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Chapter 22: Fury

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Chase gasped out jolting up waking up, hands quickly shooting up to his ears and groaned when the excruciating sound stopped.

Deaton: So, glad you two are awake.

Both Chase and Derek looked towards Deaton confusion on both their faces.

Derek: That sound, what was it--

He cut himself off when he saw Deaton pull out a whistle and Chase chuckled trying to stand up but fell back down to the floor groaning a bit.

Deaton: You're both going to be weak for a few hours.

Derek: So, it really did happen?

Deaton: Don't worry you're both still the same as you were.

Chase: Where is he?

Deaton: I wish I could tell you that...

Derek: Then how about you tell me what you're doing here and why're you helping me?

Deaton: Helping your family actually used to be a pretty important part of my life. Helping you was a promise I made to your mother.

Chase: Well, I'm gonna leave you two to talk.

He got up slowly and rolled his shoulders walking out the room.

| | |

Chase sighed stepping out of the shower, drying his hair with a hand towel before looking over to the nightstand where his phone was.

Chase: Not now...

He looked at the text from Allison and got dressed walking out his room.

| | |

Matt: Sounds like your mom's here, McCall.

Scotts looked at him with pleading eyes, scared for his mother.

Scott: Matt. don't do this please. When she comes to the door, I'll just tell her to leave. I--I'll tell her we didn't find anything. Matt, please--

Matt: If you don't move, now. I'll kill Stiles... and then your mom.

Scott moved away from him, and Matt indicated towards the door with the gun.

Matt: Open it.

Scott: *Panicked* Please--

Matt: Open. The. Door.

Scott opened the door with a shaking hand before sighing out in relief, seeing Derek standing there instead of his mother.

Scott: *Relieved* Oh, thank God.

They all watched as Derek fell to the floor and behind him stood Jackson half-transformed.

Derek: *Annoyed* This is the one that's controlling him? This kid?

Matt knelt down on one knee beside him and chuckled.

Matt: Well, Derek, not everyone's lucky to be a big, bad werewolf.

He looked up smirking at both Stiles and Scott's shocked faces, and stood back up.

Matt: Oh, yeah! That's-that's right. I've learned a few things lately. Werewolves, Hunters, Kanimas, and hybrids... It's like a frickin' Halloween party every full moon.

He turned to Stiles smiling teasingly.

Matt: Except for you, Stiles. What do you turn into?

Stiles: *Sarcastically* Abominable Snowman. But, uh, it's more of, like, a wintertime thing, you know? Seasonal.

Matt looked towards Jackson who swiped a claw behind Stiles' neck, and the boy dropped down on top of Derek who grunted at the impact.

Stiles: *Weakly* You bitch...

Derek: *Growling* Get him off me.

Matt: Oh, I don't know, Derek-- I think you two make a pretty good pair!

Matt: It must kind of suck, though, to have all that power taken away from you with just a little cut to the back of the neck. I bet you're not used to feeling this helpless.

Derek: Still got some teeth. Why don't you get down here a little closer, huh? We'll see how helpless I am.

Stiles: *Wheezily* Yeah, bitch!

They all looked out to the window seeing headlights shinning through and Matt turned to Scott.

Matt: ...Is that her?

His face paled and Matt stood back up.

Matt: Do what I tell you to, and I won't hurt her. I won't even let Jackson near her.

Stiles: [weakly] Scott, don't trust him!

Matt sighed kicking Stiles' paralyzed body off of Derek and stepped on his throat, adding pressure and pointed the gun to his head and looked up to Scott.

Matt: This work better for ya?!

Scott: Okay, just stop! Stop!

Matt: Then do what I tell you to!

Scott: [anxiously] Okay. All right. Stop!

Matt smirked taking his foot off of Stiles' throat and looked to Jackson and pointed to the two paralyzed. 

Matt: You take 'em in there. You, with me.

Scott followed him hesitantly scared for his mother, they got to the front and Scott saw her, looking around for anyone.

Scott: Mom?

Melissa: You scared me! Where is every--

She looked past Scott to see Matt standing there gun in hand.

Scott: [nervously] Mom, just do what he says. He promised he wouldn't hurt you.

Matt pointed the gun to the floor.

Matt: He's right.

He suddenly turned and shot Scott who fell back against the wall.

Stilinski: <<Scott! Stiles! What happened???>>

Scott looked up from the wound to Matt who was smirking down to him.

Matt: But, I didn't say I wouldn't hurt you.

Melissa: Wait, baby--

She rushed to her son's side before Matt forced her back.

Matt: Back! Back!

Scott: [groaning] Mom. Mom! Stop, Mom!

Matt: I said get back.

