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Chapter 25: 25- Another Dumb Idiot.

After explaining how the chat worked to Yang Xin since it was getting really late all the members went back to the city Lord mansion to sleep.

(A/N I forgot to add her picture in the last chapter so here it is.)

What they didn't notice at the time was a young girl with purple hair looking at them curiously since they all looked really different compared to the test of the people she had seen.

Once the next day had arrived and the chat group was eating with Ye Zong Ryuuto asked some questions about how the preparations for the horde were going.

"City Lord, do you need any help with the preparing the defenses against the horde?"

"If you could do that it will help greatly, even with all the workers there we don't have enough time."

"Then this afternoon before the meeting with the important families I'll go help them."

After some more chatting Ryuuto and Kazuma went towards the Holy Orchid institute to see what the classes there looked like, Hermione headed to the library to find books on new subjects, Diablo stroked asking to look for weapons that Rem and Shera could use, Natasha decided to remain in the mansion and study how the city was built to find possible places to trap the beasts in case they happened to break through while Rias went to shop looking for new dresses for her and Eri.

Once Ryuuto and Kazuma arrived at the institute the receptionist recognized Ryuuto and asked if they needed help with anything.

"We wanted to look at how classes worked here, would you mind telling us were the closest one is?"

"Certainly Sir, just follow me and I'll bring you there."

Saying that he left the reception and started guiding them while also explaining how the institute operated and how the division between classes worked.

"These here if the Apprentice Fighter class. All incoming students begin in this class which introduces them to the theory and history behind cultivation. This class lasts two years, but the students are given a yearly examination test and those that have reached a soul force or strength of 100 can join the official classes, right now the teacher is Shen Xiu from the Sacred family."

"Thank you, you can go back now."

After bowing to them the receptionist left to go back to his job.

"What do you say Kazuma, wanna see what these classes are about?"

"Sure why not, it's not like I can do anything else."

Hearing Kazuma's answer Ryuuto knocked on the door and then opened it to reveal a pissed off Shen Xiu glaring at them.

"Who are you and why did you interrupt my class?"

"I apologize for that Miss Xiu, we're two of the city lord's guests and we're here to see how classes function."

"I see, then you're free to take a seat but please don't disturb the class."

As Ning Er saw Ryuuto her eyes started sparkling with joy since he hasn't lied to her and actually came find her, seeing him sit in one of the empty seats were Nie Li and his friends should be, if they were actually attending school, she wanted to get up and sit beside him but remembering who the teacher currently was she stopped herself since Shen Xiu would definitely tell Shen Fei about it and the last thing Ning Er wanted was to create trouble for him.

Once Shen Xiu's class was over the first she did was actually get up and go sit with Ryuuto and Kazuma, the only problem was that she had forgotten about Shen Yue.

"How are you doing Ning Er? Do you still feel any pain from yesterday?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking and no I don't feel any pain anymore."

Meanwhile poor Kazuma looking at them thought.

'This bastard! Why does he keep attracting the attention of all the beauties?! He already got Rias while I'm stuck with free weirdos!'

While Kazuma kept thinking that, all the students kept murmuring to themselves about what happened between their goddess Xiao and this strange looking man.

After some more classes during an internal between them Ryuuto suddenly stood up and told Ning Er and Kazuma.

"Sorry but I need to go, it seemed some one has a death wish."

Saying that he took out all ten of his wings and started flying towards Rias' direction.


With Rias just some moments before.

"This will definitely look good on Eri-chan, she's going to be so cute!"

While Rias kept buying dresses, with the money she had gotten by exchanging some precious minerals, she suddenly heard some telling but decided to just ignore them and keep shopping.

"Oi woman! Are you deaf?! The young Master kept calling you!"

Feeling someone grabbing get shoulder Road turned around to find what could be described as a typical goon.

"And why exactly should I care?"

"You dare!"

Before the idiot could go on he

was interrupted by a young man with red hair.

