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Chapter 5: Will Rosy Leave or Stay?

I wake up to Rosy's head sleeping on my shoulder and one of her soft big boobs are pressing on my side and slightly exposed. I like boobs and butts. The blankets are half covering us messily. I check my watch that I took off last night. 05:30. Well Rosy didn't kill me in my sleep so that is a good sign. I slip out from her grasp and place a pillow under her head. I get dressed quickly and I exit the truck with my weapons. I grab Rosy's clothes and search them briefly before opening the door. As the morning air goes in I see her wrap herself in the blanket more leaving only her head out. I snap a picture then put my smartphone away gotta keep memories. I put all her clothes inside and close the door. I stretch and then eat some breakfast. I then maintain my weapons and arm myself with my knife. I am going hunting maybe some Horned Rabbits.

I leave quickly and start roaming the woods but then I decide to look from a higher vantage point and I jump towards a try rebound off of it and landing on another tree's branch.

"This is way better. No wonder ninja's travel like this. I run into a group of three goblins and I see them a little more prepared. The two female Goblins have what look like primitive slingshots that throw rocks and have some crude Horned Rabbit skirts on and some crude Horned Rabbit arm bracers though their b cup sized tits are still out and in the air, I am surprised to see that all the Goblins have the same breast size though they do have slightly different areola. The male Goblin is wearing the same crude skirt and crude arm bracers as the female Goblins but instead of a stick I see him wielding a crude stone spear. These Goblins are learning and that makes them more dangerous than before. I take out my knife. I need to level this up. I will kill the male first because of its longer reach then I will eliminate the females quickly.

I get directly above them and push off the branch and accurately slice the male Goblins throat and carotid artery with my knife before landing on the ground. That Goblin tries to scream but only gurgles come out, it drops it's spear and reaches for it's neck trying to stop the bleeding.

I immediately lunge at the female Goblins once I touch down onto the ground. I see one of them start to react and pull her primitive slingshot up to try swinging it. It seems they are learning but a very slow. I shove her with my shoulder and a hear cracking, My shoulder shove launches her backwards and smacks the tree directly behind her. I transferred all my fOrce into the female Goblin so I stay in place but I immediately spin and stab my knife through the eye of the other panicking Goblin and twist. It briefly screams before suddenly dropping to the floor like she lost all strength. I pull my knife out and walk towards the one that launched into the tree. She is snarling and I see fear in the Goblin's eyes. As I come closer to it a step at a time it pees itself and tries to back away while clutching its chest but it fails as it back comes up against the tree. Some blood is coming out of its mouth, a rib might have punctured its lung. I see it panic more and push harder with its feet but it is not moving from the tree. I see tears come down its face and it screams.

So I broke some of the bones in the torso with my shove. She turns from the tree and tries to run for its life. I dash forward and stab it in the temple with my knife and break the temple with hand and pin it to the tree. It barely managed a step. Well it would have killed me if it could. I take out my knife and it drops to the floor with a thump. I squat down and I wipe my knife on its Horned Rabbit skirt. "I wonder if they made this or if someone else made it. Both implications are terrifying to think about."

I stand and walk towards the weapon, I pick up the crude primitive slingshot.

[Low Inferior Slingshot Level 1 Max]

"This could prove useful if I learn how to use it, though it would be better if I made it myself." The blue light energy comes towards me and I observe my knife. It glows a white and I sigh, "Inferior huh, what can I expect from a knife I picked up from a Goblin."The energy from these three Goblins don't give me the same feeling as before. It is a whole lot less than before, I guess after killing that Direwolf my improvement rate has drastically slowed until I kill more Direwolves. Is this a way so strong people don't hunt weak creatures to extinction? Or maybe it is just based on the strength of the killed creature? Those both make sense but one is scarier than the other.

[High Inferior Steel knife Level 2 Max]

I pick up the other female Goblin's as well and put them in my backpack. I walk towards the male Goblin, it looks like it bleed out and suffocated. I stab it in the heart through the back. "Double tap." I pick up the stone spear.

[Low Inferior stone spear Level 1 Max]

It is just a stick with a sharp stone attached to the top with what looks like long thin bamboo strips. I aim at a tree and toss it like a javelin. It goes hits the tree but the stick breaks and falls off, only the sharp stone stays in the tree. "Useless." I go to the stick and break it in half before tossing it on the floor.

