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Chapter 31: Ogre Village

"Son, take your sister with you and escape!!"

"NO WAY!! I'm a proud Ogre and the future leader of our village!! There's no way I'm running away!!"

"Listen!! I'm ordering you to take your sister and escape!! Take your friends with you, I'll tell the Old Man to go along with you!"

"Please, Father!! Don't do this!! We can fight, we can win!!"

The young Ogre was desperately begging his father.


The young Ogre had never seen

The situation was dire, the Orcs had suddenly attacked the village in large numbers.

Normally, Orcs, who were near the bottom of the Food Chain would never dare to even approach the territory of the Ogres.

However, their behavior here was weird.

They were a mindless charging army, unyielding in the face of pain and death. They kept marching, completely ignoring their fallen comrades and even their own injuries.

Not only that, but the Orcs were seemingly stronger too. In usual circumstances, even tens of Orcs wouldn't be able to take down a single Ogre warrior.

Additionally, there were a few individuals among the invaders who far surpassed the rest, being stronger than even the high-ranking Ogres.

Though the Ogres were holding their own.

The Village Leader was facing two of the Orc Generals on his own, while the Old Man and the Village Leader's brother were facing one each.

The Orc Lord himself hadn't yet entered the battle. He was merely watching the battles, prepared to step in at the right moment.

However, an even more frightening enemy was present on the battlefield.

"He-hehehee. This is so fun!! The Orc Generals are holding their own, I'm surprised. Though it won't stay that way for long... I'll have to go in soon."

A large, round man, wearing a clown costume was sitting on top of a tree, overseeing the battle, swinging his legs in a carefree manner.


A member of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, a group of powerful jesters.

His grin shined through his Clown mask, and he seemed to be enjoying himself to the fullest.


A loud noise resounded from the battlefield below.

"Hehehee, it seems that the Orc Lord has finally decided to enter."

As stated by Footman, the Orc Lord himself had entered the fight, going straight for the Village Leader, who had just defeated 2 Orc Generals, with some assistance from Archers.

The Village leader easily surpassed the A-Class in terms of total battle ability, with there being 3 more individuals around that level.

However, the strongest of the Ogres was not present.

"Bring it on, vile pig" the Village leader yelled with vigor, despite the injuries riddled all over his body.

The Orc Lord simply charged forward, preparing his Meat Cleaver for slaughter.

The Village leader, in response, prepared his own attack.

"Ogre Flame!!"

Flames were conjured around the Ogre's sword, and then, in a single, swift movement, he lunged.


Before the Orc Lord could even swing his Meat Cleaver, his arm was already sliced, with a trail of flames covering his arm.

"Ooooh! So exciting, I never expected the Ogres to be this powerful. It surely was the right decision to get rid of them before the advance."



The Village leader, who had just turned around, was faced with an unbelievable sight.

"Useless..." the monstrous pig said.

"H-how....How did you regenerate your arm so fast?? You're merely an Orc!!"

The Orc Lord showed no sign of injury.


In a sudden burst of speed, the Orc Lord jumped toward the Ogre.



The Village Leader barely blocked the attack, putting all his strength into his sword.


"BROTHER!! Are you alright?!!"


"Did you defeat your opponent...Good. Now take everyone and run..."

"What are you talking about brother?? We can defeat this thing. 3 of the Generals are already dead, and the Old man's dealing with the last one. We can WIN!!"

"Listen to me.... This Orc is different... Moreover, there's another enemy, one stronger than all these pigs.."


"Ho-hohohohooo, so you noticed me!! I was concealing my presence though... I guess you aren't the Village Leader for nothing.."

"Who are you!! Where did you come from?!!"

"Heheheee you're so loud!!"



Footman disappeared.

And so did a large portion of the Village Leader's brother's stomach.


The Ogre puked out a lot of blood, as one does after being given the Toji treatment.

"Why you!!"

In a fit of rage, the Village leader rushed toward the clown.

"Hehehehahahaaa... You're so funny, old man."


The ogre swung his sword relentlessly, with impressive technique, despite his rage.

However, that didn't work against a beast like Footman.

"Hahahahahaa you're so slow!! That's why you couldn't protect your brother!!"


"That's why your family's going to die"


"Your village is destroyed because you were WEAK!! Hehehahahaa"



"Why are you even attacking us? How are these pigs so strong??!"

"If you're trying to stall, it won't work ya' know..."


The Village leader was out of cards to play.

He looked around.

Corpses littered around, both Orc and Ogre. Though the Orc corpses far outnumbered the Ogre ones.

