/ Urban / Super Soldier King in the City

Super Soldier King in the City

Super Soldier King in the City

Urban -- chs / week This is the average realized release rate over the past 30 days. The translator’s schedule is --chs / week. 277 Chapters 171.2K Views

Author: Winds of Change


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In the bustling urban jungle, where adrenaline runs high and hearts beat faster than ever, he's not just your average Joe. No, he's the Super Soldier King, feared by all, known as the deadly Falcon! But fate takes a surprising turn when a mission brings him back to the city, not to conquer, but to protect his stunning fiancée. And just like that, the cityscape shifts, and the whirlwind of urban intrigue begins to dance to his tune!


  1. Budm91
    Budm91 Contributed 4701
  2. Memorial
    Memorial Contributed 1993
  3. Zaki_Pelyhe_3591
    Zaki_Pelyhe_3591 Contributed 1223


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    TRASH!!! the story is incredibly boring this stoery is literally just a standard Chinese novel but turned up too 10

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    Author Winds of Change