I jump back into the branches and finally spot some Horned Rabbits. I see 15 of them. They multiplying fast. I jump down and kill two who were at the furthest edge, grab them and leap away before they notice. "Some chow for today."

I return only to see Rosy on the tailgate looking at the sky. I look at my watch, 07:00. "Hey." She looks towards me and then looks at the rabbits. "Hey. What's with the blue blood? Are those Horned Rabbits?"

"That they are. Meet lunch. The blue blood is from some Goblins. Can you skin?" I ask her as another person who knows how to would be helpful. "Yeah, my dad taught me when we went hunting before, but I need my knife." Okay time for another trust test. I place the rabbits on the tailgate, It is in the cooler by the passengers side." I start working on the rabbit while keeping an eye on her with my peripheral vision. I see her open the cooler and take out the knife. I cut the head off then rabbits wrists. I see her reach in and pick up her gun. I tense my legs to jump out of the way should things go sideways. She looks at it before starting to put it back into the cooler, she passed. I feel relief before she places the gun back into the cooler I tell her, "Hold on to it, you never know when you might need it out here." She looks at me surprised, "Oh okay." She takes her gun out and places it in her belt. I need to make this girl a holster that is if she stays. I won't be able to make this into jerky as I am not too certain on the process. It is fall so it is getting colder and I am not prepared to last the winter. I need to ask the important question before I start making plans I don't have time to waste. I need to become stronger and a base is important for those plans.

"Rosy are you going to stay here with me or continue on your travels?" I finishes gutting my rabbit and turn toward where I've built my fire. I notice that Rosy pauses, "You don't have to answer right away." I impale my rabbit and I start the fire. I then start cooking my rabbit and add some seasoning and spices. I finish cooking and then I impale Rosy's rabbit, cook and season. I share my rabbit and she shares hers. I can see her thinking while we eat. "I have things to do so you decide by tonight. You are free to do and go as you please Rosy but I will come back to the truck tonight." I stand up grab my shovel and axe and continue my project. Rosy stays and eats her food.

I fell some more trees, clean and cut to logs before burying then as post. I complete the other side faster since I already know what I am doing. I rinse off with the river water but keep an eye on the giant alligator. "I wonder how much I will improve if I kill that." I doubt my bullets can penetrate it's scales even the Rifle doesn't seem likely to do the job. If I level my Katana up some more I could possibly penetrate it.

I check the time. I have completed my circular perimeter of six hundred feet on both sides with a ten foot opening in front for entering and exiting. I also leave a thirty foot opening in the back for access to the river. "Well for now I don't have any barbed wire so I will stick another log there." I don't have any nails so I cannot build anything complex. I need to go to that town again and scavenge for some nails when I finish this. I also want to build a gate here.

I check the time 14:22. Alright I finished a whole lot faster than I thought I would take, I now have time to implement the log in the middle. I get to back to work. It was like basically building another wall but it only takes only half the amount of wood as I am basically plugging in holes on both walls. I finished at 20:23 I look up and it is already dark. I go pick up my shovel and axe and start heading back over to my truck. I jump up to branches and start traveling towards the truck when I spot a Direwolf. I look around and I don't see any other ones. Finally a chance to improve I send lick my finger and feel the air. I am downwind from it. I grin diabolically. "Deren!" Both I and the Direwolves attention is drawn to Rosy. Dammit Rosy. The Direwolf blast off towards Rosy. I chase after it and we are closing in fast to Rosy. "Ahhh! Pew!" Rosy screams and fires her gun when she sees it. When she notices her gun isn't effective she turns tail and runs towards my truck. "DEREN! HELP! DIREWOLF!" I know already! I push harder to catch up. Rosy is slow compared to both me and the Direwolf. 50 feet. "DEREN!" She yells at the top of her lungs! 30 feet. "DIREWOLF!" 10 feet. "HELP ME!" 1 foot "AHHH!" I leap down and as the Direwolf has its jaws closing in on her neck I tackle it. It's jaws clamp shut and bite Rosy's hoodie . We all fly in a direction and roll. It let's go of Rosy's hoodie to try and bite me but I punch it on the face. Throwing its head to the floor. I draw my Katana quickly and stab it into the Direwolves eye and twist killing it instantly. That was quick and very scary. "What the hell Rosy! I told you not to yell!" Suddenly Rosy just jumps at me and hugs me burying her head in my chest while trembling. I pause and then just hug her with my arms. She was basically in the jaws of death so being extremely terrified makes sense.

