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Chapter 6: LW - 6.




"Ugh! Shut up!" I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. Waking up to the noise of swords colliding and magic being intercepted by other magic... It just makes a man wanna cry.

"Hateful bastards..." I grumbled under my breath as I got up from my bed, making my way to the bathroom I started my morning routine of brushing my teeth, washing my face.. Yeah you get it.

Anyway, after I was done with that I was met with a knock at my door. Already having a guess of who it is, I grabbed my shirt and put it on.

Opening the door, I was met with my very excited and playful elven friend. Tessia.

"Good Morning Oz! Come on! Grandpa wanted to start our training early this morning." She informed me, grabbing my hand to pull me along with her.

I let her do so since I found no harm in letting her have her fun.

"Wait, Tess. I didn't eat yet..." I told her, and not a second later, my stomach screamed... Not actually but you get the point, the thing grumbled and groaned as it begged for me to feed it.

Tess and I stopped in our tracks and I rubbed the back of my head embarrassingly and shrugged.

"You didn't even let me get a chance to eat yet... Not my fault." I said, she just rolled her eyes and took off towards the kitchen, with me in tow of course.


After eating a quick but hearty meal, Tessia and I made our way up to the court field in the back. Once we got there we were met with a scene that would piss off any old dad that loves taking care of his grass...


Charred grass and giant holes could be seen littered throughout the field.

"Just what type of training are these guys doing...?" I muttered under my breath, though Tess heard it. All she did was nod absent mindedly as she stared in shock at the mess.

"Oh! Brat you're here!" Looking to my right, I saw Virion smiling brightly while waving at us... He would look a lot more friendly were Arthur not underneath his foot.

"Oi! Old man! Get off of me!" Arthur shouted, he was even doing that weird wiggle people do to try and get from underneath someone... It was quite funny to say the least.

"Grandpa! Hurry up lets start our training," Tess shouted with excitement, I just shook my head,

'I just hope I'll still be alive after this...'

Virion's smile faded as he made his way over to us, finally getting off of Arthur. Who in turn took in a deep breath of air with a silly smile on his face, almost like a relieved smile.

Poor kid, dude was getting suffocated and no one cared.

"Brat. Have you ever wielded a sword before? Or any weapon at that?" Virion asked me, now standing right in front of me.

"Nah, never needed to. My abilities were more then enough to get around." I replied leisurely.

"Hmm... Alright, how about this? You watch me and that red haired pretty boy fight once more. Afterwards, will be your turn. Try and pick up any moves or techniques from the fight and make sure you pay attention. I won't be going easy on you just because you're a beginner." Virion stated within one breath, letting out a huff at the end.

I just stared at him, still processing what he said.

"Ah, uh yeah sure." I said with a nod, I then moved back and sat down on this giant rock that was left un touched. Getting on top wasn't that hard though it was a bit difficult to climb it.

Tessia followed me up as well, so now I have a friend to keep me company as I watched the human boy get thrashed around.

"Get up, your trainings not over!" Virion shouted towards Arthur, his hands behind his back as he walked towards the middle of the field.

Arthur groaned in annoyance, but listened anyway.

They both lined up in front of each other, Virion didn't take a stance but Arthur did. His face was that of absolute focus, showing just how much he's wanting to beat the old man.



"Why aren't they doing anything?" I heard Tess whisper, I didn't answer and just shrugged my shoulder.

I was too focused on not missing anything, though nothing happened yet.

{3rd Pov}

Osiris and Tess watched as the master and student stood in a standoff, neither of them moving. They stayed like this for what felt like ten minutes but in reality it was only two.


Arthur, deciding to break the standoff, augmented his body with mana and dashed towards Virion. The old man in question just watched calmly as the boy in front of him swung his sword in a diagonal fashion.

Taking a simple step back, Virion dodged his swing. He side stepped behind Arthur as he was still fixing himself from missing his target.

Getting behind him, Virion raised his hand and slapped the back of Arthurs head, making Arthur let out a groan of annoyance.

"Come on, you were doing better then this earlier." Virion spat. Arthur looked back at Virion from the floor and rolled his eyes as he stood up.

"Yeah well, I also wasn't beaten up and starved earlier." Arthur fired back.

Virion just smirked and raised his right hand towards the child, using his index finger he wiggled it in a way that meant he wanted Arthur to come and attack him.

"Fine, but after this I get a break." Arthur stated as he dashed off towards Virion once again. Virion let him get close and waited for the perfect moment to strike.

Once Arthur was in front of him, he once again did a diagonal slash but this time it started from the ground up.

Virion dodged it and went to throw a kick but was forced to block a knee that was coming straight for his face.


Raising his hand, Virion blocked the knee with ease and pushed him back. Arthur didn't let up though and kept attacking.

Meanwhile, with Osiris. He was watching the spar in front of him with great interest, so much interest in fact that he didn't even notice that his usual pitch black eyes gained a slightly glowing ring of indigo, surrounding his pupils.

He didn't notice the change in color but he definitely noticed the change in how he saw the spar. Everything seemed to be laid out for him, like everything he saw them doing was being etched into his mind.

'Woah... What the hell?' Osiris thought inwardly, a small frown appearing on his face. The feeling of having something being etched into your brain kind of felt... ticklish for him, kind of weird.

He decided to ignore this for now and just continued watching the spar.


"Come on brat! At least bruise me a little!" Virion taunted as he blocked a punch heading straight for his face. Virion quickly did a round house kick towards Arthur since he was in the air.

Arthur had to jump for him to reach Virions face, putting him at a major disadvantage when it comes to head attacks.

"Guh!" Arthur let out a loud groan as he was sent tumbling backwards, holding his chest along the way.


His tumble was stopped when he hit a tree. The group would've been worried for Arthur, but they knew he was fine since he was still protecting himself with mana... Though the kick he ate was more painful then hitting the tree.

"Ugh... Can't you go a little easier..." Arthur complained as he rolled onto the ground. Facing upwards towards the sky.

Virion chuckled a bit but ignored him, he instead turned towards Osiris.

"Alright brat, grab a wooden sword and come on. I hope you won't disappoint me."



Short chapter.

This was mostly so I could get back into the feel of writing, so it's not perfect.

Especially the fight, even I know that it was ass.

Also! Do you guys want me to create a list of Osiris' future abilities, or keep it a secret?

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