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Chapter 16: Chapter 15 A stage set

Konrad POV: A few years after finding Corvus

In the bridge of the Night Fall, Konrad slams his fist on his command throne before openly grumbling.

"Damn those toaster fuckers and their stupid religious beliefs. I don't know why my father tolerates their existence. Maybe he is simply setting the problem aside to be dealt with after securing human dominance of the stars I'll never know."

Ruling the bridge of his nose, he calls a servant forward.

" Contact the head egineer I need to speak to him"

With a bow, the servant walked off to find the engineer. I looked around the command deck and slowly focused on many of the scavenged tech and broken mechanicus items.

"Fuck those cyborg fucks I don't need them to fix my shit I can use my own engineers."

Looking back at many scavenged laser weapons and reactors and idea comes to mind.

"That's it!"

"What's it, my lord?"

turning to the engineer now on the command deck. I see a man wearing an environmentally sealed jumpsuit and a gyger counter possible from repairing the engine damage from the last pirate battle from suicidal ram by said pirates.

"Reactors and if we can harness the energy of our gauss technology, we will have a great amount of ammo and ease of replenishment from our onboard generators. With this, we can stop working with small engagements to avoid waste of resources due to a refusal of mechanicus support."

"The idea has merit my lord, and it would be most welcome to never have to barter with those technofiles."

With a wave of my hand to the captured equipment

"Well, get to it and bring and report of progress to me. I shall also oversee its development personally. If you need any resources to help get it done, let me know, and you shall have it."

With a nod, the engineer leaves the room with another group of servants, taking the captured technology to the engineers' workshop. Turning to the right of the throne, I give another order to my shadow.

"Give out the orders to all agents to acquire any laser and small fuse or reactor blueprints no matter the cost. And continue the subtle information campaign against the mechanicus, for I shall see them unable to expand any further with civil unrest and fund any loyal non fanatics to possibly take over their forges."

With orders given, I'm met with a barely audible to the human ear, but it's perfectly clear to me.

"Your will be done, my lord,"

Turning towards the helmsman, I give the order to move towards Colchis knowing well I will meet up with father and my cycolpean brother.

(It's time I dealt with a severe problem before it has a chance to begin and possibly remove a source of corruption.)

Knowing time is of the essence, I give a demand to use an experimental FTL device to give us the greatest chance to get there before or during the emperors arrival.

"Helmsman activate the inertialess drive. May our journey prove profitable to our research of non warp based drives."

I can tell when the device activated when the power flickers with our shield switching to maximum along with many of our bulkheads are sealed. All throughout my fleet, I can see the same actions taking place as we begin to gain speed to the point that the stars themselves seem to stretch to mere lines of light. Within about twenty-four hours, we crossed about a third of the way to our destination when the first problems began with red lights and sirens blaring.

"Slow our speed. Our ship can't handle this velocity for long. At this rate, we shall reach our target in a week's time." ( If I could just find an abandoned necron ship, I could figure out how their ships could sustain such a strain to its hull. Perhaps when possible of a solution is found, such trips could only take a few days.)

Arriving at our destination, I demand a sit rep from all captains and a survey of the crew of the night fall.

"Sir, all ships report power outages, and a slow return to normal parameters and reports from the crew is mostly reports of minor vertigo and whiplash to those not expecting our stop or not able to find secure seating even the magnetic locks of your sons seemed effective at stopping movement from the quick reduction of speed." Reported the helmsman.

"Give a proposal to any free engineers to design proper secured areas to be made across all ships for everything from normal humans to astartes."

After giving the order, many repairs and status reports begin. About an hour later, the legion currently not on suppressant missions deploy to the planet surface sense it seemed we arrived before my father could arrive giving me free reign to 'clean house'.

Arriving to the surface, my sons and I were met with a collective of priests and the head priest, my brother Lorgar. Deciding to speak before tensions rise.

"I am your brother, and I have arrived here today to prepare you for the arrival of our father and to deliver judgment on those who may seek to bring Chaos." I stated to my brother, Lorgar.