The blue light energy exits the Dire wolf and a majority goes to me and my Katana but a third of it went to Rosy and her gun. "MMMMMmmmm!" Rosy moans a bit and I actually feel improvement though not as drastic as the first time I killed a Direwolf. Rosy backs away after a little while longer. She looks into my eyes, "That felt really good. I've calmed down, thank you. I felt its breath on my neck and smell the death inside its mouth. I thought I was going to die." I just learned that hunting together causes the energy to be shared, that is good to know. "I am glad I made it in time. I almost lost a beautiful lady. Why were you yelling for me in the first place?" I almost lost someone again. I know it wasn't really my fault but I couldn't save Jen or anyone else at that park. As soon as I saw that Rock Titan my body or should I say my instincts took over and I ran for my life. I couldn't fight that monster.

Rosy blushes and hits my chest lightly, "Stop it, I was looking for you to tell you I decided I wanted to stay here with you but I became worried when you didn't come back when it turned dark. I thought you might have died." I touch my chest where she hit me, seems this girl has some latina in her. I didn't know I mattered to her so much, though I did take her virginity so now it makes sense. "That does make sense in times like these. I am sorry I worried you."

"It's okay I am happy your alive. Should we go back now?" I look at her and then the Direwolf corpse. "Yeah but I need to take this corpse with me for food and material. I also need to grab my shovel and axe I dropped back there." I point behind me. She looks behind me into the darkness and then at the Direwolf corpse. "It is totally dark and the corpse of this Direwolf should weigh around a thousand some pounds. Can't we get them in the morning? That way we can bring the truck here and drag it." I look at her and totally forgot that I have become superhuman. "Haha, no. If I leave my stuff out here some Goblins might snag them. As for the corpse let me worry about it." It seems she is still used to her strength so her improvement wasn't as drastic as mine. Though I did kill my first Direwolf solo. She looks a little confused, "Okay I will wait here for you." I smile and then walk into the darkness. I should make some bola's to snag the Direwolves feet from under them that way I can kill more of them and improve. I return to where I stabbed my axe and shovel into the branch and jump up to grab them. This time my initial jump was 9 feet. Nice improvement. I jump back down and walk back to the Direwolf and Rosy.

I come out of the darkness and I see her tense up then smile when she spots it's me. "I thought you might've been a Goblin or something. It is scary out here in the dark." That is indeed true but I can see a little better than most people so I am not that scared of the dark. "Haha you are right. Here take my axe and shovel while I carry the Direwolf." She grabs the axe and shovel, "Deren, that thing weighs at least a thous…" She turns silent as I pick it up easily and put it on my shoulders. "What was that?"

"N-nothing." We walk back towards the truck silently for a little while. "Rosy." She looks back at me, "Yeah?"

"I can carry this Direwolf because I have killed more and stronger things than you have. The blue light energy has enhanced me like this. Before the blue light I could only bench 300 pounds." She pauses and looks at me wide eyed. "No way, I haven't felt an improvement like that. Though the blue light energy I got from the Direwolf was a lot more than I have experienced before and I felt fitter and stronger by a lot I doubt I could lift up that Direwolf."

"I think you are underestimating your newfound strength though you are probably not at the level of lifting a thousand plus pounds I bet you are pretty close." We reach my truck and she places my axe and shovel into the back. "Come here let's test how close you are to a thousand some pounds of strength." She looks doubtful and then agrees.

I place the Direwolf in front of me. "This is a simple and barbaric we should be able to get an estimate. I will slowly apply less strength and when you feel you cannot handle anymore let me know. I will not tell you how fast or when I drop in strength. You just tell me when you feel you can't hold it anymore." She walks in front of me, "Okay sounds simple enough."

She places her arms out close to her and I slowly start. I let go slowly at first then at times spikes drops. 10 pounds, 30, 50, 100, 300, 350, 400, 600, 650 here is where I see her start to struggle a little. 700 pounds, 720, 750, 800, 820. "Okay! I can't hold it anymore!" I quickly lift it up and then place it on the floor. Rosy excitedly looks at me, "How much was that 100 pounds? 200?" I look at her. "Is that how much it felt to you?" She looks dubiously at me. "That is how much I could lift before max. It felt about that much." I smile at her so she hasn't really noticed even the simplest improvements. I guess her strength increments were slow enough she didn't notice. "You carried approximately eight hundred and twenty pounds." Her jaw slacks open and she looks at me into my eyes, "Whaaat?!"

