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Chapter 18: fall of the Gigori and cleanse of the world pt 1

"What"/what" both Able and Seth said as they looked at looked at me in shock. "Do you want to be angels?" I said seriously.

"You two deserve it as Abel got murdered and Seth's in heaven just doing nothing, besides with you Abel, I need someone to deal with Cain as his seal is almost broken."

"And with you Seth you were an excellent human when you died and went to Heaven, you deserve to have a way to share that goodness with others. "

"Besides if you become an angel you could access the other heaven's of other humans like your wife. "

Seth has been pleading me to find a way for him and his wife to be reunited together in heaven and to spend the rest of his eternal life with her again.

"This is your guy's decision on this, if you said no then I will respect your choice." I said in a calming voice.

Able and Seth looked at each other and said "we will do it." I looked at them and said that they wouldn't die, wouldn't sleep or hunger, and that they would be given access to cosmic secrets, and they would be tied to Loyalty to God and lose their free will.

They still consented to becoming angels and I agree then, so I went to my Father to ask him for permission to bestow this power.

He agreed as he grown quite fond of both of his grandchildren, and so I did the transformation, I did Abel first and then Seth and when it was done I asked them how did they feel from the transformation.

"I feel different as if I have been enlightened as I can feel everything, I can hear my own parents all the way down on Earth, I can sense all sorts of things that weren't there when I was a human."

Both of them said as humans turned angel, they didn't need a vessel as they have their original body.

I was happy for them and so was Father as he called the heavenly host, and told them about turning both of the humans into angels.

For the next few years both Abel and Seth started to adopt to their new life as an angel, Seth visited his wife daily and becoming a sort of librarian to heaven's library, studying and learning from the books in there.

Able on the another hand became a warrior and trained with myself and Michael, learning all forms of using a weapon and combat.

Many angels didn't like the fact that two humans became one of them, however they couldn't do anything as they were protected by myself, God, and Michael.

Me and Michael were kinda of like older brothers to Abel, Gabriel was like the chaotic younger sibling, And the Grigori and the Seraphs were like a little family.

It has been awhile since the authorization of the Gigori, and myself alongside Abel and Seth helped educate them on humanity.

I trained the Gigori on sword fighting,hand to hand combat, and diplomacy. I had the best fun with the Gigori, we were a tight-nicked group and the most human to the angels.

Father wanted a test run on the whole Gigori project so I was sent to live with them for five years, and it was something.

When I got back the Gigori was out collecting vessels to possess. I decided to go to a human I was particularly interested in called Shem.

/pov Samyaza/

I watched the scene with disgust as the abominations called demons, were taking the humans family who I chose to be my vessel.

I looked at the bleeding form of the human, he had tried to fight the demons but they defeated him and took his Mother and sisters.

I flew to his face and spoke to the human in his mind," human I am the angel Samyaza, an angel of the lord." A-Angel what is that? The human questioned. "Never mind what I am, unless you want your sister and your mother to be those demons pet."

At the mention of his mother and sister he as looked at my true form and begged that I help him save his family.

I told him that the only way for me to save his family, was to possess him . I explained to the human about the Risks of being my vessel. However he still beg me too save them so he said yes.

It felt very unnatural to be in a human's body as their senses we very limited, however I didn't wait to ponder this, I had to fully my promise to the human whose named was elijah.

I opened my wings and took flight it didn't take long for me to find them, there was 13 demons all camped together.

Their were two demons outside for sentry I teleported in front them, and then touched their mouths as I pushed them to the ground.

The bright light was blinding as the holy light smote the demon, however unlike the other angels our smite doesn't kill the human.

The rest of the demons looked at me in shock I teleported in front of two and smote them. Then I kept smiting until all the demons were dead.

Then I went inside the tent they set up and I found them tied to rope, and they covered so that they couldn't see. I burn their ropes and then I teleported them home.

The human was screaming in the mindspace about letting him check their condition, however I told him he would have time for that later as I need to meet with the rest of the Gigori to witness lord Isaiel aquire a vessel.

Then I teleported to Mount Herman, in a flutter of wings I was the last one to arrive before Lord Isaiel. "Tamiel are we all here"?

"Yes Samyaza all 200 are here and have successfully found vessels to host us." I thank him, his vessel was a brown-skin man with two black eyes. "We will wait here until Lord Isaiel, comes and gives us new orders. "

Just then a huge wave of grace was present and I looked up and their was a golden light shining in the distance, toward the sky and I made a smile form on my vessel's lips as I thought "how magnificent."

/Isaiel pov/

I flew to Noah's house and I watched as his family interact with each other, and I was surprised as I watched them live and co-exist with each other. Noah was 450 years old at the time and his three sons, Japheth, (50) Shem, ( 48) and Ham. (46)

They all were God-fearing people and all of them were middle -brown they were neither pale nor that dark.

