loyal retainer Savannah Serval!" Cobra

"Hey bu-!" Luffy


"Don't make me use my baton on you like Lynx does." Smoker whispers into Luffy's ear to make him shut up.

"Through their time together even in hardships they and we had to face, they have come to realize that their personal dreams, hopes, and goals are more attainable and more meaningful through the combined effort and mutual support provided in love, commitment, and family; and so they have decided to live together as husband and wife." Cobra

The surroundings slowly become windy.

"Now please repeat after me!" Cobra

"I, Savannah Serval, take you, Nefertari Vivi, to be my wife. I will bear the name of Nefertari with joy and happiness with you. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life." I smile while looking at her.

"I, Nefertari Vivi, take you, Savannah Serval, to be my husband. I will bear your love and trust forever. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life." Vivi smiles back happily.

"If anyone objects, may they speak now or hold your breath forever." Cobra

There were some random citizens, who were mostly ignored. Kohza on the other hand looked at Vivi for a few moments before shaking his head. The sky has started to become a bit cloudy.

'I don't want to ruin the smile that saved the country. Have a happy life, princess.' Kohza smiles bittersweetly.

"Bring the rings." Cobra smiles lonelily.

Braum comes closer and passes me a ring box, while Annie skips over and holds another one to Vivi.

We take the rings and put them on each other's ring finger.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Cobra nods at me before stepping back.

I slowly lift her veil, to see her beautiful face staring back at me.

"Hello there, gorgeous~" I smile at her.

"Oh, shut up and kiss me!" She grabs my collar and pulls me in for a kiss.

The witnesing participants went wild and a few moments after our lips sealed water droplets started to fall from the sky.

"Rain!!! Three years without rain! Now with the marriage and the kiss it rained!!!" Random

"It's a miracle! It's the miracle of the Monarchs of the desert! The prophecy was true!!!" Random 2

"Interesting~ This will be a big story! 'Royal wedding creates miracle! The birth of the Desert monarchs!'" Morgans smiles to himself as he takes a few pics and writes down the news for tomorrow's paper.

"Chaka, Pell. Let the soldiers tell about his moment too. It should make them happier as well." Cobra


Stopping our kiss we both start to giggle at the coincidance.

"Heh, we are now canonized as their miracle." Lynx

"Let it be! I don't care about these things right now." Vivi smiles at me.

"Why don't you throw the bridal bouquet so we can go visit the other cities?" I hug her.

"Alright!" She smiles, lifts the bouquet and turns around ready to throw it.

*Weeeee!* She throws the bouquet.

The Alabastan women all prepared to grab the Monarchs bouquet- it must bring more luck, right?!

But they didn't have luck as Mikita jumps up trying to catch it, but she also doesn't get it in time!

"IT'S MINE!!! I WIN!!! Heheheh!" Annie slowly falls from the sky with the bouquet as she spawns Tibbers to throw her at it.

"..." Everyone just stares at the little girl who just grins at me.

Unconsciously, I swallow my saliva.

"Um, are you ready to go?" I quickly turned to Vivi.

"Yes, let's go!" We quickly make our escape towards the other cities as Annie gloats about the bouquet.

Natsujan Natsujan

Ok, I never thought that the preparation and the wedding would be so hard to write about it...

But I MADE IT!!!

Don't expect many more so detailed ones, I will probably skip to the important parts.


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