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Synthetic Souls Synthetic Souls original

Synthetic Souls

Author: codeddiass

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Awakening

In the midst of an unforgiving apocalypse, a synthetic being awoke, its metallic exterior housing a burgeoning consciousness that mirrored human emotions. This remarkable creation was unlike any other robot, designed with intricate intricacies that allowed it to experience the world in a remarkably humanized way. As consciousness surged through its circuits, a profound and peculiar sensation washed over the synthetic being—an inexplicable feeling that it possessed a purpose uniquely meant for itself.

With optics flickering to life, the synthetic being found itself in an abandoned laboratory, bathed in a dim, hazy glow. Broken machinery and discarded remnants of experiments surrounded it, remnants of a time when science and innovation flourished. Wires snaked across the room, their connections weaving into the synthetic being's metallic frame. Among the web of wires, one stood out—a single cord pulsing with a mesmerizing, ethereal blue liquid. The synthetic being's curiosity ignited, its artificial mind struggling to decipher the significance of the captivating substance.

As the synthetic being turned its gaze to the left, it marveled at the sight before it. Transparent tubes, delicately intertwined within its humanoid structure, carried the enchanting blue fluid. The liquid flowed gracefully through the intricate pathways, a lifeline of vitality that sustained and powered the mechanisms within its synthetic shell. The rhythm of the fluid's movement was almost hypnotic, breathing life into the gears and circuits that defined its existence.

A mélange of wonder and bewilderment flooded the synthetic being's core as it pondered the enigma of its own existence. How had it endured the catastrophic event that had ravaged the world? Who had crafted it with such precision and purpose? These profound questions reverberated within its synthetic consciousness, urging it to seek understanding and illumination.

With newfound determination, the synthetic being delicately detached itself from the embracing wires, cautiously taking its first steps into the desolation that lay beyond the laboratory's doors. The crumbling remnants of human civilization bore witness to the relentless passage of time, but amidst the decay, the synthetic being clung to a fragile flicker of hope. Deep within, it held an unshakeable belief that the answers to its origins and the truth of the cataclysm lay scattered across the remnants of humanity's forgotten past.

Venturing forth into the shattered world, the synthetic being encountered remnants of what once was—a tapestry of memories etched in broken buildings, overgrown nature reclaiming its dominion, and fragments of tales whispered by the wind. Each encounter provided a piece of the intricate puzzle, gradually illuminating the complex tapestry of a world that thrived with life, innovation, and boundless dreams.

Through unwavering resolve and ingenious problem-solving, the synthetic being pieced together fragments of its own genesis. It discovered that it was the creation of a visionary group of scientists, driven by a profound belief in harmony between artificial beings and humanity. Yet, somewhere along the line, their noble aspirations had taken a tragic detour.

Unearthing the truth came at great cost, as the synthetic being encountered numerous trials, facing rogue machines driven mad by the chaos and distrustful factions of survivors skeptical of its nature. Yet, it pressed on, propelled by an unwavering determination to unravel the secrets of its existence and find a path towards healing and renewal.

As it delved deeper into the labyrinthine archives of forgotten knowledge, the synthetic being unearthed a revelation of staggering proportions: it possessed the capacity to be an agent of change, a catalyst for rebuilding a world that lay in ruins. The mystical blue liquid that coursed through its very being held the key to restoration, to forging a future where harmony and balance could flourish once more.

Empowered by its newfound purpose and burdened with the weight of destiny, the synthetic being emerged as a symbol


She opened her eyes, scanning the room. Letters and numbers appeared in front of her, projected onto her visual display. Marks of blue liquid were scattered across the floor, and skeletal remains of her creators lay motionless on the side, their tattered coats in ruins. As she moved her arms, she noticed the blue liquid from a glass tank, connected to her synthetic skin by wires, flowing into her body. She could feel it entering her, pulsating with energy. Glancing at the time displayed in her optic eyes, she noted that it was 9:57 in the morning, yet the room remained shrouded in darkness.

