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Supreme: Invincible Supreme: Invincible original

Supreme: Invincible

Author: Doom_Guy_4896

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Supremium

Tristan looked at the falling meteorite with a little apathy, something he had gained after knowing he was just a normal person after reincarnation. He didn't get to meet ROB of God, but just found himself in the body of Tristan O'Neal, a boy just one year old, died after chocking. He would have died too had his 'mother' not acted fast enough to save him. From then on, he was known as Tristan O'Neal, an ordinary child through and through.

Tristan came to know the world he was in to be the Image Comics, Invincible and boy was this world ugly. The creator did not hold back on his gore and other stuff like that and from the animation he saw, this was a tough world to be in. Good thing he was not a super powered being, he could just hide and let Mark Greyson fight the fights together with his father and Cecil, a man who is covered with many secrets he makes Amanda Waller and Nick Fury look like wannabe spy agents.

"Oh, shit!" Tristan exclaimed when he saw the metro suddenly deviate from its flight path and head straight for him! He immediately fled, not daring to look back but he could see the brightness of the meteorite coming closer and closer to him until it smashed him into nothing, causing a minor earthquake as a result. The meteorite stopped burning as it showed blue streaks going all around it. The streaks started pulsing ominously before it dimmed and finally disappeared.

A day passed since Tristan was crushed by the meteorite, his mother was worried, the police just recorded him as a missing person and his schoolmates had made a shrine for him in remembrance. At the fallen meteor, it suddenly started shaking before it shot to the sky, flying past Earth's atmosphere and back to space, the person who just made the world's most powerful home run stood at the crater in a daze. It was Tristan, or a Arnold Schwarzenegger version of him. His chest was puffed out, the muscle fibers showing by his every move, his biceps and triceps made it look like he was a clumsy oaf, his abdominals showing without even flexing, as if curved into his body, his gluteus maximus was as hard as rocks, his legs like trunks. He wasn't an exaggerated muscle head but he was definitely big for his age!

"Is this supposed to be my golden finger?" Tristan asked himself as he looked as his abs, poking them curiously. "They're like diamonds, only tougher! But, what kind of powers...Image Comics made a character who got his powers the same as me, Supreme! Holy shit, did I just get a large dose of Suprenium! That means I have the same powers as Superman without his plot armor shit!"

Suddenly, he started hearing all sorts of things from babies crying to waterfalls. He cupped his ears painfully but that was not the only organ to be assaulted by heightened senses. He found that his sense of smells had become heightened too that he could smell the water underground! His eyes started enhancing his vision to a point he was seeing through grains of soil! He struggled to rein in his senses but they were just getting stronger and stronger until he suddenly shot energy beams out of his eyes. The lasers turned the area all around him into magma as he flailed, his vision turned red and his others senses still disorienting him.

After ten minutes of frantically trying to controll himself, he finally made his super hearing turn back to normal and with that burden out of the way, he closed his eyes to stop his lasers from destroying the environment around him. Then came his sense of smell which was a little difficult, taking him fifteen minutes to stop smelling the decaying corpse of a bird thirty miles away. With these senses reined in, he opened his eyes and let out the lasers. He commanded himself to shut them off and it happened!

"I am a master of my body and powers!" he told himself. "From the comics, Supreme was strong enough to lift 100 tonnes after getting his power and he went over as the comics went on. That meant he had the potential to totally beat up Thragg or what's his name of he dares to come to Earth or when Invincible fails.

After reining his senses, he decided to test out his other powers, one of them being flight! The most he could think about flight was that jumping to the air and letting his instincts carry him and so he jumped. Only, he underestimated just how strong he was! The ground beneath him burst outwards due to his momentum which carried him above the clouds, making him wonder whether he was actually flying or he was still jumping. When the power of his jump came to an end, he could feel gravity trying to claim him, making his heart miss a beat and his eyes narrow in dread, his human side showing self preservation but then, the falling scene never happened! He just found himself floating, looking at the ground beneath him which was just patches of red and brown, the lava he made and the ground.

"How do I steer myself?" he asked then remembered how Omniman was coaching his son. He decided to try it and surprise, it didn't work. Left with no other choice, he decided to do try trial and error. He commanded himself to go the the right and he started to slowly float to that direction. He then tried to streamline himself but he started rotating in the air for a couple of seconds till he got a grip of himself. He tried it again and he succeeded albeit some difficulties. That done, he commanded himself to go faster.

He suddenly broke the sound barrier meaning he was going from 2 m/hr to 762 m/hr! The scary part was that he was picking up speed, going faster and faster till he went to Mach 2! Travelling in this speed, the winds were enough to rip his face apart but he barely felt it! His speed was fast enough to displace enough air it would blow the Titanic away. He then saw a city coming up and panicked a little bit. Just as he was about to crash into a skyscraper, his body did a barrel roll to the left, avoiding the building entirely. He then flew downwards to avoid a drone flying in the city before he stopped entirely, the momentum of his speed causing the air to be displaced forward, causing the building in front of him have all its windows broken.

"What a rush!" he told himself before he shot to the sky and disappearing completely.

He spent an entire day just exploring the sky and making sure his abilities are all in order before he faced human civilization again. Tracing his steps back to his home, he landed at the back yard and it was only then that he realized that all this time he was naked, meaning he had spent a while day, flying across the globe naked! He would be surprised if he was not called a pervert due to the chaos he had caused.

He got into his room by flying to his window and immediately wore a pair of trousers, thanking God he was quite chubby before he got crushed by the meteor, even though they were a little tight. He then wore a Hawaiian shirt to cover his mascular upper body. That done, he went downstairs to talk to his distraught mother even though it was quite ironic that she was mourning the wrong child.

"Tristan! Is that you?" she screamt in delight and without even waiting for him to answer, she hugged him fiercely, even though he barely felt it. "I was so worried!" She started crying, making his shirt wet and annoying him a little bit. But, until he reached eighteen, she was his legal guardian and he was going to swallow any unpleasant thoughts he had about her.

"I'm fine mom, really," he assured her, hugging her as softly as he could, like a porcelain doll he doesn't want to crush. She then looked up at him.

"Where have you been? Everyone's been looking everywhere for you, Martian Man even volunteered to help in the search!" she growled, he sad self gone.

"I honestly don't know. I just woke up and came home. My clothes and phone were gone, I only came to know the time when I came back to my room. Two days, huh?" he tried to assure huh but his answer just made her even more worried.

"We have to go to the hospital," she said as she went for her car keys.

"Mom, I'm fine, really," he tried to assure her but she opened the door and glared at him.

"Hospital, now!" she commanded. Tristan sighed helplessly before he walked out of the house to the car. He knew his answer just made her think the worst from **** to organ trafficking.

'Goddammit!' he cursed in his mind.

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