I had watched this family for some time and they were all great candidates for vessel's.

Japheth, was a farmer like Adam and was the most adventurous and optimistic of the brothers.

Shem, was an expert in caring for animals and had an interest in learning more of Father's other creations.

And Ham was the most ambitious out of the three brothers, he enjoyed building thing with wood like Noah.

Shem was in the field when I went inside his mind and took the form of a golden sheep, I walked towards him, my mere presence made him experience some sharp ringing in his ears.

He fell to his knees and covered his ears he was about to cry out when I talked to him. Be not afraid Shem son, of Noah for I am an angel of the lord.

He looked at me with widen eyes as he spoke An angel? Like the stories from the garden?

"Yes Shem just like those stories, he was about to bow." "Do not bow to me I am the same as you in God's eyes, a servant."

What do you want? Shem questioned. "I want to use you as an instrument in the lord's will , to help protect, inspire, and save humanity."

"However to do this I need your acceptance to use your body I must inform you , that you won't die, you will not hunger, will not need sleep, and you will one day outlive your family."

"What about my family if I am gone he will despair greatly." Shem said with worry.

"Do not despair you may tell your father about this and when I am not in need of you, you may continue with you normally life." I said. I was glad that he still cared about others even when given any opportunity like this.

Shem was quiet for a moment and then he said "I accept this I will do the lord's work." Very well I bright light enveloped Shem as he became my vessel.

When I awoke in Shem body I felt similar to when I was human, however not all the way there like I was missing some part of me.

I smelled and felt the grass on my feet, I could see far away in different directions as well as feel the aura of every creature.

I immediately went to were Noah was at a hill offering sacrifices to my Father, "Noah." I called to him. He turned to me and gasped Noah could see that I was not his son, but my true form.

He knew that I was an angel but to add to effect. I projected an Astral form of my wings with a blinding light I told him that I would borrow his son, and returned him safety back to him.

And not to tell anyone of my existence. Then I left to go straight to Mount Herman. There everyone was waiting for me, I looked at there vessels they had picked excellent ones to integrate with human society.

Then we divided the regions of Earth between us and I instructed the Gigori, to explore there regions as well as report to me via telepathy and to remember their training and the rules that God had ordered us to follow.

For the next 50 years we followed our mission we observed and we protected humanity, we did small miracles that no one would draw attention to.

We fought against the forces of hell time after time again. We even fought against the knights and prince's of hell. The Grigori fought the knights and the army of hell, while I fought Cain and the prince's.

Cain was the most difficult not due to his strength, but because of the mark it made it almost impossible to defeat him.

But with Abel help we managed to seal him away back to hell. As for the prince's they were tough but I managed to give them a fight for their lives before they retreated.

We continued this way strengthening our bond together as Brothers, or so I had thought but then the Gigori did something that would mark their demise.

/Samyaza pov/

I opened the room to the office of the Gigori in heaven. All the members except lord Isaiel, were present for the assembly that I called.

I sat at my thorne at the round table, with all the chiefs and with the planet Earth in the middle. " Why have you called us Samyaza, we were in the middle of our duties." Did we get new orders? Said Tamiel.

"No we didn't receive any new orders I have called you all here to talk to you all about something I have thinking about."

"We have been living with these humans for the past 50 years, and I have seen everything but there's nothing I have seen more than the woman.

"We are bound by rules but why, can't we if our Father truly expects us to love humans then can't we love them like they love as well as teach them knowledge.

"Samyaza are you proposing that we disobey our sacred oath that we all swore? Said Baraquel. As many angels shifted their vessels.

"Yes I am even though I know we would be breaking our oath however, you must have seen the state that humanity in."

"They act like sheep who are just moving mindlessly through earth we must be the ones to help them."

"Even if we do as you suggest it would never work, Isaiel would find and punish us the moment he found out." Baraquel crossing his arms.

"I have already thought of it Baraquel, I have made an agreement with the demon Azazel_____" before I could say anything Baraquel was swinging his angel sword, at my face to kill me but Penemue blocked it her sword.

"Penemue you side with him after what you heard, he is working with a demon a prince of hell." Baraquel yelled.

"I agree with him why should we watch such a primitive race of savages, if we are to help humanity then we must evolve them to a sate of betterment." Said Penemue

"I agree with that sentiment, I am tired of watching humans fight for food or trivial things." Said Sachiel

"So are we all in agreement that we the Gigori must advance mankind Into a new Era. And take wives from mankind." Said Samyaza

"No I refuse to break my oath I made to God, Isaiel and humanity, you may betray it I will not." Said Baraquel angerly.

Just then Tamiel draw his angel sword and stabbed Baraquel in the heart. "Either you are with us or against us."

Then I started to have doubts that they would follow through with the plan, so suggested we bind ourselves with a blood oath that we will follow with the plan and any punishment we would receive would fall on all of us.