"Yup Rosy you almost carried the whole thing by yourself." I walk up to her close her mouth with my hand and smack a quick kiss. She looks cute when surprised. "You are adorable. Help me skin this." I see her blush some under the moonlight and I smile. I turn towards the Direwolf and I notice something that wasn't there before. "Rosy, what is that?" She looks to where I am looking. "Oh I built a smoker so we can make jerky as I noticed you haven't built one yet. My dad showed me how though if we used the tarp we could finish smoking things quicker and it would have more flavor." I walk up to smoker Rosy built. She built a campfire and then a pyramid shape with bamboo sticks and different levels to smoke to the food in. Impressive. I will not admit I didn't know how to make one as usually I hunt in a group and we all eat the meat we hunt and leave the guts for nature to recycle.

"That is fantastic any food we don't eat from this Direwolf we can make into jerky and of course we can use the tarp. Thank you Rosy." I earn a sweet smile from Rosy. We skin the Direwolf and gut it. I cut off its hind legs to make into jerky and cook it. "Are you sure we shouldn't leave more for jerky?" Rosy ask me this question. "No I myself basically ate a whole Direwolf in two sittings. There will barely be any left if any." We eat our fill which for our increased appetites is all of the Direwolf, though I ate most of it. She gets started on the Jerky and draps the tarp over the top. "This should be done in half a day or a little more because of the tarp."

"That is good Rosy but before you start the fire let me show you something." I grab a bung of wood and layer it like jenga up to five stacks. "This way the fire will last long without us having to upkeep it during the night and we can sleep some. Actually Rosy I got too excited. I think we should start smoking it tomorrow. We don't want to draw monsters our way." Rosy looks surprised and then gives an agreement nod, "You're right I didn't think about that. I am still not used to the whole monster thing, they just came out of nowhere." I didn't think of that where did the monster come from. I could understand mutations making Direwolves but what about Goblins? And the Rock Titan? Where could those have possibly come from?

Also what is the blue light energy? I never really figured it out all I know is it improves me. I don't know if it improves only my body or if it also improves my soul and other things I don't know about. Maybe if I try and think of a name for it, It might come to me like most other things and that is what it is call. "MMMMMM…" I have no idea as to what to name it. Maybe I have to gather more before I know what it is called? I will try naming it everytime I absorb some that way I know what it is when it comes to me. I toss the legs far away for the vultures to eat and Rosy grabs my arms, "What are you doing?!" I look towards her "The food won't last the night and I or we can hunt some tomorrow to make into jerky. It isn't cool enough yet to cool and store them for a night." I leave the Direwolf hide there to make into coats for the winter. I do not want to freeze if it snows but we should be fine. I am taking all I know with a pinch of salt because there are a lot of things that don't make sense anymore. We head into the truck and both fall asleep with nothing happening besides her cuddling up to me.

I wake up before Rosy, 04:30. I've been waking up really early and I am not tired even with the short amount of hours I have been sleeping. I slip out, get dressed and take care of my morning hygiene. Well time to hunt some food for Rosy to make into jerky. As I am about to leave Rosy gets out of the truck, "Wait, I want to come." I look towards her and then towards the forest. "Okay, hurry up and get ready." This way we can both hunt and get stronger together. More strength between us is way better than just me being strong. Even if we have to hunt more things to improve the same amount as me going by myself I don't see it as much of a negative as in a whole we become stronger.

As I wait I feel a weird energy from the moon still in the sky. I look upward toward the moon and my eyes go wide. I jump to the car as Rosy is about to get out and tell her to be quiet while pointing toward the moon lit sky. She looks up and I see the surprise in her eye's too. "I-is that a Dragon?!" We both stare up into the sky to see a enormous western Dragon. It was dark out so we couldn't see the color of it but it gave out a frightening presence and energy. From this distance the Dragon still looked enormous and it was very high in the sky. "ROOAAAARRRR!!!" It lets out a frighteningly mighty roar causing the air to vibrate with its strength. "GROOOOOAAAARRRRR!" We hear another roar accompanied by loud rumbling like rocks smashing into each other. I turn toward the city and I see the Rock Titan standing up and roaring towards the Dragon. "What the hell is happening?" The ground rumbles and suddenly an enormous piece of earth as big as a skyscraper is thrown into the sky.

