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Chapter 30: A little hiccup

"So he had a marriage contract for Harry?" Blaise asked incredulously. Marriage contracts were only used by the extremely old fashioned Purebloods nowadays.

"Yes, it seems Dumbledore wanted to marry him to little Weaslette." I say with a nod. "Now tell me what's been happening since I've been gone."

"Well, Slytherin had a lot of infighting. Dumbledore wouldn't confirm whether or not you were expelled, but he certainly hinted at it. Nott took that as a sign to stake his claim and has been making our lives miserable. Millie hasn't come home without injury for the past week. I didn't have it nearly as bad as she did since she's a half-blood. I was able to avoid most of them but I got caught and surrounded by Notts posse last week and had to take a trip to Poppy. As for Daphne and Tracey, well…" Blaise said rubbing his still tender shoulder.

I kick myself for letting my friends go through that because I lost my cool, "Don't sugarcoat it, how bad is it?"

He grimaced and said, "Bad. Daphne defected to Nott after you left, apparently she's been double crossing us and feeding him information on us. It's good you started filtering what we said in front of her and Tracey since we came back. The only reason I know about it is that Nott liked to brag a lot."

A gleam of cold fury passes my eyes as I think of how to deal with this. My position as prince has been put in danger with Notts addition of Daphne and Tracey. None of them are half the wizard I am, but they out number is 2 to 1. I have to make a move soon, I refuse to follow the git if they make him a Prince over me and I'll end up ostracized by Slytherin if i don't.

"Let me speak to Draco before I make any decision's. We have a couple of options but it would be easier if I can have him join us." I say with frustration.

We head into the Common Room and luckily avoid Nott and his cronies. It wouldn't do to be challenged at the current time with the odds stacked against me like this. I make a beeline for Draco's room, and upon entering I realize why Nott wasn't in the Common Room. Standing over Draco who was in the fetal position. was Nott, who was kicking him repeatedly. Draco's arm was bent unnaturally as was his nose. I instantly draw my wand and cast,


Notts body chit off of Draco and crashed into a nearby wall. I stalked towards him with another spell rolling off my lips as he scrambled to stand. Pulling his wand out he had just enough time to turn my direction before my spell hit.


His wand shot out of his hand and his head knocked back into the wall once more. He was definitely concussed as he couldn't keep his head straight. I went up to him and punched him I the face as hard as I could. The crunch of a broken nose was my reward, as well as fierce pain shooting through my hand. I shake my hand to clear some of the residual pain as I kicked his knee making him go bowlegged. He falls back to the ground as I stomp on his hand and crush a couple of fingers as well.

I finally left him when he passed out and walked over to see Blaise tending to Draco. He had badly bruised ribs and a broken arm and nose. Draco wheezes as he tries to talk but gives up on that and just motions to his suitcase that he kept next to his bed. I searched it and found a couple of potions without any labels on it which tells me they are homemade. I show him them as he pointed to a one in my right hand. I hand it to him and he drinks it down. A few minutes later, his face relaxes as he sits up slowly and cradles his side.

"Do you mind vanishing the bones in my arm?" Draco asked quietly. I had to do a double take as Draco hated asking people for any help. I do as he says and point my wand at his arm.

"Ossio Dispersimus!"

His arm loses all control and flops uselessly to the bed. He grabs the second potion and downs it just as fast with a shudder at the taste. He lies back down as he tries to sleep through the painful process of regrowing bones, or at least that's what I assume with the clues he'd given.

"Draco why didn't you fight back at least?" I say with a sad tone.

"No…Wand…" he says before he drifts off to sleep. My rage grows at that, they wouldn't even let him keep his wand? That was criminal and I would rectify this tragedy as soon as possible. We might not be close but he's still my brother and for them to do this kind of damage without him even being able to fight back makes my blood boil.

"Come on, let him rest." Blaise said with a solemn expression. I nod and point Blaise to Notts unconscious body and he cast,

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

Notts body floats beside us as we walk back into the Common Room. Whispers broke out, as every eye was on us. Notts cronies raise there wands to us, and I raise mine back with a shield spell on the tip of my younger but I wait. We enter a standoff, no one spoke as the tension built. Finally, Pansy spoke with an angry look, "Put down the Prince!"

My eyes turn cold and I say, "He's no Prince."

"He is now, so unless you want to face the wrath of all of Slytherin, put him down!" Goyle said with a smug grin.

I ignore him and turn to address the entire Common Room, "I leave for two weeks and this is what I return to. Draco being beat to an inch of his life, Nott leading you fools, and wands pointed at me. It seems some of you have forgotten your place."

"Like a Blood-Traitor like you could talk, your place is at the bottom of our feet." Pansy said with a sneer.

"Oh is that how you feel Pansy?" I say with locking eyes with her. She faltered for a second and just before she could reply a wand found the crook of my neck.

"It's how we all feel Ares." A voice sounded behind me.

"Daphne…." I say recognizing the voice.

A/N: please send in fanart to @g0ld3nj1154 on twitter. Thank you.

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