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Chapter 2: abrupt changes (2)

Since this whole menu mess began, everyone was desperate for some ability that would give them an advantage only to be demotivated by the demotivating notices of this new menu. This was the typical menu of a video game, only that there were two states instead of one and also there was a menu of announcements where we could reread the announcements made by the system; every time we completed a task, he would lick us or punish us in some way by announcing it on the said menu. Something like a chatbot that you would like to block but cannot because you need to see your follow-up, frustrating many people and giving rise to many theories to try; especially because while everyone was trying to understand what was happening the network was full of shit. We for our part at least improved our physical state at least as far as we could, in our states it said that our bad lifestyle was limited but at least we could raise them to increase our chances of survival; His menu had fewer restrictions regarding the things he could upload due to how he was. For example, it was easier for him to raise his Intelligence points (Int) thanks to the fact that he always preferred to read something that would increase his knowledge instead of candles or sleeves like me, but at least in my state he says that I have more possibilities of awakening some skill special later thanks to that useless knowledge; the truth was that no one was happy with his stay, no one in the world was. even those who had better luck in life had some disadvantage in their condition but not as great as those who did not, poor obese people they have an established undebuff that makes them slower despite the fact that their weight thanks to the system was reduced; These people only have to work on reducing a maximum of 10 kilos, but still they are not free of the possibility of regaining their previous weight.

This was the only disease that would reappear if you weren't careful, luckily and misfortune, the chaos in resources prevented this from happening, at least as far as I know; They should be grateful that their debuff is over in a matter of time, but in that time the tutorial will begin, so they will be at a disadvantage, at least if they train seriously, this disadvantage will not be very great. But I doubt in these conditions how much they can improve, maybe there some other lucky but I don't know; I know that there are many countries that despite the chaos managed to maintain stability and even basic services including the internet. At least more than other countries like ours, despite all the people joined in some groups in an attempt to overcome chaos and try to bring order a little; With more or less success, those who were most successful were those who put religion into all this. However I do not know how this will be now there is no way to obtain information unless you risk going out, I and he have been surviving these last months to cans of tuna with dry things and remains of preserves as much as we could; We were running out of non-perishable food and water and it was just a short time before the tutorial began. We do not know what will happen then and we try to ration to the maximum while we practice how to fight each other, knowing that at some point we will have to leave; We both have no idea what we are doing but what we read in a printed martial arts book we do not have. I really doubt that our duels with brooms are giving any results, but at least in this way we have the confidence to be able to give something to fight if necessary; there is no minute in which we do not learn or train in order not to think about reality.

When this happened, the first thing he suggested was to lock us up and he agreed, fearful of the madness of the Agena, although we went out two or three times to look for comfort when we saw the chaos we decided not to go out anymore; As we lived far from our relatives, we could not do anything to lend them a hand. At least those of our relatives who suffered from illness or pain were doing well now, but some of our relatives were more exposed to chaos than others; Like my sister and her girlfriend, I don't know what happened to them. At least he has a little more peace of mind than I do because his mother accumulated more food in his house than he did, but this was because due to his sister's illness he could hardly go out and accumulated food as much as possible; He even raised animals in his house to save himself eating meat and being able to take care of her. Thanks to all this, her sister no longer suffers and she and her parents are safely locked in that house even if they do not leave it with the food they have they would last two years, in addition to the fact that their house was more fortified than my parents' and difficult to get into; My parents, in the absence of chaos, managed to gather the necessary food for months and lock themselves in, even in debt, but I did not implore them, they were afraid. Happy to regain their youth but afraid of the situation in general, at least they managed to lock themselves up and cover up as much as they could. While there was news from them, nothing had ever happened and although some neighbor suffered, they had not yet suffered hardships but they feared it; They were hiding in the attic despite covering everything up and had the most food up there while a little down below. In case they entered, they would not take much, just edbut if they do, they will not hit or kill them, especially my mother who I fear that because she is a woman they will do something else to her; I cry daily to grieve in my family and what may be happening to him but there is nothing I can do I feel very helpless. I use this impotence and anger to motivate me to train and raise my statistics as much as I can, I don't know what will come in the future but if I become strong I will be able to help you, at least I hope and he also hopes for you as much for my family as for hers.

Germans he is calmer because the weight of his family is relieved, his mother thanks to savings and benefits from the state due to his living condition and his daughter was able to buy a piece of land and build a house fortifying it so that no one gets involved; this was because where they got it was not a very safe place. Nobody had ever interfered and the truth was difficult for them to do so with such high walls that they put in their perimeter, his mother was paranoid about this but at least thanks to that now they do not have to worry about looters or malicious intentions; Even in the little space of land they had a garden and a mini farm, although the garden does not provide enough food for them if they complement it with what they have saved, they will not have to worry about leaving.

He and I always looked at our menus and gave ourselves permission to see the other's, this way the system had instructed us that we could look at someone else's; Something we understood is that although this system was hostile in words, it was as kind and fair as possible. This was because of how I try to put everyone on the same level so that no one has more power than others despite the circumstances, although I do not know how much it increased that increases the chances of survival of people at least it would be if people had not become hysterical; looking at our states we discussed theories to improve them. However we did not know if any of them would be correct or not even when training him for months, for example a skill like survival could appear when reading about how to survive but not; by practicing it or not for a month or two. While there was internet, there were crazy theories about how to awaken skills and people saying how they got skills, some as soon as this menu appeared, some were reasonable as people who practiced some sport have some skill related to this; but others were things that seemed out of some manga or science fiction novel. There were many scams and troll people who just wanted to see the world burn or people who just enjoyed jokes making funny memes about it, as if saying that they had the ability to 'a lot of text' giving them the power to abbreviate what is said or read among others. ; These things thought to make you laugh or to get rid of frustration ended up making chaos over the chaos that had just begun. There were not only dangerous people but there were stupid people if you did not die at the hands of others there was a good possibility that you would die because of your own stupidity, the same system awarded us to society with the title / ability 'beat the impulse of stupises' to see how many idiotic people were killed by stupid things which gave a chance of surviving an unexpected death even though this cup was low; The world was surprised to see this in this special because the same menu did not tell us the process that gave us that ability. I don't want to imagine the amount of people who tried to activate another collective ability doing things in groups, something that the menu did not say if it was possible or not; I only know that after seeing this activity, the chaos took flight when the situation seemed to have stabilized a bit or to be stabilizing.

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