The Dragon audibly scoffs and swipes its tail down. I see a red energy gather and it feels so powerful I shiver. It launches an enormous sunlike fireball toward the Rock Titan. The sky lights up as if the sun were already out. This sunball emits a extremely strong heat that distorts the very air around it. It stays in front of the Dragons mouth for a second before flashing towards the Rock Titan. Before it launched it felt as if time has slowed down for me and I observed the giant sunball. I felt traces of the blue energy inside of the sunball. I notice that some of the energy is going through a transformation and changing into a different form of energy. What the heck?

I feel the entire transformation process and feel the new energy form it has become. Time speeds up again and it launches towards the Rock Titan at phenomenal speed. Like a flash it smacks into Rock Titan and explodes causing everything in miles surrounding the explosion to be incinerated. The Rock Titan is tossed across the air for miles and crashes into the ground causing an enormous earthquake. "GROOOAAAARRRRR!" The Rock Titan roars loudly again in anger and both I and Rosy have to cover our ears as it hurts. I feel the massive amount of energy it is accumulating. Again I feel the traces of energy and conversion of energy into a different form. This time it is fundamentally different conversion than what the Dragon did. I can feel the difference between them. What is this conversion? Why do I feel it so clearly?

I see a giant meteors fly from the ground towards the Dragon again. This time the Dragon did something else I couldn't fathom either. It was directing tons of blue energy into its wings from somewhere within itself. I started slashing the meteors causing crescents of blue energy to fly and cut the meteors into pieces before flapping its wings and suddenly appearing somewhere else in the sky. What is happening up there? The Dragon roars and flaps its wings again. It appears above the ground and inside of its mouth it has the Rock Titans arm. It crunches down on it destroying it into little pieces. The Rock Titan seething in anger and I feel the energy around its surroundings gather before it started regrowing its arm. That is awesome.

Those two monstrosities fight for a long while before splitting and leaving each other alone because neither seemed capable of coming out victorious. They performed dozens of energy imbued attacks but all were blocked, dodged, or otherwise made useless. I was absolutely hypnotized by these attacks. When they seperated the Dragon headed back to where it came from. "That was really terrifying Deren." I am suddenly startled by Rosy's voice. I look towards her. "Did you feel that?"

Rosy looks at me confused and with some fear still in her eyes, "Feel what? Their terrifying strength? The vibrations in the air and earth from their attacks? Their loud roars? Yes, I felt all of those." Now I am a little confused, "You didn't feel their energy conversions?"

Rosy stands straight from hiding behind the truck, "Energy conversions? No, I didn't feel anything like that. I was too focused on not getting noticed by them and being prepared not to get caught in the aftermath of any stray attack." Why is that? Why did I feel those conversions so clearly but she didn't feel anything? Maybe it is because I am stronger from absorbing more energy? That would be the only thing I could think of right now as to why she didn't feel it. Maybe someone has to absorb a certain amount and hit a certain threshold before being able to feel that energy. She is close to me so we can discover that later. "ROOAARR!" I turn to look and the Rock Titan is roaring into the sky before settling back into its mountain form.

"Well Rosy, It looks like we don't have to worry about the Rock Titan going on a rampage after that fight. Seems like we can get back to our business." I check my time, 07:48. They fought for a few hours. "Already Deren? They just left we don't know what's going to happen next. Should we really be going out to hunt?"

I look towards Rosy, "We can't control what those powerful things do but we can control what we do. Standing here helpless isn't going to do us any good." I gear up and so does Rosy before we head into the forest my mind fully occupied by what I just witnessed. How did they control the energy like that? Whenever the energy goes into my body it is absorbed by my body and mind. I have zero control over what it does. I try and focus and feel the energy I have absorbed, nothing. I feel internally for a power source like those creatures had, nothing. Damn it, I will try and focus on the energy next time I absorb some to see if I can control it. "AHHH!! NOO!!! HELLPPP MEEE!! AH! AH! NO! STOP IT!" Suddenly I hear a female scream in extreme distress. Both Rosy and I tense up before rushing toward the direction we heard the scream. We bolt through the forest but it still takes a minute and we come upon a revolting scene. Two bipedal pig things, Orcs, are raping a woman who looks about 26. Her clothes are all ripped to shreds. One is shoving it's big twirly dick inside of the woman and she has stopped screaming, the other is there stroking itself while having a foot on her head. Instantly I want to jump in and kill those Orcs but barely manage to stop myself. Rosy on the other hand immediately started to fire at them catching them off guard, completely emptying her magazine. She shoots the one who was raping the girl in the neck and the other grabs that Orc and uses it as a meat shield, not getting harmed in the slightest.