So then we fell, descending down to Earth with our plan and all 19 of the Gigori chiefs either slept with the women or shared the forbidden knowledge to humanity.

Armos taught humans sorcery, magic, and alchemy.

Kokabiel taught humans about the stars and constellations.

Tamiel taught humans about spirts and demons.

Samshiel taught humans about the sun and its eclipses.

Sariel taught humans about the moon and its waning patterns.

Ananiel taught humans how to make boats and storm patterns.

Sachiel taught humans about how to make coin as well as trade.

AZ taught humans about war.

Penemue taught humans how to create paper and ink.

Turiel taught humans Earth geology and tectonic plates.

Rahab taught humans about the sea and its abyss.

Chazaqiel taught humans about the mist.

Sathariel taught humans how to lie and illusions.

Butator taught humans about math and creating calculations.

Bezalel taught humans about the night, Darkness, and shadows.

Samyaza taught humans about beautification, and ways to decive man into lust.

And finally the prince of hell Azazel taught humans about the creation of swords, shields, and all forms of combat.

But the worse problem wasn't the knowledge to humanity, it was sleeping with human wife's and creating children that become too savage for even the parents of the abominations.

The abominations called Nephilim destroyed the world as they curse with a hunger that rival he Leviathans in hunger. They ate humans, entire crops and livestock, and even themselves for food.

With this development of chaos in humanity it created two new entities called War, due to the bloodshed of the humans and famine due to the Nephilim insatiable hunger.

And what was worse for humanity's situation is that due to the knowledge, that humans had learned made the humans create false gods in every region and worship them.

/Pov Isaiel/

I knew, I knew from the start that they would forsake their oath, that they would do more than what they were told by both God and me. But this was way too far now.

They disobeyed and now countless innocents souls, paid the price as even the souls of those who died were screaming and crying in despair.

Then their was a flutter of wings as Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel appeared in the Throne room.

"Brother have you seen the horrors that the Gigori have created? They abandoned their post and allowed themselves to fall to the point of sleeping with humans." Said Michael

"And the humans have learned secrets that weren't ment for them, and has cause chaos and even went so far as lead them to worship false Gods instead of Father." Michael said in contempt.

Has Father spoken about a plan to deal with this threat of both the Gigori and the Nephilim, the souls and the fate of the world is at risk. Said Raphael

I opened my eyes and looked at my siblings with anglic fury in my eyes, I told them that Father has instructed me to tell them of their orders for the cleanse of Earth.

"Uriel, you have the most important task out of them all, you are to go to Noah and protect him as he builds the ark to ensure humanity survival."

"Raphael , you are to find the prince of hell Azazel and are to bind him hands and foot and make a chasm, in the desert and cast him in there so that he may never see the light of day again."

"Gabriel, you have the task to destroy the Nephilim and all the men of war, you are to wait until the Gigori are captured and make the Nephilim butcher themselves in front of them."

"Michael you are to take the garrisons and capture the Gigori ,especially the chiefs who abandoned their oath and created this mess."

Just I was finished speaking, Tien came and told us that Rahab somehow open a portal to purgatory.

I told him I would handle the monsters and help anna and her garrison with protecting Enoch.

I went into purgatory and there was a portal there that led to Earth, I stood in front of the portal and apported my angel sword and got ready to defend it.

Just then the mother of all appeared with her 6 children and their armies, ready to pass through the gate and destroy Father's creations.

Leave! I ordered attempting to end this quickly, it was like a doorman blocking a group of rowdy teens from getting in.

Expect the the rowdy teens were the Mother of all and her children she amassed since her creation in purgatory.

The horde stood ready waiting for the command of their mother, who they thought would lead the charge as they marched passing through the portal and feasting on all of creation.

Instead, she commanded her first Leviathan, to lead the first attack against me, on its mother's word, she took her hoard and charged at me.

What she lacked in numerical advantage the Leviathan, made up for it in its knowledge of battle. And yet, in the face of this onslaught, I remain still as a number of the Leviathan's forces burst into flames, they forms being destroyed on a molecular level.

Still, I hadn't appeared to move an inch, despite the damage I had done to the Leviathan's forces on defense of Earth.

The mother of all, thought to better understand her opponent and with a wave of her hand, she sent out her second child, to overwhelme Me.

In a tidal wave of hellish creatures she sent horde after horde to attack me. However I still effortlessly, destroying them without seemingly move from my spot.

Then the mother of all, sent out her third child, who was proficient in magic, was able to use her abilities to make time move at a very slow pace.

And in that moment the mother of all, realized something I was doing battle with her forces, just at a faster then they could realize.

In fury, the mother of all called her fourth child, to sneak behind me and destroy humanity, as the child was getting closer to the portal I turned around and destroyed her.

Then, I made a tidal wave of fire, that engulf everything in purgatory excluding all of the mother of all children. Just as the fire was about to touch the mother of all, Rahab appeared.

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