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Chapter 46: Cherished by their Crimson King

"I get the feeling that Professor Colt has a bone to pick with you...we're always the one he picks on to clean up the gym" Torren talked Erai's ear off as they were gathering the rest of the equipment, coming across Ren from Class 1B, as he swept the floors.

"Everyone gets assigned the same task during joint PT class. Can't exactly say that sweeping the gymnasium is all that fun either. Crazy that the last time we spoke was in this place " he added though the sweat riddled across his forehead showed he was just as worn.

"The Configuration, huh? Everyone was so tense from what happened before that I almost forgot" Erai tried to laugh off the awkwardness.

"Yeah, I don't blame you. The name's Ren Gladiolus, you're Shynerai right?"

"I kinda feel bad for forgetting yours. It's nice to meet you."

"It would seem that Class B and Class F would like to extend their joint-training by another hour...unless they hurry up with the cleaning" the lecturer's voice boomed across the hall at the trio, prompting them to get back to work.

"See you around, Shynerai"

"Seriously! How did he spot us from across the gym...did you take a piss in his coffee or something" Torren teased him as they stocked up the equipment room.

At the sound of the bell, the professor gave the room a quick once over before letting them go. Signalling the end of the day. While Torren and Erai moved to the locker room, they received a notification from Ketsu to stop by the classroom after they were done.

They soon left the gym on their way to the school buildings.

"I feel like we should have stopped for snacks before coming here, I'm starving..."

"Not sure about snacks, but I'm definitely starving, wonder what they got for us back home" Erai answered with the same desire as they got into the classroom.

"Wow, you guys are actually early for a change, what happened?" Tersia mocked the hungry duo who wore their fatigue in an obvious display.

"Just starving, can't believe how fast we burned through our lunch..." Erai blurted as they joined the group. Waiting only for a few minutes before Ketsu would arrive alongside Stephen and Sergei.

"Ah, you're all here already, that's Good" closing the door as the rest got seated.

"Ketsu, I really do enjoy these afterschool meetings, but I could literally eat a horse right now. Did we really need to be here...I mean all of us?" Torren joked, despite Erai's silent glares protesting.

"Mr Sujin, you're correct. However, I wanted to treat you all for a job well done while we discussed something important"

"A treat??" the group resounded as though they were a choir.

"Ah huh. My treat, you guys have done pretty well for going along with my 'eccentric methods' so I thought why not have a little celebration.

Besides, the recovery therapy we received tends to burn through a full stomach" Smiling with a look of pride as their stomachs growled in a singular desire.

"Well, let's get going them" Torren leapt out of his chair towards the door in anticipation.

"Where do we plan on eating, Ketsu?" Stephen paused for a moment to ask as the class cleared out.

"Hmmm, let's just call it a surprise" Ushering Stephen out of the class as they were the last ones in the classroom.

They followed him out of the school grounds. Walking past the entrance to the tram station below and out of the school gates, Ketsu calls to them to start close as they made their way west through Deep City.

Going past a few places that caught the attention of those who were new to Aria, Stephen noted them as they came by. From the impressive sparkling glass dome of the Ivyfront Mall to the illustrious frame of the Halcyon Square general Hospital reaching high towards High City above.

"Hey, Ketsu...If we go any further, we might end up in the Sword Oak forest, or were you planning a camping trip this whole time?" Stephen questioned with an unusual tone.

"Oh, there's a pretty good hole in the wall...right over there." Getting to the outskirts of the Western Edge, a lush stretch of tall redwoods piercing the sky above, as though they were a field of discarded blades.

With various roads cutting into the cover of the canopy, Ketsu guided them to a nearby shop: "Bellerophon Dealership" where they were able to get a vehicle for them.

"Captain, since when are you allowed to drive?" they wondered, while he just continued to focus on the road with a shrug being all he could think off.

'I can't exactly explain what I do for the Student Council....but I am happy they at least listened to my demands, I don't think I want to see another Teleportation Seal for a long while.' he thought as the car tread across the road with an auburn glow cast from the tall lights along the way, through the forest.

Eventually, a sign up ahead caught Stephen and Ketsu's eye, bringing them to a stop.

"What! Why are we here! Ketsu...explain" jumping out of the car and checking his surroundings.

"That would be a little hard to explain.—" Ketsu responded as he parked not too far from the path that led away from the sign.

"By God, Steph is that you?" a voice from beyond the path that stretched from the sign boomed at the car.

"Huh. Hey Dad. It's been a while"


Before he could let out another word, the pale-brown mane of an approaching stalwart frame danced around to the wind as they stepped up and grabbed Stephen in their arms as though he was bound in the hands of a giant.

"You go off into the city and all of a sudden you stop talking to your family...what did they do to you to make you forget our ways" Squeezing him tighter and higher as his struggling lessened in the face of his father's grip.