"Calm down Chen, I hope this beautiful lady can forgive my subordinate. My name is Shen Fei, may I have the honor of knowing your name?"

"Rias Gremory, now if you don't mind I'd like to get back to my shopping."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful fairy, would you do me the honor of accompanying me for a cup of tea?"

"I'm sorry but I'm already married."

Seeing that his tactics weren't working Shen Fei decided to just drop the act and reveal his true self.

"Tch, stupid bitch, it would have been much better for you to just take my offer, guys knock her out."

Shaking her head at the stupidity of the young man in front of her Rias just punched each goon once and made them faint before looking at Shen Fei.

"You know, you shouldn't have called me that, my Darling doesn't like when that happens."

"And why should I care about it."

"Just look up and you'll see."

Listening to the woman in front of him to see what would happen Shen Fei moved his head to look at the sky but the only thing he saw was a punch coming from above that connected with his face and broke his nose.


Back to Ryuuto.

Knowing what was going on thanks to his connection with Rias, Ryuuto flew high in the air above Shen Fei and then started descending at an extremely fast speed.

The only reason Shen Fei's head didn't explode was because Ryuuto wanted to make him suffer.

Separating one of his wings the first thing he did was cut off his dick. While Shen Fei was screaming his lungs out Ryuuto started punching him everywhere on his body until he didn't even look like himself, at that point Ryuuto created a small but concentrated ball of power of destruction and used it to create holes inside Shen Fei's body.

While Ryuuto was still punching him Kazuma and Ning Er easily reached his location since his ten wings were pretty easy to see, and while Kazuma almost threw up, since he had never seen a scene like this in real life, Ning Er was amazed by the strength of Ryuuto that was basically toying with someone that in his late teens was already a 1 star gold spiritualist.

When Shen Fei's body resembled more a colander than an actual human, Ryuuto looked at the only goon that Rias didn't make faint and told him.

"Go tell whatever pile of old bones gives you your orders that if he wants to retaliate I'll gladly destroy his whole family."

As he said that Ryuuto cut off Shen Fei's head, that until that moment was still alive only because Ryuuto kept injecting him with vitality, and threw it at the scared goon.

"Sorry for what you had to see. Kazuma are you alright? You're really pale."

"Ye-yeah, just remind me to never get on your bad side."

After answering Ryuuto Kazuma went to a nearby alley to puke again while Ning Er started at Shen Fei's headless body.

Hugging his left arm Rias whispered in his ear.

"And here I thought you would let nature take it's course yesterday, now look at you just taking and killing the cause of all her problems, are you sure you're not trying to build a harem without telling me?"

"Aah, I already told you, even if something happens between me and Ning Er she'll be the only one, I'd never do something like creating an harem."

"Mmh, You better."

Saying that Rias playfully bit his ear, after they flirted some more they saw Ning er approach them.

"Shen Fei had been the cause of every thing going wrong in my life... if you ever need anything please don't hesitate to let me know."

Saying that she bowed to Ryuuto while I'm her eyes an immense gratitude cold be seen.

"Don't worry about it little Ning. We have to go now, starting from tomorrow I'll train you as I told you so be ready."

After they parted Ryuuto and Rias headed to the north gate to help the workers build up the defences against the horde.

Once there Ryuuto found the boss and asked him to make his men get some distance from where they were, even though he didn't want to listen to some random guy he had to since Ryuuto had brought with him the city Lord sigil.

Seeing all the workers out of the way Ryuuto use Overhaul to modify the terrain in something that would make the beasts lose time and place various traps everywhere.

While everyone was looking at him with their jaws wide open Ryuuto, together with Rias still hugging his arm, left to go back to the city Lord mansion since soon the meeting about the horde would start.

Once he reached the place and knocked on the door to announce his presence Ryuuto entered and the first thing that happened was an old looking man yelling at him.

"You! You're the bastard that killed my son!"



Twenty-Fifth Chapter.

This time Ryuuto and Ning Er relationship won't be rushed like with Rias.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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