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6.89% Tattooed

Chapter 2: A Legacy Whispered

Mo awoke with a groan, his body aching and a throbbing in his head. He found himself lying on the floor of a small, rundown house. The only light came from a single, grimy window, casting long shadows across the room.

He remembered the rope, the bruises, the strangulation... the suicide. This wasn't his body. This wasn't his life.

Panic surged through him, but then a voice broke through the chaos. "Hey! hey! you there Mo?"

Mo whipped his head around, searching for the source of the voice. "Joe?! Holy shit! I thought you're going to heaven after your soul dissipated?!"

"Hell yeah it is! We've done this a couple of minutes ago! Pu*sy!" Joe chuckled, though Mo couldn't see him.

"Okay, I don't have much time cuz my voice will be the only thing remaining so let's do this fast." Joe continued, his tone turning serious.

"I am in your soul right now and in any minute my conciousness will dissipate and ascend to heaven only leaving my voice as your "newbie guide". 

This voice will be the voice of your "gaming system", there are only 3 functions, "Status", "Tattoo" and "Combo". For now you can only use "Status" where you can see your current body status in numerical values like in the game. "Tattoo" lets you see the level and growth of your tattoo ability and "Combo", well this is your gift, unfortunately you can only use this after reaching "White brand 5th mark". 

Ohh by the way, there are 9 major tattooed levels or what is commonly known "brand" and in every brand level there are 5 minor levels called "mark". 

Brand level:











1st~5th Mark

The brand levels are divided into 3 realms. From Gray to Blue brand, people call them "Blessed Tattooed Warrior". From Green to Blood brand, people call them "Tattooed Kings" and from Bestial to Demonic brand they are called "Tattooed Legends". They are the peak experts of the continent that you are in."

"Wait! What about the Myth brand?" Mo hastily asked.

"They are on a completely different realm and not one can be found on the continent that you are in, they are called "History of the Tattooed". You will understand in the near future why the realm was called like that. So stop asking questions that are far away from you." Joe answered impatiently.

"Let me continue. In every major brand level, you will have an option to get another tattoo or upgrade your innate tattoo, and by the way, your innate tattoo is that mask. Getting another tattoo is much easier than upgrading your innate one, you will understand that in the future." Joe continued.

"Beware though, getting a tattoo needs to be with someone with a job of "Artist" and the "Artist" needs to be 1 major brand level higher than you. A fake tattoo would be considered a huge crime and you will be pursued by soldiers, mercenaries, the kingdom and even the beastial race until kingdom come." Joe casually said.

"There are thousands of jobs in this world like the "Artist" and do not think that only you have a system! Because there are reincarnated "immortal" gamers here in the world that has unique systems and even locals can have systems of their own when reaching Blue brand albeit weaker with only the first 2 functions." Joe added.

Mo was overwhelmed with information. Tattoos, brands, marks, levels... it was all so much to take in. But he knew one thing for certain: he was in a new world, a world where he had a chance to start over. And he wouldn't waste it.

He glanced down at his arm, where a dark mask stared back at him. It was his symbol, his connection to this world. This was the tattoo that would guide him on his journey.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. This was a new game, and he was ready to play.


Mo sat in silence, digesting the overwhelming amount of information Joe had imparted. Tattoos, brands, marks, continents, races – it was a lot to process. But amidst the chaos, a spark of excitement ignited within him. This was a new world, a blank canvas, and he, Mo Hardinger, was ready to paint his masterpiece.

"Ughh… So much information," Mo mumbled, "if only I had my laptop."

"Don't worry," Joe chuckled, his voice echoing in Mo's mind, "the system saves all this information for future reference. Just ask, and it shall be revealed."

He then delved into the details of Mo's tattoo, revealing its classification as a Tool tattoo with Materialization and Body Modification capabilities. Though initially disappointed by its lack of immediate offensive power, Mo was intrigued by Joe's declaration of it being a "newbie gift" and the promise of its future potential.

Joe elaborated on the different tattoo categories and their abilities, painting a vivid picture of the diverse and powerful skillsets available in Tattoolandia. He emphasized the rarity and prestige of Abstract tattoos, highlighting their unparalleled potential and earning their wearers the title of "Genius."

As the conversation progressed, Joe unveiled the intricate structure of Tattoolandia, detailing the three inhabited continents, the two continents dominated by other races, and the vast Glory Continent, a haven for the world's mightiest warriors.

"Oh, and by the way," Joe interjected, remembering something important, "your 'Status,' 'Tattoo,' and 'Combo' functions can be upgraded!"

Mo perked up, his interest piqued. Joe explained how leveling these functions would unlock powerful new features, empowering Mo to see beyond the surface and unlock the true potential of his skills. He emphasized the importance of "Tattoo" as the lifeline of their tattoos, guiding them on the path of growth and evolution.

"And your 'Combo' function," Joe continued, his voice tinged with mystery, "well, that's a special one. You'll have to figure that out on your own. But trust me, it's a hidden gem waiting to be discovered."

Mo pondered this cryptic message, his mind brimming with possibilities. He then inquired about the third "newbie gift" Joe had mentioned, eager for more knowledge.

Joe's demeanor turned serious as he revealed the most precious and invaluable gift: his own voice. He explained how it would serve as a constant reminder of Mo's past life, his friends, his glory, and the experiences that shaped him. It was a gift of memory, a bridge connecting his present to his past, ensuring he never forgets who he truly is.

Mo was deeply touched by Joe's gesture. He didn't need many words to express his gratitude, his emotions echoing loud and clear through the mental connection. As Joe's consciousness began to fade, he whispered a final message, "Mo, the Blazers have 'immortal'…" but the rest was lost, his voice silenced by an unseen force.

Suddenly, Mo opened his eyes, a strange glint flashing within them. He laughed, a chilling sound that resonated with a newfound resolve. "So it seems," he muttered, his words carrying the weight of a promise yet unspoken.

He closed his eyes and focused, activating his newly acquired "Status" function. A web window materialized in his mind, awaiting his command.


"Status window activated," a mechanical voice announced.

Mo was ready. He had the knowledge, the skills, and the motivation. Now, it was time to write his own legend in this new world.

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