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Chapter 14: Sword Skill Unveiled

Raven slowly opened his eyes to the gentle rays of sunlight seeping through the window, casting a warm glow across the room. It felt different, not the usual harsh glare he was accustomed to waking up to. He blinked, taking in the sight. The curtains weren't drawn tightly shut as they usually were, allowing the soft morning light to filter in.


"Guess I overslept," he mumbled to himself, stretching his arms above his head. It wasn't a problem, though. He remembered completing everything he needed to do the night before, a sense of relief washing over him. He wasn't late for anything, just enjoying a rare moment of extra sleep.


"System, open notifications."



[You have killed a mutated thorned rabbit

Your strength has increased by 0.002]


[You satisfied the condition to get the skill Regenerate]


[You satisfied the condition to get the skill Heal]



Raven pressed on the skills he got



Regenerate Lv(0) {passive}

Conditions: heal yourself from a hundred different injuries (at least one has to be from an outside force)


Effect : Your wounds regenerate automatically by absorbing some of your mana (depending on the wound).



Heal Lv(0) {Active}

Conditions: Perform healing magic on at least a hundred different wounds.


Effect: Healing light soothes and closes wounds, restoring energy.

Mana consumption depends on the wound severity.


"Great, that's how you can hit two birds with one stone."

Ravn shouted a little loudly without even noticing.


"Now I can spare the mana used on healing myself from injury, and maybe focus on acquiring other skills," he exclaimed to himself. "And if I get injured, this skill will probably level up. But I still don't know if skills can level up or if they're stuck at the same level as me."


"System, can I level up my skills?" Ravn inquired, hoping for a response.


'I guess it can only answer certain questions,' he mused to himself, recognizing the limitations of the system.


Raven washed up, the sound of water splashing against the basin echoing lightly in the room. Emerging refreshed, he greeted each family member with a smile as he made his way to the breakfast table, where the aroma of freshly prepared food filled the air. Conversations hummed around him, filled with the strange warmth of family ties.


Taking his seat, Raven enjoyed a brief but pleasant meal, the taste of home cooking lingering on his palate. As he finished, he felt a sense of purpose tugging at him, drawing him towards the place everyone anticipated him to go. With a nod to the family, he rose from the table,determination shining in his eyes.


I'm heading to the training room now; see you later," he announced, his words trailing behind him as he darted out of the kitchen and towards the training room, eager to hone his skills and embark on his journey.


He sprinted eagerly towards the training room, the anticipation fueling each stride. After what felt like an eternity, he finally reached the familiar entrance, a rush of excitement coursing through him.


"It's still amazing, no matter how many times I've seen it," he exclaimed, awe shining brightly in his eyes as he took in the sight before him.


Unexpectedly, upon entering the training room, Raven found a goblin meditating in the center of a large mana-gathering magic circle. The creature seemed deep in concentration, its eyes closed as it focused on gathering mana.


Raven paused, not wanting to disturb Marcus meditation. Instead, he decided to focus on his own tasks.


"I better not bother him and start reading the book Thorne gave me," he thought to himself, reaching for the book and settling into a nearby chair to begin his studies.


Raven opened the book, his eyes scanning each page with meticulous care, absorbing as much information as he could with each word.


"I guess my weakness shows in things like these as well," he mused quietly to himself, recognizing his struggles with academic pursuits.


"Perhaps I should focus on physical training, honing my body to remember the moves," he reasoned, contemplating a more hands-on approach to complement his studies.

Raven stood up and went to a stand where an array of weapons gleamed. Carefully observing each sword, he assessed its weight, balance, and grip before selecting one that felt most natural in his hand. As he wielded it, a sense of familiarity washed over him.


"I see, old habits die hard," he mused quietly, acknowledging his instinctual approach to choosing a weapon based on years of training and experience.


With the sword in hand, he executed a series of basic moves, testing its responsiveness and maneuverability, reaffirming his connection to the weapon and his martial skills.


"Now it's time to see what this book can teach me," Raven whispered to himself as he placed the book on a nearby table. With his mind focused, he began to read, absorbing the knowledge within its pages while attempting to replicate the moves described.


As he tried to imitate the intricate maneuvers, he found it more challenging than he had anticipated. "That's harder than I thought it would be," he admitted to himself, feeling the strain of unfamiliar techniques.


"But this sword skill... it's incredibly complex, with strange movements," he observed, recognizing the depth of skill required to master the art described in the book.


As Raven immersed himself in the book, he encountered a sword skill that intrigued him deeply. The movement was a blend of elegance and precision, with each motion executed with a fluid grace that belied its deadly intent.


The skill began with a subtle shift of weight, followed by a swift step forward. With a deft flick of the wrist, the sword arced through the air in a graceful arc, slicing through imaginary opponents with ease. As Raven continued to read, he visualized the intricate footwork and the intricate patterns of the blade, each movement flowing seamlessly into the next.


He could almost feel the weight of the sword in his hand as he imagined himself performing the technique. Every twist and turn, every parry and thrust, was executed with the precision of a master swordsman.


As he read on, Raven became increasingly captivated by the artistry of the sword movement, determined to perfect it through diligent practice and unwavering dedication.



