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Chapter 4: Chapter 3 New Knowledge of the World and Strengthening the Soul

"And so, you will be reborn into our world as the third prince of our nation, the son of the Royal consort and general, Thelea Fortius Algorith and King Aiden Algorith the III, and shall be named, Joseph Algorith!"

- Rathra Stalings

The area I was in was dark, warm and squishy with some sort of liquid surrounding my body. A rhythmical heartbeat echoed throughout this enclosed room while the walls constricted and moved in certain moments. My physical form adhered to the room's movement and position whenever it changed. I knew where I was; I was in a woman's womb. I had nothing much to do but let my thoughts wander wherever it may be led to. Eventually, I remembered something very important in my former life. The soul methods! From what the Guardians of Thesin had done to me, I gained the most opportune time to utilize my soul methods to empower myself and strengthen my mana before my birth. Still, the information they gave me was something I couldn't have fathom...

The sounds of screams relapsed throughout the room, mentally creating chains that froze me in place. My mind was infested with intense fear for what was about to come, but it never came. Curiosity forced my eyes to open and I saw only myself and the six cloaked beings. Eventually, the agonizing screams faded into nothingness. I felt my soul becoming more defined again, and my ability to speak returned to me. My focus returned to Rathra, "So, I was chosen, right?"

"Indeed, you are. We chose you, but our matter hasn't been satisfied with your undefined response in how you explained your weapons. Though you are smart, I'll give you that, or else we might've chosen the other. And so, you shall be reborn into our world as the third prince of our nation, the son of the Royal consort and general, Thelea Fortius Algorith and King Aiden Algorith the III, and shall be named, Joseph Algorith!"

Something bugged me, however. I hd some research in the soul, but how is it possible for a soul transfer to another soul without repercussions? I've tried with some animals but they eventually died because of soul contradiction and rejection. Curious, I asked, "What do you mean by being reborn? Am I going to be transferred into a body? What would happen to the soul owner inside of the body? Isn't there going to be some soul rejection?"

"Yes and no. You are being transferred into a body but there is no former soul within it, so it hasn't recognized any owner yet. That crosses out the rejection. As for your soul, we will have to transform it into its infancy stage, while losing soul power in the process, but you'll still maintain your memories."

"Doesn't that mean people here could be immortal, in a sense, using that method?"

Rathra stood blankly before abruptly laughing as if she heard the most hilarious and ridiculous joke. The other five also chuckled, while I stood there, understanding a bit of why they laughed. Immortality. How would that be easy to gain? Eventually, the laughter died down and Rathra began to speak again.

"I didn't know you were a jester too. Do you think immortality is like the air that you could breathe whenever you want? There have only legends of a few people that have reached this stage, however, they seemed to have disappeared, retreated or died because of some unknown circumstance. One of the reasons that we can't do this method to ourselves is because of the amount of magic that'll be needed. At least, it takes around two hundred years to eventually regain the necessary power to utilize this spell formation. The second reason is the most important one. Our souls have already been marked by our body, while souls that are summoned, pass through the void and erases their marks. It's like a cleansing process for you but if we try to erase ours, either destruction or degradation will happen. We can't use the void because there is no checkpoint for the soul to use as a return point. For example, the races' spell formation uses other dimensions' strength to push a soul towards our dimension. And this is random because we have no coordinates, not even our own."

"I see," I replied with my curiosity satisfied. Yet, another question popped up. They said that they're only allowed to have four summoned heroes, but there must be a gap of two hundred years in each of them. Why is it only four and how is it possible that the hero is still alive unless they increase their lives through someway. And so I questioned.

"I just remembered, how does one increase their life span? Your hero is still alive yet it's been two hundred years past. Also, is there a reason for the cap limit of four heroes?"

"These are the last questions I can answer and I'll make it quick because the spell is almost over. We increase our lives by strengthening ourselves with auras and mana. Eventually, a man can live up to one thousand and five hundred years old or more. It'll also depend on the race, but I'll let you find that out yourself. As for the cap limit, It's because of the power scroll created by the ancestors, the one I've told you about. Even if it disappears, the scroll's remaining powers will destroy all forms of summoning along with locking our dimension, unless something powerful overwhelms the barricade. But that's nearly impossible. As for why this happened, it's because a tragedy had occured in the past with otherworlders involved."

When my thoughts processed this information, the main info that I desired disappointed me. It meant that I can't go back anymore. Rathra took off her hood suddenly, along with the others. Her face is one of beauty, one that could either be a model or idol. It consisted of high cheekbones, tannish skin, a small nose, brunette hair and sharp, metallic silver eyes. But within these eyes was a bit of sympathy as if she knew what I thought beforehand. Her lips parted, "This it. We'll transfer you to the unborn child now. Our time has reached its limit. One last thing, we won't be able to contact you as we will fall into a deep sleep for twenty-five years. Hopefully, during this duration, you will create a surprise for us when we come back. Remember, you have twenty-six years."

Suddenly, their objects became shiningly bright, and if I had my regular eyes, I'd probably be blinded for minutes. Before I could speak, My mind blanked out…

My thought process was interrupted due to the sudden of my future mother. I think she began to move at high speeds. Since I'm still in my initial form, my body isn't affected much except for the fact that womb deforms. Though I continued my meditation to increase my soul and as I did, I think my mind became more acute in terms of memories and remembering. I could see certain memories, that I've long forgotten, popping up at the will of my mind. My body felt a smoothing circulation of my soul power running around, while the imagery of a gateway for my mana and aura improved in size, taking in a larger quantity. Eventually, time passed while I continued my boring meditations until the day of my birth.

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