What the heck Rosy, we don't know their abilities but screw it the battle has begun already. The Orc tosses the meat shield at Rosy and charges at her at the same time. Rosy dodges the meat shield Orc but is suddenly punched in the gut by the hidden Orc. This thing is smarter than the goblins as it used a tactic. I appear behind it and behead it with my Katana in one swift stroke. This all happened too quickly for me to kill it before it hit Rosy. Damn it! Why did she charge into a situation like that without thinking? I run toward Rosy who hit a tree and coughed up some blood. She barely sits up and a squat next to her. "How are you feeling? Can you breath fine? Does this hurt?" I touch her ribs and all over before putting my ear to her chest and back, no gurgle. "I am fine Deren, it just hurt a whole lot and I spit up some blood." I flick her head and sigh. "Ouch! Why did you do that?"

"You could've brokens some ribs and gotten punctured by them or your lungs could have collapsed which are both things I cannot help you with. You would have died all for this stranger we don't know. You went in unprepared." She looks ashamed until I say the stranger part, "Deren, she was being raped, I couldn't just stand there and watch that." I look at the firmness in her eyes and shake my head. "That isn't the problem." Her eyebrows scrunch up and I can see anger coming into her eyes, "What do you mean Deren?" I look towards the woman on the forest floor, "She's was already dead when we got here."

I see the fight in her eyes wash away and sadness come into her eyes, "What a horrible way to die." The blue energy exits the Orcs and the girl and heads towards us both. The Orcs give about two thirds of the energy of a Direwolf and the human woman only gave a bit more than a goblin. Why was the amount of energy she let out less than those people I killed in the passthrough town? She probably didn't absorb any blue energy making her very weak compared to everything out here that is killing and getting stronger everyday. I try to direct them blue energy but it doesn't budge nor listen to me, it only enters my body and distributes itself throughout my body. It seems I don't have the ability to control it yet, maybe with practice I will be able to control it in the future. I look toward Rosy and she seems uncomfortable. "I am going to the truck I don't want to hunt today anymore." She gets up and leaves. I stare at back and see the sadness she is carrying. I stand up and walk towards the woman. She has cum leaking out of every orifice and all over her back. I look towards her face to see if I know her, I don't but she Luckily as soon as it's head was severed it collapsed noiselessly or more like a small thump. I grab both bodies and drag them away from the entrance before kicking away the severed head. I heard a snort and I immediately jump upwards and land on top of the opening barely disappearing from the view of the 7 foot entrance. I watch as a ugly Orc comes out of the cave while picking its teeth with a bone toothpick. It snorts and suddenly pauses before trying to smell the air again. "SQUEEALLL! SNORT!" What the? Suddenly I hear tons of squealing and snorting inside of the cave and rumbling. I jump higher and hide in the lush branches. I see 30 Orcs run out of the cave and in a surge of anger. Some of the Orcs are smelling the bloodstains on the floor while the others are all looking around. "Thud, thud, thud." I look back towards the entrance and lay my eyes on something coming out of the cave. It slowly reveals itself with flesh colored skin, dirty white hooves for feet, an enormous frame, some kind of metal armor and helmet with a boar's head inside of the helmet, the helmet scrapes along the roof of the cave, that thing must be 7 feet tall at least. It carries a Greatsword on its back. What the hell is that? I focus on it.

[Elite Orc]

An Elite Orc? What does that mean? The Elite Orc suddenly sniffs the air and turns to look at me, What the F***! "ROAR! SNORT!" The Elite Orc swings its Greatsword towards me. What is it going to do at that distance? As I have this thought I sense energy move and extreme danger I dodge swiftly by leaping to the left. The place I was just at is suddenly cut diagonally and the tree slides down and crashes onto the floor. I glimpse at the attack on the tree and it's a perfectly smooth cut. That could have killed me. So it isn't only the giant creature who can control the energy, but other creature too. Why can't I use the energy but this Elite Orc can? I then it comes to my attention that so far none of the creatures, excluding the two colossal monsters, have used the energy. Why is that? This all runs instantaneously through my mind as I look at the cut before I leap again. Another cut.

