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Chapter 8: Divine Weaponry

In the following years Fayden had taken Arthur back to Sapin once, infiltrating the City of Xyrus with little issue. He had taken him to meet his parents in the House of the Helsteas. He had opted to stay outside to give them some privacy, however mere minutes later, the gates opened and Arthur's parents insisted he come in, thanking him for bringing back their son.

"Um, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Arthur cannot stay."

"What?!" Both Alice and Reynolds snapped their heads to him, their shock a silent plea for an explanation.

"Yeah, his early awakening did not allow his body to mature enough before it was filled with mana. As such he experiences some discomfort from time to time. It will fix itself in due time but…" He let the statement hang in the air.

"H-How long?" Reynolds stuttered out, gulping to wetten his parched throat.

Fayden shrugged, "It took me four years, so it'll likely take around the same time. Although I've been told my help could hasten it, I wouldn't rely on it."

"What if we came along?"

He shook his head, "Allowing Arthur alone to stay has caused unrest among the people, but if you two join there's bound to be some backlash." Upon seeing their sullen explanation he quickly added, "But I can bring him back here from time to time, so he won't be completely absent from your lives."

"How often can you come?" Alice spoke after a while, still not ready to let her son go.

"Once a month for a day, you have my word. Any more than that will hinder his progress."

And so began Fayden's new job as a taxi.




Virion had not been lying when he said Fayden could help Arthur in his assimilation. What had originally taken Arthur four years, had been completed in three.

While Virion and Tessia had been blown away by the explosion of light, tendrils of darkness kept Fayden rooted to the ground.

He grinned widely, "So, how do you feel?"

"As if a weight has been lifted off my shoulder." Arthur reciprocated in kind, he could feel the power of Sylvia's will flowing through him.

"Good, your body should feel stronger now, in every way."

Arthur perked up, "Does this mean I can return now?"

"Y-You're going to leave?" Tessia asked meekly, she didn't like the prospect of him leaving.

"Don't worry Tess, I'll kidna-I mean convince him to come back every once in a while."

Arthur stared at Fayden, "Please don't do that."

Fayden rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, your parents know what my mana signature feels like now, they wouldn't panic."

Arthur didn't back down.

"Or would you rather have me bring Tessia to your hou-"

"Fine, I'll come back regularly."

Virion joined Fayden in his cackling, annoying Arthur even more.

"You know," Arthur said, a tick on his forehead, "I'm itching to try out my beast will."

Fayden shot him a grin, letting his acquire phase show, "Try me."

Arthur recoiled back, sighing, "I'm going to go take a bath."




"It would seem luck is on your side brat." Virion sat down beside Fayden, a scroll in his hands.

Fayden raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of his tea, "Do go on."

Virion grinned, "They are opening up the Adventurer's Guild to every race."

Fayden however, wasn't overjoyed, "What's the catch?"

"There is none."

Fayden set his cup down, staring right into his eyes, "Gramps, do you really believe that King Blaine would do this out of the good of his heart?"

The elder elf sighed, "There have been talks about a union between the races, I'm hoping this is their way of offering an olive branch."

Noticing Arthur and his sister descending down the staircase, he finished their conversation, "Don't put too much hope on it, I'd expect some terms."

Virion nodded, regaining his composure as soon as he noticed the duo approaching. "Ah! Art you're here! Why was Tess fussing about some sort of pet that…"

Fayden tilted his head to get a better look at them, his bond's head materializing beside his own in a similar fashion and their eyes crossed.

Sylvie jumped down from atop Arthur's head, growling at the canine mana beast. Zeke materialized completely, his size not much bigger than a domestic dog, he bared his teeth in what they could only assume as a grin and yipped lowly.

"Kyu?" Sylvie calmed down, looking up at him in curiosity.

Another series of yips later, Sylvie was convinced he was not a threat, choosing to ride on his back, "Kyu!"

Zeke growled in annoyance, his eyes nocked in a deadpan stare ahead as he shrugged Sylvie off his back.

Without giving her a chance to recover he turned to incorporeal smoke, travelling to Fayden settling as a wisp below his ear, much like an earring.

"..." Fayden stared at at the spot Zeke had just been in. 'Did…did she just try to use you like a horse?'

'I don't want to hear that from the guy acting as a taxi for the past three years.'


A half-dazed Virion finally managed to find his voice, "If that really is a dragon, how did you come across an egg? How did you get it to hatch?"

"I'd assume his assimilation activated some sort of trigger for it to believe it's safe to come outside."

Arthur nodded, "That was my theory too. Sylvia entrusted me with it, all these years I thought it was just a valuable gem."

Virion nodded, scratching his chin, "That's a viable explanation. The Draconian races haven't been seen for thousands of years, and there are only so many records of them so I can't be completely sure. Well, there's no use thinking about it now. Just be sure to keep the hatchling closeby at all times. While it does resemble a dragon, I'd be one of the only few that would be able to connect the dots. Most people wouldn't realize it's a dragon though, so just feign it off as some sort of rare mana beast and you should be fine."