He cocked the gun back and aimed it at at her, sneering.

Scott: [pleadingly] Mom, do it. Please, Mom.

She backed off hesitantly and Matt turned back to Scott, aiming the gun back at him.

Matt: Get up, McCall.

Stilinski: *Shouting* Matt? Matt, listen to me--

Matt: Shut-shut-shut up! Everybody shut the hell up!

He ran his hand over his face in annoyance and turned back to Scott, aiming the gun at his mom.

Matt: Now, get up, or I shoot her next.

Melissa: [tearfully] Please, he needs to see a doctor...

MATT: *Turns back to her* You think so?

Stilinski: [shouting] Hey! Hey, you listen to me!

Scott: It's all right. I'm okay.

Melissa: [tearfully] No, honey, you're not okay...

Scott: It doesn't hurt, Mom.

Melissa: 'Cause that's the adrenaline, okay?

Melissa: Please, let me-let me just take a look at him, okay? I mean, I can stop the bleeding.

Matt turned back to Scott eyes wides and a smirk on his face.

Matt: [scoffing] They have no idea, do they?

Melissa: [pleadingly] Please, let me take a quick look. I--

Matt: [stammering] Shut-shut-shut-shut up! Lady, if you keep talking, I'm gonna put the next bullet through his head.

Melissa: Okay... Okay...

Matt: Back to the front, McCall.

Matt: After you.

They got back to the office and Matt shoved Scott into the room.

Scott: The evidence is gone. Why don't you just go?

Matt: [incredulously] You-you think the evidence mattered that much, huh? No. No, I want the book.

Scott: [exasperatedly] What-what book?

Matt: The Bestiary! And not just a few pages-- I want the entire thing.

Scott: [confused] I don't have it, it's Gerard's. What do you want it for, anyway?

Matt: I need answers.

Scott: Answers to what?

Matt: [irritably] To this!

He pulled his shirt back to reveal the kanima scales replacing his skin rapidly.


I trekked through the woods and came to a stop in a clearing and looked around, confused.

Chase: Allison!

I turned around quickly, catching the arrow and snapped it in half and sighed.

Chase: Stop joking around, Alli. I know its you. Come out.

I heard footsteps rushing towards me quickly, and turned getting slashed across the chest by the kunai in her hand.

Chase: What the fuck?!

Allison: You killed my mom! You're the reason she's dead!

Chase: She killed herself and I had nothing to do with it, Argent.

She scoffed rolling the kunai in her hand and rushed at me, swiping at me but I dodged all her attacks.

Chase: You done?

She dropped to her knees and I sighed in annoyance not in the mood for this, half my strength is still gone and it's taking it's sweet ass time to get back.

Chase: You should know the only reason why I attacked her was because she tried to kill me and your lover boy.

She looked up to me eyes teary and I turned back around walking off leaving her behind.

Chase: So, if we're done here. I need to be somewhere.

Allison: Chase!

I ignored her calling me and sighed, continuing to walk away.

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Stiles: Hey, do you know what's happening to Matt?

Derek: [weakly] I know the book's not gonna help him. You can't just break the rules, not like this.

Stiles: What do you mean?

Derek: [muttering] Universe balances things out. Always does.

Stiles: Is it because he's using Jackson to kill people who don't deserve it?

Derek: And killing people himself.

Stiles: So, if Matt breaks the rules of the Kanima, he becomes the Kanima?

Derek: Balance.

Stiles: Will he believe us if we tell him that?

Derek: [grimly] Not likely.

Stiles: Okay. He's gonna kill all of us when he gets that book, isn't he?

Derek: Yep.

Stiles: All right, so what do we do? Do we just-do we just sit here and wait to die?

Derek: Unless I can figure out a way to push the toxin out of my body faster, like triggering the healing process...

Stiles: Wha--

He went silent looking down to Derek's hand seeing his claws coming out slowly.

Stiles: Oh, what are you doing?

He watched as Derek pressed his clawed hand into his own thigh and Stiles gagged at that trying to look away.

Stiles: [groaning] Aw, gross.

Matt placed Scott down on one of the chairs and moved back.

Matt: There.

He looked down the wound and sighed.

Matt: You know, I-I feel sorry for you, McCall... 'cause right now, you're thinking, "How am I gonna explain this when it heals?" And the sad part is, you don't even realize how incredible it is that you actually are healing! 'Cause you know what happens to everyone else when they get shot? They die.

Scott: Is that what happened to you?

He looked up to the boy breathing heavily.

Scott: You drowned, didn't you?

Matt: *Muttering* He shouldn't have let them drink...

Scott: What...? Who...? Matt, what do you mean?

Matt: Lahey! He shouldn't have let them drink!