"It's nice to meet you, sir. My name is Ketsuiko, a friend of your son. I set up a reservation earlier?" Ketsu walked up to the awkward pair and offered his hand.

"A friend, so you haven't forgotten our ways. It's a pleasure to meet you all, my name is Julio Markholdz and this walking scowl is my precious son. Welcome to our family restaurant, the 'Open Table'. Come on in." The vibrant figure used his impressive frame to shepherd the stunned group on the establishment

"Honey, we've got company. A table for 6 and one special guest!" He roared as they entered, with a presence that shook the calm ambience most the patrons were enjoying.

" planned this all along, I can't prove it but know you did" Stephen whispered to the inattentive Ketsu who seemed far too eager to meet his family.

"A quiet night does not mean an off night dear, you're gonna frighten the customers with all that yelling" "Now, what's this about a guest—" A lithe woman of pale moon beauty stepped out from beyond the counter, meeting the guests and revealing the glimmering blue eyes crowned by golden locks.

"Hi mom, it's been a while—"

"STEPH! You're home." Leaping towards the young man as if all other words she had heard meant nothing. But to everyone's shock, Stephen immediately took a step back.

"Training with your grandfather in secret, promising your father not to tell me anything, joining the Academy to become a Guardian, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" the lady's fair expression was replaced with a demonic fury as she chased down her wayward son.

They eventually came to a halt after Julio stepped in to quell his wife's wrath, only to be met by her full force, the shame of which brought calm to her as she returned with smiles and all to greet the terrified guests.

"Sorry about that dearies. Please come and sit, you all must be Steph's friends" she spoke with a surprisingly friendly air and led them to an empty table.

"This wonderful fireball of fury is my wife: Serana" Stephen's father tried to speak with a grasp of his nose to stop any more bleeding.

"Honestly, this was such a surprise, I can't fault her for her excitement" turning to his son who seemed locked in his mother's embrace.

"Oh, dear, look at this one, he's the spitting image of Yuzen dear, right down to the unruly hair" Commenting with a smile as she ruffled through Torren's hair.

"Excuse me but whose Yuzen?" Torren asked he tried to hide his fluster.

"Yuzen is Steph's little cousin, He used to follow him around all the time when they were kids, even before we came to the forest. He'd always try to play with him despite how pouty Steph would be. I always thought he was too embarrassed to tell him that he also liked to play."

A blue-eyed glare sparked from Stephen helped to keep any words Torren had at bay. Taking the warning to hold his tongue and return his attention to the delicious meal.

"Well what do you guys think, I don't want to hear any crap about our food" Stephen blurted just as his mother pulled on his ear.

"Language Steph...Please enjoy, there's more than enough"

"Ketsu, you said that we would be discussing something important right?" Stephen managed to free himself as he asked the delighted Captain.

"There are about 3 weeks left before the Carnival, which doesn't leave us with much time on our hands to get up to scratch."

"Do you have a training regime for us or something?" Tersia.

"Not quite, since they haven't disclosed the events that would take place, I couldn't reliably state what aspect requires focus. You'll all need to take the time to improve, and I'll make sure that you have what you need to do so" he answered.

"Alright, so what's the plan?"

"Tomorrow we're going to pay the Academy's Warsmith a visit."

"Warsmith, never heard of him? Is he the school's craftsman or something?" Stephen wondered as he passed the incoming tray of food to those nearby.

"It's a lot more complicated than that Stephen. From what I've heard, he is responsible for the upkeep of the Student General's Arms and even takes requests from students to make modifications, special treasures and the like. I managed to book a time with him, hoping he could help point us in the right direction when it comes to our abilities and maybe even get a certain someone a Soul Arm..."

Shynerai eyes beamed with excitement at the sound of those words:

"Finally a way to even out the playing field, couldn't help but feel like I was going to hold you all back in the Carnival. Going up against Class 1A was a lot harder than I expected, I barely won by surprising him"

"Using your opponent's arrogance to your advantage isn't a weakness. Its strategy. So don't fret, as long you keep doing all you can, you won't hold us back" the Captain assured him.

"Besides your lack of a Soul Arm still has you marked as an unknown quantity, so make no mistake I plan of making good use of it, for our class's strength lies in the fact that we are the unknown quantity. " Ketsu stood and spoke with a cadence that caught the attention of the patrons, while Stephen lessened the gaze on their table by seating him back down.

Finding it strange that his parents had not entertained his class' antics, Stephen turned to them to apologize only to find them cherishing their display:

"Look at him, honey, he has friends that actually listen to him...even with his abrasive personality our son didn't end up as an anti-social loner" much to the enjoyment of his classmates.

"That's enough about me, only eating good food and then going home" cutting their tearful words with his declaration, with the same piercing stare even silencing the snorts and chuckles that slipped out from his classmates.

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