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Chapter 3: Tarnished Reputation

(Ryan POV)

"I'm sorry...could you repeat what you just said?"

"I said that I need you to spread evil within the world in order to restore the balance."

"And why exactly do I need to spread evil? What is causing so much good to be in this world...that you literally need to reincarnate someone to spread evil?"

" see...the thing is..."

I just sat there watching the god stumble over his words. It was truly a pathetic sight to behold. After listening to him not answer my question for a solid minute...I had had enough.


There some things that a person think they will never have the opportunity to witness within their lifetime. One of those things is seeing a literal god what I assume to be the yell of a mortal.

<Isn't this guy a god, and yet here he is acting like a little bitch.>

"Just...just tell me the situation of this world."

Despite not knowing anything about this new world...I can already tell that it is going to be troublesome.

"Well...I may have already sent a reincarnated individual to this world."

Yet again, the pheromones from the black grass couldn't calm me from the immense amount of shock I felt at the gods statement.

"If you have already reincarnated someone into this world...then why do I have to go?"

"The reason you have to go is because the other reincarnated person is the reason there is too much good in the world."

"So what you are trying to say is that he is too heroic?"

"'s not that he is too do I say this."

This god is starting to really frustrate me with how he won't straight up tell me what's the problem.

"The thing a reincarnated person...he would obviously get his own harem."

"Yes...that is just common sense."

"Yeah..well...the thing is...the harem isn't only there for show. It also has a big purpose that will help the reincarnated person in keeping the balance."

"How does it help him?"

"The harem is their to fulfill the sins of the 'hero'. Mainly the sins of pride, greed, and obviously lust. The thing about this particular 'hero' is that"

I was getting ready to yell at the god again...when it hit me. If the current 'hero' was doing too much good and no evil...then that means he isn't properly using his harem. Which can only mean...

"'t tell me he is a..."

"Yeah...the current hero is a...a...dense harem protagonist."


It was finally starting to make sense. All of my confusion regarding why there wasn't enough was cleared up. There is only one natural response when you learn that someone is such a vile monster.

"That piece of shit. He is living the dream of having many beautiful and sexy women fawn over him, and yet he does nothing with them?!"

"That's right. He hasn't even kissed any of them...much less touch them in a sexual way."

The god had a look of anger mixed with regret plastered on his currently young and boyish face.

When I first started talking with this god...I quickly came to the conclusion that he aaa just wasting my time. But now...I have realized that he had Truck-kun kill me for a very worthy reason.

Get rid of the damn piece of shit who gives the holy harem a bad rep.

"Okay god...tell me what you want me to do. This bastard needs to be taken care of swiftly. We can't let him tarnish the reputation of the holy harem any longer!"

The god sighed mournfully at my words.

"Unfortunately we can't kill him. His role as a reincarnated hero means he is protected by something all people like him have."

"So that bastard also has the mythical plot armor...haaah...truly a troublesome adversary."

It is a lot worse than I had originally thought. Not only was he a D.H.P, but he also has plot armor. Someone like him is pretty much the embodiment of all the negatives most people had with the harem genre.

"So how am I supposed to restore the balance of this world? If this guy is as powerful as he says he is...then how can I even hope to compete?"

"As I said will spread evil in this world, but just you alone won't be enough to create equilibrium. will also get a harem that will aid you in your mission."

"Didn't you just say I alone won't be enough? How can a harem that supposedly satisfies my sins going to help?"

"Huh?...oh...did you think you would get a normal harem?"


"No...your harem will exclusively have sexy villains in it."

Once again...this god has just said something ridiculous. This god just told me that I will get a harem of villains. Under normal circumstances, having a harem would be considered a dream come true...but a harem filled exclusively with villains...

"You are going to give me a harem...of batshit crazy women...whose sole to cause mayhem and destruction wherever they go."

"What? No..."

I shred in relief at his response. Unfortunately my relief was short lived.

"Obviously you'll have to work for the women to join your harem. I won't just give them to you...where is the fun in that?"

Having my hopes dashed so cruelly...I could only gaze at the shifting face of the god.

<How can this bastard look so innocent when he has just condemned me to a rather troublesome second life?>

"Oh will also get a system, because the other guy got one."

Lost in my thoughts...I almost missed the exclamation of the bastard god.

"A system?....What type of system??"

Naturally I was wary of what type of system this god was going to give me. He had already cursed(?) me with a harem filled with villains...I could only imagine what this system of his could entail.

"The system is called the Summoner System. It will allow its user to summon powerful warriors to fight for them. Although, the user can only summon a warrior once every two months. The user also has to have collected enough Villain Tokens."

"What are Villain Tokens, and how do I get them?"

"Villain Tokens are the currency that the Summoner System accepts. Pretty much every feature of the Summoner System will require you to pay some Villain Tokens. The way you can earn Villain Tokens is by either completing missions given to you by the system...or by committing villainous acts."

Everything the gods told me about the Villain Token seemed to make sense. I mean...thinking was pretty obvious that I would get Villain Tokens by doing villain stuff.

I couldn't help but compare myself to all of those light novels and web novels that had people being transported to other worlds. I had always wanted to be transported to another world...preferably a fantasy one with hot elves and maybe even a cute princess would be the one to greet me after being summoned.

I could only sigh seeing as how...instead of a cute and possible busty princess...I got this pathetic god with a constantly changing face.

"Is there anything else I should be aware of before I reincarnate?"

"There are a few minor things... such as how you won't actually unlock your system until your sixteen..."

As I listened to the god list off a bunch of minor details...I suddenly had a thought.

" am I supposed to compete with a guy who has already been reincarnated for way longer than I have?"

"Oh don't worry about that. I will just reincarnate you at about the same time he was originally reincarnated. This way you stand more of a fighting chance."

"Ok...that's certainly a relief."

"Are there anymore questions that you would like to ask me before you begin your new life?"

"Will I retain my memories?"

"Not when you are first born no...they will all unlock once you reach the age of ten...the reason it is like that is because at that point...your brain will be strong enough to support all the extra information."

I was certainly glad that I would be able to keep my memories...even if they would be locked away for the first decade of my new life.

"Okay...I am ready to begin the reincarnation process."

The god gave me a weird and slightly unsettling smile. The smile didn't match how he has been acting the entire time I have been talking to him.

"Good...very good."

Before I could question him about his weird behavior...I was suddenly encased in an unnaturally bright light.

"One last thing I should mention..."

The god was speaking in a low voice, but it sounded like he was whispering it right into my ear.

"...the reincarnation process is a rather painful experience."


Then I suddenly felt a searing pain spread across my body. The pain felt like when Truck-kun hit me times a number that humans are mentally unable to comprehend.

Once again...everything went dark.

SinNer SinNer

Damn those dense harem protagonists...

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