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Chapter 2: Chapter Two

Eventually, Tayler and Guy walked out and the principal followed behind. 

"Come on, Robin. Your turn to tell your side of the story."

I got up and followed Mr. Haverson into his office and sat in the chair on the opposite side of his desk. 

"I've spoken to the nurse, our talk should only take a minute then you go ask her to tend to your head." He spoke sympathetically and I smiled as I thanked him. 

He wanted me to explain what happened so I did, as best I could. Afterwards, he gave me his sympathies and sent me to the next room to get my head cleaned up and bandaged. On my way out, I decided to ask him the question that's been playing on my mind. 

"Tayler won't get into any trouble for this will he? He was just looking out for me."

His face dropped as he replied, "As much as I'd like to say no, because he did what he did to defend you, it is my job to give the correct punishment and he does have two weeks of detentions."

"I understand, thank you." I left and Tay was sitting in the chair outside, head in his hands. 

I spoke softly, still afraid to talk to him, "Tay?" 

He looked up at me but still didn't speak to me. I sighed and just decided to continue with what I wanted to say. 

"I'm sorry I got you into trouble. This was my fault." I broke eye contact and looked down at the floor. 

A few seconds of awkward silence passed, I could feel him looking at me but he still didn't speak. I turned around but as I tried to leave he grabbed my wrist. Finally, I got a moment to look at him properly. His eyes were tired and red looking and his face had a dark shadow on it, showing that he clearly hadn't shaved this morning. He normally always shaved. The deep rasp of his voice startled me as he spoke. 

"This wasn't your fault. Okay, Rob?" His voice was normal, except sad. 

I felt tears well up in my eyes, hearing him call me that again meant so much but also hurt so bad. My throat was tight so I knew if I spoke he'd hear that I was about to cry. 

I nodded and he sighed, seemingly disappointed. He let go of my arm and I walked away as quickly as I could, I didn't want him to see me cry. The tears fell as I got towards the entrance of the school. I couldn't be here anymore. As I reached the parking lot at the back I got really dizzy and leant against the wall. My eyes closed and my head dropped back against the cool bricks behind me. I stood there for a while, not ready to move. The tears didn't stop falling and I felt like I was about to pass out. I heard footsteps coming towards me and stop next to me but I felt too tired to look up and see who was there. 

I woke up and I was laid across the back seats of a car. My eyes opened and I saw Tayler in the driver's seat, looking pissed at something. 

"What happened?" My voice croaked as I spoke. 

"You passed out." He didn't look at me, just continued to drive not saying another word. 

After a few minutes, I couldn't bare the silence. 

"Where are we going?" 

"Hospital. You probably have a concussion."

"How do you know? I don't want to go to the hospital." I argued back. I hate hospitals. 

"You're going. I know because I know, you have all the symptoms." He didn't seem like he was gonna let up so I shut up for a while. 

I tried to pull myself up to sit instead but I felt too weak. I didn't want Tayler to realise so I shifted slightly to make it look like I was just moving my position. After a few minutes, I managed to sit slumped against the car door so I could look out the window. 

"I like trees, Tay. Especially when I'm in cars." My voice was soft and quiet but I knew he heard me when we made eye contact through the mirror. 

lt, putting his head in his hands for a moment. I spoke his name, softly. He didn't look up until he reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a red box with a yellow bow on it. He got out of the car and walked round to my door, opening it and signalling for me to move over so he could get in. After sitting down next to me, he handed me the box and looked at me as I looked down at it. 

"What is this?" 

"You're birthday present. Happy belated birthday, Rob." Tears welled up in my eyes. He called me Rob again. "Please don't cry, I always get you a birthday present." We laughed and I untied the bow from the top of the box. 

It was rectangular and quite thick, I wasn't sure what was in there but I knew I'd love it. He always knew just what to get me. I lifted the lid and gasped when I saw what was inside. A gorgeous, really old copy of my favourite childhood book. The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton. Tears filled my eyes and I pulled Tayler in for a hug. 

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I sobbed lightly into his shoulder and he laughed. 

"Open the first page, Robin."

I did and I was stunned when I saw what was inside. It was dated 1943.

"Is this… A first edition?" I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. If I remember rightly, 1943 was the year the book came out. It can't be, can it? I must be wrong. I looked up at Tay, tears still in my eyes and he nodded. I broke down again and he giggled and hugged me. 

We stayed there for a while, and he just held me as I cried. This has been my favourite book my entire life and it was because of Tayler's dad. He introduced me to it and every time I slept over, he'd read me some of it. When he died, I read the book over and over again, every night. Then I lost my copy and cried for so long. Tayler always said he'd buy me another some day. That was 5 years ago, I didn't think he'd remembered. 

"I miss him, Tay. He was like a dad to me, too." He sighed, still hugging me as I cried. 

"I know, Rob." He slid his arm out from behind me and got back into the driver's seat, "Now, let's get your concussed ass to the hospital before you pass out again."

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