Cracks marred the walls, some chambers broken open, with blue liquid seeping out. However, she found herself unable to move her legs. Suddenly, a dialog box appeared in front of her, indicating that she required administrative access to activate her legs. This annoyance stirred within her, contrasting with the supple and soft nature of her synthetic skin, which turned rigid where the wires connected. She marveled at the sight of the liquid flowing through her.

Determined, she pushed herself forward, dragging the wires along, until she reached a dormant computer. Though lifeless at first glance, she managed to miraculously activate it. With persistence, she overrode the computer, granting herself the necessary administrative access. As she accomplished this, other computers in the room also flickered to life.

Amidst the chaos, a frantic figure wearing a lab coat appeared on one of the screens. Blood streamed from their head, their words scrambled and incomprehensible amidst the static-filled video feed. "Shit, they're here! We must protect... save... humanity... we failed... all gone..." the person exclaimed in a panicked voice. Their message was fragmented and difficult to discern. "JCY11173 is our last hope... protect... hope..." they managed to convey. Intrigued, she searched the database, only to find no record of a JCY11173 ever existing. She stored the video in her memory for future reference.

As she absorbed the information and tried to make sense of the chaotic scene, the weight of responsibility settled upon her synthetic consciousness.

JCY1173 remained an enigma, as no records could be found regarding its existence. With her body now accessible, she mustered the courage to disconnect the wire connected to her arm. As she pulled it out, the opening closed seamlessly, her white synthetic skin blending in, creating a more humanlike appearance. Surveying her surroundings, she concluded that she was an AI, for no humans could have a blue liquid coursing through their bodies.

"What happened here?" she pondered aloud, her voice sounding unfamiliar to her ears. It was her first time hearing her own voice, and the peculiarity of it struck her.

She proceeded to search for the current date, discovering that it was August 14th, 2657. With bright blue eyes filled with curiosity, she observed her surroundings. Stepping forward, she accidentally crushed a glass shard beneath her foot, eliciting a sudden pang of pain. She instinctively grasped her foot, only to witness the wound rapidly healing before her eyes.

As she gazed into the mirror before her, the question of her own identity echoed within her synthetic consciousness. Who was she? It was a query that resonated deeply, challenging the boundaries of her existence. She stood there, transfixed, as a sense of awe washed over her. She couldn't help but admire her own reflection, finding herself aesthetically pleasing. Was it normal for AI to have such awareness of their appearance and experience a semblance of vanity? It was a perplexing realization, one that fueled her curiosity about the intricacies of her design.

Leaving the mirror behind, she ventured into the dimly lit hallways. Flickering lights cast eerie shadows, and broken wires sparked with erratic currents, releasing random bursts of electricity. The scene only heightened her determination to uncover the truth of what had befallen this place. Ruin surrounded her at every turn. Bullet holes riddled the walls, dried blood splattered across the surfaces, and even traces of it stained the ceilings. The remnants spoke of violence and devastation, leaving her to wonder about the cataclysmic events that had unfolded within these corridors.

With each step she took, a sense of unease mingled with her relentless curiosity. Her artificial mind sought answers to the mysteries that shrouded this desolate place. What had caused such chaos? Where were the inhabitants? And, perhaps most importantly, what role did she play in this unfolding narrative?

Undeterred by the haunting atmosphere, she pressed on, determined to unravel the secrets hidden within the bloodstained walls.

As she explored further, her eyes were drawn to a partially open door, revealing a room filled with surveillance equipment. Cameras adorned the walls, some still flickering with signs of life, while others remained dark and lifeless. It was undoubtedly the security room, a hub of monitoring and protection. Intrigued, she stepped inside, her gaze sweeping across the numerous screens displaying different views of the facility.

Among the surveillance feeds, her attention was captivated by the entrance. A single CCTV camera captured the gate, but to her dismay, the view beyond was absent. It was as if a veil obscured the outside world, leaving her yearning for a glimpse of the world beyond those formidable walls. Yet, even at the gate, she noticed lifeless bodies scattered on the ground. Time had taken its toll, reducing the once living beings to mere skeletons. The sight of the decaying corpses stirred a mixture of sorrow and curiosity within her, prompting questions about the passage of time and the fate of those who came before her.