I continue to dodge and observe the Elite Orc. It uses so little energy it is hard to notice but I can sense it just barely. Why is the difference so crazily huge between this Elite Orc and the two monsters? Why is it that I can barely sense this the Elite Orc's energy but I sensed it clearly when the other two used there's? Is it intentional? If it is that means the Dragon and the Rock Titan don't really care if people sense their usage of energy but this Elite Orc doesn't want anyone to sense its energy movement and that would make this Elite Orc even more dangerous. Or it could be that this Orc just doesn't use that much energy so it is not as noticable.

Either way it is better to be safe than sorry. I suddenly see dozens of big rocks flying at me. Crap! I forgot all about the other Orcs I was so focused on the Elite Orcs energy movement. I stomp on one to push myself higher but I am still pummeled by three big rocks tossing me back and hitting a tree hard. I slam hard and I taste iron iron in my mouth. I don't let it distract me and I jump away just in time to not be sliced in half. I try escaping but everytime I jump towards a tree top it gets cut down so I have to land on the ground. i've been surrounded by the 30 Orcs. I smile, "You stupid sons of female dogs. I also have my gun!" I pull out my .45 Pistol and start aiming for headshots. I shoot and kill four quickly by blasting their eyes in. I have to continuously move around or I'll be killed if I am surrounded or simply by being cut in half by the Elite Orc. I toss my gun over to my left hand and unsheathe my sword. Cutting the arm off an Orc who came close to me and swung its club at me. I bring my .45 Pistol up to its chin and fire blowing grey matter everywhere. I kick it in its stomach and launch it into a small group of Orcs who were grouping up in front of me. The dead Orc chucks them to the floor and I do a high backflip because of the danger I felt. I felt like the matrix as it cuts through the trees on both sides behind my back I land on my feet and witness the two last Orcs who were the first to get back up get their heads cut off. "Haha." I run to my left and decapitate the Orc who was standing in my way. I run past a tree just behind the Orc I decapitated and quickly block to my right with my hand on the handle and my foot on the flat part of the blade barely in time to block the club that swung at me. I am propelled into a tree and since it was a relatively smaller sized one I broke it with my body bounced on the floor and catch my step before darting forward in an attempt to not stay in the same place too long. I raise my gun and fire six shots, five of them being true head shots and one just blows the pointy pink ear off the last Orc.

I look at my Katana and it is bent a bit. Dammit! I am going to need a new close range weapon really soon! I dodge back quickly and in front of me everything is cut again including the bastard Orc who clubbed me and bent my Katana. It's two halves fall to either side. "Karma." I do a quick spin and cut the Orc who snuck up behind me from shoulder to hip. It hurt my wrist a bit. Dammit! This Katana has gone bad and I don't know how to fix it! I zip in between trees and reload my magazine. 20 rounds left. In slow motion I see the Elite Orc standing right next to me swinging its Greatsword at me with massive fOrce. I jump up and do a flying cartwheel with no hands on the floor. I aim my .45 Pistol at the Elite Orc and fire two rounds at its face. The Elite Orc turns its head slightly sideways causing my rounds to graze off its helmet and my eyes go wide. One lands on a tree and the other hits an Orc in the chest causing it to take a step back but ultimately be fine. What the hell is with their vitality and this things reaction speed?! I land one foot on the floor and the Greatsword is already swinging back at me. Holy smokes! I have no choice but to block this time. With only a foot on the ground it connects with my Katana I am holding it with on hand on the grip and the other is held with the gun to create a more stable hold, not that it mattered in this situation. The colossal fOrce breaks the Katana in half and leaves a deep cut on my chest. I can basically see some bone. I am catapulted through two thick trees breaking them and some of my ribs. I then bounce off 6 more trees like a ragdoll before I collide with the ground causing it to depress a little. I struggle to stand up and I look down at my chest where I can see bone. "Fudge! It hurts! Direwolf leather was useless this time!" I observe my enemies and I spy them laughing and feeling victorious. "Roar! Snort!" I can see a smug look on the Elite Orcs face.