The sounds of battle reached his ears. The sound of swords clashing, armor clanking, the screams of the Ogres.

'Hahahaa.. It's just like the clown said....I was too weak.' the Ogre thought.

However, amidst the pain and hopelessness, he had a thought of relief.

'I can't sense the kids here.... Haha...That's good. It seems they escaped with the Old Man..'


His sword fell to the ground as he prepared for his demise.

'Hiiro.... I'm sorry, I couldn't protect the village in your absence...'

"I'm sorry....." he said to his brother, who was lying a few meters away from him, slowly bleeding away.


He fell to his knees.

"You can kill me now...."

"HOHOHOO... You gave up already!!"

"Ha~~ I'm no fool, I know my limits.... I ca--"


'What?', was the thought going through the Village leader's mind.

'Why are they here?? No....NOOO!!'

"Why are you here!! Why didn't you leave??!"

"How can you ask that father!! There's no way we would abandon you and the village. Big brother entrusted me with the safety of the village in his absence!!" the young redhead ogre shouted.

"You IDIOT!! There's no point in wasting lives, you should've escaped! You've put your sister and the others in danger too now!!"

"Father! I chose to come here alongside big brother." a soft voice, belonging to a young pink-headed ogre, spoke.

"Daughter, you too??" the Village leader muttered, hopelessness filling his mind.

"Heheheheee, family drama!! This is soo fun!!" Footman interrupted.

"YOU!! I won't forgive you!! Who are you?!"

"Ooooh! You've got guts. Geld, kill them all." Footman turned to the Orc Lord, now identified as Geld, and ordered.

Geld started moving toward the group of Ogres, tightening his grip on the giant Meat Cleaver.

"WAIT!! Please spare them!! Take my life, just spare them!" the village leader begged desperately.

"Ogre Flame!! Instantmove!!" the young redhead shouted.

Suddenly, his figure disappeared and appeared beside the giant enemy.


His sword was countered by Geld's own.

"NOW!" the redhead ordered.

Instantly, two more ogres lunged at Geld from opposite directions.

A blue-headed one, carrying dual swords, and a purple-headed one, carrying a spike mace.



They clashed with Geld, creating a giant dust cloud.

As the dust slowly settled, all 3 of the ogres could be seen lying on the ground.

"Hoho...It seems you're still lacking, young master" a voice spoke.

"Old Man, you're here!!"

"Indeed I am. How could I be absent at what is possibly our village's last stand??" the aged ogre commented.

"I'm sorry for this Old Man..." the village leader spoke.

"It's my fault for not teaching you all better. If I had been a better master, you would have been stronger.... Well, no time to delve on the past. Come at me, Vile PIG!!"

The battle-hardened ogre drew his sword and got into stance.

Geld, identifying his next target, readied himself to attack.

However, before the Orc Lord could even react, the ogre swordmaster had broken into his guard, in an instant.


An arm.

Geld's arm had been cut off yet again.

But this time, he wasn't given a chance to regenerate.


Within a second, dozens of slashes were performed by the ogre.

But, there was a stark difference from the ogre's first attack.

These slashes had a minimal effect on the Orc Lord. They each could only cut a little into the hardened skin of the Orc Lord.

No matter how good the old ogre's techniques were, his age had affected his strength.

There was immense pain, but pain wasn't an obstacle for the crazed Orc Lord.


He slammed his other arm into the ogre, and shoved him away.

"Arghhh.... This is truly shameful..." the ogre commented, his voice low.

"HEHEHEEE!! This is so amazing!! I'm getting to see so many things!! Teare would surely be jealous! Hehehehee" Footman laughed.

Geld then started moving, moving toward the fallen body of the redhead ogre.

"I....I ne-...eed.... foo...d..." he growled.

As realization struck the surrounding ogres, they yelled.


Before any one of them could do anything--

"Magic Bullet"

Footman shot bullets made from his aura and the surrounding magicules at all of them. They weren't deadly, as Footman wanted them alive to see one of theirs getting devoured, but they were enough to keep the ogres down.


"Nooo... Please, no!"


"Stop it you pig!!"




Soon, Geld reached the ogre's fallen body. The ogre himself was unconscious.

He picked the body up, and---



Someone interfered.

A bolt made of black lightning slammed into the Orc Lord, blasting him away.

"Let's to do this.... I AM HERE!!!" the voice said.

Seemingly responding to themselves, "NAW! That was cringe as hell! How does All Might pull that off? Anyways, I am here, to save you all.."


A/N: New Chappie!!

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