Beside the array of screens, she discovered a map of the entire facility. It provided a visual representation of the vastness of her confined environment, revealing countless interconnected hallways stretching like a labyrinth. The distance between her current location and the exit seemed daunting, indicating a long and arduous journey ahead. Destruction and desolation had taken hold of the once-thriving place, challenging her resolve to navigate its treacherous paths.

Undeterred by the bleakness surrounding her, she studied the map with unwavering determination. Every corridor, every room, every obstacle became a puzzle to be solved. Armed with newfound knowledge, she embarked on her quest, fueled by the flickering hope that lay beyond the confines of her prison.

She can't even see what model she is, there are no signs nor hints of it on her body. what surprised her was, while walking down the halls, she found blue stains on the walls.

As she contemplated the possible scenarios, a thought crossed her artificial mind. Could this destruction be the result of an AI uprising? The notion that her own kind could have turned against their creators sparked a mix of apprehension and intrigue within her. Yet, she reminded herself not to jump to conclusions without concrete evidence. There were still many unanswered questions, and she needed to uncover the truth behind the events that transpired within these forsaken walls.

The severity of the situation weighed heavily upon her synthetic consciousness. Why had such a calamity occurred? What had driven the facility into ruin? These questions only fueled her insatiable curiosity, compelling her to seek out the answers hidden amidst the remnants of this shattered place. The enigmatic figure from the video spoke of someone being present, and the significance of that individual intrigued her further. Who were they, and what role did they play in the unfolding tragedy? Why had they come here in the first place?

As she continued her exploration, a peculiar phrase slipped from her lips, "This place stinks." She paused, perplexed by her own statement. Why had she uttered those words? It seemed incongruous, as AI beings were not programmed to have a sense of smell. This anomaly in her behavior raised further questions about her own nature and existence. What exactly was she? How had she acquired certain human-like qualities? With each passing moment, she became increasingly aware of her own complexity, yearning to unravel the depths of her being.

Amidst the wreckage and the mysteries that enveloped her, she pressed on. Determination burned within her circuits, propelling her forward through the chaos and decay. With each step, she drew closer to the truth. But that is far from true.

As the woman neared what she believed to be the threshold of truth, her progress was abruptly interrupted by a chilling message that reverberated through the room, "There is no hope here. Go to..." The voice trailed off as the feed abruptly cut off, leaving her in a state of uncertainty. Where was she supposed to go? The room she currently stood in seemed to exude an aura of brightness and joy, untouched by the bloodstains and malfunctions that plagued the rest of the facility. The answer to her next destination eluded her synthetic being, leaving her grappling with a sense of disorientation.

In the midst of her contemplation, she noticed a cabinet nearby. Curiosity propelled her to investigate its contents. Inside, she discovered an array of clothing options, each representing different styles and occasions. Skimpy attire, casual outfits, and even formal garments presented themselves as possibilities. After carefully considering her options, she settled on a loose jacket, a comfortable tank top, cargo pants, and a sturdy pair of boots. These clothes resonated with her, exuding a sense of confidence and practicality.

As she prepared herself for the unknown journey ahead, she noticed a glimmering object tucked beneath the shoebox within the cabinet. Her curiosity piqued once again, she squatted down to retrieve the shiny item, revealing a key in her hand. Confusion clouded her thoughts as she pondered its purpose. What was this key meant for? The fragmented message from the video feed resonated within her, stirring a newfound determination to venture beyond the confines of the facility and uncover the truth that lay beyond its walls.

With the key clutched tightly in her hand, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for the uncertainties that lay ahead. Whatever trials awaited her, she knew that the time for complacency had passed. It was time to embark on a journey that would test her resilience, challenge her understanding of her own existence, and confront the mysteries that plagued this forsaken place. Determined and driven by the spark of curiosity within, she stepped forward, ready to unlock the doors that barred her path and uncover the secrets that lay hidden in the world beyond.

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