"So our holy father approaches. I would wish you to join us in prayer to our father and what judgment you would seek on my home." He asked

"I should start with that our father has designed us to seek certain virtues, and mine is justice along with a gift for sight into the future. I'm his judge, jury, and executioner. As for prayer, I find myself more busy with delivering justice and preventing many threats to our fathers domain." I answered.

See for a brief moment his annoyance with my lack of reverence to our father, which he quickly covers with his mask of kindness. For hours I along with my brother, would scour the planet with many of its priests being executed as I reveal their true beliefs, and many still believed in their old gods and it all was going rather smoothly till I came across two people Khor Phaeron and a still human erebus.

"For you Khor I judge you a abuser and a vile man to ever grace humanity with your life" Raising my claw to strike down to now fearful human I feel a hand grab my arm and with a plea to spare him for raising him and looking upon my brother I give a simple statement that shocks him enough to give me time to remove the humans head.

"He holds no care for you only the benefits he could use you for his own advancement and to use you as a tool for his gods."

After killing the worm of a man, I turn to the young man that I know to already be a monster in human skin.

"You are already a devotee to the dark gods and all I see is darkness that you would bring upon the galaxy and how you take what should never be taken and how you already deem yourself a hand of fate but with your death you shall be devoured by the very beings you worship."

With the final word given, I rip the head from the young man before simply dropping it and crushing the skull under boot, grinding it into nothing more than a wet paste. Turning to my brother, I give only a single warning before leaving him and the planet itself, knowing that father shall arrive the next day.

"Be careful of religion, brother, for many corrupted souls will use it to mask their true intentions to damn many souls to damnation along with them and most of all believe in our fathers plan for he may not yet be a God he holds many futures that he will naturally become one to guard humanity's very souls from the dark"

With my statement, give me and my sons leave the newly cleaned planet and leave my brother thinking upon my warnings of religion.

Looking upon the planet from my ship, I can already see many of the darker futures become sealed to never happen as its harbinger was destroyed.

It was on the return journey that I would receive word of progress of the upgrading of the knight blueprints given by the few knight worlds brought to heel by my legion. Looking upon the holo display of the files and the many upgrades, turning the once sluggish mech into machine of great destruction with many destroyer cannons capable to even fell large titans and even destroy the shields of void ships. Looking upon the designs that now resemble what many of konrads old life would call a super sized gundam, I approve the making of it and for the control of such machines to be rewarded to the already growing core of officers among the military of my empire. Of course, I also approved a kill switch to be installed to my ship to merely turn them off remotely should it fall into enemy hands. For months, I would continue the progress of bringing planets to heel with all manner of torture to the galaxies, most greedy nobles so arrogant to try and revolt even to the point of accidently creating a proto krieg as a force of imperial soldiers held a hive from rebel control before releasing a single virus bomb evening the odds and if it wasn't for my intervention the grinding fight would continue but with it a grim army was made and I had its allegiance with its troops merged into thr legio noctis as trench warfare specialists in their bio warfare. My personal crusade of bringing justice upon criminals was halted by a call of reinforcement by the Iron Lord my brother, perturabo, for he required help more than he would ever admit to. And unknowingly to me at the time, but it would be my first introduction to a race I could not read and a great war to be fought alongside my brother, which will create a bond so strong it would save him from damnation.

Gathering all of my legion, knowing only one threat that might give my brother a true fight. I've given the order to recall all of my sons and legions to gather and a mass order to all factories to begin the mass expansion of new weapons and ships to be made and with the newly named destroyer knights[ A group of five upgraded knights] gathered a true war and a first true fight for Me is about to begin for the Hrud must be destroyed and perhaps to help shape the iron warriors and their primarch.


Hello, Author here

I know it's been a while since I updated, but I've been quite busy, and the next few chapters would be theory crafting of the war of the hrrud expect many things to not make sense with both sides being rather OP. I do hope I set a proper stage for it.

Hope yall continue to read.

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