Scott: What? Who was drinking?

Matt: *Exasperatedly* The swim team, you idiot!

Matt: I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know they had just won State, and Lahey, he's letting his favorites come over to have a couple drinks to celebrate. Who cares if they're seventeen, right?

Scott: Were you at Isaac's?

Matt: He had this first edition Spider-Man... or was it Batman...? And we were gonna make a trade. But then, I'm over there, and I hear music... and everyone's having a good time... And I see Sean-- he throws Jessica into the pool. And then-and then Bennett goes in, and--

Scott: Bennett? Waitt, the Hunter?

Matt: And then Camden-- Isaac's jarhead brother-- he grabs me. He thinks it's funny.

Scott: He threw you in.

| | Flashback Lahey House, 2006 | |

Matt: [voiceover] I-I yelled that I can't swim, but nobody listens. I go under, and I swallow water, and no one cares. And I see these bodies underwater... I-I see Jessica's got her hands down Sean's board shorts... Tucker's grabbing Kara... and I'm drowning. I'm dying, and they're laughing! All of a sudden, I was just-- I'm lying by the pool, and Lahey is right there, right above me, and he says--

Mr. Lahey: You tell no one!

Matt: [voiceover] He says, "You tell no one!"

Mr. Lahey: This is your fault!

Matt: [voiceover] "This-this is your fault!"

Mr. Lahey: You don't know how to swim?

Matt: [voiceover] "What little bastard doesn't know how to swim?"

Mr. Lahey: You say nothing! You tell no one!

| | Flashback End | |

Matt: And I didn't. I didn't tell anyone. And I would see them at school, and they wouldn't even look at me. I'd wake up in the middle of the night, I'd gasp for breath, and my parents, they thought I was an asthmatic. They-they-they-they even gave me an inhaler. They didn't know that every time I closed my eyes, I-I was drowning. You know that little white light that they talk about you seeing when you die? Well, I didn't see anything. Just darkness. Everything was dark. But then... then came the Argent's funeral, and everything changed.

| | Flashback; Beacon Hills Cemetery, Several Weeks Ago | |

Matt: [voiceover] I was taking some photos, and then, purely by accident, Lahey gets in one of the photos. I look down at the screen on my camera, and i just had this unbelievable rage that fills up inside of me, and I just-I look at him, and I-I wanna see him dead.

| | End Flashback | |

Matt: And the next day, he actually was! You know, Einstein was right-- Imagination is more important than knowledge. It was like something out of Greek mythology, like-like the Furies coming down to punish Orestes.

He looked to Scott's confused face and shook his head.

Matt: ...You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?

Scott: [anxiously] Was-was that the guy who stabbed out his eyes?

Matt: [groaning] God, that's Oedipus, you dumbass! The Furies are deities of vengeance. Their tears ran of blood, and they had snakes for hair. If there was a crime that had gone unpunished, the Furies would do the punishment. Jackson is my Fury. You know, when I saw him the next night, it was like this bond had been cemented between the two of us. I knew he had killed Lahey for me, and I knew he would do it again.

| | Flashback Tucker's Garage, Several Weeks Ago | |

Matt: [voiceover] So, I went to Tucker's garage-- I even paid for an oil change-- and guess what? He didn't even recognize me. So, when he wasn't looking, I took a shot of him from my camera... and in a few hours, he was dead.

Tucker: [weakly] Help... I'm...

| | Flashback End | |

Matt: So, I took more pictures. All I had to do was take their picture... and Jackson would take their life.

Stiles: *Quietly* So, is that hypothetical situation we talked about getting any less hypothetical?

Derek: I think so... I can move my toes.

Stiles: [groaning] Dude, I can move my toes.

Suddenly went off and Matt stood up from the chair he sat on, looking around panicking.

Matt: What is this? What is this? What's happening? What's going on?

Scott: I don't know.

Outside of the station, Gerard and his hunters were blocking the entrance to the station, and he smirked.

Gerard: Shakespeare wrote that love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs... Let's give them some love.

All the hunters began to fire at the station, everyone inside ducked down for cover from the raining bullets, while on top of the station, Chase climbed over the ledge eyes glowing brightly, growling.

Derek: Take him! Go!

Scott rushed towards Stiles picking him up and hurried out the room and towards a safe place where he could lay him down.

Scott: Don't move.

Stiles gave him a look and Scott shook his head.

Scott: ...You know what I mean.

He got back up running off before he ducked under the incoming arrow and looked around.

Scott: Oh, sh--

He dodged another arrow and saw who was shooting at him, shocked.

Scott: Allison!

Allison: *coldly* Where's Derek?

Scott: *Confused* What are you doing?