I have no time to slow down, this is a life and death battle. If I stop, I die. I hurtle away from where I landed and kill 8 more Orcs with my .45 Pistol. "The battle isn't over yet ugly Orcs." I reload my .45 pistol with my last magazine. These are full metal jackets, their lethality isn't that great but the do puncture very good. I have to make these count. I roll to my left as two clubs accompanied by Orcs swing and slam into the tree I was hiding behind. I thrust with my entire body and stab my half Katana into the Orcs head before releasing the handle, grabbing the Orcs now limp body and smash it into the other Orc. As it falls to the floor I fire a round into its eye, killing it. My entire body is covered in blood mostly mine from my deep cut. I can feel myself getting weaker. I need to finish this quickly. I turn to look at the Elite Orc who hasn't sent another cut my way and I see it breathing heavily. I seems sending all those cuts my way drains its energy. Good to know, not that I am in a better situation. He may run out of energy but I'll run out of blood and die.

I start bolting around the trees like a crazy ninja and kill the other five Orcs remaining. The Elite Orc roars angrily and charges at me like a speeding train. It snaps thick trees like twigs. What a monster. I barely evade its swing downwards and as I aim towards its face it shoulder bumps me transferring a torrent of momentum into me. I start flying off but before I get to far it takes a step forward and grabs my leg and my momentum stops suddenly sending a massive amount of G-fOrce directly to my brain. I go dizzy a little and then it swings me into a thick tree breaking it in half. It tosses me up into the air before punching my face extremely hard. I feel my nose break and I spin so fast I cannot see my surroundings until I am suddenly stopped by the cold hard earth face first. It hurts! It hurts so much! Ah!

I feel so much pain I want to just die! But I don't want to die! It hurts so much! I've never felt such horrible pain all throughout my body. I can't let this win over me! Screw this Elite Orc! I slowly stretch my arms down and start pushing my body up slowly, "Thud! Thud! THud! BAM!" As I am getting up will my pure will I hear it coming closer but I can't do anything without standing up. I try to raise the gun in my hand that I haven't let go of but before I get the chance I am kicked in the stomach and I am projected into a faraway tree and I feel intense hot pain through my entire back as slam into the thick tree I involuntarily cough out blood. I slip off the tree like a paper before landing on the ground 15 feet below where I am on my chest. Blood is pooling out of me and I feel my strength leaving me, my vision is slowly darkening. I raise my head and look at the Elite Orc who is slowly walking towards me. This smug bastard. I am not going to die without you dying first as it closes in on my I flick a little rock with my fingers and fire a round with my gun. It tilts its head and it bounces off the helmet hitting a tree. I fire four rounds again as it moves its head back to normal. Only to have a bullets drive right through its eye and into its brain. I observe anger and pain come onto its face. It didn't die from that? Tough bastard. As I am about to lose all strength I watch it lose the light in its eye and fall face first onto the floor. "Haha, I win." I land in my blood and watch as my vision darkens. Man, is this how I die? What a wonderful battle. It was very hot when I was losing blood but now it just feels like it's getting cold and the pain is fading. was kind of pretty, "We apologize for not being able to come a rescue you faster. I grab some of her shredded clothes and clean her up as best as I can before picking her up. I look towards the Orcs and they only have some Rabbit fur shoes and skirt things. Nothing useful besides some club looking things I don't want. I leave those on the floor and walk towards the truck. I am going to bury this poor girl. All in all I bury the girl quickly in a very deep grave a dug and continue on with my day. There isn't anything I can do for this woman and I certainly won't brood over a stranger, burying her is the most I can do for her.

After burying her I head back over to where we found the Orcs and search that area. I end up finding a cave with two Orcs standing out front. They are wearing the same outfit as the previous Orcs and are using similar clubs. I found their headquarters and it is dangerously close to my headquarters. I cannot have this sort of annoying threat close by to me. Also why is there a cave here? There shouldn't be any caves in this part of georgia. Especially in this forest. Now that I think about it these trees are thicker and lusher than regular. Well I cannot do anything about it so I'll leave it be.

I sneak around the patrol outside and place myself directly on top of them. I unsheathe my Katana and take out my dagger. I jump down and impale my dagger through the skull of the first Orc and jump off its shoulders and cut half of the neck of the second Orc. It starts squirming and trying to yell but nothing escapes it besides gurgles. I land and leap towards it again to completely sever the head, I don't want this thing making a bunch noise like a headless chicken.

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