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Chapter 6: Drunk Stories

After leaving Danny speechless, Alexander led Allison through the parking lot and into the main campus. Trying to figure out why Alexander had acted so strangely with his friend. Allison wanted to have a talk with Alexander, only to bump into him a few seconds later when he came to a sudden stop.

" Ow, why'd you stop?"

As she carefully massaged her bandaged forehead due to the bump, Allison noticed that Alexander was now slouching forwards.

" Hey, are you okay?"

Allison asked clearly concerned by Alexander's silence. Seeing as he also didn't respond to that, she reached out to him only for her hand to catch nothing.

" A-alexander?"

In a split second Alexander went from slouching over to standing a couple of steps away. Oddly enough he did so without any problems, yet he never turned around. Merely saying the following before running away towards the outdoor field.

" I've got to go check on something really important! I'll see you around alright? And thanks for helping me out earlier, I really appreciate it. Goodbye Allison."

With his back facing Allison, she wasn't able to see that his brown eyes were now glowing in an ominous golden hue. Trying not to let anyone else notice his beastly transformation he ran away with his eyes closed and head down.

" What happened? Was it something I said or did?"

That was the only thought that crossed Allison's mind as she witnessed Alexander basically flee from her.

Alexander meanwhile was trying to fight off the beast within him trying to break loose. Thought he did come to realize why Derek had warned him to stay clear of crowds. Being surrounded by several people all at once overstimulated his heightened senses.

He could hear everything they said, the sound their shoes made as they walked, he was even able to make out the thumping sound their hearts made as they'd beat.

While he could also clearly see and process everything around him down to the most minute detail. However the worse part by far were the smells and odors that would assaulted his nostrils one after another. Specially those coming from some of the boys, as smelling their body odor made Alexander want to rip off his own nose.

Being overwhelmed by all of this, Alexander slowly caved in to his Werewolf counterpart. Evident by him forcefully shoving anything and anyone standing in his way.

' I've Got To Get Away! I've Got To Get Out Of Here!!!"

Being consumed by his animalistic side Alexander's consciousness was rapidly deteriorating. Which didn't go unnoticed by both the students and more importantly the faculty. Though they were unable to do anything seeing as Alexander ignored their shouts as he made his way through the campus.

With classes yet to begin, the majority of the school's hallways were empty. Granting Alexander a clear and unhindered path to the outside. At least that's what he initially thought until the boys locker room door was abruptly open. With two very familiar faces stepping out of said door.

" I already told you, if you want this to continue you'll have to-"

A young beautiful girl with vibrant red hair, seductively whispered into a handsome blonde ear. Oddly enough it was the sight of Alexander that caused her to not finish her sentence.

" I-isn't that Alex?"

She asked the young man besides her, who was too immersed in fondling her up to pay attention. Only when the girl pushed him off her, did he look over at the rushing Alexander.

" Hey man, what's your fucking problem?"

He angrily asked, while literally glaring daggers at Alexander. Who didn't even look his way as he ran passed them before exiting the building.

" What's up with him?"

The red headed girl curiously asked, while her companion had already forgotten about him. He was far too busy feeling her up too care about some random incident.

" Who cares? How about we-"

He enamously answered, with his mind obviously on something else.

" No. The bells about to ring. So how about you walk me to my class, Jackson."

She coldly replied much to his dismay and annoyance yet he followed right after her. Still as they walked along, something kept bothering her about Alexander. To the point of turning around trying to catch a glimpse of him. Just then an old memory flashed through her eyes, of the two of them, albeit much younger, as Alexander ran in front of her as she desperately ran after him.

' Alexander, stop! C'mon, wait for me! ( You're too slow. Hurry up, or I'll leave you behind. C'mon run faster, catch up to me Lydia.)'

Ultimately thought she shook her head dispersing that memory, and muttered something under her breath before turning around.

" In the end you were too slow."

Even though she'd spoken those last words quite softly, Lydia's comment was partly heard by Jackson.

" Did you say something?"

That said, she most likely erased any of his doubts with a deep kiss prior to answering.

" Nope."

Alexander meanwhile made it to the field where he'd collapsed onto the ground as he battled with himself. He tightly grabbed onto his arms as hard as he could in a futile attempt to calm down. It did very little to help him, as his body now resembled a ferocious beast.

His hands and feet were replaced with large claws, ripping through his flesh and clothing. Drenched in his own blood, gave his enlarged canines and gold eyes a much more sinister appearance.

In a final and desperate attempt to stop the transformation, Alexander savagely bit down on his own tongue. Causing numerous whimpers and animalistic snarls to escape it's elongated jaws. Creating a second of clarity in which a familiar Crimson Light ignited within his mind once again. That unknown light slowly shined throughout Alexander's mind, granting him a more permanent sense of emotional stability.

At the same time his outward appearance began to revert back to his original one. Having gone through two of these transformations, Alexander was becoming increasingly worried about his well being.

" How the hell am I supposed to control this thing? It's so strong that I feel like it could escape at anytime. The hunger I felt surrounded by all those people was fucking sickening... Then there's that odd light again, although if not for it, I'd probably have gone full Werewolf."

Trying to piece all of these confusing puzzle pieces left Alexander dumbfounded. Just when he believed somethings made some lick of sense something else propped up. Now he found himself laying on the field, partially naked from his blood stained shredded clothes.

Then as if that wasn't bad enough, he heard the sound of a door opening before a subsequent loud shout.

" Alexander!!"

Without needing to turn back, Alexander knew who that shrill voice belonged to.

" C-coach!"

He responded in a panicked tone as this surely wouldn't end well for him.

" What the hell is your problem? W-why the hell are you dressed like that!? And is that blood?"

Due to his earlier talk with the vice principal, Coach Finstock was ready to chew out Alexander. Only for him to be surprised by his players current situation. Seeing as Alexander was covered in what seemed to be blood and who's clothes were in tatters.

Being in such a tight spot, and without time to think of anything better Alexander spat out the best lie he could muster.

" Oh, no it's from the jello shots from yesterday. I uh, got a little too drunk yesterday, my bad Coach."

Knowing that some of his players did have a bit too much fun during their break. Coach Finstock could only shake his head in disappointment before giving Alexander his punishment.

" Damm it boy, what did you drink to make you rip your clothes and throw up all over yourself!? (Sigh) Go to the lockers and take a cold shower to wake yourself up, then go to class."

Surprised by his Coach's leniency towards him, Alexander could only wryly smile at the man. However as he started walking back towards the school. Coach Finstock continued speaking this time in a rather deceptively calm voice.

" Oh, and Alexander..."

Hearing his name called, Alexander stopped walking, turned around prior to answering.

" Y-yes?"

While wearing a smile across his face, Coach Finstock truly scared Alexander.

" To be clear, this is your one and only pass. Next time you decide to show up drunk to school, I'll send you to JV and have you ride their bench the whole year. Do I make myself clear?"

Not left with much of a choice, Alexander was forced to agree to those terms.

" Crystal. Coach!"

Having somehow gotten out of that disastrous situation, Alexander didn't look back and ran to the locker room.

' How the fuck did that work?'

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