Allison: If you're not going to tell me, then get out of my way.

Scott: *Frowning* Allison--

She shoved him into the wall and held a kunai to his neck, pressing it against his flesh.

Allison: Where is he?!

Scott: What happened?

She backed away from him, her face softening

Allison: Scott... Scott, you need to stay away from me right now.

Allison: I need to go. Just stay out of my way.

She turned around only to be taken down by Jackson, paralyzing her.

Matt: You should've given me a chance... 'Cause, remember how I said I'm not the kind of guy who would say something like, "Well, if I can't have her, no one can?" It's not totally true, because... Allison... If I can't have you...

He leaned back, breathing out before looking down to her, a faint glow passing in his eyes.

Matt: *Distorted* No one can!

He stood back up when he heard a growl and looked around aiming his gun.

Matt: Who---

He turned around only to be thrown across the room by Chase who growled lowly as the boy smashed through a desk and groaned on the floor.

Chase: You're dead now, Daehler.

He looked behind him hearing the familiar snake hiss and saw Jackson propped on top of a desk, looking to him.

Chase: After I knock you out.

Jackson screeched out when Chase tackled him off the desk and down to the floor, the two supernatural creatures fighting for dominance before Chase slashed Jackson's throat, hearing him screeched out falling down to the ground, bleeding out.

Allison: Chas---

Chase: Stay out of my way, Argent.

He rushed off after Matt leaving Allison behind.

| | |

Stilinski: Agh! God!

Stilinski sighed giving up on trying to break the handcuff.

Melissa: Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!

They both looked over seeing Matt rushing into the room, roaring and gunfire ringing in the background.

Melissa: Matt?

The boy ignored her, looking around fear across his face.

Melissa: Matt, please, listen to me. My son has been shot, and I've heard other gunfire, and I don't know what's happening... But can you please just let me see my son?

Matt: [scoffing] How totally clueless are you people?

The boy looked away from her, hearing growling behind and turned around to see Chase stalking towards him.

Chase: Boo!

Matt dropped to the floor as Chase smirked before looking away from him and towards an already Jackson who hissed.

Chase: Why won't you fucking stay down?

He dodged Jackson's slash to his head and spartan kicked the kanima into the wall before Derek came up from behind him and tackled Jackson into the wall, and Chase ran off after Matt.

| | | 

Matt ran through the woods coming up to a lake and stopped sighing a bit before he was kicked to the ground and he looked up to see Chase stood there, eyes glowing bright and a snarl on his face.

Chase: What's wrong, Daehler? Jackson's not here right now. Don't worry, I'll make sure to inflict as much pain before ripping your heart out.

The boy backed away from him and Chase chuckled stomping down on his leg and heard a crack and a scream followed from the boy.

Chase: No Argents to save you. Nobody's here for you now, Daehler. No, Jackson.

He picked the boy up and dragged him to the lake and the boy began to struggle in his arms.

Matt: Please don't do this, Chase. Please---

He was cut off by Chase plunging his head into the water and held him down before pulling him back up.

Matt: NO!--

His head was back under the water as Chase looked towards the bridge to see Peter standing there watching on, shocked by Chase's merciless display.

Chase: I think that's enough...

He pulled the boy's head out and threw him into a tree.

Matt: Fuck!

He screamed out in pain feeling his lower spine shatter from the impact and watched as Chase walked towards his paralyzed body, flicking out his claws.

Chase: See you in hell, Daehler.

He thrusted his clawed hand into the boy's chest and gripped his heart tightly, and harshly pulled it out, killing him instantly.

Chase: Bitch.

He walked towards the bridge where Peter stood, unbeknownst to him Gerard walked out from behind the tree he was hiding and sighed.

Gerard: What a mess...

Chase walked up to Peter and sighed his eyes glowing brightly.

Chase: Don't ever try using me for one of your stupids rituals again, Peter.

Peter: I don't know what you're talking about, Chase.

Chase chuckled grabbing onto Peter's shirt, pulled him into a headbutt.

Peter: Shit! You--

He looked up to Chase, who stabbed him in the chest with his clawed hand.

Chase: Next time you fucking use me as a part of one of your bullshit reviving rituals. I will kill you and make sure you never return. 'Cause there won't be a body to return to.

He pulled him closer, letting all the pain he felt course into him and Peter gasped before roaring out in pain as he felt half of his energy cut away from him and Chase looked down to his hand, brows raised as he watched the glowing blue energy course through his veins.

Chase: 'That's new.'

Peter dropped to the ground, shaking uncontrollably and looked up to Chase who stared at his bloody clawed hand, eyes glowing as he felt his strength return.

| | To Be Continued | |

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