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Chapter 5: Countdown

The figure in white light looked at the figure in black light. All the other figures that are covered in red, purple and blue respectively, nodded at the dark figure's words.

"Jilero's right. Don't you get tired of doing this? It has been like what, forever since you started helping out those evolving worlds. You should grow up already, Solotar. They have a low chance of surviving that." The figure in red light said to the figure of white light.

The figure in white light, now known as Solotar, shake his head. He said resolutely, "No, I'm not and I never will. I will never forget how hopeless we were at that time when that same thing happened to us. That's why I want to help out the best I can. To at least give them a better chance at surviving."

Before anyone could say anything, Solotar started talking again as he looked at the figures in red, purple and blue light, "And how about you Valera, Adlarin, Seresa? I can understand Jilero since he isn't the type to care about others, but you guys as well? I remember that you three are the ones who volunteered to help me when I first decided in helping those worlds. Did you change your mind now?"

The figure in red light, which Solotar called Valera sighed, "You know that's not true even without us telling you. It's just that..."

Valera sighed again, deciding not to continue talking. The figure in purple light, who is Adralin, stepped in this time. "It also affects us to see those living beings dying, even till now. That's why we even agreed on your plan in the first place."

Seresa, the figure in blue light also started speaking. "Our hands are tied Solotar. The universe doesn't want anybody to ever interfere with the evolution process. For who knows how many years we have tried finding a way to give our best to help them. But we can only give them that minimal help. And yet, they still fail."

Valera said helplessly, "We're still living beings Solotar, beings who have emotions despite living for so long. Even us can't feel help but feel helpless and sad when time and time again, we put our hopes in them, which only turned to naught."

All of them, even the quiet Jilero couldn't help but sigh when they heard Valera's word.

Silence descended in the place as none of them spoken any word for a long time. That's when Solotar sighed that caught the attention of the others.

"Even so, I'll still continue doing this."


Karl looked at the three women walking down the stairs with light steps, observing their choice of outfit.

All of them had the same choice of outfit being a combination of sweaters, jeans and high heels, with the same light makeup application on their faces.

The only difference they have is the color of their clothes and their hairstyle.

Sophie has a blue sweater and dark blue jeans, her straight light brown hair falling down her back. Even with the sweater on, it couldn't hide the outline of her big breasts. She's also wearing her glasses.

Lucy has a white sweater and blue jeans, with her sweater being tucked in her jeans, showcasing her more slender body. Her wavy dark brown hair falls down her back.

Then there's Jannah with her blonder hair tied up in her favorite ponytail. She is wearing a yellow sweater with black jeans. The same with her mother, everyone could tell she has some big assets hidden beneath her sweater.

Anyone seeing this sight would have thought that the three were sisters due to their similar beautiful appearance.

Admiration and pride flashed in Karl's eyes. He unhesitatingly praised them, "You girls look beautiful as always."

In his mind, he half expected to see their blushing faces again as they grew embarrassed, like what happened yesterday.

But he was bound to be disappointed when all of them put their hands on their hips, chin raised and chest pushed outwards, posing in their usual smug look that he knew all too well as they all said in unison, "Of course we are. How many times have we already heard that not just from you but to everyone who sees us."

The three women thought at the same time, 'Hehehe you think you can catch us off guard two times in a row? Try harder next time sweetie/Karl/big bro.'

When this thought flashed in their minds, the smug grin on their faces got wider.

Speechless, Karl couldn't even think of saying anything else. So he just did what he thinks what's best. Walk out of the house and prepare the car.

While walking, he thought in his mind, 'Did they really change or not? Why are women so confusing?'

But what Karl didn't noticed and missed is the moment he turned around, the three girls' faces turned red while muttering quietly to themselves as they giggled, "Though we wouldn't mind you praising us hehehe."

Their voices was so low that even with Karl's heightened senses, he didn't hear them at all. Only the three heard each other and they smiled.

The three took a deep breath at the same time, their faces turning to normal before going after Karl. They took his arms and held them, making Karl look at them and saw them smiling at him.

"Hehehe, don't worry sweetie/Karl/big bro. You look handsome as well."

Their words brought a genuine smile on Karl's face. He didn't care about the fact that he isn't really that attractive compared to them, what he cared most was them complimenting him.

For him, hundreds of non-genuine compliments from people can never compare to a single genuine compliment, especially when his family is the one giving it.

Sophie, Lucy and Jannah felt their hearts beating faster when they saw Karl's smile. They all thought inwardly, 'So handsome.'

They were brought out of their trance when Karl coughed to get their attention. He said to them while pointing at his hand, "Ahem, I'm thankful that you feel that way. But can you let go of my hands for a second, I can't really prepare the car with this."

All of them quickly let go as Jannah slip her tongue in a playful way at Karl, "Heh we know that big bro, we're just teasing you since you might be feeling lonely without a girlfriend."