Raven's focus intensified as he delved deeper into the description of the sword skill. The movement was like a dance of steel, with each step and strike meticulously choreographed for maximum efficiency and lethality.


Starting with a subtle shift of weight, the practitioner would lunge forward with fluid grace, the blade slicing through the air in a swift, controlled arc. As Raven visualized the intricate footwork and the precise movements of the blade, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the skill's complexity.


The technique required not only physical prowess but also mental acuity, demanding split-second decision-making and flawless execution. Every twist and turn, every parry and thrust, flowed seamlessly together in a deadly symphony of combat.


As he continued to study the technique, Raven's determination only grew stronger. He knew mastering such a skill would require countless hours of practice and unwavering dedication, but the prospect of becoming a true swordsman fueled his resolve.


With renewed determination, Raven set aside the book and stood up, sword in hand. With each movement, he began to mimic the intricate maneuvers described in the text, determined to make the technique his own through diligent practice and unyielding perseverance.


With a deep breath, he visualized himself executing the technique with precision and finesse. The subtle shift of weight, the fluid motion of the blade—every detail played out in his mind's eye as he mentally rehearsed the movements before continuing the training.


As he moved through the sequence, Raven felt the rhythm of the technique come alive within him. Every twist and turn, every strike and parry, flowed together in a seamless dance of steel.


Though he stumbled at first, Raven persisted, pushing through the initial difficulty with sheer determination. With each repetition, he felt himself growing more attuned to the nuances of the skill, his movements becoming smoother and more controlled.


Hours passed in a blur as Raven lost himself in the art of the sword. Sweat beaded on his brow, his muscles burning with exertion, but he pressed on undeterred. For him, this was more than just training—it was a quest for mastery, a journey towards becoming the warrior he aspired to be.


As the sun dipped below the horizon and the training room grew dim, Raven finally called a halt to his practice. Though physically exhausted, he felt a sense of exhilaration coursing through him. He knew that he still had much to learn, but with each passing day, he grew closer to unlocking the full potential of his skills.


Raven took a final look at the training room, and Marcus still didn't budge from his spot, with his eyes closed.

"It's time to go check the forest again."

Raven emerged from the training room to find Ronan waiting for him at the door. "We were worried about you and Sir Marcus. Where is he?" Ronan inquired with concern etched on his face.


"He's still inside, meditating. But I don't think you have to worry about him," Raven reassured Ronan, offering a reassuring smile.


Ronan nodded, visibly relieved. "My mom said to guide you to the kitchen once you get out, as you haven't eaten anything since breakfast."


Raven nodded in agreement, grateful for the reminder. "Lead the way," he said, following Ronan towards the inviting aroma of home-cooked food.


As Ronan guided Raven into the kitchen, the tantalizing aroma of home-cooked food greeted them. The table was adorned with an array of mouthwatering dishes, and Aveline and Cassia were bustling about, adding the final touches.


"Looks like you made it just in time for dinner," Aveline remarked warmly, gesturing towards the spread. "By the way, where is Marcus?"


"He's been meditating since this morning without budging," Raven replied, a note of concern in his voice.


Aveline's expression softened with understanding. "I see. It seems the encounter with the Void Legion took a toll on his mind," she said, her gaze momentarily clouded with sadness.


Raven nodded in agreement. "Yes, it appears so."


Aveline then turned to Cassia, her voice gentle yet firm. "Cassia, could you please go call your father and sister to join us for dinner?"


Cassia nodded eagerly, darting off to fulfill her mother's request. As Raven took in the scene, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the warmth and unity of this makeshift family, even in the face of adversity.



As the family gathered around the kitchen table, anticipation filled the air. Thorne's excitement was palpable as he urged everyone to dig into the delicious meal before them.


"Alright, let's dig in," Thorne exclaimed eagerly, a twinkle of excitement in his eyes.


As the meal progressed, conversation flowed freely among the family members. Thorne turned to Raven with curiosity shining in his eyes. "Did you try the sword technique from my grandfather's book?"


Raven nodded, a sense of determination evident in his expression. "Yeah, it's complicated and requires a lot of training. But don't worry, I feel like I can master it," he replied confidently.


Turning to Ronan, Raven continued, "And I'll teach it to him as soon as I reach a certain mastery in it."


Thorne looked at Raven with admiration, pride swelling in his chest. "That's a relief," he admitted, his voice filled with emotion. "To know that I'll get to see my son perform my grandfather's unique swordsmanship."


After finishing dinner and bidding farewell to the family, Raven excused himself and made his way out of the kitchen. As he stepped into the cool night air, determination burned brightly in his heart.


"It's time to continue exploring the forest to see what the reason is for the mutation," he thought to himself, his resolve firm as he set out into the darkness, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.



As Raven ventured through the forest entrance, a familiar, eerie sound pierced the stillness of the night, sending a shiver down his spine. It echoed hauntingly, reminiscent of the chilling cry he had heard on his first night sleeping in the forest.


"What is that sound?" Raven's mind raced with questions as he strained to locate the source of the eerie cry. "Could it be the same presence that haunted me before?"


His heartbeat quickened with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Despite the unease gnawing at him, a part of him felt drawn to unravel the mystery concealed within the depths of the forest. With each step, the sound grew louder, its haunting melody echoing through the trees, urging him to press on into the unknown...

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