/ Urban / Surrogate Mom

Surrogate Mom Original

Surrogate Mom

Urban 42 Chapters 21.3K Views
Author: Miel_park1220

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under the coercion of the mafia elders who wanted Xander to have offspring with the alibi of maintaining his current position, Xander was forced to find a surrogate mother.
Xander is a man who does not want to be bound by any ties, not even in his mind to have a life partner.
can Xander get a surrogate mother and shut the mouths of those old farts?


  1. Rin_Haney
    Rin_Haney Contributed 134
  2. F_Fkky
    F_Fkky Contributed 121
  3. Daoist721989
    Daoist721989 Contributed 114


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    Author Miel_park1220