Karl subconsciously responded while opening the garage door, "How could I be lonely when I have three beautiful angels living with me?"

His words made the girls blush hard, but they were able to compose themselves before Karl noticed it when he turned his head to them.

"Besides, I don't really have any intentions of getting a girlfriend right now."

Sophie send a questioning look at him, "Are you sure sweetie? You know I wouldn't really mind if you get a girlfriend."

'Lies.' Lucy and Jannah thought this when they saw a brief hesitation in Sophie's eyes when she said the last part.

To which Karl didn't notice because he turned his head again and walked towards their family car, a normal black sedan car. The family didn't like being fancy at all so they just rolled with a normal car, nothing too fancy.

He unlocked the car and brought it to life, then looked at his mom and said simply, "Not really."

This brought a smile to the girls faces which confused Karl greatly. He didn't pay it any mind as he asked casually, "By the way, how about you sis and Jannah? Do you have boyfriends now?"

He didn't bother asking his mom since he knows that she is scared of being in a relationship again after what happened in the past. Though he did expect that it is also the same case for his sisters, he can't help but get nervous inside at their answer.

Lucy shook her head, "Don't have time for that. You know things are so busy in the hospital these days."

While Jannah had a disdainful look on her face, "Hmph how can I get one when all the boys who come to me are just horny simps."

He unconsciously smiled at their answer and relief flashed across his face, which the girls noticed immediately. Their eyebrows shot up, 'Ehhh? Is he happy that we don't have a relationship yet? Could it be...?'

"I see, well anyways will I be the one driving." Karl said to them to change the topic.

Sophie replied to him, "Can you sweetie?"

"Sure mom, no problem. Let's get going."

They all smiled as they started getting in the car. It was decided that Sophie would sit with Karl in the front seat while the two sisters in the back, which earned a jealous pout from the two which Sophie noticed in the rear view mirror. She smiled triumphantly at the the two, which made them pout even more.

Karl as busy as he is in getting the car out of the garage, didn't notice it.

Just like that, the car drove off towards the nearest mall while having fun in the car by talking to each other and singing along the radio.

They reached the mall right as the clock struck 9 am. Once they parked the car and entered inside the mall, Karl prepared his heart and said while hesitating, "Where to first?"

The girls smiled mischievously, all of them saying the dreaded word at the same, "Clothes."

Karl sighed bitterly, not even deciding to hide it, which caused the three to giggle. The sight of the three girls laughing at least made Karl a bit happy.

And so, the family, or rather the three girls had a fun time shopping clothes while Karl watched along the sidelines, bored, as they tried out different kinds of clothes then asking Karl's opinion to which he always answered that they were beautiful since it was the truth anyways, and buying the ones that they ultimately liked. They only bought clothes that are not revealing since what they hated more than anything are men ogling at them.

But even with their choice of clothes, their innate beauty couldn't stop some arrogant men from talking to them when Karl is not around, or at least tried to because the moment they even speak one word, they instantly rejected him.

Of course this was not done out of mere spite. It was because the three girls could always see the hidden lust in every man's eyes who tried to talk to them.

That's why they really appreciate Karl because even though he sometimes ogle at them as well, it was purely out of admiration, a trait of him that they all loved.

Still, they always get annoyed by men constantly trying to approach them, that's why everytime the girls go out, they always try to bring Karl with them since his tall stature helps keep some of those men away.

Karl also wouldn't reject their request because he knows how annoyed they are and ever since the accident happened in the past, he gave himself the responsibility of protecting them as the sole man of the house. But Karl is never the type to be over protective, in fact he wouldn't stop those men from talking with his family, because he knows that they are also powerful in their own ways.

Anyways, by the time they were done shopping, it is half past 10 so the family decided to have an early lunch before buying groceries then going back home. Good thing that the girls didn't buy a lot of clothes so Karl didn't bother putting it in the car first before eating.

They ate at a fast food restaurant and the moment they left the door of the restaurant, something popped up in front of them and it was accompanied by a bell like sound that alerted the family.

It was like a holographic screen that can be commonly seen these days since currently on the year 2099, the world's technology is advanced enough to make these kind of things.

Though what alerted the whole family is because of two reasons: one, the holographic screen didn't came from them and two, the content of it.

The screen was all black, and the only words written on it with a red color is:

[Apocalypse is starting in: 1:00:00]

Not even a split second passed that Karl's fist passed through the screen. Then a second later, the time on the screen changed.

[Apocalypse is starting in: 0:59:59]

zekhe zekhe

I'm sorry for the late update and also I hope you don't mind the times where I compress what the three girls are saying in just one sentence, since I think it's a great way of showing how they think alike when Karl's the topic.

Also speaking of the family, do you guys perhaps have better nickname that you can think of not just for Karl but also for the girls as well. Kindly continue giving suggestions for the story, I really appreciate them all.

Thank guys for reading again. Have a fun day :)

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