And so, the matter was solved and four months passed by in a blink. Arthur could now use his acquire phase without much trouble, his integrate phase however would be very taxing.

And then, the day finally came.

"You got everything you need?"

Arthur nodded, he'd finally be returning home.

"Good, I suppose we'll be off then."

"Arthur!" Virion ran up to them, Tessia in tow. "Remember to take care, we'll keep in touch with you. Even so, take this with you it'll help you navigate through the forests of Elshire if you're ever here, or perhaps you would prefer another princess to lead you back." He winked, tossing the silver compass to him.

"Uuu… Grandpa!!!"

"OUCH! Little one! It was a joke!" Virion yelped, rubbing his side where Tessia had pinched him.

Tessia ignored her grandfather, wrapping Arthur in an embrace, "I'll miss you Art. Remember to visit again, and don't go chasing after human girls, okay?"

Fayden chuckled, "Relax Tess, I'll bring him back if you get too lonely."

Virion smiled, "Until next time, Arthur."

Arthur nodded, patting Tessia's back until she released him, "Let's go."

Fayden nodded, grabbing Arthur's forearm in a handshake, "I'll be right back."

A black curtain covered Arthur's vision, much like a fake sky with its constellations, and in an instant they were in the edge of Xyrus city, in a back alleyway where no one would notice them.

"Thanks Fayden, I'll find my way from here." Arthur walked forward, bidding him farewell.

Fayden nodded hesitantly, "Gr-Arthur."

The ten year old turned back, "Yeah?"

Fayden sighed, slapping his signature grin on his face, "Try not to kill yourself will ya?"

Arthur cracked a smile, "Next time we meet, I'm going to be kicking your ass."

"Hah, you wish!" Fayden cackled, his form disappearing into his own shadow.

Arthur would tell him when he wanted to.

He would give him that luxury.




When he returned, his grandfather was waiting for him, a dimension ring held in his hands.

'Wait, that is my ring.'

He shot him an inquisitive look, glancing back at his parents behind him.

Virion answered by tossing him the ring, "All your necessities are in there."

Fayden's eyes widened, realizing what he meant. He looked back at his parents once again. They were smiling.

"You're actually letting me go?"

Alduin sighed, "You would leave even if we didn't. But your mother and I are convinced of your strength now. Besides, we can't always keep you here. Now that Tessia is the heir apparent to the throne, you're not bound to Elenoir anymore."

"Just promise us you will stay safe." Merial added, evidently struggling with the decision.

"Relax, she's going with him, he is going to be just fine." Vision beckoned him to the carriage. "Come, I have something for you."

Fayden cast one more look at his parents before following Virion to the carriage.

The carriage left almost immediately as they seated themselves. "Fayden," Virion's tone took a somber turn, "have you ever heard the story of the Forest's Guardian?"

"Does the Elshire forest even need a guardian?" Fayden asked, that forest was capable of killing any Human, Elf, or Dwarf that ventured in.

"Long ago, during the beast era, a wolf resided in the forest. Legend recalls that he was so tall he touched the skies, and when he howled the very earth shook in fear.

Without him Elenoir wouldn't exist, and our people would be far and scattered. He fought the titanic beasts that plagued the earth, skies and ocean. And every time, he would prevail, with not a scratch to show."

Fayden realized where he was going, but Noctis wasn't that tall. Sure, he was larger than a house, but not enough to touch the sky.

'We can change our size remember?'

Virion continued, "It is said he hunted the beasts to extinction, and once his purpose was fulfilled he left. When our people went to look for the cave he stayed in, they found nothing, but a single sword set in stone."

'Excalibur?' Was the first thought that crossed Fayden's mind, but he quickly shot that theory down, it was only a myth.

"Lemme guess, no one could pull it out?"

Virion smiled grimly, his face paling, "Worse, it lashed back apparently scorching their forearms and imploding it on itself. The illustrations of those wounds would make a seasoned adventurer sick."

"And why exactly do you think I'll be spared?" Fayden deadpanned, he wasn't suicidal dammit.

"Fayden, I believe Noctis is that being. The similarities are uncanny."

"And you believe his Will can protect me."

"Exactly." He nodded.

Fayden rubbed his chin in thought, while Virion's theory had merit it was also a gamble.

Zeke perked up, 'This feels…'

'What is it Zeke?'

Virion clapped, "We've arrived."

Fayden looked up, the darkness of the cave welcoming him.

A single golden glimmer caught his eye, calling him forth.

"Fayden?" Virion's voice never reached his ears, Fayden stepped out.

It was calling him, and he could do nothing but answer.

"Come on brat, don't give in. Fight its influence."

Runes formed beneath his glowing eyes, a wispy darkness emerged beside him.

He took a step forward, crossing the distance in an instant.

And as his arm wrapped around the golden hilt, darkness and starlight exploded.

His body fell, his mind asleep before he hit the ground.

His veins glowed gold and pulsed with eldritch darkness.

'The heirrrrrrr.'

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